17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17)

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17*The Crimson Victory: The Crimson Vampire Coven (The Crimson Coven Book 17) Page 3

by B. A. Stretke

  “Explain yourself, Lucas.” He said in that same flat tone as Magnus had used. But with this man, it was clear that there was potential for grave consequences for delivering an inadequate response.

  Lucas wasn’t sure what had come over him, but he knew for certain that Magnus needed to get his fucking hands off this human. He would defend this man with his life. When he came through the door and Magnus was obviously roughing him up, Lucas lost it completely. As he stood there ready to go toe to toe with Cullen to defend the safety of this stranger, the significance of the man behind him came into perfect clarity.

  He turned to the side and took in the slight build of the beauty that stood behind him. He breathed in the sweet scent of cotton candy and the significance of this man hit him, and his world suddenly took on a whole new splendor. Fate had not forgotten him.

  Lucas didn’t even try to stop the broad smile that took over his face as his eyes ate up the man. Short dark hair, lovely big dark eyes, and a soft olive complexion completed the picture. He looked as if he’d been through the wringer with stitches and bruises covering a considerable amount of his upper body. But it didn’t matter, it didn’t mar his beauty, because he was amazing, and he belonged to Lucas. This man was his chosen, right here standing beside him, Lucas was breathless.

  He heard someone clear their throat and he remembered Cullen was still there and he wasn’t looking at all pleased or satisfied. Lucas quickly turned back to regard his commander with an explanation ready when Cullen spoke.

  “You feel compelled to defend this man?” He asked abruptly. The situation was clearer than Lucas realized.

  “Yes,” Lucas responded sharp and to the point.

  “Is he . . .?” Cullen questioned, but did not have to complete his sentence. They both knew what he was asking.

  “Yes, sir, he is,” Lucas answered without hesitation. He took another step to his left making sure that the man behind him was shielded from anything Cullen may do. Lucas didn’t believe Cullen would try to hurt the man, but he wasn’t taking any chances. Besides the man was only wearing a pair of tight boxers and Lucas didn’t like Karam’s body being on display. He would have liked to toss a blanket over him.

  Cullen glanced at Magnus and excused him from the room. After Magnus had left, he turned his attention back to Lucas. “I have to question him, Lucas.” His tone was a little less commanding, but Lucas knew that to refuse was not an option. He nodded and stepped back to stand beside the short, dark man with the large eyes. He was within striking range if Cullen tried anything. Although his rational mind knew that was preposterous, his instincts demanded his full attention be on the care of his chosen.

  Karam could not be more confused if he actively tried. The behavior of every man in the room baffled him. Lucas, a Crimson soldier, for some unknown reason was acting as his protector. Plus, suddenly the ruthless Cullen Volakis was asking Lucas’ permission to question him, Karam Nour. Was this a bizarre attempt at ‘good cop, bad cop’ or was he missing something here?

  He took a step away from Lucas giving himself a little more space, but he couldn’t go far with the bed blocking him. To move any further away from Lucas would require him stepping closer to Cullen. But as he stepped to the side Lucas countered and remained close not allowing him to be too far away.

  It wasn’t that he feared Lucas, it was just that he didn’t understand the dynamics of what was going on. Neither of them looked the type to beat up on an injured man half their size, so Karam decided to stand still and see where the next few minutes took him.

  “Okay,” Lucas stated and Karam felt a firm hand being placed on the small of his back. It wasn’t implying anything or being presumptuous, it was just comforting, and it seemed to ground him. Lucas was an enigma for sure.


  Cullen moved closer but maintained an acceptable distance. He looked Karam up and down and remained silent for at least a minute before speaking. “We found a dark blue sedan on the roadway not far from where you were found. Is the car yours?”

  “Yes, it’s a rental from the airport.” That was an easy question, but Karam knew they wouldn’t all be that easy.

  “Your name is Karam Nour, from Philadelphia?” Cullen was building to something and Karam hoped he wasn’t unknowingly painting himself into a corner.

