Barefoot Chaos (The Beach Squad Series Book 3)

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Barefoot Chaos (The Beach Squad Series Book 3) Page 12

by Marika Ray

  Sure, I'd play his game. The reward was worth it. "Please?" I looked up at him, begging with my eyes.

  He smirked. "It was the impeccable manners that got me. Just so you know."

  It was infuriating having your own snark tossed in your face, but I had a gorgeous erection in my face too, so I was willing to overlook it. Kai moved back within reach, letting me finally get my hands on him. I stroked down his length, the baby soft skin a delicious juxtaposition with the hardness underneath.

  My mouth opened, tongue snaking out to lick the tip. His taste filled my mouth, urging me to consume more. I held the base while I swirled my tongue over the head, thanking myself for indulging in every ice cream cone over the years. I'd indulged in plenty, as my hips would attest, and my mouth knew exactly what to do with the deliciousness offered up in the form of erection heaven. Kai moaned above me, letting me know he appreciated my ice cream cone skills as well.

  I'd barely started when he pulled out of my mouth with a loud hiss. I pouted my lips, probably looking exactly like a kid who'd dropped their cone. One minute delight, the next devastation.

  "Ladies first, remember?" Kai was breathing hard again, which made me feel slightly mollified. He reached down and pulled me up off the couch. "Jump up."

  My eyes about bugged out of my head. "Pardon?"

  "Jump up and put your legs around me. Let's take this into the bedroom where we have more room." He was pulling me into him, hands going under my arms in preparation for the jump that wasn't going to happen.

  "Um, no thank you. Let's ambulate instead." There was no way in hell I was jumping on the poor guy. I wanted him fully functioning, not crumbling under the weight of my previous ice cream indulgences. Lights on plus picking me up? Was he trying to hit on all my insecurities in one go?

  He tilted his head. "Seriously, Hessa? I carry fully grown men out of the ocean on a daily basis. You think I can't handle carrying you to your bedroom? You're like half my weight."

  I scoffed. "Hardly! We probably weigh the same, but that's beside the point. Why not walk since we have perfectly functioning legs?"

  "Are we seriously going to argue about this right now?" Kai pressed his body into mine, his erection reacquainting itself with my body. The reminder of that perfect appendage waiting to do wonderful things to me did make our argument seem a little silly.

  I sighed. Nothing for it. It had to be done.

  "Brace yourself."

  Kai laughed but caught me easily when I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. "See? I'll even reward you for trusting me again." His head bent and he sucked a nipple into his mouth, tongue driving me crazy. I couldn't help but grind up against his length, quickly finding the perfect spot for friction.

  We were moving, our exact whereabouts beyond my comprehension, but when string lights lit up the dark, I realized we'd reached my bedroom. I'd foregone the typical ceiling fan light or bedside lamp options, instead wanting dim mood lighting.

  Kai lifted his head away from my breast, taking in my room. "Nice lights."

  "Thanks. Better for reading on my tablet in bed." Reading myself to sleep was how I operated, even as a young child. Reading was the most enthralling, yet relaxing thing I could do to unwind each night. Last thing I wanted was a spotlight in my eye.

  "Sorry." Kai laid me back on the bed, following me down.

  I wrinkled my nose. "For what?" He didn't look particularly sorry about anything.

  "You won't be getting any reading done tonight."

  Then his mouth went back to my breasts, a hand finding its way between my legs. What he didn't know was that I wouldn't need my book boyfriend tonight when I had the real thing bringing the words to life.

  And that was the last coherent thought I had for awhile.

  Kai spent copious amounts of time on my lips and my breasts, just teasing the part of me that wanted him the most. We eventually rolled over, landing me on top of him, in a position to lead this make-out session. But Kai had other ideas.

  "Climb up here, legs on either side of my head, hands on the backboard," he barked.

  The fog I'd been in made it hard to comprehend what he wanted. I started crawling up his body, not yet realizing what position his instructions would put me in. It was as I was placing each knee over his shoulders that I discovered what his intentions were.

  A thrill ran through me even as I blushed fiery red.

