Banishing Shadows

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Banishing Shadows Page 5

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  She’d be fine as long as she didn’t do anything foolish.

  Like kid herself into thinking he wanted her.

  She wasn’t about to open herself up to any more pain. She’d let him stay because there was no other choice available. And as soon as she proved there was no danger, he’d be gone.

  “When it comes to safety, I’ll listen to you. But only in that,” she warned him. She knew him—he’d take over if she let him.

  “Bath’s ready, Kayla.”

  “Oh, okay.” She flushed, turning to walk out of the room. Idiot.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” he asked, tugging her back.

  “I-I’m leaving you to b-bathe,” she stuttered.

  “I drew the bath for you, Kayla. You need to relax or you’ll never sleep.”

  She didn’t sleep much anyway.

  “Fine,” she muttered, longing for the bath but irritated by his high-handed assumption that she’d want one.

  He ran his thumb over her knuckles, stirring warmth in her belly. She moved closer to him, drawn by his sensual pull.

  “Need any help undressing?” He grinned devilishly and suddenly Kayla realized she was standing flush against him.

  She stumbled back, flustered. “You better leave before the water gets cold,” she snapped, annoyed by the arousal surging through her. She hadn’t reacted this way to a man in ages.

  “If you need me, yell out.” He left, shutting the door behind him.

  What was wrong with her? He annoyed her, he was a high-handed jerk.

  And still she was attracted to him. Urgh, someone up there was having a laugh at her expense. This was unbelievable. Even if she’d been her old self, Cord was the absolute last person she should want.

  She locked the door and quickly stripped. Climbing into the bath, she let out a deep breath as warm water soothed her tense muscles. Closing her eyes, she lay back and let herself relax.

  * * * * *

  Cord paced outside the bathroom door. He’d made some gains tonight. He shouldn’t push her any further. Kayla had accepted his presence, his protection—mainly because he’d deliberately misled her about why he was here. He wasn’t here because of his friendship with Jed. He didn’t consider this another job.

  He was here for her.

  If his small lies gave him time to build her trust in him and meant she accepted his protection, he would keep up the pretense.

  He was thankful he’d listened to his instincts tonight. He didn’t want to think about what might have happened if he hadn’t gone looking for her.

  Luckily her brothers were like him—overprotective and paranoid enough to think the worst. He’d shamelessly used their fear for her safety to his advantage and now he was exactly where he needed to be. Faster than he thought he would be and with far more complications. But he was with her. That was what counted.

  Fury burned as he remembered her pale, shocked face tonight. And what had he done? Berated her for not fighting back. He should have held her, comforted her. But he’d been so scared, so furious that he’d reacted without thought.

  Another man had manhandled his woman, had tried to harm her. A low growl erupted from Cord’s mouth before he could stop it. He gazed down at his clenched hands and deliberately relaxed them. He had to retain control. He couldn’t show her this side of him—the hard, vicious part he’d inherited from his father.

  He wasn’t sure Kayla could love someone as dominant as he was. But he was going to do his damnedest to convince her. To win her over.

  He’d fought against his own needs and given her time to find someone better, kinder.

  But she hadn’t.

  And he was through denying himself her softness, her light. He might not be gentle or sweet or flexible, but he would always ensure she was safe, he would always put her happiness before his own and he would never, ever leave her again.

  Having her in danger ripped at his control. If he hadn’t run before, then she would never have been attacked four months ago, she wouldn’t have been alone, wouldn’t have been vulnerable, been hurt.

  Cord took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. This wasn’t helping. She didn’t need him angry and raging. She needed understanding, caring. He wasn’t sure he had it in him to give her that, but he’d try.

  Cord checked his watch, frowning. It had been thirty minutes and she hadn’t stirred. She needed sleep.

  He knocked on the bathroom door. Nothing. He called out as he turned the knob. Finding it locked, he cursed and yelled her name.