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Why were you in that field? What were you looking for? Cullen began to zero in on real questions.

  Karam considered how much he could or should reveal, but these men were not stupid, and they had resources to discover the truth. If he lied now, he would be forever a liar in their eyes, but to give the whole truth would expose his plan before he had an opportunity to redeem himself. He leaned into Lucas’ steadying hand and looked Cullen straight in the collar.

  “I was tracking an unusual surge in energy that first pulsed along the ley line Clervaux. It was a subtle shift at first barely noticeable but then it became steadily stronger and it was moving. Finally, it spiked in Crimson, Virginia last month and then again in that field just a few days ago. The energy has significantly intensified.” Karam believed he told them enough not to be called out as a liar but not so much that he gave everything away.

  “What did you intend to do and why did you fail to notify the local Coven of your presence?” Cullen continued the interrogation. Karam found himself leaning hard into the large calloused hand on his back and drawing strength from the contact. He really needed to figure out who Lucas was because his attraction was growing by the minute.

  “I thought I could deal with this thing and be gone before anyone was the wiser,” Karam told the complete truth in that statement.

  “The symbol on your arm indicates that you are a part of the Akkadian Brotherhood. As an Akkadian Knight, how was it that this energy or entity was able to best you?” Cullen narrowed his eyes and bore into Karam’s mind, but he wasn’t able to penetrate. Karam felt the push but was easily able to resist the intrusion. Cullen was just playing around the edges and testing Karam’s defenses.

  Karam took a deep breath and glanced at the two men before speaking. He noticed Lucas looking at him with surprise and a little skepticism. Lucas mouthed the words Akkadian Knight and then looked at him top to toe before shaking his head.

  “I wear the mark and I have their protection, but I am not a warrior Knight. I work in their research and intelligence division. Information is my specialty.” Karam saw no reason to lie. They’d probably already figured out that he was not an actual Akkadian Knight. Everyone knew they were large and formidable, not five foot eight and one hundred and forty pounds.

  “Do you know what this thing is?” Cullen seemed to accept his answers, which was good.

  “No, but it’s not naturally from this earth. It comes from beyond our realm.” He said.

  Karam was trying to keep to the basics and not have to give details like he was acting outside his position. Also, he hadn’t notified the Doyen when the entity spiked in Crimson but rather stupidly took the opportunity to come and try to neutralize it himself.

  Procedures, that he was duty-bound to abide by, dictated that as soon as the spike was identified the Doyen was to be notified and the Knights, the actual fighting men, were sent to eradicate the threat. Taking the job at the university in order to use their tools and facility to track the entity was not proper protocol, nor was his coming to Crimson to investigate.

  If he’d followed the Procedures, the entity would have already been dealt with but instead, it was allowed to beat the snot out of him and, more importantly, was still on the loose. His arrogance and stupidity were suddenly weighing heavy upon him as was the fear of what this thing might do to the innocent.

  “Does your Doyen know that you are here and tracking this entity?” Cullen cut to the bone with his final question. Karam got the feeling that Cullen had gotten a clear read on him even without having to touch his thoughts. He stiffened and was reluctant to answer and knew that his hesitance was
an answer in itself.

  “It’s okay.” Lucas pressed and ran his hand the length of Karam’s back. “You can answer him, Karam.” With that directive which shouldn’t have had the power that it did, Karam answered.

  “They know that I was monitoring a suspicious presence on the ley lines but they’re not aware that it has grown and spiked here in Crimson.” Karam made a move to his left and pulled on some of his stitches sending a burning pain shooting down his side. He sucked in a painful breath and clutched his side just as Lucas pulled him into his arms and Karam went easily.

  “He needs to lie down and rest,” Lucas said with considerable authority and effortlessly picked Karam up in his arms and lay him out on the narrow bed. Karam leaned into the embrace and gripped Lucas’ lapel when he made to straighten up and step away.

  “Why are you helping me?” Karam was at a loss for the reason. This behavior flew in the face of everything he thought he knew of the Crimson Vampires. Lucas smiled and placed a kiss to Karam’s forehead while pulling the light blanket up to cover him.