  "Kai..." I wasn't sure about this.

  He looked up at me, burning me with his intensity. "Sit, woman." His hands grabbed my ass, pulling me down onto his face. My hands flew to the headboard to keep from falling over from the instant onslaught.

  He fucked like he kissed. Lips and tongue attacking, flicking, nothing off-limits. I only worried for a moment I was going to smother him. Then I couldn't stop my hips from bucking on his face, wanting more, needing release. My body told my manners to go to hell and they fled like the scared little pansies they were. I'd apologize later if I restricted his air. This was fucking hot, demanding the entirety of my attention.

  His tongue zeroed in on my clit, flicking relentlessly as he sucked it into his mouth. Then he rubbed his chin along my slit, his beard scruff scraping delightfully, before his soft tongue reappeared. My thighs shook, threatening to buckle when the orgasm hit. I gripped the headboard with all the strength I had, desperate to ride out the wave without actually smothering him with my entire body weight. Hard to do when you couldn't feel anything but white-hot pleasure between your legs.

  His mouth continued its assault, slowing the pace enough to allow me to survive. When the last tremor left my body, Kai grabbed my torso and tilted me over to lay back next to him on the bed. I was boneless, allowing him to situate me however he wanted.

  I used to play Raggedy Ann with my sister in the back of the car growing up. When my mom would turn, we'd flop to the side, crushing each other and invariably bursting into laughter at having no ability to hold ourselves upright.

  This was a markedly better version of Raggedy Ann.

  "What's so funny, gorgeous?" Kai was up on one elbow watching me giggle, which was cut off immediately at the sight of his wet chin.

  I was still on his face. Oh, Lordy. Cue the full body blush.

  "Do I even want to know what's going on in there?" Kai rapped his knuckles gently against the top of my head.

  "Prolly not," I answered, unable to form a full sentence quite yet. I reached over and wiped his chin, unable to stand it any longer. He just grinned and rolled back on top of me.

  This time when he kissed me, I tasted myself mixed with his own taste. It shouldn't have been a turn on, but it was, waking up parts of me that only moments ago thought they'd never recover. He took his time again, just playing and teasing. Not in any hurry to get to the main event, which left me happy but befuddled. Usually men were all about getting to the finish line as quickly as possible. What else was there?

  I didn't have to wonder long as Kai began to rub his cock against me, teasing me with just a taste of the friction I needed. I bucked my hips seeking him out, hoping to prolong the sensations spiraling out to the rest of my body with each pass. My hands gripped his back, pulling him to me tightly. His chest rubbed along my breasts, adding to the thrill. I closed my eyes. I was so close.

  Cold air hit me as Kai pushed away from me and climbed off the bed.

  "W-where are you going?" He couldn't leave me like this. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. Yes, I'd already had one orgasm, but I was discovering I was a greedy bitch.

  He reached down to the floor, giving me a view of the side of one sculpted glute muscle. I hadn't noticed how fine his backside was, so distracted was I by the impressive erection previously. As much as I wanted his body on top of me, pressing me into the bed, I also wanted to sit back and ogle him from afar. The boy was gorgeous. Long muscular legs, a tight ass, narrow hips, and wide shoulders. His skin was smooth and beautiful and the tan lines showed exactly where he wore his swim trunks at work.
  "Want me to pose?" His voice pulled my eyes back up to his smirking face. Guess he caught me gawking.

  "Yes, please." Why deny it?

  He chuckled and came back over to the foot of the bed. Without speaking, he grabbed my ankles and pushed my legs apart in one forceful move, leaving me exposed to his gaze. His face hardened and as his eyes settled on my nether regions, I felt a trickle leak down, giving him even more to see. At that sight he didn't waste time crawling up the bed to settle between my legs.

  I didn't think I'd ever been truly fucked before. Those interludes were too perfunctory and clinical to call fucking. I was guessing I'd finally be well and truly fucked before the night was over. My body clenched in anticipation, wanting it more than I ever thought I would.

