The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) Page 8

by Andrew Wood

  After an hour or so riding, it was clear to Mikel, Maxim was not going to fall off, and begrudgingly he handed his only silver coin over to Zack. "Here..." he said sulkily.

  "Perhaps in future Mikel you will not be so keen to judge others," he said with a certain arrogance to his tone.

  Zack looked at the coin in the gloved hand of the older boy. "Keep it, just promise me you'll stop being mean to Maxim," he said trotting his horse forward a little away from Mikel.

  Mikel did not need offering twice, as he quickly withdrew his hand in, and replaced the precious coin back in his purse, amongst the few coppers he had in there. Melia trotted up beside him, "You deserve everything you get," she said. "It is a pity you are not as kind and generous as Zack," she added lifting her head up all snootily. Mikel just shook his head, what was it with everybody?

  Danton rode at the rear of the group, watching how they reacted to each other. He could already tell Zack had taken an instant liking to Maxim, but it was Melia and Mikel's behaviour that had probably changed most since Maxim's arrival. Just in that short space of time, he thought how less confident the older boy had become, as if he was no longer the main attraction, and was slowly alienating himself from the others. Melia had always shown an interest in Mikel, but since Maxim's arrival, that appeared no longer the case. If Danton was not mistaken, her eyes were now firmly fixed on Zack, something he was certain was not going to be reciprocated. Although he could not understand what had happened for the change to take place so quickly.

  Danton trotted forward a little so his horse moved alongside that of Mikels. The pace they travelled was not particularly fast, the track itself saw to that. The wagon leading them lumbered along, creaking and rattling every time it hit a rut; and there were plenty here to hit. Despite the sun's appearance in the almost clear sky, it remained bitterly cold, "Will we take much longer getting to Pitford?" Mikel said keeping his eyes front.

  "I'm not sure," Danton replied, "I do not know the route we are going."

  "This means we are going to have to camp out tonight doesn't it?" the youngster asked.

  Danton had thought the same thing a little earlier, "Yes probably. I must confess I am not looking forward to it either."

  After a short silence, Mikel spoke again, "Makes you wonder how Maxim could ever have survived living in such conditions," he said sounding very philosophical. If Danton was not mistaken, he could almost detect a touch of admiration in those words. "He certainly already is an amazing young man, and the potential is there for him to be a great one," Danton eventually replied. Just as he thought the conversation had ended there, Mikel diverted topic.

  "Why does Melia no longer like me? Before Maxim came along, I thought she did...Now...well I guess she thinks he's some kind of god...," he let the sentence drop. Danton looked over to the crest fallen young man.

  "I am certain Maxim is not the target of her affections Mikel," he said trying to sound like he was giving good advice. "Besides which, you appear to be pushing her further away with your remarks and comments."

  Danton heard Mikel sigh heavily, before saying, "I don't know why I say half the stuff I do...It just sort of comes out."

  "Well, perhaps try being nicer to Maxim and Zack, and Melia will see the side to you she liked before," he replied.

  By early afternoon, Stanton pulled his wagon to a stop, before he stood up and looked down at the river running parallel to their position. He pointed to an area where the river narrowed slightly, "We cross there," he shouted back to the others. He also warned them to take the horses in slowly, so that the sudden chill of the water does not kill them. "Stick to where I go, and we'll be across in the bat of an eye. Don't veer off...," he warned as he started turning his wagon to make his approach into the water.

  The two horses pulling the wagon were clearly uncertain of venturing forth into the chilly waters, as Maxim patted Mist and trotted forward beside them. He leant over and did likewise to the uneasy looking creatures at the water's edge. The others watched on as without further instruction they slowly submerged themselves pulling the wagon in behind. The water went up as high as the underbelly of the horses but no further, and Maxim followed behind as if it were an everyday thing to do.

  The others just looked in awe, "This is another one of those moments isn't it?" Mikel asked over to Danton, who was as clearly surprised as the others.

  "I think so," he replied nudging his horse forward.

  Mikel just shrugged and followed, although he was glad he had the taller horse, else his boots might get wet.

  Once on the other side, Stanton dropped down from the wagon, and rummaged around under one of the covers. He pulled out a couple of large pieces of towelling, "Best rub the cold water off the horses," he said passing one up to Maxim. "Thank you," the youngster said, gingerly stepping down from Mist.

  Maxim had never had a horse before, but thought what amazing creatures they were, as Mist stood perfectly for him, as he rubbed her vigorously with the cloth. He turned his head to see the others emerge from the cold waters behind him, and gave them a smile before handing the cloth he had used, to Zack. His friend's horse was not quite so understanding as his, as it fidgeted around constantly. "She's not happy about you not asking her Zack," Maxim said, "Although she will forgive you because she likes you," he added before remounting Mist and trotting away slightly.

  With the River Fyle finally crossed, at least now they could head the direction they needed, although just how many days they still had to travel before getting to their destination, was as yet, unknown. As they left the slow lumbering waters of the river behind, they joined a narrow track. Once more, it was heavily rutted, barely wide enough for the wagon, and the further they travelled the more wooded the area around them became.

