The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1)

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The Elementalist (The Kothian Chronicles Book 1) Page 15

by Andrew Wood

  They had barely even started moving forward when they stopped again. A cloaked figure was just stood some fifty paces in front of them. "Riders approaching from behind," Maxim heard one of the men say. It appeared they picked up pace a little, only the cloaked figure in front was not moving from their path. Instead, the figure held his arms aloft as if trying to stop them. Maxim was just beginning to wonder on the foolish man's actions when the cloaked figure removed his hood.

  "Darion!" he heard himself mutter. The man whose horse he was on kicked his heels, making the animal go faster. Maxim was certain Darion was going to be run down, and was just about to shout for him to move. Something however seemed to spook the horse and it veered away bucking. Maxim felt himself falling backwards and hitting the snow covered ground with a real hard thump. The fall knocked the very wind from his lungs, and he lay there unsure as to what was going on.

  He could hear shouting and cursing as he lifted his head, and he felt a little dazed as another of the riders appeared before him. He felt the man grab him by his cloak, "Get up and come with me." Maxim noticed the man had a sword in his other hand, but was totally confused as to what was happening. He tried to get to his feet, as the man pulled at his cloak harder. There was a sudden dark shape that flashed before his eyes and he felt the grip on him released, causing him to fall back to the ground once more.

  Lifting his head up again he could see Shadow with his powerful jaws, clamped about a man's throat. The man twitched and spluttered but after a few moments fell still. He looked over as Darion was stood first in one place, then another, before seeing one of the riders swung a sword at another figure, "Zack!" Maxim gasped.

  Maxim felt the strength returning to his body, as he stood. He watched on as Zack vanished from his horse and reappeared, standing just a few yards further away. The rider was clearly quite confused, and turned his horse about, holding his sword aloft, but before Maxim could do anything, that rider was thrown from his horse. He felt a familiar pair of hands grip his shoulders, "Don't do anything Max, Ramon and Darion have this all sewn up."

  "Zack...What are you doing here?" Maxim asked already feeling much calmer.

  "We are here to get you," his friend replied as Shadow and Mikel, came over and positioned themselves in front of them. "This is fun..." Mikel grinned preparing to defend Maxim should another of the riders make a grab for him.

  Darion clapped his hands, and a massive booming sound echoed out. Even Maxim felt his ears ringing, as he watched the last four riders struggle, as their horses went into a panic. "You should be telling those horses to throw their riders Mikel," Ramon said as he walked over towards them.

  "Should I?" the youngster said. "Can I do that?" he asked.

  Without any more delay, Mikel closed his eyes and concentrated, if he could command a wolf, then certainly a horse would be a doddle. He could feel the panic in the creatures before him, sensing the noise had frightened them for sure. One of the riders however was already making a dash for it, his creature not quite as afraid. It was this creature that Mikel started concentrating on. He did not want to frighten or panic the horse anymore, but merely suggested it stop and turn around.

  Much to the man's disgust, and despite swearing and kicking his heels as much as he could, the horse did just as Mikel asked. "Well would you look at that," the youngster beamed, surprising even himself. Darion saw to it the other riders were soon dismounted; merely a wave of the old man's hand was enough to knock them from their horses. "Whoa! That old guy who teaches you Maxim can certainly kick ass...Look at him go," Mikel added, clearly enjoying what was happening.

  It was all over in just a few minutes. Two of the eight riders were dead, one having died being chucked from his horse, the other suffering at the vice like jaws of the wolf. The others were all clearly dazed, and were disarmed, before having their hands bound. Despite Ramon knowing who they were and what they were after, he would not kill them in cold blood. Darion however, clearly had no such qualms.

  The others watched on as the captured men, were ushered off the main track. They gathered the eight spare horses they had now required, giving one to Maxim to ride. "Come on Maxim, let's get you back home," Danton said. "Let us talk through your problems; you gave us all a scare running off like that." Maxim felt a little sheepish, having caused all this trouble. Who the other men were he had no idea, but it seemed Darion was going to 'deal' with them, before catching up.

  For a man, who appeared at times he could barely walk, Maxim thought how quickly Darion moved when he wanted to. With the group all once more back together, they headed back toward Pitford. Maxim felt a bit silly having caused so much hassle for everybody, and stayed silent. Zack made sure he rode alongside him, and although nothing was said, he could tell Maxim was unhappy.

  It was completely dark by the time the group returned to Pitford, as the layer of snow on the ground reflected the light from the moon as they approached the outer wall. It had been a long day without food for Maxim, and one that had seen him return to the very place he had tried to leave.

  Ramon decided they should all head for the dining hall, get something to eat and talk. It was clear Maxim had issues, and with the additional threat that other people were taking an interest, something needed to be done. A few of the kitchen staff were asked to prepare some food and hot drinks, despite them already having cleared away for the day.

