Love Regency Style

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Love Regency Style Page 132

by Samantha Holt

  Star looked out the window as she finished cleaning the morning room. She wiped her hands on her apron and looked out on the large panoramic view which encompassed the long winding front drive. The day was bright and sunny and Star was restless.

  Just after Georgie had left some hours ago, she had looked in on Vern, who she was pleased to find was feeling much better. He was, however, in a horrible mood, foretelling a future of doom and gloom and she had hurriedly left him saying she would look in on him later.

  It was time she headed to the stables, she told herself. What she needed was a ride. What did it matter if there was more dusting to do? It would be there when she returned. She took off her apron and picked up her kid gloves from the round table in the central hall and out she went.

  It was a warm day, so she didn’t bother with a hat as she went outdoors and took a long gulp of the lovely fresh air. A short walk brought her to the barn where she found Jeffries mucking out a stall.

  He stopped and smiled at her, “Well now, Miss Star, it looks to me like ye be wanting to ride. Shall I fetch Butch for ye?”

  “No, no, I’ll get him.” This would be good for her, she thought. Perhaps maybe a ride would wipe away all thoughts of Sir Edward and his damnable kisses. Perhaps.

  She found her chestnut gelding in the nearby pasture and he snorted when he saw her. She laughed and took up a bucket of grain to coax him to her. It worked, he came trotting happily up to her and took a mouthful from the bucket while she hooked up a lead line to his halter and led him out of the gate to the hitching post where she had left her tack.

  A few moments later with bridle and saddle in place, she hoisted herself up, patted Butch’s fine neck and smiled to see his ears twitch as she spoke to him, “Right, let’s wind it and forget all about Sir Edward, eh?”

  She walked him sedately for a moment across the pasture and easily trotted up to the line fence taking him over lightly and easily. He landed perfectly as he enjoyed jumping and was good at it. “Now, boy…now,” she said and squeezed him into an easy canter.

  The breeze against her cheeks felt wonderful and she laughed right out loud, as riding was one of her favorite activities. Feeling the strength of her horse, and his willingness to please gave her joy as she put turf behind her and marked a trail toward nowhere in particular.

  She made her mind a blank, or so she thought, until she gazed around and frowned. She pulled a face and said aloud, “Star, what have you done?” She had ridden toward the Stamford estate. It was of course, an easy thing to do as his land bordered hers, but she could have just as easily gone in the opposite direction.

  Indeed, had she come this way purposely? Was she that far gone already? Her frenzied night had left her uncertain and confused.

  What did she really feel? Was it lust? He certainly made her want more, so much more than a peck on the lips. His tongue melding with her own had set her on fire. His touch—his expert touch on her breast, the way he moved her against him. It made her want him to explore her in ways she should reserve for a husband. A husband. She wanted Sir Edward to bear that title.

  He made her wonder about what it would be like to watch him touch her. She wanted him to look at her, openly admire her—all of her, without clothes between them.

  Had he simply been dallying with her? Had he been bored and found her nothing but a diversion? He could seduce any woman he chose. He had the charm, the looks, and the style of a mesmerizing rogue. Was that all he had done—dallied with her? Did it mean nothing to him? No doubt he forgot the feel of her in his arms as soon as he left her.

  Was that it? Had he been seducing a willing woman? She had been willing, so very willing. Did she want him more than she wanted respectability?

  At first, alone in her room, remembering the look in his eyes, the curve of his luscious mouth, she had believed otherwise. She had for some moments after their intimacy, after he had left her, convinced herself that he did indeed feel something for her. Now, in the light of day, she was no longer so sure.

  Perhaps she was projecting her own feelings onto him?

  What—just what was she going to do? He hadn’t come to Rye to become involved with a country Miss who looked more roughneck than woman. She was a pauper, though her name was old and aristocratic, she had no dowry. He could have anyone. Why would he want her?

  When would he leave, and how would she cope when he was gone?


  Farley came to attention.

  He had been sitting his horse and thinking of taking off his wool riding jacket. The day was warm and he was beginning to sweat.

