If you have any comments, please feel free to contact me at:- [email protected]
All of my books are written as a series, and are available as Omnibus Editions containing two books, or in two parts as Book One or Book Two.
Information on the Omnibus editions is given below, but almost all of my Book One editions are available for Free and can be found on Amazon or at
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For information on the other books I’ve written, just in case you might be interested (hint, hint!), please scroll down below.
But before I go, please may I wish you good luck with your writing!
When your book is published, please write to me and tell me – I would love to see it!
Lastly, if you have enjoyed this book and you have found it useful, please leave a review on Amazon, tell your friends about the book and feel welcome to write to me. I would love to hear from you!
Go to Table of Contents
Please look out for others books by IAN C.P. IRVINE on Amazon and see below:-
I Spy, I Saw Her Die
Say You're Sorry
The Assassin’s Gift
Haunted From Within
Haunted From Without
The Orlando File
The Sleeping Truth
Time Ship
London 2012: What If ?
The Messiah Conspiracy
Alexis Meets Wiziwam the Wizard
If you have any comments, please contact the author at:- [email protected]
To connect with Ian C.P.Irvine on Facebook, please go to: FACEBOOK
To connect with Ian C.P.Irvine on Twitter, connect with Ian at @IanCPIrvine
To keep up to date with other news, events and ebook releases, please visit the website at: www.iancpirvine.com or sign up to my mailing list at CLICK HERE.
If you have any comments, please contact the author at:- [email protected]
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