  They were surprised even Darion joined them in the hall, as the old man suddenly appeared to shuffle around again as if walking was a chore. Zack sat one side of Maxim and Mikel the other, whilst Ramon, Danton and Darion sat facing them. Shadow contently positioned himself on the floor at the end of the table, keeping a watchful eye on his master, and the possibility of any dropped morsels of food. Ramon asked Danton for a little more light, and the man duly responded by creating a globe that glowed, and just hovered in the air above them.

  The meal only consisted of re-heated stew left over from suppertime and was served with bread rolls. There was a huge pot of tea made and even the remains of a sponge cake, if anybody wanted it. With the three elder members of the group on one side and the three younger on the other, they started eating. Mikel cringed as he watched Darion slurp and dribble his way through his supper. The old man grumbled and swore randomly as he ate, and for some reason Mikel did not feel so hungry.

  "You don't want that boy?" He said abruptly looking at Mikel's bowl.

  Mikel just shook his head.

  "Bloody kids, wasting food, pass it 'ere," he grumbled snatching the bowl from across the table.

  Darion was still eating when Ramon started talking. Mikel was quite glad, at least he would not have to watch the old man make a complete pig of himself, and have something else to occupy his mind. The first topic of conversation, was centred around, who the men were that had tried to take Maxim were.

  "They were Bosarian," Darion uttered between mouthfuls of sponge cake.

  "Yes, I thought as much," Ramon replied tapping his fingers on the table.

  Maxim remained quiet; his head still felt a little tender from being thrown off the horse earlier. Whilst they had been travelling down from Woodhaven, he had felt as if his magical powers were all coming to the fore. He had felt calmness and in control, and he had even started feeling as he was embracing his gifts. Since being here however, he did not feel anything but a burden. Now he felt he needed to fight against them, or risk hurting someone he cared about.

  "Why did you feel the need to leave us Maxim?" Danton asked him. Maxim felt all eyes upon him, and in a way, he felt guilty for having caused them all so much trouble. It was not a case of wanting to leave, he had felt it a case of needing to. "I hurt Zack...and I was worried next know," he said presuming the others knew what he was thinking.

  "Stupid boy!" Darion exclaimed, as subtle as usual. "I thought that's why you were supposed to be coming to me each day. Took me months to control even the easiest skills."

  "Maxim," Ramon intervened, speaki
ng calmly. "We all make mistakes. Accidents will happen, no matter how good we think we are. Even Darion probably still slips up, even at his age."

  "What, a hundred and twenty," Mikel mumbled under his breath. Only to receive a kick under the table for his troubles, and an evil stare from the man in question.

  Ramon explained it was not Maxim making a mistake with his magic that was his main concern. They had healers that could sort out most things, if that happened. His biggest concern now, was why men from Bosaria wanted him. He knew he would have to get word to the king, and explain the situation. If their neighbours had found and located Maxim, they might well discover the type of people who dwelled at Pitford.

  Zack looked up at the glowing orb hovering above them. Danton had created it with barely a rub of his hands, and still it hung there, like a miniature sun illuminating the part of the room, where they were seated. He wondered if he might be able to learn such a skill, and decided to ask Danton sometime if he would teach it to him.

  Ramon asked Maxim if he had asked Mikel or Zack about their concerns. After all, did they feel in danger staying in the same room as him? Zack was first to answer, "No...Never," the young royal called out almost immediately, before Mikel quickly reiterated the same view. Ramon held his hands out, as if to say so why did you feel the need to flee.

  "Maxim you have two friends, who would stand by you regardless of what you did," Danton added to the conversation. "It was only Zack's intuition knowing something was not right, that alerted us. Now promise me, you will never do anything like this again," he added in a firm but understanding way. Maxim nodded, and then apologised again, for causing everybody so much bother.

  "So you bloody should be, stupid fool pup," Darion added with his usual style. "Mind you..."he added, "Been a while since I had so much fun. Old grumpy here don't much like me killing folk," he gestured to Ramon. "Thinks it's bad for his reputation," he chuckled, revealing his few remaining teeth.

  "Yes, thank you for your wisdom as always Darion," Ramon said shaking his head at what he was hearing.

  Mikel had to admit, the old man may have been rude, crude and have table manners worse than most farm animals would likely have, but he was certainly different. They all knew it was Darion, who had virtually singlehandedly dealt with the men trying to get away with Maxim. Using whatever power he had to move from place to place in the blink of an eye, and then using some kind of force to scare the horses and throw the riders from their saddles.

  "Do you need another pupil Darion," Mikel asked hoping he might teach him a few of those skills.

  "I'm not having that dirty mutt of yours in my house. I have standards you know," the man snapped back.

  There was a low growl at the end of the table from Shadow, at hearing himself being referred to as a dirty mutt. "Easy boy," Mikel said, "I wouldn't want to visit your house. Maxim told me it was a right dump anyway," he replied.

