Rogue Angel

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Rogue Angel Page 14

by Stephani Hecht

  Finished repairing all the damage the demon bitch did to Bear, Tiffany opened her eyes and came out of her trance. She let out a pent up breath of relief as she could relax now because she healed him this time.

  When she first flashed them to her room, he still tried to tell her something. His mouth formed words, but no sound passed through his damaged throat. He grabbed at her, tried to get her to understand, almost like he was desperate. She finally compelled him to sleep just to calm him down.

  What was he trying to say? She snorted softly. Knowing Bear, he just wanted to yell at her again. He probably took offense to something she did back at the club or how she had fought the demons.

  Tiffany realized she was stroking his hair and almost stopped, even started to pull back her hand, however found herself not wanting to stop. So why stop? It’s not like Bear would ever know. He was sound asleep. She shook her head. No she couldn’t do that. The others could flash in at any moment.

  She went into her bathroom, filled a bowl with warm water and came back to the bed. Grabbing a washcloth, she wet it and then cleaned the blood off his bare chest. It was easy after she had cut away the bloody tee shirt, which she did after getting back to the house.

  Tiffany tried hard to ignore how wonderful his chest felt beneath her hands. Long after all the blood had been cleaned off, she continued to run her fingers over the hard planes of his pecs before traveling down slowly to caress his ripped abs. Stopped just short of his waistband, she wasn’t willing to push things quite that far, yet. She jumped when he took in a sharp breath, sure he woke up. But when she looked up, his eyes were still closed.

  Tiffany lightly traced his cheek with her fingers before touching his lips. She wondered for the hundredth time what it would be like to kiss him. It would be so easy to find out right now. It was just the two of them at home, the others were still off fighting the demons.

  Oh it would be so wrong to do it though. Healers were strictly forbidden to take advantage of others while they were being treated. If Raphael or Gabi ever found out they would send her off packing back to her parents so fast her head would spin. She licked her lips and decided it was worth the risk. She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “I love you, Bear. I always have and always will.”

  Then she kissed him. His lips were so soft and sweet, just like she always knew they would be. She went to pull away, but his arm came up and held her down.

  He opened his eyes.

  She gasped in shock. They weren’t light blue anymore. They were so dark they almost appeared black.

  “Little Red Riding Hood should know better than to play with a sleeping wolf,” he said in a deep gravelly voice. He spun her around and pinned her to the bed.

  * * * *

  Appolion dispatched the last demon back to Hell and turned immediately to check on Ana. Seated next to Cam on the ground, she appeared unharmed while Cam bled like a stuck pig. “Are you okay, Ana?”

  “I’m fine,” she replied. “I think fang-head here is the only one that got hurt.”

  Appolion scanned the Tiffany crew and saw no injuries.

  Cam laughed. “Did you see them earlier?” He spoke in a conspiratorial tone. “Four hot chicks, barely dressed, fighting. It was like a wet dream come true.”

  “Really? I didn’t notice.” Appolion realized he might have said that a little too quickly when Ana gave him a sharp look.

  She arched a brow at Cam. “Your little brother is hurt and all you can think about is sex? Honestly, Cam, sometimes I could strangle you.”

  “If anyone is going to be strangled, it’s Bear.” Cam shifted his weight, hissing in pain. “How in the hell did one female demon manage to cut him down like that? He’s too good of a warrior for that to happen.”

  Appolion caught Tiffany’s friends look at each other sheepishly.

  Cam whistled to get their attention. “What are you hiding from me?”

  Snow White bowed down. “My name is Heather, my Lord. When I was with your brother earlier, he was not feeling well.”

  Cam looked up. “You see what I have to deal with, Appolion? Not only do I have some empath getting all formal with me in an alley, she won’t even tell me her real name to boot.”

  “What do you mean Bear wasn’t feeling well?” Ana asked sharply.

  Nervous, Heather fidgeted and looked at the other females for help, they looked at the ground. “He was acting like he was high on Benadryl,” she finally whispered.

  Cam struggled to his feet. “I’m going to fucking kill him.”

