Rogue Angel

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Rogue Angel Page 6

by Stephani Hecht

  “I’m just going to taste you.”

  Ana shivered. His blue eyes were dark with desire, so dark they were almost black.

  “I need to know what you taste like when you come.”

  “Okay,” she squeaked, then he was on her.

  * * * *

  Appolion had been raised in Hell and that place was very sex oriented. As a result, he had sex, both willing and unwilling, ever since he could remember. But nothing could compare to right now. Even though he was still hard and hadn’t received any physical pleasure himself, this was the best experience he ever had. This angel, his angel, was the sweetest thing he ever tasted and he could have gone on doing so all night long.

  He opened his mind just enough so her emotions poured into him. That way he knew what she liked and what she really, really liked. Appolion answered with gentle nips and swirls of his tongue over her flesh. He knew he was doing a good job when her silky thighs tightened around his head and she tugged at his hair.

  He glanced up just long enough to look at her. Her wet hair was still beautiful as it spread out under her. Her eyes were closed, her lips slightly parted. Her chest rose and fell rapidly with each pant of pleasure.

  When she came again, Appolion gripped both of her hips so she didn’t buck him off. The palm of his hand tingled a bit and he pulled it back quickly, afraid he pushed things a little too far. He was relieved when he saw her skin unblemished.

  She screamed his name. Not some alias, but his real name and he loved hearing it from her lips. He hadn’t realized how much he liked hearing her say it until now. Appolion continued to love her with his mouth as her body trembled with pleasure. When he knew she was done, he gave her one last kiss on her thigh, relished her quiver and sat up.

  Ana gave a shy smile. “I never imagined it would be that good.” Her eyes widened. “Oh my gosh, where are my panties?”

  He watched her scamper around his living room looking for them. Whenever she bent over, the jersey hiked up a little, showing the briefest glimpses of all the right places. Appolion couldn’t hold back a moan and she turned and looked at him.

  “No male has ever watched me like that.” She nibbled at her bottom lip nervously.

  “Like what?”

  “Like they actually wanted me.”

  “What’s there not to want?” Appolion deliberately raked his gaze over her body. “You’re sexy, smart and a hockey fan. That’s the perfect female in my book.”

  Ana sauntered over to him and slowly went down on her knees, her body between his legs. “I think my Destroyer has earned a reward,” she said huskily.

  “Really, Ana, that’s not necessary,” he argued, but let her unzip his pants and free his cock.

  “I happen to think it is very necessary.” She leaned down and slowly licked the entire length of him.

  Barely controlled shivers of desire racked his body.

  “You’ll just have to excuse me if I mess up. I’ve never done this before.”

  When she took him in her hot mouth, he almost shamed himself by coming right there on the spot. Appolion gripped the couch and fought to control himself. “You’re doing just fine, don’t worry.”

  “Are you sure that I’m doing this right then?”

  She left him long enough to give him a worried look. Was she doing it right? Holy moley, if she did it any better, he was going to die. “Damn, female, if anything, you’re doing too good of a job.”

  Ana laughed huskily and went back to work.

  He laid the back of his head against the couch and, for the first time ever, willing let someone else take control of the situation. She used one hand to gently pump him while she used her mouth, lips and teeth on the rest of him. Ana took his cock out of her mouth and blew on it. The cold air blowing across him almost made him come off the couch. She swirled her tongue over to top before she took the entire length of him in her mouth again. Tension built inside and Appolion went to pull away from her. She grabbed both of his legs tightly to hold him in place, all the while still working her wicked magic on him.

  “Ana,” he rasped. “I’m going to come and I don’t want to make a mess all over you.” She just laughed again, the vibrations from it were enough to send him over the edge. Appolion threw back his head and bit back a yell as he released his seed in her. He could feel her mouth and throat work as she swallowed. After a few moments, he composed himself enough to look down at her. “You didn’t have to do that, Ana.”

  She wiped her mouth and stood. “I know. I did it because I wanted to.”