  He had been watching Berkley Grange in hopes that he might find Star Berkley out for a ride. It was a feeble plan, but as it turned out, it had come to fruition.

  Damn, but she was a stately wench! With a body like that, how could she have passed herself off as a lad? Perhaps he was wrong after all? Even in her old faded blue gown, she looked a beauty of a lady!

  He clucked to his horse and steered him forward and away from the tall evergreen he had been using as cover. His animal was nothing in looks to what she was riding, but then, he hadn’t chosen his horse for looks, but for speed.

  He may not have been born and raised a gentleman, but, he wasn’t a fool, either. He had left the orphanage when he was ten years old and he had never looked back. He had learned to be a pickpocket from the best of ‘em, and when he didn’t get enough of a cut from the bloke who fed him for his efforts, he had struck out on his own. He had always been a loner and a leader. He didn’t like to lose and now it was a matter of pride that he beat the young lord at his game. The Berkley wench was the way to it.

  He took the open field diagonally for he meant to catch up to her and cut her off.

  He was a daring one, he told himself and grinned broadly. What would the young lord do when he was told that she had been accosted in the open? “Aye,” he said to the wind. “Oi reckon he’ll dance to m’tune then, won’t he though?” He clucked to his horse and kicked him harder than was necessary. He hadn’t a heart—no feeling for anything or anyone and he was proud of it. Why should he? No one ever had heart for him. Instead, he discovered that he liked inflicting pain on others, anyway he could. He liked the notion that they would hurt the way he had hurt when he was young. In his mind, it made matters even.

  He watched the Berkley chit take a fence and for a moment he lost sight of her over the slope of the rolling hill. He pointed his poor animal in the fence’s direction and took it with little grace, landing hard on the horse’s kidneys. His horse made a sound and dipped, but he yanked hard on the reins bringing the horse’s head up and forced him forward, cropping him hard and sharply for more speed. “Aye,” he murmured, “There ye be missy…there ye be.”


  “Well, this is turning out to be quite a morning,” Sir Edward told his horse as he trotted toward the open gate to Stamford’s back pastures.

  He had left his buckskin riding coat at the barn as it was a sultry day and the breeze felt good against the open neckline of his white shirt.

  His mind had been racing all night and sleep had been impossible. He hoped the ride would dissipate the cobwebs taking over his brain. Fate, he decided, was a trickster and no doubt a female. Fate had brought him to Rye. Fate had made him run into his good friend and fate had plopped a woman-child, a hoyden, a rough and tumble beauty to play with his resolves to avoid any entanglement at this stage of his life.

  He had played at love and had lost badly only a short time ago. He didn’t want to get involved and here he was…what? Involved?

  His pride had been wounded by the Lady Babs and although he had, and surprisingly so, quickly recovered from the experience, he had no wish to repeat it.

  Jules still seemed to think Star was the light in his eyes, yet he rather doubted it. Jules had rebounded from his sad affair also only a short time ago. Edward was certain Star was only a diversion for his friend and just as certain that Jules’s attention was already turnin
g elsewhere.

  Right then, why shouldn’t he enjoy the dark eyed beauty? Her kisses were delicious and there was no denying that when his lips touched hers, something beyond his imagination had been ignited in him. What was that? It hadn’t been the same with Lady Babs. She had said he had yet to fall in love and that he would know it when it happened. Was this love?

  He had not wanted to stop kissing Star. He had wanted to go on touching her and for a moment, he thought he would bed her right there in the library on the Oriental rug.

  He was jolted out of this reverie by his horse when he jerked his head and pulled on the reins for a run. Edward laughed and patted his neck, “There now, easy lad.”

  Wanting to stretch, his horse pranced in place as though begging for release and Sir Edward sighed and said, “Oh very well, you want a run, eh? So be it.”

  They took off across the grassy field and Prancer feeling his oats, jumped in the air with a back kick in show of exuberant spirits.

