Think Yourself Thin

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Think Yourself Thin Page 6

by JJ Smith

  Step 2: Create Positive Affirmations

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  Now that you are present in the moment, it is time to start communicating to your mind. You can use positive affirmations to create the change you desire in your life, such as losing weight or quitting smoking. Now be aware of every cell in your body and imagine every cell glowing with white light.

  Since we are focusing on weight loss, here are some positive affirmations that focus on the change you want to create in your life. You should repeat these affirmations for two minutes daily so that every cell in your body can imagine them.

  1. I love myself. I am not ashamed of my body, for it is just the house for my spiritual and mental self; it does not define my true self.

  2. I have a loving relationship with food. I know that food is a gift from God that I am grateful for because it nourishes my body.

  3. I am thankful for my body and look forward to a slimmer, healthier body as I become more enlightened about healthy eating.

  4. I am not afraid to get on the scale because the number that I weigh is not as important as the overall healthiness of my body. A healthy body is a beautiful body.

  5. I forgive myself and other people. No more arguing and fighting, only letting go of stresses, failures, and disappointments.

  Step 3: Release the Weight

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  Now it is time to envision the weight melting off your body. Visualize the fat being released from your body and imagine your body getting slimmer and slimmer. Think of the excess fat being sucked away from your body. If you think of the fat as energy, imagine the fat releasing into a whirlpool until it disappears. Imagine the excess fat on your stomach, legs, hips, arms, chest, neck, and face all getting sucked into a whirlpool until it disappears. Visualize yourself sitting still with no excess fat on your body.

  Step 4: Picture Your Ideal Body

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  Now that the fat has melted away, create a picture of your ideal body. Think of your desired shape—your waistline, breasts, arms, and legs. Think about how you would feel sitting in this body shape. Are your muscles tight, is your stomach flat, is your booty toned? Truly imagine what it feels like to have this ideal body shape.

  Now picture going to work with this ideal body and what your friends and coworkers would say to you. Imagine how your spouse/partner would look at you with this ideal shape. Can you see yourself on the beach or on a date with this ideal body? As you go through all these scenarios, be as specific as possible. Imagine the conversation with your friends and family when they see your ideal body. What exact words would each of them say? If you were on the beach in a bikini, can you feel the wind blowing through your hair and the sand on your feet?

  Create these visuals of your ideal body shape and feel what your life would be like, both personally and professionally.

  Step 5: Envision Your Future

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  Visualize what you want your life to look like in the future. See yourself becoming slimmer, fitter, and healthier day by day, month by month. Envision getting promoted and finding more career opportunities down the road. See yourself marrying the love of your life or finding your ideal mate. Envision all the chronic health issues disappearing—no more high blood pressure, inflammation, or high cholesterol. See your health and weight issues receding into the past.

  See your ideal body shape pulling you toward more love, better health, greater career opportunities, and total success in life. Imagine achieving all your life goals effortlessly. You make the right food choices, the right decisions at work, and the best decisions in your love life. Let your thoughts pull you like a magnet to your perfect, healthy, and successful life. Whether it is success in weight loss, career, relationships, or whatever you have ever dreamed for your life, allow the picture of your beautiful future to fill your mind, body, and soul. Then, before you open your eyes, with the power of your mind, say, “I have created my ideal body and my successful life.”

  If you feel like it, you can stay still for a few more minutes focusing on your breathing or you can open your eyes and end the visualization. This five-step visualization should take five to seven minutes each day, from beginning to end.


  The visualization exercises below will help you target specific situations or addictions that you want to address in your life. It does not matter which you choose or what order you do them in, as they can be customized based upon your specific needs. However, repetition is key. If you identify a few visualization exercises you want to do, be sure to do them daily for at least a week to implant the actions in your mind and body. As long as you stay consistent, visualizing your perfect life and body, you will move toward achieving those things. Read them aloud and feel and embrace the following visualization exercises.

  #1 Love Your Body

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  Imagine every cell of your body being draped with love. From head to toe, feel your body being charged with a beautiful ray of light that flows through every cell. You can feel negativity, darkness, and fear all get replaced with love. Imagine your heart filling with a loving energy flowing through your blood to every cell and tissue in your body. Say aloud, “I am love. I love myself. I am loved. I feel love. I am grateful for the love in my life. I am thankful for those who love me. Every part of my body is being healed with love.” Know that the power of love is perfect, healthy, all-knowing, self-healing, and abundant.