  Appolion reached out to steady him. “Easy there, big guy. You don’t even know if that’s what really happened.” He hoped it wasn’t true because he grew to really like Bear and, judging from the look on Cam’s face, there was going to be hell to pay if it were. Even though the female said Bear acted strange, Appolion couldn’t help but doubt Bear would do something that stupid. The kid just wasn’t the type.

  A female dressed up like Dorothy bowed down next to Heather. “I am Jules, my Lord. When Megan asked Bear is he was high, he denied it.”

  Megan hopped up and down. “Oh, oh, oh, maybe somebody slipped him something in his drink. I saw a movie about that once. I don’t think he did it on purpose. He may be a goof ball sometimes, but I’ve never seen him do something dumb like that. Although he was being a bit of a dork when he was sucking face with that skank on the dance floor.”

  Heather looked up only enough to give her an annoyed glance. “Not in front of our Lordship, Megan.”

  “He’s not my leader. I’m a healer, not an empath. Now if he wants me to heal him, I would be more than happy to do that.” She clasped her hands behind her back and gave Cam a coy look.

  “Oh my gosh,” Jules squeaked. “You’re so embarrassing.”

  Megan ignored her and turned to look at Appolion. To his dismay, he felt a wave of fear wash over him and even inched closer to Ana. The last thing he wanted in the world was to get into a conversation with this ditz. She made Tiffany seem like a rocket scientist.

  “I know who you are,” she sang out happily. “You’re the Destroyer.”

  Crap in a barrel, Buffy the Brain Cell Slayer knew who he was. She was right pleased with herself because she figured it out, too. He could tell that by the way she beamed at him.

  “No way,” Jules argued. “Tiffany would have told us.”

  “My daddy is an enforcer angel and I saw one of his wanted posters. That’s Appolion, I’m sure of it.”

  Ana stood up and confronted her. “You can’t tell anyone.”

  Megan frowned. “Does Michael know he’s here?”

  “Yes, and the Chief wants us to lay low for a while so no one can know about this.”

  “Okay,” Megan held up her small finger. “Do you want me to pinky swear?”

  “God no.”

  Cam addressed the two other females still bowed to him. “How about you two? Can you keep this to yourselves?”

  “Of course we can,” Heather said, sounding slightly hurt.

  “Thanks girls.” Cam tried walking again. “I’m going to go to Bear right now and find out for myself whether or not he was doing Benadryl. I swear if I find out he was doing that crap, I’m going to skin him alive. He wasn’t even supposed to be out tonight.”

  “I’m going with you.” Rachael sheathed her sword onto her back. “You can’t go confront him on your own. Not in the condition you’re in.”

  Don’t start with me.

  Even though Cam sent the telepathic warning to Rachael, Appolion heard it, too.

  You and I both know that you need to feed. You’ve lost way too much blood, she argued back. You can use me.

  No! Cam sounded both angry and scared at the same time. You’re too close to being family. I’ll be fine, I’ve coasted before, I can do it again.

  Appolion decided to add his two cents. She’s right. I can feel your control slipping away. You have one of two choices, either feed from one of us or you can start going demon right in
front of these females.

  Cam snarled.

  Appolion wasn’t surprised that it sounded more demon than angel.

  Shit, if I drink blood in front of them I will be going all demon.

  Rachael took matters out of both of their hands, she went up to the two female empaths. “Your Lordship has been injured and he needs blood in order to heal properly. Is one of you willing to help him?”

  Jules spoke up first. “It would be an honor.”

  “Damn it, Rachael, no,” Cam spoke. “Don’t you remember what happened the last time I took right from the source?”

  Jules lowered her head. “I’m sorry if I offended you, my Lordship. I know I’m young, but I’m a good warrior. I’m not tainted or anything.”

  Appolion felt bad for the female. For her this was a matter of honor, she may look like a cheerleader, but deep down, she was a warrior at heart. Cam groaned as he seemed to reach the same conclusion. He allowed the empath to pull him closer.