  A muffled response eased his worry. But the door remained locked. Stepping back, he studied the lock. Child’s play. Two minutes later he walked inside to find her asleep, tremors shaking her as the now cold water chilled her body. Picking her up, he ignored her murmured protest and wrapped a fluffy, peach-colored towel around her.

  Cord carried her into the bedroom, laying her on the bed. He knew he should let her sleep. Instead he found himself sitting on the bed, staring down at her. Brushing back her long, silky dark hair, he couldn’t resist running his hand down the side of her face, smoothing over skin as luxurious as cream. He could’ve lost her today. When he’d seen that guy grab her, a surge of violent, possessive fury had risen with such force he’d barely been able to contain it.

  His woman.

  Someone had dared to touch his woman. The fact that her attacker was still out there revolted him. Taking a deep breath, Cord worked on keeping himself calm.

  He stood to leave.

  “No, no,” Kayla mumbled. He turned back. She was frowning in her sleep, her hands clasping the bed cover tightly.

  “No, please,” she sobbed brokenly. His stomach clenched at the sound. She let out a loud cry, her head thrashing on the pillow. Cord sat beside her, running his hand over her hair.

  “Shh, angel, relax,” he crooned. She settled a little, although her forehead remained puckered. Unable to resist the urge, he rolled her onto her side, slipping behind to spoon her.

  Kayla let out a shuddering breath before relaxing back into his embrace. His cock pulsed, pressing against his jeans uncomfortably. Cord took a deep breath and shifted backward, needing to get away from her tempting body.

  But she followed, scooting back into his embrace, and he knew he wasn’t going anywhere.

  It was going to be a long, sleepless night.

  * * * * *

  Choking, sputtering, lungs begging for air, Kayla rose into consciousness on a wave of adrenaline and fear. Sweat poured from her skin in slow rivulets as panic suffocated her.

  Someone was here. Someone was coming to harm her.

  She opened her eyes, peering around wildly, her hand grasping at her throat. No, she refused to do this. It was just a nightmare. It was just a nightmare. Repeating that mantra, Kayla gradually managed to ease the stranglehold that panic had on her. Taking a deep, steadying breath, she was hit by the scent of sandalwood—wicked, delicious man.


  “Oh shit.”

  Brief flashes of memory revealed Cord pulling her from the bath, carrying her, placing her on the bed.

  He’d seen her naked? Touched her?

  A curious mix of embarrassment and arousal coursed through her.

  Kayla hadn’t let any man other than her brothers touch her in the last four months. Yet Cord had managed to sneak beneath her body’s defenses, bypassing the panic and fright and replacing it with longing.

  It was crazy, feeling this way. She shouldn’t want anyone to touch her, should she? And especially not Cord. She was a job to him. She couldn’t forget that.

  * * * * *

  The smell of sizzling bacon greeted her as she exited the bathroom thirty minutes later. Surprisingly her stomach growled. She walked toward her kitchen, following the heavenly scent.

  “I didn’t think you could cook.”

  Cord turned when she spoke.

  “I picked up a few skills over the last couple of years,” he replied, his gaze roaming over her body, he
ating her blood. “Have a seat and I’ll dish up.”

  Kayla blushed, her entire body tingling from that look.

  “I’m not hungry.” She crossed her fingers behind her back at that little lie. For the first time in months food actually smelled appetizing. His gray eyes darkened, glittering, making her skin tingle in response.

  “Man, I love that blush.” His voice was husky and she felt an answering surge of heat race through her. Her reaction confounded her. Kayla hadn’t even looked at another man with interest in the last four months. Why did it have to be Cord who reawakened that part of her?

  “The bathroom door was locked last night. How did you get in?” Kayla was desperate for a distraction, not wanting to let on how he affected her.

  “Easily.” He grinned at her, his smile so full of mischief she almost smiled back. He was normally so serious and intense.

  “It was locked for a reason, Cord. You had no right to come in, no right to-to—”

  “Dry your naked body? Carry you to bed? Sleep beside you, holding you all night?”