  “Aye,” Sir Edward chuckled as he brought him back under him and settled him into a trot. “That was grand and just for fun, eh? Perhaps that is all this is…this feeling I have for the pretty Star—just for fun?”

  At that moment, the woman he had been thinking of every waking moment, came into view. He could clearly see her piquant beautiful face, her flaxen hair windblown and framing her loveliness. All at once and with a certainty he could almost see, he knew he wanted her back in his arms. He wanted her lips against his own, her tongue dancing with his and her body.

  Damn, but that way led to trouble. She was gentry. He couldn’t bed her and move off. Bedding her would lead to marriage and he was not yet certain that she was the one…was he? Perhaps this was all an illusion?

  He turned his horse away. Better not ride toward her…safer to keep away from her.


  Star pulled her horse up to a total stop. Jules Stamford’s estate was not far now. Why oh why had she ridden in this direction? Even if Edward did miraculously appear on horseback, what would he think? What could he think, but that she had come to see him…and he would feel hounded. She was in fact, hounding him, riding here hoping to catch him up. She should wait until he came to Berkley to find her. That was what she should do.

  She turned her horse about and started for the deer path that led to the bordering wooded trails. Nothing for it but to return home. She had just gone over the ridge of the hill once again and stopped short, but for a very different reason.

  She couldn’t believe it and sat her Butch for a moment as she composed herself. Slowly, she moved her free hand beneath her skirt and retrieved the little pistol from its strap around her leg, a promise she had made to Vern recently to keep it near when riding alone.

  She was surprised that Farley would dare approach her during the daylight and waited, wondering what he was about to do.

  Farley displayed his toothless grin as he slowly walked his horse directly at her and Star felt a tension rivet her spine. She wouldn’t show him that she was afraid. She would stand ready to shoot him if need be. She had never shot anything but targets in her life. Could she shoot a man? She would have to shoot to kill, because if she didn’t, Farley would turn into an enraged animal and come at her in the future. She had to be resigned to hold her ground and take him unawares, for she was sure he was up to no good.

  As he got closer to her, he draped the reins of his horse across his saddle, leaned forward and tipped his woolen cap at her, making a show of bowing his head. As he straightened up he said, “Well and good day to ye, Miss Berkley. Fine bright afternoon, is it not?”

  “So it is, but you have the advantage of me, as you know my name and I do not know yours,” Star spoke as haughtily as she could muster.

  Farley rode up closer, too close for her comfort and said on a low hard note, “Oi have a feelin’ ye know m’name, but Oi’m happy to remind ye of it. Farley…that’s right and ye and me…well now, Oi’m thinking it wasn’t so very long ago that we met.”

  “You are mistaken, Mr. Farley. I have no notion who you are and have never met you.” Star lied without guilt, but even so felt a twitch take over one eye.

  “Here now, no cause fer alarm, just yet that is. Oi’m an acquaintance of yer brothers’ Oi am, so wait till ye have heard me out.”

  She poised herself regally, “I am sorry, but I am not in the habit of talking to strangers alone in a field. If you are a friend of my brother’s, he has never mentioned you.”

  “Aw now,” he leered. “Oi knows better Oi do. Oi know ye were in a most disreputable inn not so long ago…and met with me and m’lads.”

  “I have no notion of what you speak.” She started her horse forward, but he kicked his horse to move in front of her and got in her way. He reached out and audaciously tried to get hold of her reins.

  If she had a crop she would have given him another scar.

  At that moment, she was so outraged at his audacity, that she forgot to be frightened and pulled out her gun, aiming it directly at his heart. She seethed and said, “Release my reins and get out of my way, or you will regret this, I promise you.”

  “Full of pluck ain’t ye?” He eyed her, “Oi’m thinking ye won’t shoot me…Oi’m thinking ye will hear me out, cuz if ye don’t Oi’ll tell everyone yer brother sent his sister to meet with me and the lads, Oi will.”

  “As I said you are gravely mistaken…and do not think I will not shoot you, for I was taught early on just how to use this.”