  Condom on, Kai lifted my knees up and out, holding me open for him. I didn't have time to be embarrassed as he plunged forward, filling me to the hilt. I gasped, loving the fullness, realizing for the first time that I'd been missing this exact feeling my whole life.

  "Okay?" Kai was looking at me with concern.

  "Oh, yes," I managed to whisper back. I was the okay-est I'd ever been.

  The moment the words were out, he pulled back and thrust back in, setting a blistering pace. I reached behind me to the headboard and held on. This was nothing like I'd ever felt before. The sensations washing over my body were too strong, too forceful to be contained. My head thrashed back and forth on the pillow as I fought to control the impending explosion.

  "Give it to me, Ono." Kai's voice was just a hoarse whisper now, his control almost as gone as mine. His hand left my knee and flicked clumsily across my clit, just enough pressure to set me off again.

  I pressed my head back into the pillow and let the orgasm take me, not entirely sure I'd survive it. I was panting, eyes squeezed shut. Pops of color exploded across my eyelids and my nose went tingly.

  Kai kept thrusting before suddenly stopping, dropping his head to my shoulder and gripping the pillow under my head. His harsh moan filled my ears, bringing a smug smile to my face.

  He may have been the one thrusting, but I did that to him. I made him lose control. In my most vulnerable, naked state, I now felt the most powerful.



  I'm not sure what I expected from Hessa, but her ready ability to let go and give over to pleasure made me fall just a bit further into... Well, let’s just say 'like' for the time being. I wasn't ready to analyze that thought any further before I had a chance to talk to her about us and where she wanted things to go. I was certain where I wanted things to go and the mind-blowing sex was a huge step forward to my ultimate goal.

  When we woke up the next morning, she was pressed up against me, one leg sprawled across my hips, completely naked. All thoughts of sleep left as I took in her breasts, rising and falling gently as she slept peacefully. Her hand was dangerously close to touching my hard-on, which had experience a quick wake-up call.

  Instead, I laid there and watched her as she slept. It seemed her mind was constantly going: thinking, analyzing, and searching for the perfect word or witty exchange. At least in sleep, she looked calm and relaxed, getting a chance to shut that brain down and recharge.

  When she finally fluttered her eyes open, she looked confused at first, probably wondering who the warm body next to her belonged to.

  "Oh, hi," she whispered. She gave me a sleepy grin, snuggling closer, which did in fact, put her hand on my hard-on. She gasped, realizing the situation.

  "Good morning, beautiful. How'd you sleep?" My hand traveled down the length of her body, keeping her leg hooked over me, even as she tried to pull it back.

  "Mmm...very good, thank you." She rubbed her eyes and then rolled out of my arms to stand up by the bed. She grabbed a shirt on the nightstand and put it on, covering her delicious curves, much to my disappointment.

  "Where you going? Come back to bed." No school, no work. Why were we rushing to get out of bed?

  "No, thank you. I have a bunch of work to do today. Thanks for last night though." She wasn't even looking at me, instead rushing about the room grabbing clothes. If this was a brush-off, which it sure as hell felt like, I was going to be pissed. Guess we'd have to have that serious talk sooner rather than later.

  I also rolled out of bed and threw on my clothes, hurrying to catch up to her as she walked out of the bedroom. Anger and fear felt like a brick in my stomach as I followed her into the kitchen where she turned on the coffeepot. I'd finally found a woman I was interested in exploring a relationship with and she was giving me the brush-off. Was she not there last night? Did she not feel that instant connection from the very moment we laid eyes on each other?

  I spun her around, backing her into the counter, purposefully invading her personal space. If she was going to send me on my way, she'd have to do it with her body pressed against mine and my eyes trained on hers to catch the lie. Her breath hitched at the contact, the first sign she was more affected by me than she was willing to admit.

  "What gives, Hessa?"

  Her face turned pink and her eyes tried to dart away from my stare. "Nothing gives. I just have things to do. Last night was fun, but I gotta get a move on."