  "Do you know where we are?" Zack asked Danton.

  "Not a clue," he replied.

  "I hope Stanton does."

  "He seems to know least that's the impression he is giving."

  Zack thought this as good a time as any to tell Danton what he had done back at the cottage. As it happened it had not worked, but he had tried to order the soldiers away. By doing so, he had revealed his true identity. Now it played on his mind, that perhaps his actions would have consequences for his uncle, "Who else knows?" Danton asked.

  "Just Melia I think. I don't think Maxim heard me, unless she has told Mikel," Zack replied.

  "No I don't think she has," Danton said thoughtfully. Strangely, it was not the position of the king being accused of having magic in the family that first came to mind. Instead, he now realised why Melia was suddenly much more interested in a younger boy, she had barely, as much acknowledged before Maxim's arrival. Was it the thought that Zack was a member of the royal family, which had suddenly drawn her to him?

  Realising Zack was probably waiting for some kind of reassurance; he tried to think of a suitable response. "Your uncle is already risking much by having us at Pitford. I am certain a few rumours about his nephew will not burden him too greatly," he eventually said. Although if he were truthful to himself, it was probably an extra burden, the king could do without. Danton was more than aware of the problems surrounding the power struggle, between the monarchy and the government. Such information, would likely be used to blackmail further powers from the throne.

  As the sun started disappearing below the horizon, the temperature started dropping still further, and the group needed to find a good place to camp for the night. Although the mere thought of spending it out in the open, was not appealing to any of them.

  As the last light of day faded away, Stanton pulled the wagon to a halt. Just off the side of the track lay a ruined building. It had no roof, but parts of the wall still remained, as did the stone fireplace along one of the walls. "There used to be an inn here many years ago. When I was just a boy, my pappy and I used to stop here from time to time," Stanton told them as he gingerly climbed down from the wagon.

  "Hope it was in better condition ba
ck then," Mikel quipped.

  "Something tells me it probably wasn't," Zack replied for once agreeing with him.

  Aileen soon had them doing chores. Stanton and Danton were to put up some kind of canvas sheeting for them to sleep in, tying one end to the wall and the other to the wagon, with a second sheet on the ground, this would at least keep the damp away. Aileen had Mikel and Melia soon collecting firewood, whilst Zack and Maxim were sent to collect water from a stream that flowed just a short walk away.

  With the appearance of the moon and the twinkling of the stars in the clear sky, it was sure to be another cold night ahead. Zack found the footing a little slippery underfoot as they neared the water's edge, "Careful Zack," Maxim said as he watched his friend lower the bucket he was carrying, into the brisk but shallow water. With one bucket filled, he passed it up to Maxim, who handed him the second.

  With two buckets of water to carry, the two made their way back to the others, "How are you feeling now Max...I can call you Max...Is that okay?" Maxim stopped and thought for a moment. "Sure...I can live with that," he said trying the shorter version of his name for himself. "I am feeling much better, thank you for asking Zack," he added realising he had not answered the main question.

  "We can practice some reading again later, if you wanted to that is," Zack said waiting for Maxim to catch up again.

  "Thank you I would like that very much. You have been so very kind to me Zack," Maxim said smiling, although he was not sure whether Zack could actually see his face, but he felt the need to anyway.

  By the time they reached the others, Aileen had already gotten a fire burning in the hearth of the ruins, and she also had several pans sat upon a rack above the flames. "Ah here is my water...quickly," she said gesturing them nearer. "We all want to eat," she added hastily taking one of the buckets.

  The other bucket was taken for the horses. Surprisingly, Mikel had been the one who had already removed the saddles from his, Zack's and Maxim's horses. "I've brushed yours down Zack, just finishing yours now Maxim," the older boy shouted over to them as he saw them approach. Melia was doing the same for Danton's horse, having already brushed her own. Stanton had told them there was a bag of feed for the horses on the wagon, which he would bring over when camp was set up. "That man seems to have thought of everything," Melia said with chuckle. "Aye and to think he's travelling light," Mikel quipped.

  Zack watched on, as Maxim went over to Mist, as the horse immediately seemed to recognise him. "Thank you for carrying me so far today Mist," he heard Maxim say to his horse. The creature nodded its head as Maxim stroked its neck, "I hope you'll be warm enough tonight. Stanton has some horse blankets for you all." Zack watched the strange behaviour, not quite certain what to make of it. Something he had seen Maxim do earlier that day also had him puzzled, when they had crossed the river.

  When he thought nobody else was looking or listening Zack stood beside his horse, "Thank you," he whispered patting it on the neck as he had seen Maxim do. He wasn't sure whether the horse understood him, but he certainly felt foolish for trying to talk to it all the same.

  After a short wait, Aileen eventually told them supper was ready. "Who's first then?" she shouted to them. Mikel stood to go bounding forward, but paused, "Melia, after you," he said in a very un-Mikel like fashion. "Thank you Mikel," she said looking at him strangely. "I think somebody is trying to impress the girl," Zack whispered over to Maxim.