  Ana climbed up into his lap and, after only a few minutes, was sound asleep, using his arm as a pillow. After a while, he let himself drift off, too. For the first time since he could remember, the nightmares didn’t exist.

  Chapter Six

  Cam lived to annoy the head of the council, Jehel, and that was precisely what he was doing at that moment. Even though they were all right smack dab middle in a meeting, the empath had his head down on the table in front of him, pretending to be asleep. You know, throwing out a great big, Fuck you, this is how important I really think your meeting is. He even added a few snores just for good measure. Making sure that they came out right at the key moments in Jehel’s little speech.

  Michael delivered a hard elbow to the ribs so Cam flipped him off from under the table. Uncle Mike elbowed him again, harder this time, he flipped him off again, this time snapping his fingers before he did it just to make sure that Uncle Mike got the point.

  Raphael gave a long-suffering sigh.

  The council chambers resembled a human’s lecture hall with rounded stadium seating and a podium set up in the front. All the chairs and tables were bright white to match the marble pillars that flanked the room. The floor was gold as were the double doors. The stark whiteness of it combined with the pure light of Heaven was too hard of Cam’s demon eyes so he always wore sunglasses while there.

  “So it’s decided then that we will close down the empath training center,” Jehel announced.

  Cam raised his head. “If you think for one minute that I’m going to let you send my empaths out there unprepared, you’re even dumber than you look.” Jehel started to get the tick in his eye he always got whenever he disagreed with him.

  “It is not the empath’s job to fight, that is why we have archangels. Empaths are there to feel out the demons nothing more.”

  “Which is why I lost six empaths last year?”

  Jehel nervously cleared his throat. “Some loses are inevitable and sad, but it’s a waste of time training empaths in the art of battle. They’re not bred for it.”

  “So just because they don’t have the muscles of an archangel, you’re going to send them out there like lambs being led to the slaughter? I don’t fucking think so.”

  The female angel taking notes let out a gasp of shock and dropped her pen.

  “That’s okay, sweetie,” Cam told her maliciously. “We’re all adults here so it’s all right if we use naughty words. Here I’ll even spell it for you, F…U…C—”

  Michael cut him off, “I think what Camael is trying to say, is that it’s imperative all my angel warriors be fully prepared be they archangel, empath or healer.”

  An elder sitting next to Jehel curled his lip in disgust. “What will Camael do if we refuse, go on strike with all his empaths?”

  Raphael and Michael both groaned.

  Cam just smiled. He loved when they challenged him and that’s just what the elder did. He also given him a Jim Dandy of an idea. “I think that’s just what I’ll do, dickhead.” The empath turned to the female transcriber again. “Dickhead is one word honey, not two. As a matter of fact since you’re already writing this down, why don’t you make a list for me? I’ll need poster board, markers, wood, oh and we’ll want coffee and doughnuts, too. Can’t have my striking empaths going hungry. We better go to Costco for all this stuff. It’s so important to save money whenever you can.”

  Jehel sprang to his feet. “Fine, go
take your empaths and picket at the gates of Heaven for all I care. It won’t affect the council at all, it will be the angel warriors that suffer.”

  Cam jumped to his feet, too. “Oh, I’ll be taking more than just the angel warrior empaths with me. I’ll command they all leave, even the ones that serve in Heaven. That means the infirmary, the police force, the schools, all of it.”

  “You wouldn’t dare. That would bring everything in Heaven to a screeching halt.”

  “You and I both know I would.” Cam walked over until he was standing toe to toe with the council leader. “You said yourself, I’m an abomination with no regard for protocol.” He leaned in and whispered the next part so only Jehel heard. “What would all these nice council members say if they knew the reason I’m the way I am is because you used your own son as bait so the demons could trap me?” The entire room came to a standstill as they waited to see how Jehel would react. Cam could almost hear crickets, the silence was deafening.

  “Fine,” Jehel said loudly. “We will keep the center open.”