  "Fun? Last night was a lot of things, but even I could think of a lot more appropriate words before I landed on 'fun'. Last night was incredible, possibly life changing. So before you kick me out the door, we're going to talk about it. That okay by you?" I was trying hard to remember to breath in and out. Breathe in patience, breathe out anger.

  Her eyes flew back to my face, and I could feel her spine straightening, leaving her rigid against me. "Listen Kai, I really like you, but let's be realistic. We just aren't compatible, so the sooner we acknowledge that, the better. We had some fun, but this isn't something long-term, so why are you mad?"

  Well holy shit, she actually believed that bullshit. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I knew anything said in anger wouldn't help the situation, but this woman was testing my calm nature. What I knew more than anything was that she was running scared. I'd seen a few of my friends go through it and laughed at their distress at the time. Now I was thankful for the insight.

  When I had myself under control, I opened my eyes and cupped her face with my hands. Her eyes opened wide, unsure where I was going with this. I had her attention finally and I was going to make myself clear.

  "What I know, Hessa, is that we're so compatible you're scared out of your mind. We both want something long-term and that want is so intense you think you have to shut me out now before you get hurt, because it couldn't possibly work out. Well, guess what, Ono? I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to prove to you exactly how good we are together, both now and forever. So run if you'd like, but I'll chase you down. Mark my word."

  Then I kissed her quickly, released her, and went to grab my things. When I was on my way out the door, she still hadn't moved away from the counter, just staring out the kitchen window, deep in thought. I was hoping those thoughts would lead her to the same conclusion I had about our relationship, but if I knew Hessa, which I believed I did, it would take further convincing before she changed her stubborn mind.


  I went into school Monday morning, my stomach a mess of nerves about the day ahead of me and another feeling I couldn't put a name to. If I had to guess, it was a loathsome mix of sad, lonely, scared, and disappointed. I'd stayed busy all day Sunday in a vain attempt to keep my brain from analyzing where each of those emotions came from. I had a sneaking suspicion I was more than a little pissed off at myself, but chose to remain steadfast in my practicality and focus on my job instead.

  I had just entered the main hallway of the high school when the admin office door opened and our school secretary called me over. Her face didn't hold its normal cheer. When her eyes wouldn't meet mine as I got closer, I acknowledged this wasn't a good sign. I followed her through the maze of small meeting rooms till we got to the Principal's door. She opened it and gestured for me t
o go in.

  Mr. Brown was seated behind his desk, furiously pecking out an email. How a man could be the head of a school and still not know how to type properly was beyond me. He flung a hand out, which I guessed was an invitation to sit in one of the chairs in front of his desk. I had a seat, propped my bag exploding with the papers I'd graded over the weekend on the floor next to me and waited.

  My mind wandered and I began to do what I did anytime I was overwhelmed: I wrote a song. Nerves don't make for good song lyrics though and I'd barely gotten past 'Mr. Brown and his frown, Hessa's going down' when the man himself spun in his chair and folded his hands on his desk.

  I stifled the hysterical chuckle bubbling up in my throat and smoothed out my skirt with my sweaty palms.

  "Ms. Woodland. Thank you for coming in before class. I've spoken with our district's lawyers over the weekend and they've assured me that the information from the police department is consistent with your claim of innocence."

  He paused, giving me time to stab his beady, little eyes out with a sharp number two pencil, even if only in my imagination. My claim? Innocence? Was I on trial here and didn't know it? If the police had backed me up, it wasn't a 'claim' at all anymore, it was simply the truth.

  He cleared his throat and continued, oblivious to my seething anger beneath the surface. "Be that as it may, we've decided to cancel the Care Dare program after this year. We'll have an assembly today right before lunch and announce the cancellation of the program, along with information regarding Gabe Martinez to calm any rumors. I'd like you to also warn the students not to get involved with online daring games. We'll be a united front and demonstrate we take this incident seriously." He spun back to his computer, dismissing me before I'd had a chance to process his deplorable demands.

  I shook my head, wondering if he had any compassion at all. "What about Ms. Martinez? Gabe?"

  He turned his head to look back at me, his annoyance at my questions clear on his face. "What about them?"


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