End Result

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End Result Page 15

by M A Comley

  “Of course. I’ll call Fay at lunchtime to tell her. Hey, Sis, keep your chin up. I have something up my sleeve that I intend putting into action soon.” He cringed, regretting his mouth running away from him before he had a chance to engage his brain properly.

  “Sounds ominous. Care to share?”

  “Later, okay.” His office phone rang, saving him further awkwardness. “Gotta fly. I’m expecting an important call. See you later.” He picked up his landline. “DI Nelson.”

  “It’s Emily again. After additional consultation, we’ve decided that it would be best for you to arrest the suspect, due to what you intimated earlier that there’s a possibility of her or someone she’s connected to carrying out more crimes of this nature. If we’re wrong, then so be it. Let’s get her off the streets now rather than regret it later.”

  Hero stood up. “Great, that’s brilliant. I’ll action that right away.” He hung up then rushed downstairs and marched into the interview room. “Cathy Daws, I’m placing you under arrest for murder. Sergeant, would you do the honours of reading the suspect her rights?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  As Foxy read Daws her rights, Hero watched the woman’s reaction. Her mouth dropped open and she continuously shook her head until Foxy finished.

  “I…‌I’m innocent. Why won’t you believe me?”

  “What?” Boulten spluttered. “I hope you know what you’re doing, Inspector.”

  “I do, and frankly, I’ve heard enough crap for one day. Bang her up, Sergeant.” Hero returned to his office, an elated feeling travelling through him at the speed of a Grand Prix racing car.


  Just before he left for the evening, Hero received news that Cathy Daws had been shipped off on remand to Styal prison. During the afternoon, due to the way the Daws case had progressed, Hero had called Foxy into his office to discuss the other matter they were dealing with: Cara’s unfortunate predicament.

  “Foxy, now that’s out of the way, I thought we could spend half an hour going over what we intend doing about Wade. I have Cara coming over for dinner tonight. It would be nice if I could give her some good news for a change. She sounded really down when I rang her earlier.”

  “That’s a shame. Do you want me to give the two women who threw away their careers a call?”

  “Yes. Them, and let’s see if we can track any male recruits who left under suspicious circumstances, too. That way, we can offer a balanced view in case the authorities think we’re going down the sexist route. We can ask them to take into consideration the way he treats all the recruits. What do you think?”

  “Well, I have made an initial list to be getting on with. It would be better if we could tempt more people to come forward and speak out against Wade.”

  “If you can make a start this evening and finish it off in the morning, maybe we can make arrangements to interview some of these people tomorrow afternoon, before I take my paternity leave.”

  “Sure, I’ll get started now.” By the time she called it a day at the office, Foxy had managed to contact the two women as well as a couple of male recruits and arranged to either ring or visit them the following day.

  Hero arrived home soon after six to an overexcited Louie, who was busy thrashing his aunt Cara on the Xbox. “Daddy, look. I made it to the next level. I’ve never been this far before.”

  Hero kissed his wife then Cara and Louie before he sat on the sofa next to his son. “Boy, you’ve done a fabulous job. I’m betting it was clever Auntie Cara who got you this far, though.”

  Mortified, Louie stopped playing and stared at him open-mouthed, momentarily lost for words. He soon realised that Hero was teasing him. He elbowed his father before continuing with his game. “Aww…‌Daddy! Watch this.”

  Hero winked at his grinning sister over the boy’s head and mouthed, “Are you okay?”

  Cara blew him a kiss. “Fine. Did you manage to wind up your case?”

  Partially distracted by Louie’s progress in the game, Hero informed his sister, “Yep, onto pastures new tomorrow.”

  Fay went through to the kitchen, calling over her shoulder, “Dinner in ten minutes, guys.”

  Hero tickled Louie, forcing the boy to relinquish his hold on the control. The pair ended up on the floor in fits of giggles as Cara watched on, laughing like a demented hyena.