  “You’re my destiny, Karam.” He stated with tender affection. Before Karam could formulate a response to that, a man came rushing into the room and over to where he lay. Going by how he was dressed and the fact he was checking Karam’s signs, he assumed the man was a doctor. He didn’t need a doctor, because he had the healing protection of the Akkadian Knights. But the determined doctor seemed intent on doing his job, so Karam did not interfere.

  Again, Lucas made to step away, but Karam did not release him wanting an explanation for his cryptic answer. “Let Dr. Rashad attend to you. We’ll talk later. I won’t go far.” He promised and Karam released his lapel.

  He stared at Lucas for an endless moment trying to understand, trying to gather the facts and figure out what this was but, in the end, he merely nodded and said, “Okay.”

  “Come with me Lucas,” Cullen said, Lucas loathed to leave Karam but there were things that needed to be discussed. Lucas stepped away from Karam and headed towards Cullen. He glanced back over his shoulder at the little human lying on the bed and couldn’t believe Fate had blessed him with such a delicate yet compelling man.

  He followed Cullen out into the hall and then down to one of the meeting rooms off the waiting area. “He’s my chosen, sir. I had to defend him. Magnus was touching him, and Karam was screaming.” Lucas explained fully now that they were alone. He wasn’t sure of Karam’s understanding of the paranormal and didn’t want to spook him so resisted the desire to make the Fated bond statement until they were better acquainted.

  “Congratulation, Lucas,” Cullen said. “You above all deserved to find their chosen. I’m happy for you.” He quickly finished the pleasantries and then abruptly got down to the meat of the matter.

  “We don’t know much about him.” He began. “The Akkadian Brotherhood doesn’t share information and has no associations with any group other than their own. So, we have no point of contact to address for information.”

  “I have a feeling he was here trying to prove himself but unfortunately fell short in his effort.” Lucas offered. Cullen nodded his agreement.

  “Yes, I can see him behind a computer but not as a field agent and definitely not as a Knight,” Cullen responded. “He has reasons for his behavior and feeling slighted or less than are probably a couple of those reasons. We don’t know the status of his relationship with the Brotherhood at this time so let’s try to keep his identity and connections as quiet as possible until we know more.”

  “Yes, of course.” Lucas hadn’t thought about the idea that Karam’s own people might try to hurt him because of his rogue behavior but it was a possibility. “Can’t Master Stone call them and try to work this out?” Lucas was hopeful.

  Cullen raised a speculative eyebrow and then shook his head. “As I said, we have no point of contact. The Akkadian Knights are not people you call. They are a secret and very powerful sect that has existed since almost the dawn of time. They aren’t someone you pick up the phone and call. I have Dylan and Jaden researching and finding out what they can about the group but in the meantime, I need you to talk to your chosen and discover what you can regarding the entity he was tracking. He was pretty vague in there and we need to know more.”

  Lucas felt and heard the intensity and necessity in Cullen’s tone. Lucas understood the seriousness, but he also knew that if necessary, he would protect his chosen against them all, entity, beast, or ancient Knight, Lucas would not allow any of them near Karam.

  This was his chance for love and a life fulfilled and no one was going to take it away from him. Being with Karam was the first time he’d felt at ease since returning home. The man filled him with hope which he’d had in short supply these last months. He needed Karam and by the looks of things, Karam needed him too.

  “I understand that you’re worried about him but try to focus on gathering information. The more we know about what is going on, the better prepared we will be to deal with the entity that attacked him and the Brotherhood he is part of.” Cullen urged Lucas to take the practical approach to the situation at hand. “And know that we will aid you in the protection of your chosen. You’re not alone in this Lucas.”

  “He doesn’t know who I am. I’ll have to gain his trust before he’ll talk to me. I need time, but do we have time?” Lucas agreed with Cullen but also feared for Karam’s safety.

