The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) Page 10

by Andrew Wood

  He spent the last hour or so of his watch, sitting on a fallen log. As the world around him started lighting up, he got up and moved towards the fire in the centre of camp, rubbing his hands together near the flame, he shivered with cold. He was eagerly awaiting Maxim to get up, so he could tell him that the wolf had returned. Not only that, but the creature had also saved him from a mauling by another wolf.

  Whilst he waited, he could not help but watch Melia sleeping. Wrapped as tightly in her blanket as anybody possible could, he watched the mist of her breath exhale each time she breathed. When she stirred, he suddenly looked away, and quickly started placing more wood to burn on the fire.

  Within the hour, everybody was awake and having breakfast, and once more, this consisted of porridge. There was also a mug of sweetened tea as well, which Mikel held with both hands wrapped around absorbing the heat. He looked over to Maxim, and when the young red head looked back, he cast him a smile. Such a strange young lad he thought, yet somehow, amazing, was the only word he could think of.

  Once packed away, it was left for Danton to douse the fire. Stanton had told them, if the gods were willing, they might even make the castle of Pitford that very afternoon. That remark had everyone in high spirits, although the thought of meeting other magicians, also came with a touch of nervousness. This small group had bonded well together, and Mikel wondered whether they would all go their separate ways once they arrived. Maxim would obviously be treated as a special case, but did that mean that when they got to Pitford, he would not see the youngster anymore? He thought that would be a pity, as he had only just got to like him.

  Mikel kept looking into the tree line as they rode, hoping by chance to see the wolf that had saved him. He hoped the creature was still following them, somewhere out of sight. When they got to Pitford, he would see if he could find something else for him to eat. He did not have a lot of money to buy meat, so maybe would have to come up with a way of capturing rabbits. Did they even have shops in Pitford? He thought. If truth were told, he had no idea what to expect from the place. All he knew was that it was apparently a safe haven, and place of learning for magicians.

  He had earlier told Maxim about the wolf, and the youngster seemed genuinely happy for him. When he had asked about using magic to link with the creature, Maxim had not really given him a straight answer. "You will know when," was all he had said. Mikel grinned at the thought, of him now taking advice off a lad nearly four years younger than he was. Yet, that lad somehow seemed so learned, for one so young.

  Mikel had thought perhaps that if he were to make a link with an animal he should choose his horse. Treader as he had called him, appeared to be okay and they got on well, yet something niggled in the back of his mind not to. As he trotted along, he continued reading the book Maxim had given him, it was difficult to make out which pieces were just referring to general points, and which to magical ones, although the scribbles by the author helped; if only he or she could have written a little more clearly.

  Mikel had never thought his magical abilities would stretch to animals. He had always assumed that moving small objects with his mind would be his limitation, yet the more he read on the subject, the more interested he became. Perhaps, he thought, that they might have hundreds of books at Pitford. If it was indeed a place where magicians were taught, then surely that was a must. He thought further; tutors, they must have those as well. Although, when he had been to school as a young boy, he had hated every minute of it, yet the thought of being taught magical skills however, seemed quite enticing.

  Stanton had suggested they not bother stopping again, after their mid-morning break. It would hardly be worth it he had told them, as Pitford would be just around the next corner he had said. Mikel was wondering just how many 'next corners' that there were going to be. It was definitely after noon, and there was still no sign of the place.

  "You think he actually knows where he's going," Melia said trotting her horse up beside him.

  He smiled at her, thinking this had been the first time for a while she had taken the effort to talk to him first. Trying not to spoil it, and to show her he was not a complete idiot all the time, he thought about his words first before speaking them. "I am sure he does, although I'm beginning to think he only knows the scenic route," he added, hoping it sounded okay.

  Melia chuckled, "I think you're right. I'm not even certain this can be called a road," she said waving down at the grass-covered track they were travelling along.

  "More a field than a road, I'd say," he replied retaining the smile.

  Eventually they all looked up as Stanton pointed off in the distance. "There it is," he shouted. "Pitford Castle or at least what's left of it," he added. Even from a distance, it was clear to see the outer walls were in a state of disrepair. "It's not all bad," Danton told them. "We just don't have the man power to repair it all. There are some area's better than others. Besides which there are reasons for it looking like this."

  As they all neared, he told them that due to the nature of the occupants, there was even a small garrison of soldiers kept here. In the castle grounds, which spanned some considerable area, were rows of homes. These were not for the magicians, but for the people who worked there. All the magicians, both pupils and tutors all resided in the central keep. The youngsters usually shared two or three to a room, although the older pupils were allowed their own rooms. "It's not a bad place really," Danton concluded, deciding it better for them to discover for themselves when they got there.

  There was an air of uncertainty amongst the younger members of the group, as they continued the narrow track leading up to the outer wall of the castle grounds. What had once been the town of Pitford still lay mostly in ruins. Having been all but destroyed in the last war, it had been completely abandoned until given to the magicians by the king. A few of the buildings were now little more than stone footings left in the ground, with long grasses growing within.