  “Come on, time to wash up.” Hero jumped to his feet, swept Louie into his arms, and carried the giggling youngster upstairs to the bathroom.

  During the meal, Hero kept the conversation light and teased Louie constantly. After they’d eaten, Fay bathed Louie, and while she put him to bed with a story, Hero had a serious chat with his sister about his plan.

  “You can’t do that, Hero.” Cara chewed her bottom lip as his words sunk in.

  “Of course I can. We can. Foxy and I are going to make a start on the interviews tomorrow. If these girls know this type of crap is still going on, I’m sure they’ll step up to the plate and do what they can to help you.”

  “You have more faith in the human race than I do. If these girls haven’t spoken up before now, there’s fat chance of them considering doing it now.”

  “Ever the pessimist, dearest sister. These girls haven’t been privy to my charm.”

  Cara put her head in her hands and groaned. “God help them!”

  “Cheeky cow. It works all the time on women.” He thought back to the suspect he’d just had carted off to prison and silently corrected himself. Er…‌sometimes!

  “I really appreciate this, Hero. However I wish you’d reconsider. The last thing I wanted was for you to get involved in this and jeopardise your own career in the process.”

  “Nonsense. I’m determined to get this guy, Sis. His tactics can’t be allowed to continue, not just for your sake. Think of all the other recruits starting out, having to deal with this bullying thug.”

  “That’s a little OTT, Hero, but I get your drift.”

  “Right, enough of this chat. You’re here to have some fun. Girl, I’m going to thrash your arse.” He picked up the control to the game console and started a fresh game.

  Cara laughed. “You can try, buster.”

  • • •

  Hero walked into the incident room, feeling elated and ultra-excited about what lay ahead that day. “Morning, Foxy. Continue making all the necessary arrangements for this afternoon, will you, please?”

  “It’s all in hand, sir. I just have one more person to track down, and then we’re good to go.”

  Hero nodded. “I’m impressed. I’ve got a few people to ring myself this morning, you know, to update them on the Daws situation. We’ll grab a quick sandwich at lunchtime and shoot off after that, okay?”

  “Fine by me.”

  He ventured into his office, pushed the post pile to one side, and began calling the people on his to-do list to inform them about Cathy Daws’s arrest. Gerrard was his first call. The conversation was hurried but nevertheless jubilant. The pathologist promised Hero that they would rush the DNA sample through in spite of her arrest.

  Hero went on to call both the witnesses whose valuable input the day before had made Cathy’s arrest possible. Mr. Wilson and Mrs. Taylor were relieved, and both reminded Hero that one good turn deserved another. He made a note to do what he could to put the witnesses’ minds at ease. The rest of the morning rushed by and resulted in Hero dealing with his paperwork, clearing his desk in record time. Arresting and charging a suspect had surprising effects on other areas of a copper’s working life.

  After treating the team to sandwiches, Hero and Foxy left the station and drove to Marie Lang’s house. At first, the young woman was reluctant to let them into her tiny flat. However, she finally conceded, and the interview got underway.

  “Marie, first of all, let me say that we’re extremely grateful to you for putting yourself through this torment again. I’m also appalled that your plight wasn’t dealt with appropriately at the time.”

  “I c
an’t make any promises that my statement will stop this bastard. I’m willing to try, though. This man has to be stopped. I’m far stronger now than I was back then. Had it been different at the time, I wouldn’t have hesitated to drag the bastard’s good name through the mud.” Marie shuddered. “God, the thought of him touching me…‌still makes my skin crawl. I lie awake most nights, scared to shut my eyes because all I see is that leer of his, taunting me.”

  “I understand. Hopefully, with yours and the traumatic statement of the other girl who is involved in this, we’ll get the bastard kicked off the force as a minimum punishment. For the record, I admire and appreciate your bravery. I know this is going to be a hell of an ordeal for you to recap.”

  “It is. Providing the other girl goes ahead with her statement, I’m willing to stick my neck out to get this bastard back for ruining my career.”

