The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3)

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The Lost Days (Prairie Town Book 3) Page 21

by T. E. Ridener

  Is that an invitation?

  “Oh, and before I forget,”—she derailed his dirty thoughts before they had a chance to form—“If you really want to find out about stuff from your elementary days, you should speak to Lydia. I bet she can help.”

  “That’s a great idea, but do you think she’d be willing to help me?”

  “I don’t think I like the way you talk about yourself.” She took a step towards him and it made him want to take two steps back.

  Even if she couldn’t feel it, there was tension between them. Ever since that night at the institute, there had been an ember burning inside of him. For her.

  “Stop talking about yourself as if you’re some unforgivable monster, Devin. You are a good person, okay?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  “And stop calling me that. I’m not that old, you know.” She rolled her eyes and giggled. “I’ll call Lydia and let her know to expect a phone call from you. All right?”

  “All right.” He nodded.

  As she opened the door to leave, for reasons unknown to him, he caught her wrist and pulled her back.

  “Devin?” Her big beautiful eyes, full of questions, peered at him and that perfect mouth dropped open in surprise.

  The desire to kiss her was almost too much.

  Eyeing her lips for several long seconds, he finally forced his gaze back to her and smiled.

  “Thank you again. For everything, you know? For being my friend.”

  A smile graced her gorgeous features as she patted his hand and squeezed it. “No need to thank me for that, Devin. I am happy to help you.”

  Then, much to his surprise and pure delight, she tiptoed to press a kiss to his cheek. God, he’d never wash that cheek again. His skin tingled where her lips had been as she pushed open the screen door and scooped up her umbrella.

  “See you later, Devin. Good luck with Lydia!”

  Then she was gone.

  And somehow, some way, so was a little piece of his heart.

  Chapter 13


  Seeing Kelly halfway through his workday had helped make being at his father’s house a little more tolerable than usual. Mr. Laveau wasn’t known for being kind or hospitable, and Nick always had to take a few minutes to mentally prepare himself before entering the dark, gloomy, messy house that would forever be marred by the stench of cigar smoke.

  Glancing at the stained, flowery wallpaper adorning the kitchen walls, he leaned back in his chair and listened as his father lit up another cigar.

  “We did pretty well this week,” Mr. Laveau grumbled. “Almost made ten grand this week – two grand today. I think having you around is a good idea.”

  “Thanks Dad. That’s so kind of you to say,” he replied sarcastically. Folding his arms over his chest, he crossed his legs at the ankles and finally looked at him. “Ten grand is a lot. It doesn’t feel like I’ve done that much work this week.”

  “Well, you have.” His father replied hatefully – as always. “And you’d do well to be appreciative of the money I give you for that work.”

  Rolling his eyes, Nick decided to be quiet on the matter. Arguing with his father was never something he particularly enjoyed and it seemed like they had done more of that than anything else since his return.

  But he knew he hadn’t done ten thousand dollars’ worth of work in a week. He’d fixed a couple of leaky faucets, replaced a rain gutter that had been destroyed by a cat—God only knew how the stupid thing managed that—and he reprogrammed a garage door for old man Miller.

  There’s no way today was a two grand day. I didn’t charge anybody over ninety bucks for the stuff I had to do.

  No matter how great the urge to accuse his father of ripping people off may have been, he didn’t want to start a fight.

  “There’s talk of another hurricane brewing in a few weeks,” he finally said, just for the sake of making conversation. “You think it might be a good idea to get some plywood just in case?”

  “Hell no, I ain’t gettin’ no damn plywood,” Mr. Laveau snorted, smoke billowing from his nostrils. “Those meteorologist folks just want to give people a scare. That’s all it is, Genie. Don’t let them get to you, too. It’s a scam.”

  “Well, it’s a lifesaving scam then,” he shot back. “It’s supposed to be one of the biggest they’ve ever seen. I’d hate to see the shop get destroyed because of your superstitions, Dad.”

  “I call horseshit. It’s all horseshit.”

  “Suit yourself then.”