  Supper consisted of a thick stew, made from thick chunks of vegetables and some beef Aileen had brought along. It not only tasted delicious, it also had the desired effect of warming them up. As they sat down to eat, Stanton suggested they would need to keep one person as a look out, "A lot of bears and wolves around these parts," he said, and as much as I like animals, I wouldn't fancy waking up to find one had eaten its way through our supplies, or taken a fancy to one of our horses."

  Using a small orb of light created by Danton, Zack sat huddled beside Maxim. In his hands, he held a book, and little by little, they went through the words together. Maxim tried first, and Zack corrected him if he said them wrong. There were certain words Maxim seemed to recognise quicker than others, and Zack thought, that considering they had only had a couple of lessons, his pupil was doing very well. As Maxim could already write his name, he thought perhaps when they got to Pitford he would teach him how to write other peoples.

  Chapter 9.

  After a cold and very uncomfortable night, Mikel was last on watch duty. In an effort to try to keep warm, he paced around quickly, stamping his feet on the cold ground as he went. The fire in the hearth had died down, so he thought it best to gather some more wood. He thought he heard the horses a little restless, so decided to investigate. After checking they were okay, and with his arms laden with suitable sticks for burning, he turned suddenly at a noise behind him.

  A lone dire wolf, making a low snarling noise, emerged from between the trees, and with its teeth showing, it slowly crept nearer. The creature was much bigger than he ever thought a wolf could be. Mikel knew not to panic when in such a position, and slowly stepped backward. "Nice doggy," he said trying to remain calm. The wolf crept nearer, and did so quicker than he was moving backwards. Without any weapon at hand, he concentrated harder than he had ever done before. Focusing his will on one of the smaller stones that lay around his feet, he used the magic to launch it at the wolf.

  Feeling very smug with his efforts, he watched on as the small missile hit the wolf in the flank. It yelped loudly and stopped in its tracks. The creature however was not put off by the blow, and if anything the wolf appeared even more viscous than before, at it snarled even louder than before. The beast closed the gap quickly between them, and Mikel was thinking he was about to be savagely bitten.

  He heard another noise from behind him, and thought a second beast had circled around his back. He felt something on his shoulder and flinched, dropping the sticks, he panicked and turned to run. Despite knowing it was the worst thing to possibly do, he did it anyway. He turned straight into Maxim who was stood behind, "Run Maxim...there's a bloody wolf..." he gasped.

  Maxim grabbed his arm, "Don't run," he said calmly. For whatever reason Mikel did as the younger boy suggested. He did not know why standing between a younger boy and a dirty great dire wolf was the right thing to do, but somehow he felt okay doing it. He turned his head to see the wolf crouching, as if ready to pounce, when Maxim stepped forward with his hand out.

  Mikel witnessed what he could only describe as an amazing sight, as Maxim slowly walked right up to the wolf. The creature relaxed from its crouched position, and stopped showing its huge fangs. The dark haired wolf stood still, its head almost as high Maxim's chest. "He is just hungry," Maxim said casually. Mikel just nodded, "That's what was worrying me..." he replied completely dumbfounded.

  Maxim suggested Mikel go see if there was any meat left in the wagon. Mikel did not argue, and quickly scampered back to fetch some. As he went, he could feel his heart pounding so hard, he thought it might burst from his chest. He found what he was looking for inside a parcel wrapped with brown paper, where inside was a large thick cut of beef. If it meant him having to eat vegetable stew for supper that night, then so be it. He quickly and as quietly as he could, returned to find Maxim standing beside the creature. Not only was he stood beside a beast capable of tearing his throat out, he was stroking it behind its ears, as one might a playful puppy.

  Mikel went to hand Maxim the meat, "You should give it to him," the youngster suggested. "Think of it as an apology for hitting him with that stone," he added. Mikel just nodded. How by the gods did Maxim know he had hit the wolf with a stone? Logic told him to stop thinking too much; it was obvious that the youngster must have seen him do it.

  Mikel gingerly lifted his hand forward, holding the large piece of meat on the edge, just in case the wolf decided it wanted his fingers as well. The creature carefully took the meat from his trembling hand. Maxim smiled at him, "I think you two will make good fri
ends," he said. The wolf placed the meat on the ground, and stepped forward towards Mikel. "Don't be scared," Maxim told him, "He just wants to be friends. Hold your hand out again."

  Mikel paused, but again did as Maxim asked. He could barely look as the large jaws of the wolf neared his hand. His eyes squinted closed; he could not look, as he felt a warm, wet, kind of roughness brush his skin. He opened his eyes to see the wolf licking his hand. "There, see you two are getting on well," Maxim added, "I'll leave you in peace, while I take this firewood back." Mikel looked at Maxim, "Don't leave me alone with it...please," he asked in desperation. Maxim placed a calming hand on the older boy’s shoulder. "He won't hurt you...he likes you," he said as he bent down to pick up the sticks dropped by Mikel.


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