  Foxy wrote out the statement as Marie told them about the events that led up to her running scared from the training centre and Wade. Hero’s stomach churned at the despicable image the poor woman related to them in such a resolute manner. An unwavering passion to see justice prevail quickly replaced her initial reluctance. The woman’s courage grew tenfold during the statement, and it was clear to Hero that Marie had conquered many demons since her ordeal two years before.

  After everything was down on paper, Hero stood and shook the woman’s hand, refusing to let go until he was certain that she accepted he would be doing everything in his power to deal with the sex-pest Wade.

  “Thank you. Please let me know what happens. Also will you pass on a message to your sister for me?”

  Hero released Marie’s hand and smiled. “Of course. What’s that?”

  “Tell her that no matter how tough things get, to stick with it. She’s lucky, in that she has you fighting her corner, giving her the strength needed to ensure this bastard no longer gets away with it. I had no one to back me up at the time. In the end, that proved to be my downfall.”

  “I’m sorry. That must have been hard to deal with, Marie. If it’s any consolation, I sense, I mean, you come across as a well-adjusted young lady now. I’m glad you’re finally putting this ordeal behind you and that you’re able to get on with your life.”

  “Thank you. I have a good job now, one that I love and wouldn’t change for the world. With you going after Wade, it’ll be the icing on the cake for me to see him strung up by his balls.”

  Hero didn’t feel the need to stifle his grin. “I can totally understand that sentiment, although the thought of it does bring tears to my eyes. Good luck, Marie. I think the Met will rue the day they let you slip through their fingers.”

  Marie’s cheeks flushed. “Thank you. Wishing your sister strength and a successful outcome.”

  In the car, Foxy turned to Hero as he drove to the next witness’s home. “I’m not sure I could have handled him trying to touch me up every single day, or the constant bullying. I bet he used the line on them that they better get accustomed to being treated disrespectfully, because that’s what women had to deal with once they were out on the beat.”

  He turned to look at her. “Then you don’t know yourself very well, Sally. I have a feeling if you’d come across the likes of Wade, you would’ve wiped the floor with him, especially if he shoved you in a supply cupboard and attempted to touch you up.” He chuckled. “I also fear he wouldn’t have any balls left to be hung by, if the force didn’t back you up.”

  “There is that.” Foxy laughed and pointed at the turning they should take.

  They spent the next half an hour trying to coax the relevant information out of Claire Bosworth, who cried her way through the interview as she was forced to recount her own horrendous ordeal. When it was time to leave, Hero, himself on the verge of tears, promised the devastated young woman that he would personally see to it that Wade suffered for his role in destroying her confidence. The young woman, to this day, was finding it hard to come to terms with her ordeal. What person in a trusted position had the right to destroy people’s spirits like that?


  Armed with the two women’s statements as well as three men’s statements, Hero dropped Foxy back at the station and drove off, telling her that he would see her bright and early the next day. He then drove out to the training centre and made himself comfortable while he waited for Wade to leave work. Twenty minutes later, the man walked out of the building and got in his car. Hero followed him, taking the same route to his home that they’d taken the previous time Hero had tailed him. About a mile from his house, Wade indicated and pulled into the curb.

  Shit! He must’ve realised that I’m following him. What do I do now? Gulping down the saliva that had filled his mouth, he halted his own vehicle behind the man’s and got out of the car.

  Wade thrust his own car door open to challenge Hero. “Why are you tailing me? Who the fuck are you?” He flew at Hero, his face full of rage.

  Hero stood his ground and pulled himself upright so that he was at least three inches taller than Wade. “I wanted to have a private chat with you.”

  “A chat? About what? And I asked who are you?”

  “DI Nelson of the Met. You look surprised to hear that.”

  “You still haven’t told me why you’re following me.”

  “I wanted to have a talk with you, predominantly about my sister.” Hero watched as Wade churned the name Nelson around in his head.

  Suddenly, his eyes widened once he’d made the connection.

  “Want to discuss that, Mr. Wade?”