  “I will suit myself, thank ya very much. What are you doin’ here anyway?”

  Puzzled, Nick lifted an eyebrow as if to say, ‘really?’ and then shrugged it off.

  If his dad didn’t care, why should he?

  “I was just stopping in for my paycheck,” he replied, standing from his seat. “And to check up on you, but I don’t guess that really matters these days, huh?”

  “I don’t need checking up on, boy. I’m a grown damn adult! Checking up on me.” Mr. Laveau laughed so hard he began to cough. His chest rattled and it sounded nasty. “Come here and I’ll give you some money.”

  After getting his five hundred dollars for the week and saying goodbye to his old man, he set off for home with a lot on his mind.

  Trying to reconnect with his father sometimes felt like a mission he’d already failed. It had been twenty years since they’d seen one another – not that Nick hadn’t tried to get together with him, his father just didn’t seem to have any interest in spending time with him.

  Twenty damn years.

  How on earth had his mother fallen in love with such a mean person?

  Pulling in to the local grocery store parking lot, he shut the engine off and gazed at the steering wheel, becoming lost in his thoughts.

  “Mama, can I go see Daddy this summer? I want to show him how good I’ve gotten at putting a tire on the car. Ain’t I good at it, Mama?”

  “You are so good at it, honey. You’re the best,” she said, pinching his cheek gently. “You are such a smart boy, Genie. I’m proud of you.”

  “Do you reckon Daddy will be proud of me, too?”

  Her smile faded a little and her warm brown eyes saddened, which in turn made him sad, too.

  “Now, none of that, Nicholas Eugene,” she scolded, patting the top of his head. “You are never, ever allowed to be sad. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, Mama. I do understand,” he said, nodding eagerly. “It’s just...I miss Daddy sometimes. I wish he was here.”

  “I know, baby. I know.” She smooched his forehead and hugged him close, sighing. “But your daddy likes where he’s at now. He’s too stubborn to move here. He’s afraid his business might go under.”

  “But don’t you think he needs help, Mama? Ain’t it hard working there all by his lonesome?”

  “I don’t reckon it’s any different for him than it is for us here, alone in this house. We manage just fine, don’t we?”

  “Yes, Mama. We do.” He cuddled against her and closed his eyes. “I love you, Mama.”

  “I love you, too, Genie. You’re my good boy.”

  His vision blurred as the memory faded and he released a bitter chuckle.

  All those years away and he still worried about his father; he thought about his father; he missed his father.

  And that old bastard didn’t seem to care about him at all.

  I just make money for him, he thought, frowning in disgust. All he sees are dollar signs when he looks at me.

  But at least there was one comforting thought that came to mind as he turned the key over and continued on his way home.

  Devin and Kelly care about me. And I care about them.

  His plan was succeeding and nothing made him happier. He knew Kelly had stopped by to see Devin because he might have put the idea in her head. But it was all for a good cause, wasn’t it?

  “So you’re making meatloaf for dinner, huh? Lucky kids,” he said, pulling her into a tight hug from behi
nd. “That smells delicious.”

  “And it will be, I hope.” She laughed, leaning back against him. “It’s my mother’s recipe. She loved to cook.”

  “Then I’m sure it will be great. I wish I could cook like that.”

  “Oh, I know you can cook. Don’t try to flatter me,” she mumbled, turning in his arms to gaze up at him. “What was it you fixed the night Devin’s mom visited? Lemon-garlic shrimp? Sounds divine.”

  “Not as divine as you,” he growled playfully, nipping at her earlobe. “Nothing’s as tasty as you.”

  “Nick, stop.” She moaned, smacking his hip lightly. “Don’t get me started again. It’s like you’re trying to kill me.”

  “At least you’d die happy,” he teased, releasing her from his grasp. “Say, why don’t you take some over to Devin if you’ve got it to spare? He’d probably appreciate some meatloaf.”

  “You think so?” She glanced at the oven thoughtfully. “I’m sure we’ll have plenty. Justin isn’t a teenager yet, so the days of the bottomless pit have yet to arrive.”