  Danton had explained that only the castle and keep were actually made use of at the current time. Although, sometime in the future, as their numbers grew, perhaps one day, the lands around would also be needed. Some of it was currently being put to use, as pasture and arable lands, to help supply the necessary food for those living there.

  As they approached the outer wall, Mikel enquired as to how such a barrier was overcome during the war. "Magic, my friend," Danton told him. "Stone walls may be a good barrier against an army of normal means, but for a powerful magician, it is little more than an inconvenience." They did notice that despite the outer wall being damaged, it still had guards positioned around it.

  Two of those guards stepped across the track leading to the gatehouse, and Stanton had little option but to pull his wagon to a halt. "Bloody fool," he grumbled, "I'll damn well run you down next time."

  "What is your purpose here?" the guard asked slowly walking around the side of the wagon.

  "It's okay," Danton shouted ahead, trotting his horse nearer the front. "They are all with me. I am Danton Brimley. I am returning with some new recruits," he added pulling his horse to a halt."

  The guard looked up at him, "Right you are Sir," he said, before the man turned to his colleague, "Let them pass," he shouted.

  With the guard out of the way, Stanton cast him a stare as he passed by guiding the wagon moved through the gateway. The horse’s hooves echoed as they passed underneath the arch that led them inside the walls. Danton leaned over, "I will find accommodation for you both, but I must deal with the others first," he said, hoping they did not mind being left aside. Aileen waved a hand, "We'll be fine Danton, do what you must."

  "Aye, perhaps point us to an inn," Stanton said more in hope than anything else.

  "There are a couple. One down that way, the other down that way," he gestured with his hands. "Although I'm not sure how good they are, I have never used them myself."

  Stanton did not hang around; he was already moving his wagon off down the street as the last of the words still r
ang fresh in their ears.

  The younger members of the group followed Danton down the main street, where there were several rows of houses, even a couple of stores. People stopped and stared as they trotted slowly by, but whether it was because they were looking at unfamiliar faces, or just curious of who was passing by, Melia was unsure. She smiled at a few, as she rode just the same.

  The outer wall may have been in a bad shape, but the inner wall around the keep and its buildings seemed perfectly intact. After passing across what looked like a market square, or at least what had been one once, they were once more stopped by guards. The entrance into the keep yard was more heavily guarded than the outer gate, and once more Danton explained who he and his companions were, and once more, they were allowed to proceed.

  Inside the inner wall, they were immediately surprised at just how big the central keep building was. This had been added to, and had several other newer structures constructed beside it. "We tried to keep everything under one roof," Danton explained to them. Mikel noted several small groups of younger people looking at them, whilst talking amongst themselves. "Don't worry, they are probably just discussing what powers you may or may not have," Danton said noticing them. "They're in for a shock when they meet Maxim then," Mikel said light-heartedly.

  "They certainly are," Zack added.

  As they pulled up near the huge main doors to the keep, Danton dismounted, and not sure what they should be doing, the four youngsters did likewise. Maxim patted Mist on the neck, and whispered his thanks to her, before Zack did likewise to his horse, hoping no one was watching him. Three men approached them from across the yard, "Ah Danton, good to see you're back safely," one of them said taking the reins of his horse, before the other two men with him took the reins of the others.

  Danton led them up the stone steps towards the main door, and once through and inside, it led to a rather impressive looking entrance. Again, several small groups of youngsters, as well as a few older people wearing robes went about their business. Each however, cast them a curious glance as they passed by.

  Danton told them he would give them a guided tour later. For now, he needed to get them enrolled and allocated rooms. Mikel enquired whether they would all share a room together, but Danton shook his head, "No, girls and boys sleep in separate quarters," he told them. Melia scoffed, "Well that's no fun is it?"

  "You three lads can share a room if you wish? I was not sure whether you wanted to," he aimed the question at the older boy.

  Mikel, a day or two ago, would have said straight away that there would be no way he would share with Zack and Maxim. Now however, things had changed. He had changed, he thought, and now he could think of nothing he would like more. "If it is okay with Zack and Maxim, I would like to share with them," he said surprising the group.

  Maxim smiled, "I don't mind. It would be good to help us settle in if we stayed together."

  Zack nodded, although deep down he had hoped Mikel would not share. He had hoped just Maxim and he would have shared a room, however, he guessed it was not to be, so agreed as well.

  "Well that will make my job a little easier. Come on then, let us get you sorted out," he said walking off to the left. The others followed, like lambs might do their mother. They walked down a corridor, there were doors left and right of them, and here and there, a random painting on the wall, where somebody had at least made an effort to brighten the place up a little. Other than that, the floor was plain tiles, and walls grey stone.

  After taking another left turn and then a right, Danton stopped outside a door. Upon the dark timber was a brass nameplate affixed upon it. 'Ramon' the plate read. "This is the office of Ramon. He is the man in charge of everything we do here. Refer to him as Sir if you speak. Please be polite, he does not tolerate rudeness," Danton told them, glancing more Mikel's direction.