  “I need you to do me a favor,” Cam said low in his ear. “When I get too carried away, I need you to promise to pull me off her. She’s going to fight you, too, but you need to get us apart from each other.”

  Appolion nodded as the enormity of what Cam said sank in. He thought about Cam’s fangs and eyes and wondered why he hadn’t seen it before. Cam just wasn’t part demon. He was part incubus. An incubus was the male version of succubus and they had just as much sex drive as their female counterparts. Appolion was a little surprised there weren’t that many incubi around. In fact, you could say they were almost an endangered species.

  “Okay, Jules come here.” Cam crooked his finger. He stopped and closed his eyes for a moment. “What I mean is, it would be an honor, thank you.”

  She instantly answered his beckon, her high-heeled shoes clicking against the street. That was the only sound. Everyone else was silent as they all pretended the situation was perfectly normal. Once she reached his side, Cam turned her so her back was to the building and stood in front of her so his massive body shielded her small one.

  Appolion heard some whispers, rustled clothes and then her soft gasp. Ana buried her face in his shoulder and he rubbed the top her head in an effort to comfort her. He knew it was hard for her to have to see this part of Cam. Hell, it was hard for him to see Cam like this.

  Jules girlish giggle floated through the air. “This isn’t half bad,” she said dreamily.

  * * * *

  Tiffany gasped in shock when Bear settled his body between her legs and nuzzled the side of her neck. Even though it felt good, really really good, she knew something was wrong. There was no way the Bear she knew would act like this. Then she remembered the bite mark she healed and realized it was the Bliss that must be affecting him, although she never saw anyone react this strongly to it before. “Bear, you really don’t want to do this.” She shivered when he ran one hand up the outside of her leg.

  “Sure I do. I’ve wanted to do this for a long time.

  If only that were true. “No, Bear, you’ve been infected with a succubus bite. Their spit has Bliss in it. It makes males horny.”

  “This outfit that you have on is what’s making me horny.” He switched to a singsong voice, “Why, Little Red Riding Hood, what beautiful lips you have. The better to kiss you with, my dear.”

  Wow, could he kiss, too and, even though Tiffany knew she was being a very bad angel, she enjoyed every second of it. She never knew a kiss could be this carnal and sweet at the same time. He alternated between using his tongue to sweep around the inside of her and using his teeth to nip at her bottom lip. Oh, this was so much better with him awake. When he finally let her come up for air, she said, “We really shouldn’t be doing this, it’s wrong. You’re not feeling well.”

  “I’m feeling just fine.” He pushed himself against her thigh so his erection pressed against his jeans. “See, I’m not so little after all.”

  He looked at her with such tender want there was no way she could deny him. Not when she had dreamed every single night of him looking at her that way. In all fairness, she had tried to stop him, at first.

  “Bear, I never thought that you were little. To me you’re perfect.” Then she completely gave into the moment. Even though she knew he would hate her in the morning and she would be in a world of trouble. She just had to have him all to herself, even if it was for one night.

  Since she had nothing to lose, she admitted everything to him. In between fervent, hot kisses, she told him how much she loved him, about how he was all she thought about and how there would never be another male for her. He didn’t say anything back, but then again, his lips were very busy. When they weren’t pressed against hers, they were on her throat, her ears and her face.

  He brushed the back of his fingers against the tops of breasts. Since her top was low cut, he encountered a lot of skin and the heated contact made her gasp in surprise. He stopped immediately and looked down at her with those dark eyes.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he sounded like he was in pain. “Because I will if you want me to.”

  Tiffany thought for a moment. Things were going fast, very fast and it did scare her a little, but this was her Bear and she was always safe with him. Instead of answering him with words, she hesitantly lowered her hand, touching his cock. He arched his hips against her hand and moaned.

  “That’s it, baby.” He threw back his head and hissed when her hand moved in slow lazy circles. “Squeeze me, just a little bit.”

  She obeyed and was rewarded with his whimper in her ear. How freaking cool was that? She was actually turning him on even more. It’s just the Bliss, it’s not you. She told the negative voice in her head to shut up. Bear was starting to trail his fingers up her leg once again and this time it was on the inside, not the outside. As he got higher and higher, he wasn’t stopping.