  “Ah, the bottomless pit days. I fear I haven’t outgrown that yet.”

  “Liar.” She poked his abs over his shirt and grinned.

  “Hey, it’s not my fault I have a fast metabolism, beautiful.”

  “If only we could all be so lucky,” she said, glancing down at her soft tummy with a frown.

  “None of that now.” He circled his arms around her and kissed her again. He could never get enough kisses. “You are perfect, Kelly Spencer.”

  He smiled at the memory and felt his sadness disperse. Finally pulling into the driveway of the home he shared with Devin, he decided he’d no longer allow the issues he had with his father to bring him down.

  He had too much to look forward to.

  Everything was falling into place and he’d soon be the happiest, luckiest man on Earth.

  I hope, he thought. Things just need to fall into place now.

  He took his time in the shower, washing off all the dirt and grime of the day with his favorite soap and reveling in the heat of the water. His tense muscles began to relax and he eventually felt better, but he knew what he needed and it was sleeping just a few feet away, curled up in his bed and looking gorgeous, as always.

  In the brief time he’d known Devin Rose, he’d allowed himself to get attached to the guy. Devin made him happy—as did Kelly—and he truly couldn’t wait for the night they took that big leap into the unknown.

  It wasn’t new territory for him, not by a long shot, but he knew he had to be careful and patient in terms of introducing them to his lifestyle.

  Devin seemed to be okay with it. Hell, he even looked forward to it, but Kelly still didn’t know the full truth.

  There was a small fear in the back of his mind that maybe she wouldn’t be willing.

  Then what?

  She’ll come around, he decided as he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. She could really be happy with us.

  Kelly was a good woman and a great mom. He respected the fact she was worried about her son’s feelings when it came to the possibility of a new man entering their lives.

  If she was so worried about one man, what would it mean if two suddenly came into the picture?

  It will work out.

  Toweling dry and entering his bedroom completely naked, he tiptoed to the bed and pulled the covers back, listening as Devin mumbled.

  “Hey,” he whispered, crawling up beside him and getting comfortable. “It’s just me.”

  “Mhm,” Devin murmured sleepily. He rolled over and opened one eye to peer at him, smiling. “Hi.”

  “Hi,” he whispered back, immediately wrapping his arms around him and pulling him closer. “How was your evening?”

  “Good.” Devin cleared his throat and rubbed at his eyes, and then yawned. “Pretty uneventful. Kelly came by.”

  “Did she? That’s nice.”

  His stomach muscles twitched as Devin’s fingertips brushed over them and he inhaled sharply, watching as two beautiful eyes sparkled with mischief.

  “What’s going on in that mind of yours?” He dared to ask, though he’d have no qualms with whatever Devin was planning.

  “You never let me touch you,” Devin murmured, inching his palm up his chest. “It flummoxes me.”

  “That’s a mighty big word.”

  “I’ve found that I like using big words from time to time.” He leaned in to kiss his chest, lips soft and hot against his flesh.

  “So you like big things, then?”

  Devin’s eyes snapped to his again. “I might.”

  “Well, I guess that’s going to work out in both of our favors.” A sly grin crossed his lips as he buried his fingers into Devin’s thick hair and pulled him in for a kiss. “Mm. Delicious.”

  “So, can I touch you now?”

  Never had such a simple question turned him on.

  “If you want to touch me, I won’t say no,” he replied, licking his lips and tasting Devin upon them. “I just don’t want you to do anything you’re not comfortable with.”

  “I just have amnesia, Nick. I’m not incapable of thinking for myself.”

  As silk lips descended his chest, his eyes slid closed and he relished in the pleasure of Devin exploring every inch of skin he could find, which was all of it.

  “Use your teeth, if you want,” he encouraged, arching off the mattress as Devin’s tongue swirled around his nipple. “I like that.”

  Devin obliged and trapped the hypersensitive bud between his teeth, causing little bolts of euphoria to soar straight through his nerve endings.