  “See that wasn’t too hard now was it?” Cam backed up to his seat and sprawled into it. “Who knows, maybe someday we can even be buddies.”

  Jehel responded by pounding his gavel on the table and ending the meeting.

  As the council members slowly filtered out, a few of the empath ones flashed him the thumbs up. Michael just sat there rubbing his head like it ached. Raphael muttered something about going to the lab before he left, too. “I think that went well,” Cam finally ventured.

  “You make me tired.” Michael still rubbed his head.

  “Then let me go home to Gabi, Abdiel and Rachael.”

  “You know I can’t do that.”

  “Then it looks like you’re going to be sleepy a lot,” Cam replied sarcastically. “Can I go now? I was going to visit Mom while I was here.”

  “Go.” Michael waved one hand. “Just don’t get into any fistfights.”

  “Buzz kill,” Cam shot back, but smiled at his uncle. No sooner had he stepped out of the double doors to the council chamber then Bear was on him. His little brother must have been waiting for him and, by the look on his face, he wasn’t happy. He took in Bear’s spiked hair with dyed black tips and dark Goth getup and shook his head. Yet everybody said he was the freak. As far as he was concerned, Bear took the cake on that title.

  “We need to talk,” Bear greeted.

  “Why, Bear, yes it is nice to see you. How am I feeling? Well thank you for asking. I’m a little down, but obviously not nearly as grumpy as you.” The entire time Cam had the mock conversation with himself, Bear glared. The empath sat on one of the nearby fountains and gave his brother a bored look. All around them, various angels rushed around as they made their way through the courtyard to the different buildings that surrounded them. Sun light peeked through the fluffy white clouds, making it cozy, but not too warm. All in all, it was really a pleasant day, until he took a gander at Bear’s sour puss.

  “Cam, we have a big freaking problem,” Bear groused.

  “Yeah, you really need to get laid.”

  Bear looked quickly around to see if anyone had heard. His jaw worked while he tried to think of something to fire back. “That is not what I’m talking about,” he finally spat. “Not everybody thinks with their dick like you. God, Cam, what would make you even say something like that?”

  “You’ve got it bad for your healer. Living with her must be giving you a constant hard on. It has to be very uncomfortable.”

  Bear balled his hands up into fists, seemed to think about using them, before he crammed them in his baggy jeans. “I don’t have the hots for Tiffany, I freaking hate her.”

  “Too bad.” Cam shook his head sadly. “She does have a nice ass. But I’m sure you’ve already noticed that.”

  “Of course I have.” Bear realized what he admitted, then cursed under his breath. “Look, I’m here to talk about Ana, not my sex life.”

  “You mean, lack of sex life.”

  “Okay fine.” Bear snarled. “If it’ll get you off the freaking topic, then I’ll admit I’m sexually frustrated and need to get laid.”

  Every angel within earshot stopped dead and turned to look at them. Cam laughed while Bear just closed his eyes and groaned. It was so much fun embarrassing his baby brother because it was just so damn easy to do so. “Good job, the first step to solving a problem is admitting it.” He waved to the crowd.

  “Why do I even bother?”

  “All right, I’m sorry. Tell me what’s got your panties all in a bunch.”

  “I saw Ana yesterday.”

  When Cam made a so what face and shrugged his shoulders, Bear balled his fists even tighter and continued.

  “She was standing in the middle of Flint wrapped around Appolion like he was a stripper pole or something.”

  The scent of lilacs hit his nose and his attention was instantly distracted. There was only one angel who smelled like that and she was way more interesting than Bear.


  Bear’s voice faded into the background as Cam’s attention was diverted to the green eyed beauty. The last female he should think about, let alone desire. Not only was she a justice angel, she was Jehel’s niece. Both of those things alone made her hands off, even if he wasn’t part demon.

