The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) Page 5

by Andrew Wood

  Happy he had done everything he could, Danton joined the others back outside. "I think he is waking up," Zack told him. Danton walked over to check, and almost had the fright of his life as Maxim's eyes flickered open. His blue eyes almost sparkled such was the intensity of their colour. It was then Danton was certain of a theory he had been working on. Something had triggered the magical force inside Maxim to awaken, and now that had happened, it was imperative they teach him how to control it before it controlled Maxim.

  After Melia having a few problems getting her horse to go the direction she wanted, much to the amusement of Mikel, they set off back down the track. Zack trotted his horse, keeping his arms cradled around his new friend sat just in front of him. Maxim stirred and mumbled a few times, "Hey, It's okay. Everything will be fine," he kept telling him.

  As Zack was preoccupied with Maxim, it was left to Melia to tell Danton and Mikel, who decided he needed to know as well, about everything that had happened. She had decided however to leave the part out about who Zack really was. She was certain Danton was probably already aware, but thought the fewer that knew the better. She had decided to talk to Zack later in private if they got chance. She also needed to warn Danton of what Zack had told the soldiers in a bid to stop them searching the house. If those men took tales back that the nephew of the king, was responsible for harbouring a wanted criminal magician, then serious questions about the monarchy would be asked. What had started out as a lovely peaceful day, in a picturesque setting, had become a living nightmare.

  After telling them of Maxim's strange voice and even stranger looking eyes, she moved on to the part of the fire. "A shaft of intense flaming heat shot from his hand," she said still amazed at what she had witnessed. Mikel attempted to make some kind of witty comment but was told to be quiet by Danton. "The strangest part though was when I checked to see if he needed healing," she added still unsure as how best to describe her findings. She told them it was not like a normal body, where she could sense an area that needing her magic. "It was like nothing I have ever encountered...As if Maxim's entire body was pulsing and radiating some great energy."

  So much for them to learn, but for now Danton concentrated on the moment. They firstly needed to escape any soldiers that would likely be sent after them, and after turning onto the main road from the forest track, the small group turned south. They would have to ride until dusk before making camp, as towns would have to be avoided just in case word had gotten out to be on the lookout for a red haired teenager.

  It was that final thought that had Danton wondering once more about who Maxim's parents may have been. Ginger hair was not commonplace in Kothia or Bosaria. In fact, in his lifetime he could only think of perhaps two or three he had ever seen with a similar colour. He had enquired to one of their origins, and been told there were many people with such a colour in a country called Icenia. This was naturally a place of which he had never heard of, and so at the time had enquired to its whereabouts. Apparently, as far as he could tell, it was a nation thousands of miles to the north of Kothia across the Great Northern Sea. If Maxim was also from that place, how by the gods had he ended up in Woodhaven? Just another question to which he had no answer.

  Chapter 5.

  In Bosaria, its new leader was surveying his intake of magicians. He had already had them dressed in his new uniforms, especially created for them. Each was given a dark blue robe, now he needed to judge each of their powers, to delegate the colour belt he would give them. Gorius had devised the idea of issuing different colour belts, dependant on what magic his new intake had. Moreover, he also would give stripes to be placed upon their robes, depending on how powerful they were.

  He had not expected too much from this first batch of intakes, and although a little disappointed with the rabble stood before him, he was not overly so. He walked down the line of men and boys, the oldest being in his sixties down to the youngest of just thirteen. He stopped at each and could sense the magic within them, his own skills could only tell him if there was magic present and an idea of how much, not what skills they had.

  As it happened, some of the younger ones appeared more powerful than those in their later years. He questioned each in turn. He already had two who could create a light, and although useful in its own small way, was not going to win him any battles. He stopped at the youngest member of the group, a short boy, thin, with brown hair and eyes. Gorius could sense a modicum of power within, "What are your skills?" he asked not expecting much. Again, he was almost disappointed at the reply. "I can create images Sir," the lad said in a voice that had not yet fully broken.

  Gorius gestured for his young follower to show him. The lad stepped forward from the line, and after a good thirty seconds of mumbling, the image of a cat walked across in front of them. To the lad's credit, it looked as real as any cat, and Gorius, just to make sure it wasn't, moved his foot through where the vision was walking. Not overly outstanding he thought, but perhaps the young lad had potential with a little teaching.

  Unfortunately for the Bosarian leader, that was as good as things got. Only one other showed any skill of note, and that was a tall man in his twenties who could move small objects with his mind. The only problem was the largest thing he could move was no bigger than a walnut. Not wanting to feel too despondent, he allotted them their categories. This small group only numbered ten, but apparently, others were due in the next few days, as word spread further afield. He had always thought that perhaps the more powerful, would come from obscure out of the way places, where they had practiced their magic away from the prying eyes of the authorities.