  “Ah, fuck. That’s nice.”

  Lower and lower Devin went, licking and sucking and tasting his abs before stopping just below his bellybutton. Listening to his breathing, Nick heard the small hitch and lifted his head to gaze at him.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Devin said, reaching for the blankets. “Just admiring the view.”

  Damn him if he didn’t make him smile like an idiot.

  Pushing the blankets further down, Devin’s eyes drank in the sight of his manhood and Nick swallowed hard. He wasn’t sure he’d ever felt so anxious about someone seeing him, all of him, before.

  Keeping his breathing calm, he watched in silence as Devin’s timid fingers brushed over his length, and as he began to harden, his eyes grew bigger.

  It made Nick grin smugly like the cocky bastard he could be, but that grin disappeared as soon as Devin’s tongue darted out to greet the head of his growing erection.


  For someone who hadn’t been with a guy before, he was pretty damn good at using his mouth.

  Squirming on the bed, his eyes snapped open and threatened to roll into the back of his head as his hand found Devin’s hair again, pulling occasionally.

  “Fuck, baby. Just like that,” he panted, losing himself in the pure bliss known as Devin’s mouth. “Just like that.”

  Devin groaned against his skin, sending shivers to all the right places as he sucked and slurped.

  It was crazy and totally unexpected, but he was pretty sure he was about to have one of the fastest orgasms in history.

  His balls tingled and every muscle he possessed became tight, winding up for that magical moment he lived for—this one would be the best yet.

  Clutching Devin’s hair, his back arched again and his free hand moved to tap Devin’s forehead.

  “Going to...” He tried to warn him.

  But Devin didn’t move.

  He just kept sucking, harder and harder, perfect and persistent. Surprisingly precise with that damn tongue of his as it swept over the veins of his shaft, coaxing his orgasm, as if he were begging for it.

  “Baby...” He groaned, breathless, trembling as the pressure continued building up, threatening to explode at any second. “Might want to pull back now...”

  But Devin stayed put, nose buried against his pelvic bone, undoubtedly being
tickled by the short hairs that had managed to grow back since his last trim. His breathing was fierce through his nostrils and Nick could feel every damn breath he took as he finally let go, unable to hold on for a second longer.

  It was like lightning struck him as he came, releasing himself into that heavenly, hot mouth. Curses flew from his lips as goose bump-inducing shivers raced down his legs and burst from the tips of his curled toes.

  The world disappeared for a few seconds and his vision became a little hazy. He loosened his grip on Devin’s hair, and he became helpless as the sound of eager gulps reached his ringing ears.

  He. Fucking. Swallowed.

  It was like an out-of-body experience and it took an eternity for him to return to reality. Never in his life, never, had an orgasm been so intense.

  Then again, he wasn’t sure he’d ever received such an amazing blowjob.

  Sucking air into his lungs, he felt the bed shift and Devin joined him again, pressing soft kisses to his shoulder as he tried to regain feeling in his body. Goddamn, no one had ever made him feel like that before.

  “Was it good?”

  “Good?” His voice trembled. “Are you fucking kidding me? Where did you learn to suck dick like that?”

  “I don’t know.” Devin admitted with a quiet laugh. “It just...came to me?”

  “I’ll say,” he chortled, wrapping him up in a hug. “Came being the keyword.”

  They shared a laugh and nothing had ever felt so perfect.

  But he knew, deep down, that there was room for improvement.

  Everything will become more perfect once we’ve got Kelly.



  It took a few days to work up the courage to call Lydia to arrange a meeting. Kelly had happily given him her phone number and she encouraged him to call sooner rather than later, but it was difficult for him to reach out to the woman he’d made so miserable as a child.

  He still didn’t understand why he’d done it. What made him physically hurt a little girl? That just didn’t feel right to him – it didn’t seem like him at all.

  But he had a lengthy record for doing such things. Try as he might, he could never forget the details the doctor had given him. And worse, Jebson McIntosh was always in the back of his mind; those angry eyes staring him down and silently condemning his soul.


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