Lost City

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Lost City Page 36

by Jeffrey M. Poole

Here we are again! I knew I was going to write a fourth book, but I wouldn’t have imagined it would be set in Lentari. I can thank you, the fans, for that. If not for your encouragement, and your dedicated loyalty, Lost City would be, well, it would have remained lost. 

  Lost City is the first story set in my new Tales of Lentari series. Each book will be designed to be standalone stories, where it isn’t necessary to read the other books to be able to follow along. Encouraged, yes, but not required.

  One of my favorite things to do is to chat with the fans. I absolutely love the fact that I can pose a question to the fans and within minutes, MINUTES, I have a response on Facebook, or I can pose questions on the blog and I’ll get people giving me their opinions. I love knowing that if I ever get stumped for character names, or if I need some ideas for jhorun, or even dragon colors, I can ask and get a dozen different ideas in less than ten minutes.

  So, the question I’m often asked now is, what’s next? What’s next for Lentari? Well, I can safely tell you guys that I’ve already started on the next story. The plot has already been mapped out and I’ve already broken it into chapters. I’ll even tell you that the writing has already begun. Want to know what it’s about? Well, I won’t give any spoilers away, but what I will tell you is that my favorite mythological creatures are going to be prominently featured. In fact, they will be protagonists in the next book. Dragons! This story is going to feature the dragons and our favorite wyverian couple, Pryllan and Kahvel!

  I’ve only barely started working on this one but I can tell you that I’m enjoying it immensely so far. Dragons are huge. Dragons are powerful. The all powerful Dragon Lord, Rinbok Intherer, is going to have to ask for help. Mwahahaha… LOL!

  As I’ve said many times before, and will say again, I encourage any reader of my stories to leave reviews wherever they purchased the book(s). Good review, bad review, it doesn’t matter. I know not everyone will enjoy the stories, but if you do like the book, please help me out and leave a review and let others know what you liked, or didn’t like, if it comes to that. You won’t ever hurt my feelings. I can take critique, both good and bad. How are you expected to grow, as a writer, if you ignore advice that your readers give you? So don’t worry about what I think. The fact that you took a chance on this book speaks volumes!

  Care to follow me online? This is where you can find me!

  Official website/blog: www.Lentari.com

  Facebook: /BakkianChronicles

  If you’d like to follow the progress on the latest book I’m working on then I would encourage you to sign up for my newsletter so you’ll never miss another book release, or contest, or any other bit of news that I pass along to the readers. You’ll even get a free short story for signing up!

  The Daily Scroll: https://www.lentari.com/?page_id=1900

  Thank you again for reading my book. Stay tuned! More adventures are on the way!

  Jeffrey M. Poole

  July, 2013

  Fan Submissions

  Thanks to all of you who submitted your suggestions when naming a fictional character. I had way more submissions than I did the first time I asked for help, so for that, thank you very much! Not all made it into the book, but I did use quite a few of them. Here are the ones I used:

  Rhamalli – April Enos

  Trindolyn, Jocastin, Rohath – TinaSings

  Kovabel, Plukren – Scott Poe

  Alpin, Kemxandra, Tristofer – Charlotte Dixon

  Creedyn – Sallrw

  Cantreya, Jurin, Prixus – Clawra

  Samara, Timeki – Debbie Poole

  Sabriella – Liz Moss

  Bykram – Mark Berry

  Elva – Christina P.

  Rahygren, Krisken – Raymond Baker

  Graemlin – Andrew Dyer

  Zincoff, Neika – Nicki Jones

  Oricfed Galfodin – Freddy Gandolfi

  Bastion Delvehearth – Laura Matthews

  Waxrobbe – Bob Terry

  Trinidra – Brett Gable

  For those that submitted some names which weren’t used, rest assured they are still on my list of possible names which may show up in a future story! Thanks again for all the submissions!!


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