  Before setting them any tasks, he needed to show them who was the most powerful, and naturally, that was himself. "I am your king," he told them all as he walked up and down the line. "You may think as wielders of magic, you need not follow my instructions. However, if you fail to do so, you will be punished...severely." He let the last word hang for a while before continuing. He needed someone to show what happened if they questioned his lead. Fortunately, one of the elder members of the group made his mind up for him.

  "We have shown you our magical abilities, and you have mocked most of us," the elderly man complained. "How do we even know you even have magic?" Gorius grinned at the man, "Indeed," he said staring hard at the doubter. The others watched on as the man suddenly stepped forward, and ran headlong straight into the nearest wall, knocking himself unconscious. "You see my friends," Gorius said with an air of authority, "I can control minds. I can make you do things. I can fill your mind with images of horror if I so wish or I can have you jump off a cliff." He paused a while, "Now any other doubters amongst us?" Clearly impressed he saw several of them shake their heads, and the others voice their understanding.

  To make sure his message hit home he then ordered two of his guards to hang the unconscious man still lying on the floor. "I have no time for people who question my power," he told the horrified group. Seeing one or two were probably thinking they had made a mistake in joining, he lightened the mood.

  He gave the signal, and a small elderly man shuffled from the side of the room. "This is Artur," Gorius introduced, "He will see you receive your pay. If you have any problems, speak with him directly. Each of you shall receive payment after each month's service to me. Please me and serve well and I shall see you are richly rewarded," he added attempting to concentrate now on the benefits of joining. Next, he introduced the second most powerful magician in the room. "This is Davan. He is to be your tutor in all things magic. He has the scrolls, books, and parchments, which may help you progress, and develop new skills."

  Davan was Gorius' ally, and the two had kept each other's magic secret since they had been mere boys. Davan had the ability to levitate not only other objects, but also himself, although he could only make himself hover some ten feet from the ground, but it was an impressive skill nonetheless. For now, his magical army was nothing more than a few conjurors in robes, but in the meantime, Gorius had also started recru
iting a more traditional type of army. He hoped that when the time came for him to conquer, the two would march in battle side by side. Using normal fighting techniques, backed up by the use of magic, would surely make him a leader to strike fear.

  His regular army was already a decent size, and expensive to maintain. He had always thought it foolish to have such a large force and not make use of it. Therefore, he had started making plans, and there were many places along his borders where he could make substantial gains. Kothia flanked his western border and had also outlawed magic. This would likely mean it vulnerable, if only he could find enough people to wield powers suitable for his needs. Those who could move objects with their mind, and those could control the minds of animals would be useful. Those who could harvest the energy of the world would be worth their weight in gold. If he could find just a few who could create shields of raw energy and release bursts of it at an enemy, he would almost unstoppable. The non-magical armies of his neighbours would crumble before him.

  His country also had a border with Lansia to his east and Algara to the south, with both of these countries being smaller than his own. Algara was sparsely populated and rich in ores, necessary for anybody wanting to wage wars. Its towns however were well fortified and would be difficult to defeat by an army without the aid of magic. Lansia lands were fertile, much like his own, and this country did not have a monarchy, and was run by an elected government. The method of leadership was all well and good as far as the day-to-day running of a country went. Gorius was aware though, that any decision made by such a method of leadership took time. Often several meetings had to be held to decide on a course of action.

  Lansia did however tolerate magicians, albeit in a small way. Anyone deemed too powerful, or potentially dangerous by a committee was put to death. This left the few remaining, little more than conjurers who could use tricks for entertaining. Its armies were not particularly large and few of its towns had any forms of defence. To all, it would appear Lansia was a soft target, and in truth most of it was. The capital city of Laverne however, was a vast fortified place with a massive castle at its centre; taking this would be almost impossible.

  Gorius had first decided to make raids against his neighbours. These would be done under cover of darkness, and done with men dressed as bandits. It was common knowledge groups of these raiders often pillaged and attacked small villages in most countries. He hoped using this guise, would have the forces of his neighbours moving from one place to the next, always chasing, but never finding. He hoped to cause civil unrest in their countries, and then strike when the time was right.

  After leaving his magicians to settle in, he returned to check on progress of his more traditional army. He had already inherited a sizable force from his predecessor, and had appointed himself two generals, who he hoped had similar aspirations to his own. He met one of them in the training yard, where his first two groups of raiders were preparing to depart. Well-armed and well provisioned, they would both go to the western border, and start wreaking havoc around its neighbour's smaller settlements.

  Happy everything was under control, Gorius made his way back to the rather plain looking royal residence. He climbed the stone steps leading up to the large double doors, as one of the guards on duty duly opened them to allow him to pass. The hallway was well presented. A tiled floor with a mosaic pattern at its centre would give any visitor the impression of grandeur. Sadly, that was as grand as things got. Naturally, many of the rooms within were large, clean and well furnished, but as far as he was concerned, they all lacked that certain something, which should place a royal residence above all others.