  That didn’t stop him from glancing in her direction. A vision of purity, she stood five feet away, totally oblivious to him. Deep, wine colored hair tumbled down her back, contrasting with the white gown that clung to her supple curves. She was deep in conversation with a male justice angel who stood way too close to her. Cam’s upper lip curled into a growl when the male put a hand on the small of her back. Mine! Don’t touch!

  Cam pulled back, shocked. Where had that come from? Amadeaha was an infatuation, nothing more. She was just another pretty face in the crowd. Yeah right, buddy. Then why does it feel like your heart is getting ripped out of your chest because she’s with some other guy?

  She looked over her shoulder and smiled.

  His stomach did a strange flip. Amadeaha’s smile could stop traffic, it was so beautiful. Before he could stop himself, he grinned back. The male justice angel scowled at their exchange, but she didn’t seem to notice as her attention seemed fully focused on Cam.

  The jerk tugged on her arm and Amadeaha shot him a dirty look. As she was being led away, she turned and gave a small wave.

  Cam waved back, knowing he still had a dorky grin on his face, but not caring.

  “Hello! Are you even listening to me?”

  A shove on his shoulder brought him back to reality. “I’m hanging on every word, Bear,” he muttered. A strange, longing, pit developed in his chest when he could no longer see Amadeaha. He rubbed at it and tired not to think what it could mean.

  “Ana was in Appolion’s arms and I’m pretty sure he was rubbing her ass.”

  That announcement got his full attention. Cam shook his head in disbelief. He must have heard that last part wrong. “Are you trying to tell me that our Little Miss Uptight Muffet Ana was showing public displays of affection?”

  “That’s precisely what I’m telling you and she wasn’t the only one. Your good buddy Appolion had his hands all over her.”

  He looked down at the gold floor and considered what Bear just told him. That would certainly explain why both Ana and Appolion had cut off all mental links with him over the past few days. They didn’t want him to know what they were thinking or doing. “Maybe this is a good thing,” he finally said slowly.

  Bear gave him an incredulous look. “Are you completely off your rocker? How is any of this good?”

  “The past few years have been hard on all of us, but it’s been even worse for Ana. She always thought so long as she took good care of us and lived by all the rules, nothing could harm our family. To say she got bitch slapped by reality would be putting it mildly.”

  “So how is making nice with the Mr. Destroyer going to fix that?” Bear snapped back.

  He had forgotten how good his brother was with sarcasm. “I just think that maybe it was time Ana found some happiness for herself. Crap, Bear, she’s given everything to us and never taken anything for herself.”

  “Just what are you trying to say?”

  “All I’m saying is,” Cam braced himself for the inevitable attack, “Ana needs to get laid, too.” Bear did not disappoint and tackled him full on, pinned him to the ground and started to punch him.

  Most of the surrounding angels didn’t even give them a second glance, the Lehor brothers were notorious for their fisticuffs. The few that did look were only shocked it was the usually mild mannered youngest one that was the instigator.

  Michael came from the crowd and pulled Bear off. “Damn it, Cam, I said no fistfights.”

  “Really, Michael, with Bear you can’t call it fist fight, more like a sissy slap fight.” He struggled to his feet.

  Bear, still in Michael’s grip, continued to glare.

  Cam noticed his little brother’s lip had busted open and was bleeding. He must have done it when they had fallen to the ground because he hadn’t swung once. He wondered briefly what his brothers would think if they knew the reason he picked so many fights with them was because he wanted them to hit him. He liked pain because it was the only time he felt anything anymore.

  “Sorry, Michael,” Bear mumbled.

  “Honestly, boy’s not again,” a female voice called.

  They all looked over at the source and saw a beautiful female angel walking over toward them. She had long dark hair that was a mass of curls kept loose so it swung gracefully around her hips. Her piercing blue eyes were narrowed in mild rebuke. She wore a long sleeved red shirt that was cropped short so her bare belly peeked out. The matching skirt was so short it should have been illegal and probably was. Her long legs were encased in a pair of sheer black nylons that had diamond studded seams going up the back. She was holding hands with a small male that had the same blue eyes and raven hair.


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