  She blushed, shocked. “Yes,” she ground out between clenched teeth. “Those things.”

  “You were freezing. I didn’t want you to catch a chill.” He walked over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders. “Now sit, drink your juice.”

  He turned back to the kitchen.

  “I don’t drink juice, but Luke keeps bringing it over. I’ll make some coffee.” Kayla moved toward the kitchen but Cord blocked her exit, shaking his head, two plates of steaming food in his hands.

  “No coffee. Drink your juice, it’s good for you.”

  “Cord, I don’t like juice. I like coffee.” The look he sent her clearly said he didn’t give a damn what she liked—she’d do what he thought was good for her.

  “Juice is better for you. Caffeine makes the panic attacks worse.”

  Kayla sat with a thump. “How do you know that?”

  He shrugged, forking up some hashed potato. “I did some research while you were asleep.”

  “Did you just…” She tried the scrambled eggs, almost sighing in bliss as they hit her taste buds. “It’s good.”

  “Well, you don’t have to sound so surprised,” he mock-growled.

  Quarter of the way through the pile of food, she sat back with a groan, watching in amusement and awe as Cord finished off his whole plate.

  “Eat more.”

  Kayla shook her head. “I can’t. I’m going to burst at the seams as it is. Thank you, it was lovely.”

  Sitting back, he stared at her for so long it was all she could do not to squirm or make up something to confess.

  “Well, if you’re sure you’re finished, it’s time we had a little talk.”

  “About what?”

  “About who could be trying to harm you.”

  “I have no idea. I really don’t. There’s no reason for anyone to harm me, Cord. It had to be random. They were waiting for a woman alone. I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  “Maybe. But I don’t think so. It just doesn’t feel right to me. Masked men don’t hang around outside bathrooms, looking to kidnap woman. They don’t usually have getaway vans. There were still a lot of people around. This was planned. Combined with the attack on you four months ago—”

  “Which was bad luck. The police said there had been other attacks on women close to my neighborhood.”

  “They were waiting in your apartment for you. How did they know you lived alone?”

  He wasn’t asking anything she hadn’t thought of.

  “The police thought that my attackers must have followed me home from work, seen that I lived alone,” she replied stubbornly. “Then when I left to meet my friends, they think they snuck inside to wait for me to return home.”

  “Hmm,” he replied.

  “Luke really beat himself up over it. I was living in the apartment he’d rented for Lily and he felt like it was his fault. Cord, there’s no reason why the two attacks would be connected.”

  “So you think it’s just bad luck that you get attacked twice in one year? I’m not going to let you stick your head in the sand over this, Kayla. We need to look at the worst case scenario and react accordingly. You may think all of this is pointless, but I won’t take any chances on making a mistake and risking your safety.”

  Her stomach churned. Maybe he was right. Was there any chance the two attacks were related? That someone was out to hurt her? But why?

  “How long had you been living there?”

  “Umm, only three days,” she replied.

  He reached over and took her hand in his. “Is there anyone who might hold a grudge against you? Any reason someone might wish you harm? An ex-boyfriend?” A pained grimace crossed his face.

  “No.” She shook her head. “No one.”

  “Give me the names of your exes.”

  She snatched her hand away, irritated as the heat of his touch lingered on her skin.

  “What? All of them?”


  “Cord,” she protested. He stared at her.

  With a light scowl, she told him.

  He glowered at her. “All of these? You dated all of these men?”

  She shrugged. “I like dating. I like meeting new people. I like men, no law against that.”

  His glare would have melted iron. “Right, I’ll look into each of them.”

  “I wouldn’t bother.”

  “Any of these relationships end bad?” he asked her.

  “No.” Kayla didn’t correct his assumption that she’d been in a relationship with these men. In truth, she had dated a lot of men, but she’d slept with none of them. She’d been searching for something—attraction, desire, a spark.

  Nothing. And she knew who to blame.

  “Right, what about work colleagues? Any run-ins?”