  He reached the area where her panties were, but he didn’t go any further. Instead he made slow seeping circles, coming so close, but not quite touching. He did this for several minutes until she was ready to scream at him to relive the ache that building up inside her. He finally had mercy on her, reached inside her white thong and stroked her slippery folds, ever so gently. She clutched his shoulders tightly as an unfamiliar feeling coursed through her body. It wasn’t unpleasant, far from it, but it still felt like she was going to come apart. “Bear?” his name came out as a breathless question.

  “It’s okay,” he panted in her ear. “Just relax and let me take care of you. God, you’re so hot and wet.”

  She almost blushed at his bluntness, but quickly forgot to be embarrassed when he slipped one of his fingers inside her core. Her body tightened around him in response and she moaned softly. She never went this far with a male and realized now it was because she saved herself for him. He moved his finger in and out of her gently as she moved her hips in time to his thrusts. She had no idea it could feel this good.

  “That’s it,” his voice seemed a million miles away. “Just ride it out, enjoy it.”

  She arched her body up as an orgasm rocked through her body.

  He chuckled lightly. “I’m glad you liked that because there is plenty more where that came from.”

  * * * *

  Appolion knew the instant Cam went from feeding mode to incubus mode. His body tightened up and he pressed the small female closer to the wall. Then he grabbed one of her legs and hooked it around his waist. When one finger slipped in the top of her thigh high stocking, he decided it was time to intervene. “I think it’s about time to break things up.”

  Cam tried to fight, but lucky for them both, Appolion was every bit as strong as Cam. He pushed the empath back several feet and slammed him hard into a parked car in order to snap him out of it.

  Cam shook his head several times before looking down at his feet. “I’m okay,” he grunted. “Shit, Appolion, did you have to ram me into the car that hard? That fucking hurt.”

  Appolion heard scuffling behind him. He turned around and
saw Ana and Rachael fighting with Jules. The small female struggled with all she was worth to get back at Cam. Rachael waved her hand in front of Jules face and the female slumped over as she was compelled to a deep sleep. Rachael and Ana held her up so she wouldn’t hit the ground.

  Heather’s jaw dropped. “What’s gotten into her?”

  “I know.” Megan did that little hopping thing again. She pointed an accusing finger at Cam. “You have the Bliss in you. Don’t you?”

  “Bliss, what’s that?” Heather asked.

  “It means Jules just had the biggest orgasm of her life.” Megan whipped back her hair so her own neck was exposed. “Do me next.”

  Cam completely ignored her and addressed the others. “You guys stay with the Barbie triplets and make sure they know how important it is to keep their mouths shut. I’m going to have a little talk with Bear.”

  Ana gave him a worried look. “Megan said Bear wasn’t taking Benadryl. So why are you going to go give him hell?”

  “It’s just not that.” Cam gave them a dark look. “Bear got bit by that succubus so he’s been infected with the Bliss, too, and he’s all alone with Tiffany.”

  “Oh no!” Ana’s eyes got huge. “He’s going to mark her if you don’t get there in time.”

  “Please,” Cam snorted. “Bear has no clue about what to do with a female.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Okay, so he had been wrong. Bear did know what to do with a female.

  Cam flashed himself right into Tiffany’s room, expecting to see a whole different kind of healing going on than what was going on in her bed. Maybe it had been a bit rude on his part, popping in without knocking, but then he didn’t exactly feel like Miss. Manners right now. It’s not like the two of them noticed him anyway. They were way too busy trying to eat each other’s face to pay him any mind. At least they still had all their clothes on, though he didn’t even want to guess where Bear’s hands might be at the moment.

  He tried clearing his throat. They didn’t hear him. Then he coughed, loudly. They still didn’t hear him. Since things were beginning to feel a little awkward, at least to him they were, he decided to be a little more rude. “Hi, Bear. I think we need to have a word in private,” he said loudly.


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