  "Why did you look at me when you said that?" the youngster asked all innocently.

  Danton just gave a wry smile, "Come on."

  After knocking, they heard a voice from within telling them to enter, before Danton pushed the door open and stepped inside. The others followed behind. Melia looked around the office, and thought it quite plain and bland considering this man was in charge. She had thought any leader would have himself a little elegance at least. The furniture was all plain, and aside from a rug beside the small fireplace, and a few pictures on the wall the rest of it was too.

  A robed man stood. Probably in his fifties, with a neatly trimmed beard, that showed more than a few signs of grey, and was quite tall and slim. "Ah Danton good to see you back in one piece," the man said in a deep voice.

  "Good to be back Sir," Danton replied.

  "Now let us see what you have brought us this time," the man said, stepping from behind his desk.

  Mikel, Melia, Zack and Maxim stood in a line. With their hoods lowered one stood out amongst the others, yet despite the red hair of Maxim making him different, Ramon went to Melia first. He leaned down a little, looking her in the eye. "Hello my dear," he said warmly. "Welcome to Pitford...Ahh a healer...of some potential" he added as he touched his finger on Melia's forehead.

  He moved along to Mikel, and after offering him the same greeting, he touched his forehead. "Hmm, a few skills here, only time will tell which comes to the fore," Ramon said with a smile. Mikel was a little disappointed he had not told him which his main skill was; recent events had made him doubt his own abilities. Zack was next, and after he revealed the youngster a teleporter of great power, he moved on to Maxim.

  He stood before the young lad, "I do not need to touch your forehead to know. I have seen your potential Maxim," the man said, seemingly knowing his name even though it had not been said. With a serious look upon his face Ramon spoke again, "Although your power is greater than any I have ever known, your path is not so clear. I only see the destruction of which you are capable. If I had any sense I would kill you here and now, before you could destroy us all..."

  "You lay one bloody finger on him, and I'll have your head," Zack jumped to his defence. The young royal was clearly upset, taking Ramon's words as a threat.

  "Yes and so will I you stupid old fart. Maxim is one of us, you threaten him, you threaten us all," Mikel said, being unusually brave and loyal.

  Danton stood there with his face in his palms; could the first meeting have gone any worse? Threatening his life and calling the head of Pitford 'A stupid old fart'. What were they doing? During this time, Maxim just stood there, looking at Ramon. The man looked away, firstly at Zack, then at Mikel, as there was an awkward silence, before Ramon laughed.

  "See that Danton," Ramon said looking at the man cringing at the youngster’s behaviour. "Loyalty, friendship," he said turning his back on them and walking back towards his desk. "These two young men have known Maxim for what...three or four days? In that time a boy from the streets, already has the full respect of this one," he pointed to Mikel. "Even more incredulous, he also has the full devotion of a man of royalty," he added gesturing to Zack.

  Mikel was stunned, "Did you know?" he whispered to Melia. She nodded, "Bloody hell and there was me calling him names...why didn't you tell me?" he added before being nudged to hush by Danton. Ramon stepped back towards them, "You did not reveal your status to Maxim?" he asked Zack.

  "I did not Sir," the young royal replied.

  "Yet I bet you he knew. Am I right Maxim?" Ramon asked facing him.

  Maxim nodded, "Yes Sir. I knew, Zack would have told me when he was ready too. I understand the dilemma he must face. The more people know he has magic, and a royal, the greater danger for his family and the monarchy," he added, sounding far wiser than his years.

  "Bloody hell did everyone know, except me?" Mikel uttered under his breath, before receiving another prod from Danton. Ramon stood and faced Maxim once more. "I said I should probably kill you, I did not say I would. Your destiny is your own Maxim. Like I said, I can only see the destruction of which you are capable, and not the path you take." He p
aused a while letting those words sink in. "However, keep your friends close Maxim, very close. For there are those who would see you used as a weapon of mass devastation," he added.

  "Cheerful chap isn't he," Mikel whispered over to Melia, making her chuckle. Ramon turned to stare at her, before smiling. "Anyway, doom and gloom aside, welcome. Please respect your tutors and other pupils. Lessons start at nine in the morning. Do not be late. Now please, I have much to do," he added gesturing for them to leave. As they started heading out, Ramon said one final thing, "Oh Mikel. If you bring the wolf into the building, be aware you will be held responsible should he do anything untoward." Mikel just nodded, wondering how Ramon even knew about the animal.

  As soon as they got outside Ramon's office and the door was closed behind them, Danton shook his head. "So much for making a good impression," he said grinning, seeing the funny side of calling the head an old fart.

  Chapter 11.

  It was another chilly night, and the stars were out, as the dark of night gave the advancing Bosarian raiders the cover they needed. Crossing unseen, they moved swiftly over the large double arched stone bridge that spanned the Great River. This wide lumbering span of water gave the natural barrier that separated Kothia and Bosaria.


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