  Imagine the white light getting brighter and brighter as you embrace more love within your body. You feel tremendous love from God throughout your body. You feel tremendous love and support from family and friends. Everywhere you look, you see and feel love. Everywhere you turn, you feel loved, protected, and appreciated from everyone you know. You send a signal to everyone who knows you that you are to be recognized, celebrated, appreciated, and loved. You see yourself talking to people and radiating love to the point that they want to embrace you. They notice how beautiful, loving, and radiant you are. Your spouse or significant other is so loving toward you and you embrace all the love they have for you. You radiate love, you generate love, and you bask in the beautiful glow of love!

  #2 Release the Weight

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  Imagine all the excess weight on your body turning into liquid and evaporating from your body. Imagine excess fat being sucked into a whirlpool and completely disappearing. Imagine the excess fat on your face, arms, stomach, and legs all getting sucked into a whirlpool away from your body. You then look at your body and realize it is thin—the ideal shape you have always dreamed of. All the excess body fat is gone for good. Take a moment to feel what it is like to be at your ideal shape.

  As every day passes, you get thinner, healthier, more fit and toned. You are the picture of health. You have energy, vitality, and radiant skin. You see yourself in new clothes for your ideal body. You have released the excess weight from your body and are on an incredible high of excitement and joy.

  When you are ready, open your eyes, feeling confident that you have made a positive change toward becoming slimmer, fitter, and healthier. Embrace a more successful, joyful life with effortless weight loss that will last for a lifetime.

  #3 Become Vibrant and Healthy

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  Imagine every cell in your body saying, “I feel healthy, alive, radiant, fit, and vibrant. I am nourished. I am satisfied. I feel complete in my life right now.” Imagine every cell in your body healed and healthy and all excess fat removed from your body. All the excess fat has disappeared, never to be seen again, and you feel energetic and healthy in your ideal weight. Imagine yourself walking outside with pep in your step. You feel totally nourished, and complete.

  Imagine yourself eating foods that fuel and energize your body. High-nutrient foods cause your skin to glow and make you look younger than your age. Envision yourself craving whole, natural, nutrient-dense foods that make you feel nourished and satisfied. With every bite of food,
your body gets stronger, healthier, and more radiant. You know that processed, unhealthy junk foods drain you of your energy and leave you feeling sluggish and moody. You now eat foods that are your life force, filling your body with the nutrients you need to be vibrant and healthy. You see yourself getting healthier, with a more radiant glow.

  #4 Get Physically Active

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  Imagine that you love getting physically active and taking care of your body. Picture yourself in your ideal body, which is toned, fit, strong, and lean. Imagine you love the feeling of being active and enjoying your fit, energetic body. Now imagine you are walking, going to yoga or Zumba class, excited about caring for your body. Imagine that “moving” is powerful, creating a high level of energy in your body. As you start to exercise, expect your energy levels to improve first, and then over time, you will begin to activate and strengthen your muscles. You actually want to keep walking, running, and moving because you have strength and endurance in your perfect ideal body.

  Your bones, muscles, tissues, and cells all vibrate with energy as the weight just melts off your body. You end your workout feeling refreshed, energized, and strong. You know your weight-loss goals will be achievable because you love to take care of your body. You now have all the energy you need to have an amazing day at work.

  #5 Heal Your Body

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  Imagine every cell in your body filling with healing light. Every part of your body is filled with healing powers so that you feel no aches and pains at all. Your bones, arms, legs, face, and back glow with healing powers. Your heart is filled with healing love and glows brightly. The blood flows through your body, bringing healing to different parts of your body. As the blood flows, it removes any blockages or diseases that you have. Anything that is not functioning properly in the body is instantly healed. All of your energy channels in your body are unblocked and flowing easily. Any bad bacteria, yeasts, and parasites die and vanish away. All the negative things in the body are cleared out, not causing any symptoms or pain. Your body is full of vitality and is functioning very well.

  Your energy channels are flowing all day long. You imagine yourself in your perfect, healthy body with endless energy at work. You have enough energy to be productive at work and enjoy your family at home. You look good, feel good, and are having fun. You are healthy, successful, and glowing because of radiant energy flowing through your body. Everyone you encounter feels the enormous energy radiating from your body. People want to talk to you, hang out with you, and just be in your presence. They feel the healing energy from your body and want to be healed as well. You are a beautiful picture of health, in a cleansed, pure mind and body, residing in your ideal shape.

  #6 Create Tight, Elastic, Radiant Skin

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  Imagine excess skin from your weight loss being removed from your body. All excess skin is pulled away into the whirlpool and eliminated from your body. Your skin is tight and toned all over your body and you cannot even pinch any excess skin because there is none. You feel your skin getting tighter and tighter and all excess fat melting away from your body. By eating healthy, natural, organic foods, you keep your insides clean and begin to look radiant despite your age.