  “What?” she asked sarcastically. “You think my brothers attempted to have me kidnapped?”

  “Don’t be funny, angel. What about your brothers’ employees, any problems with them? And what about at your old job? Any problems there?”

  Kayla had loved her old job as a human resource advisor. But she hadn’t been able to face going back there after she was attacked. Instead she’d hidden herself away behind her brothers’ protection.

  “No, I don’t know. I get on fine with Evan and Pete, and Reed has only just started. I never really had problems at my old job. I mean, there were a couple of people who I didn’t particularly get on with, but nothing serious.”

  “Names,” he ordered.

  She gave them to him. “Cord, do you think someone’s really after me?” She hated being constantly afraid. She shouldn’t have to live this way.

  He placed his hands on her knees, immediately infusing her cool body with warmth as he leaned forward and stared at her intensely.

  “No one will hurt you again. I promise. No one.” She took a deep breath, the surety in his voice soothing her ragged nerves.

  “Now tell me about what happened four months ago.”

  She stood. “I thought you said Luke told you.” She swallowed nervously.

  “He did. But I’d like you to tell me.”

  “Why?” she asked, working hard not to wring her hands.

  “Because there may be things he forgot, things that I need clarification on.”

  “I’m sure he told you everything. I don’t like to talk about it.”

  He growled. “Maybe you need to talk about it. You have nightmares, don’t you? There are dark bags under your eyes from lack of sleep. You’re practically skin and bones and you barely smile anymore.”

  Okay, she got it. She was a mess. “Why do you care? You’re here because of Jed.”

  “To protect you properly I need to know everything. Tell me.”

  She couldn’t tell him. She simply wasn’t able to. Tears welled in her eyes. Kayla’s pulse raced as panic unfurled. She tried desperately to push it back, to keep the memories at bay, but they rushed forward.
Her heart was pounding so hard and fast she felt physically ill.

  “Kayla, listen to me. Listen to me. Breathe. Come on. Breathe, damn it.” Cord’s command penetrated the terror swirling through her mind. She forced her gaze to his as he knelt before her, holding her hands.

  She drew in a deep, shuddering breath as the tightness eased. Air flowed more smoothly into her lungs.

  “Good girl. Look at me. Look at who’s in front of you. You’re safe, Kayla, safe. I’m sorry, angel, I shouldn’t have pushed you.”

  “Not your fault,” she muttered, her voice sounding scratchy.

  “Drink this.”

  The hated juice was held to her mouth and she was given no choice but to swallow.

  “Drink it all.”

  Her anxiety eased.

  “I’m sorry, I can’t talk about it. I can’t.”

  “Okay.” He rubbed her hands. “Okay. I’ll let it go. For now. But, honey, you can’t go on this way. You have to let someone in. Let someone help you. Lean on me. I can handle it.”

  Of that she had no doubt. He could handle anything.

  But Kayla couldn’t afford to rely on him, to open herself up to him. Not if she wanted to protect her heart.

  * * * * *

  “You must have better things to do than chauffeur me around,” Kayla complained as she followed Cord into her apartment. She stood just inside the door as he moved through the rooms, searching for intruders.

  “Don’t forget to look in the fridge,” she called out sarcastically.

  For the last three nights Cord had slept on her short sofa without complaining once. He drove her to and from work. Even at work, he stuck close, leaving only for short periods when he knew one of her brothers would be around. The rest of the time he spent in her office, on the computer or phone.

  It was driving her insane.

  Kayla hadn’t realized how hard it would be to have Cord around. She’d tried ignoring him, tried being rude, tried to treat this like a business arrangement. None of it dulled the reaction of her body. What had started as a wary attraction was quickly growing. The more time she spent with him, the more she thought about touching him, caressing him.

  Sometimes her thoughts induced a mild panic. Most of the time though, they just led to her being hot and frustrated—horny with no release. Of all the men she could possibly desire, why did it have to be one who didn’t want her?


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