  “Oi told ye, Oi knows yer brother. Ye see, he and me… we have had dealings together, and Oi mean to have more. Whot would yer fine society do, if Oi set it about that ye and yer brother were in cahoots with me and mine?”

  “I know that my brother frequents the Mermaid, as do most of the men in our lovely Rye. There is nothing untoward in that. I, however, do not frequent it. I advise you to get out of my way Mr. Farley, for I won’t stay here with you another moment.” She was sure he was bluffing. He had no proof it was her and no one would believe such an outrageous claim.

  “Oi have more to say Missy and ye won’t be leaving until Oi says it.” He yanked hard on her reins pulling them completely out of her hold and made her horse spook to one side.

  Butch was unused to such rough handling and went into the air with a high pitched scream and for the moment it was all Star could do to keep her seat and hold onto her gun!


  Sir Edward had pointed his horse away from Berkley Grange and started west. His determination to avoid seeing Star Berkley was only exceeded by his need to see her. He grappled with himself and suddenly found that his hands worked the reins without consulting his brain. He turned his horse back toward Berkley!

  As he trotted along, a sound over the rolling hill caught his attention. It sounded like a horse in trouble and he hurried up the slope and found a scene that both startled and infuriated him all at once.

  He heard Star yell, “Get out of my way or die!”

  A burley man laughed outright and bellowed, “We both know ye won’t shoot me!”

  Sir Edward moved into action without thought and his gun was out of its saddle holster and aimed at Farley as he brought his horse’s gallop to a resounding stop only a few feet away. “She may not shoot you, but I, sir, will blow your head clean off with great pleasure.”

  Star turned grateful eyes to him, as she got her frightened horse under her and clamored to keep control of her own gun. She murmured, “Sir Edward…oh thank you.”

  “Get behind me, Miss Berkley, at once!” He returned sharply never wavering his gaze from the brute before him. “Now, what shall it be?” He asked the toothless man whose eyes had narrowed as he contemplated his situation.

  “Oi mean no harm. The young lady got spooked…that’s all.”

  “Is that so? Let me tell you what is going to happen now. You will turn yourself about and get off Stamford land. Furthermore, you will never cross Miss Berkley’s path ever again on Berkley or Stamford land, for fear of you
r life. I shan’t bother to bring you to trial for trespassing this time. Perhaps if you are so unwise as to dare a next time, I shall simply shoot you as a poacher and be pleased to do so. Do you understand me?”

  “Oi do, but let me say flash, it ain’t over,” Farley said as he whipped his horse around and kicked him into a gallop.

  “Horrid odious man. I think we should shoot him just for the way he treats his horse!” Star said suddenly and she swiped a stray tear from her cheek.

  He was off his horse in a moment and reaching for her to lift her off hers. He could see she was determined not to cry. He held her close, noted the gun was still in her hand and gently removed it from the fingers clutching it so tightly.

  “Everything is fine,” he told her. “He is gone and I don’t think he will bother you again.”

  She sucked in air and in a trembling voice said, “I was prepared to kill him.”

  “Were you, love? I am happy to hear it. For he is an ugly customer and I do believe you and I must talk about this.”

  “Oh…” she clenched and unclenched her fingers. “I want to tell you everything—I do, but right now all I want to do is get away from here.”

  “Not yet, love.” He took the horses in tow, walked her to a nearby clump of evergreens and tethered them. He felt her watching him as he loosened the saddles and pulled out his saddle blanket, chose a spot and laid it on the ground. He reached out his hand and said encouragingly, “Come, let us sit and enjoy the summer air a bit before I escort you home.”

  He sat and watched her as she hesitated and then she approached and plopped down beside him, sighing heavily. He didn’t say anything for a moment but his eyes raked over her. Her gown of pale blue was weathered and had certainly seen better days. It irked him that such a beauty should forever be in rags. When she was his he would see her in the finest…what was he thinking? When she was his? He shook away such thoughts and instead dove into the subject that occupied his mind. “What did that scoundrel want with you?”

  “His name is Farley and he means to make trouble for my brother one way or another,” she offered and bit her lip.


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