  “No, I do not. The case is due to be heard by a disciplinary panel shortly, I believe. You’ll have to wait for the outcome. There’s little I can do about things now.”

  “Ah, you’re so wrong with that assumption, Wade.” Hero folded his arms. “Here’s how things are going to alter.”

  “Alter? Why should things alter? Your kid sister attacked me. End of, mate. Girls like that have no place in the force, in my book.” His eyes fluttered shut and reopened as he shrugged.

  “Hmm…‌okay. So it’s all right for pervs like you to remain employed by the Met, is it?”

  Wade stormed towards Hero, looking ready to strike him with his clenched fist.

  “Go on, I dare you. My advice would be to make it a good shot, because it’s the only one you’re likely to get, mate.” Hero laughed when the man rocked back and forth on the spot, as if hesitating before he carried out his threat. “Go on, why the hesitation? Oh yes, I forgot…‌idiots like you only feel at home intimidating students who can’t fight back without getting disciplined, don’t you?”

  Wade turned away from Hero and marched back to his car.

  Hero ran after him. “You’re not leaving here until we’ve thrashed this out, moron.”

  “Get a life, Inspector. I have no plans of backing down on the statement I’ve made about your crazy sister.”

  “Crazy? Why is she crazy? Because she fought back where others let you get away with your secret groping frenzies?”

  “You’re insane. I’ve never had anything like this happen to me before. Check my record if you don’t believe me.”

  “Oh, don’t worry. I have. You know what, you’re damn right. You’re Mr. Squeaky Clean in the force’s eyes. Except you’re not, are you?”

  “Prove it,” Wade challenged with a smirk.

  “The thing is, Wade, I can prove it. I’m here today to try and get you to see sense and to ask if you’ll withdraw your complaint about my sister.”

  “Blackmail? How the heck can you blackmail me with lies?”

  “Lies? So Marie and Claire and the male students we’ve got statements from are liars, are they?” Hero paused to let the names sink in. “Ahh…‌I see you’re aware of who I mean. Here’s the interesting part. I’ve spent most of the afternoon with these women, taking down very damning statements about why they felt obligated to quit the force. Hot damn, those accounts are on the verge of being included in the next Jackie Collins novel.�

  “Piss off. You’re lying. I never touched those girls. It’s all a bunch of lies. Come on, man, you know if you turn these girls’ unwanted advances down, they’ll do all they can to get payback.”

  “And that’s what happened in Cara’s case, is it? Because I know damn sure that she wouldn’t give an ugly fucker like you the time of day.”

  The man’s face dropped. Was that because he knew Hero had his balls in a firm grip? “Piss off. I’ve got nothing more to say to you.” He tried to shut the door, but Hero lodged himself in the opening.

  “The thing is, Wade, I know where you live…”

  “This is harassment. I’ll be speaking to my superiors in the morning about this unsavoury incident, Inspector.”

  “Well, that’ll save me a job. Thanks for that. Meanwhile, I’m going to return to my car and follow you back to your house.”

  “Why? Give me a break, man.”

  “Well, I thought I would have a confidential chat with that stunning wife of yours.”

  Wade slumped forward, placed his head in his hands, and rested against the steering wheel.

  Is that the sweet smell of success wafting up my nose? “You know what really galls me in all of this, Wade?”

  “What?” Wade mumbled, still in the same position.

  “The fact that you go home at the end of the day to a beautiful wife, and it’s still not enough for you, is it? Now, are you going to reconsider your complaint, or do I pay your wife a visit tonight then stop by the training centre in the morning to see your superiors? These girls are willing to withdraw their statements if you drop the case against Cara and resign from your post.”

  “Jesus Christ…‌I can’t do that. I’d wave goodbye to twenty years’ pension.”

  Hero shrugged. “Either that, or I put these statements forward with the recommendation that the force shuts down the training centre, until a further investigation into yours, and possibly the other instructors’ conduct, has been concluded.”


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