  After ordering one of his staff to bring him food and drink to his study, he headed off up the wide wooden staircase. On the next floor were the royal offices, and after walking down the rather plain looking corridor, he entered his office. This room at least showed some opulence. His desk and chair had gold gilt upon them and the fireplace was so huge he could stand up in it if he so wished.

  Upon the highly polished desktop lay a detailed plan of his neighbour Kothia, and circled in red were the border areas he was hoping to pillage. This was to be the first move of aggression in his plan for domination, although it was not however his first move against Kothia. Several years ago, he had been fortunate to discover a cache of old magical items. Using his and Davan’s ability to detect magic, he had quite by accident, been drawn to a rundown old shack in the nearby woods where he used to reside. Naturally, he had been left with no choice but to keep the find quiet.

  Aside from several old books and scrolls, there had been a considerable number of magical items. Some of which were suited to his very skills. He had discovered a set of two rings and inside the small wooden box in which they had been placed, were also the instructions for their use and purpose. It was almost as if they had been made for his skill set, and that he was meant to find them. Now he was king, he was able to put the items into use, without fear of being executed.

  After following the instructions carefully, he then needed to make sure the person he needed to influence, got one of the rings. He was to keep the other, which he did, keeping it on his right forefinger. The other he had sent to a man known for his greed, who as it happened was also a government official in Kothia. After paying a great deal of gold to see that the ring was hand delivered, he needed only to wait for the man to place the ring on his finger. With it being made from gold and set with several precious stones, Gorius knew the man in question would not resist wearing it. Once he had done so, then the link was made. The magic in the ring instantly compelled the wearer never to remove it unless ordered to do so. Moreover, it gave Gorius a voice in the very government he was trying to bring down.

  Even in the short time he had been in control of the man's mind, he had been able to scupper several of the Kothian Government's plans for change. These were nothing more than minor changes to existing laws, but still gave an example of how this one man he had chosen, could influence an entire system. As an added bonus, Gorius was also privy to information within his enemy's command structure. This was something he had not even considered, but was proving very valuable.

  Through the connection with the ring, he had earlier that day learned of an incident. Apparently, in a town called Woodhaven a soldier had been burned alive by a wielder of magic. Gorius was wise enough to know that only a very powerful magician could wield the power of the elements, but if reports were to be believed, this magician was no more than a teenage boy. If Gorius could find him before the Kothians, then he should easily be able to control the mind of the youth in question. If he could do that, then he would likely have the weapon he needed. If he could control such a weapon, he would surely be almost invincible.

  Browsing over the map, he found the town in question, although situated as it was in the central part of Kothia, did not help him. This ultimately meant the boy could have gone any direction. Surely the boy would avoid going north he thought, as that would take him nearer to the capital and ultimately, closer to populated areas with soldiers. He tried to think of the times he had been forced to move on, when he had been suspected of magic when he was younger. It only took a few rumours to start and people to point fingers. He had seen innocent people with absolutely no magical ability be put to death, over mere rumour and hearsay.

  Just as he was thinking, finding the boy was going to be near impossible, he thought to check on the latest happenings via his connection through the ring. He closed his eyes and concentrated. The man he controlled was in a meeting; an emergency meeting about the very incident in question. Apparently, the boy had been hiding in a nearby forest, where he had attacked a small group of soldiers.

  'Hunt the boy down at all costs' Gorius sent to the man under his control. 'The boy must be captured alive' he followed up. He could hear the others in the room question the words when this lackey had spoken them. If he could get the Kothians to capture the boy, that would prove just as useful. Although it was clear, the oth
er members of the government wanted him executed.

  Gorius also learned two other useful pieces of information from the link, before resuming his attention to the map on his desk. The boy was clearly moving south. Moreover, he was not alone, and if reports were true, he was travelling with a member of the royal family. This news was almost too good to be true. He just needed to think of the best way to act upon it, to insure maximum impact.

  He ran his finger over the map, in which the reported incidents had taken place. The only way he would get to one of the southern towns before any Kothian would be to use somebody with the skill of teleportation. This was something he currently did not have. Under normal circumstances, those with that power would only be able to transport themselves, and then only a matter of several hundred yards. He had however acquired an artefact that would enable a powerful magician, to transport several people over enormous distances.

  This artefact looked a little like an old doorframe. It had been his lifelong friend and ally Davan who had discovered it. Unfortunately, despite knowing what it was and what it was capable of doing, they could not use it; for now, he would have to send people the normal way. The small group of men he was sending were supposedly the best available. They travelled fast and light, although with no way of telling them exactly where the target maybe, they would have to find out themselves when they crossed the border. The only feasible way he could come up with taking the boy alive should they manage to find him, was by drugging him. Surely if his target was unconscious then he would be unable to be a threat. Once they got the boy back, he could then use his own abilities to control his mind.


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