  You see yourself walking on the beach and your body is tight and toned. You feel like you have the perfect, ideal body for you. Each day, month after month, you see the excess skin melting away and your body getting more toned and firm. Your excess skin is constantly being pulled into the whirlpool and your whole body is glowing. You are fit, healthy, strong, tight, and toned and you easily maintain your ideal body shape.

  #7 Create A Loving, Supportive Environment

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  Imagine you have protection and you are safe and secure with tons of love and support all around you. Every ounce of your being feels loves and supported. When you feel off track, you have people in your life to keep you encouraged, motivated, and focused. You have extra support and encouragement when life gets hectic and stressful. You do not easily break promises to yourself because you have a strong support system encouraging you every day. You are able to remain accountable to healthy living due to your support system.

  Imagine that in your home there are people who make you feel safe, calm, protected, and nurtured. There is no conflict in your home because of the radiant energy you bring to it. Everyone feels happy, safe, protected, secure, and loving toward you.

  #8 Release Pain, Hurts, and Disappointments

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  Imagine that every hurt, pain, and disappointment in your life is released from your body. Every hurtful thing that has been stored deep within your cells is released. You let go and wash away all hurt and pain. You let go. You release. You forgive. You move on. You forgive those who have hurt you because forgiveness saves you the trouble of arguing and fighting. It allows you to simply let go. You no longer have to worry about how to punish anyone. You forgive all transgressors and turn them over to God, who can be counted on to deal with them His way.

  Forgiveness is really for you, not the other person. It allows you to move on and make your burdens lighter. Forgiveness is the ultimate healing tool that heals your emotional and physical self. It allows you to release the extra weight that you have been carrying in your body. You release any emotional hurt out of the cells of your body, letting them wash away never to return. Every cell in your body can simply let go, and the pain, hurt, and disappointment goes with it. You see people noticing how much lighter and vibrant you are as the weight of your burdens releases from your body.

  #9 Eliminate Food Cravings

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  Imagine you are offered cake or pie—foods you used to crave daily—and you are no longer tempted by them. You do not have a taste for them anymore. You turn up your nose at these foods because you simply do not want them. You no longer desire or crave junk foods that you used to crave. You do not want any part of those foods and just walk away from them. You see yourself craving healthy, nutrient-rich foods that nourish and sustain your body. These foods are vibrant, fresh, and colorful and your body craves them. These foods keep you energized all day.

  The more you eat healthier foods, the more vibrant you become. Unhealthy cravings no longer rule your mind. You are free from food addictions. Everything in life is flowing with positivity and energy.

  #10 Improve Your Digestion

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  Imagine healing energies throughout your digestive tract from your mouth to your esophagus, through your stomach and your small and large intestines. The healing energies cleanse your digestive tract, cleaning out all toxins, bad bacteria, parasites, and yeast that may be in your gut.

  Your entire digestive tract is glowing with healing energies, creating a brand-new digestive system with no impurities or toxins. The digestive tract is healed and regenerated, allowing you to eat without any digestive distress or sluggishness. You eat healthy, live foods. You take probiotics and digestive enzymes to maintain gut health. You have healthy bowel movements with little to no gas or bloating. Eating is so enjoyable, and you truly love your food choices as your body rewards you with its increased energy.

  #11 Reduce Stress

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  Imagine yourself calm, centered, and confident in your ideal body shape. Now think about what the rest of your day is going to be like. Do you work in an office, school, warehouse? Do you work from home? Imagine your day flowing smoothly, easily, without much drama and stress. Fill your body with a calm and relaxed energy that radiates throughout your day.

  As people walk up to you at work, imagine solving their problems and being productive. Whatever work challenges you face, you find creative solutions and bring value to your work environment. No work issues bother you because you are confident, relaxed, and qualified. You radiate positivity and find creative solutions for all situations. You are under control and knowledgeable in meetings, and people listen to what you have to say. Folks want to be around you and do business with you because of you
r cool, calm, collected demeanor. You have so much energy, and your workday goes by so fast. You enjoy a healthy lunch and appreciate your nutritious foods, eating them slowly and deliberately.

  At the end of the day, you leave work feeling calm and relaxed because it was another successful day. You go home to a loving environment where you enjoy your family and friends. Work leaves you feeling energized and wonderful because the day was so successful. You now have enough energy to go work out, take a walk, or play with your kids. You have all the energy you need to enjoy your family and friends. You go to bed looking forward to the next work day because you know every single work day will bring new challenges and opportunities that you are fully equipped to solve. You will win at work each and every day.


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