  “He knows about the paranormal, hell he’s part of it so you won’t have to have that conversation. He may not understand bonds or the fact that he’s your chosen, but he knows that you are important. He was leaning into you and looking to you for support and protection while I was questioning him. The pull is working so use it to your advantage.” Cullen concluded.

  Cullen was making a lot of sense. Obviously, it would help them tremendously if they knew more about the entity and more about the Knights. But could he convince his chosen to open up to him in a timely manner?

  “I’ll get answers.” Lucas resolved. “But I need him with me.”

  “Karam will be moved to your quarters. You will be assigned as his personal guard to stay with him at all times.” Cullen gave a small, half-smile and patted Lucas’ shoulder. “Claim your chosen, Lucas.”

  “Yes sir, I will.” Lucas returned the smile but his was large and motivated.


  He hadn’t checked in with his superior since coming to Crimson last week. They would know by now that he was no longer in Philadelphia and would be expecting a status update soon. He’d claimed to be researching a possible breach in the realm of darkness and he was, but he hadn’t been giving them accurate information.

  He knew more about the entity than he had shared. His superior was under the impression that he was following an energy trail, and that it was slight and probably nothing. It wasn’t nothing and the danger was real. He was torn with calling in and confessing to his folly or taking one more shot at this thing.

  Karam would have to make a report soon or someone would come looking for him and that someone would most likely be his brother Simeon. Simeon had ascended to the rank of Knight many years ago. He was an Akkadian Knight like their father before them.

  The Nour family had been a part of the Brotherhood for centuries, but unlike the other members of his family, Karam had lacked the stature and skill to become a Knight. Knights were born he was told when he asked Simeon to assist him in his desire. Your place is in the Castle, he had said and then even added that support personnel were just as important as the Knights. It was not true. He figured it was Simeon’s way of keeping Karam safe and placated. He needed to check in before Simeon showed up.

  His phone was in the car along with his other equipment. They probably have his car on the premises somewhere. Perhaps he could convince that nice guard Lucas to let him see his car and check on his belongings.

  “Your recovery is quite miraculous, to say the least.” Dr. Rashad exclaimed as he finished examining Karam. “You healed faster than any p
aranormal I’ve treated in my career, and yet you are an unbonded human.” Karam looked at the doctor and just shrugged his shoulders. He wasn’t in a position to explain to the man about the protections of the Akkadian Brotherhood. Their power protected against most things, but they weren’t immortal.

  Dr. Rashad nodded and accepted Karam’s reluctance to discuss himself. “Well, either way, you should still take it easy and don’t put stress on your ribs. They still appear to be tender.” He said and stepped away from the bed.

  “Thank you, Dr. Rashad,” Karam said and sat up swinging his legs to the side of the bed. He was arranging the light sheet over his legs and mid-section for some modesty when the door opened, and Lucas came in dismissing the Doctor and walking right up to where Karam sat on the edge of the bed. He placed a hand on either side of the bed next to Karam’s hips and leaned in to regard him closely. Karam knew he should be pulling back, uncomfortable and suspicious but all he felt was relief that Lucas was back.

  “Did Dr. Rashad give you a clean bill of health?” Lucas asked as he raised his hand and pushed the hair back from Karam’s forehead. It seemed to be just an excuse to touch him because the hand lingered for a long time, but Karam didn’t mind.

  “He told me to take it easy and not put stress on my ribs. They’re a little tender.” Karam told him and then added. “I’ll be fine soon enough.”

  “You’re an impressive man, Karam,” Lucas told him with a look of tenderness and longing that Karam found captivating.

  “No one has ever said that to me before.” Karam let the admission slip before he realized how it might sound.

  “Well, I don’t know who you’ve been hanging with but whoever they are, they must be blind.” With that declaration Karam found himself blushing and getting all shy in Lucas’ presence. He was the impressive one, if truth be told. Lucas could easily ascend to the level of Knight if he’d been part of the Brotherhood. He looked like them in height and weight and sheer competence. Although Lucas was handsome, the curl your toes level of handsome, and none of the Knights Karam had met came even close to Lucas in that regard.


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