  "Oh did he now?" the old man spat.

  "Enough!" Ramon shouted, raising his voice to stop the nonsense getting out of hand.

  The group fell silent. Despite Maxim having promised he would not try to leave again, Ramon however had to think of safety, and security. He needed extra help just in case Maxim was made a target again. "I want you three, well four with the wolf to remain together. You go to lessons together, you eat together, sleep together...No exceptions."

  "I told you I'm not having that mutt in my house...No offence wolf boy," Darion added sarcastically.

  "None taken old man," Mikel replied the same.

  Ramon sighed, "Well then you'll have to teach all three here. I'll have a room allocated for you...Right that's settled then," he said not giving anyone any time to complain. He quickly stood up, "Right let us all get some rest. Darion you will report to me at ten in the morning, to arrange their teaching."

  "What I got to teach all three of them?" the old man said sounded exasperated.

  "Excellent, I knew you wouldn't mind," Ramon added before walking away.

  Mikel chuckled as he could here Darion swearing and calling Ramon names under his breath.

  "What you smirking at?" the old man snapped noticing him.

  Mikel just grinned, and got to his feet, "See you in the morning Sir," he said.

  "Bloody impudent little sod..."

  Zack was taken to one side by Danton, before he had chance to leave. "Stay with him Zack," he said in a low whisper. "I have never seen Ramon so scared. Lord only knows what images he foresaw if Maxim had ended up in their hands. We must keep him safe, no matter what." Zack nodded, he would stay at Maxim's side whatever anyway. "I will call round after Darion tomorrow and teach you a few tricks that might come in handy," Danton added sparking Zack's interest a little further.

  The three youngsters returned to their room. At some point during the day, most of the black burn marks had been rubbed from the walls, and a new bedside table had replaced the old one. Aside from the faint smell of burning, nobody would ever have known Maxim had almost torched the place; a comment that Mikel decided to share, as they all readied for bed. After a glare from Zack, and the older boy realising his poor choice of subject, the room fell silent.

  They were all ready, and Zack blew out the lamp that illuminated their room, when a knock came at the door.

  "Bloody hell..." Mikel sighed, "Zack you're nearest you'll have to answer it," he added.

  Zack did not argue, and after relighting the lamp he had just extinguished, he got up and answered the door.

  He had barely opened the door when two figures pushed their way in. "Melia," he cursed as he was nearly knocked over.

  "I just came to see how you all are," the young girl said jumping onto Zack's vacant bed.

  Zack blushed as he realised he was only in his underclothes, and that Melia and the other girl with her were staring right at him.

  Mikel sat up, "Want to come and sit on my bed Melia?" he asked.

  "No thank you Mikel," she said, "I am fine just here on this one,” she said tapping the blankets.

  "Oh this is Lisandra," she added remembering her friend was still stood there. "That over there is Mikel and his wolf Shadow. The red haired boy is Maxim, and this handsome young man here is Zack," she said making him blush even more.

  Lisandra was seventeen, slim with a rather curvaceous figure. Her hair ran almost the entire length of her back, and was as black as jet. Her eyes were brown, and Mikel thought she had the most beautiful smile. "Hello Lisandra," he said smiling at her.

  "Hello Mikel," she replied giving a little girly giggle as she did.

  Zack attempted to cover his modesty by pulling some of the sheets over his lower body, despite Melia insistent she was sitting on his bed. Mikel got all the more excited, as the new girl Lisandra asked if she could stroke Shadow. Naturally, Mikel encouraged her to come over and do so. Although he told her it would be best, that he hold her hand when she did so, just in case.

  Melia turned from gazing at Zack's young, but slim body to look at the rather sad dejected looking Maxim. She felt so sorry for him. So much so, she went and sat on his bed beside him. "We are all here for Maxim," she said with a warm-hearted smile. He looked up at her and forced a smile in return, although he did not really feel like doing so.

  Melia took his hand in hers, looking at those sad blue eyes. She looked at him differently somehow. With his red hair and sapphire like eyes, he was quite attractive in a different kind of way. His hand was warm, and she leaned forward just a little to kiss his forehead. Zack looked over, "Perhaps we should let him rest Melia," he said suggesting she move away. She held Maxim's gaze a little longer before nodding, and returning to sit on Zack's bed.

  After just a few minutes, Mikel had told the girls everything that had happened, although he made the events sound more like an adventure story. Lisandra was clearly enthralled at the tale. So much so Melia had to nearly drag her out of the room, when it was time for them to sneak back to their own rooms. Girls and boys were separated for a reason, and vis
iting each other's bedrooms at night was not permitted, although it was evidently happening.

  After they had gone, Mikel spoke constantly of how he thinks Lisandra liked him. "Oh yes, it was quite clear. She knows a good looking man when she sees one," he added. "I thought Melia always had an eye for you Zack, although I think if you're not quick and grab the chance, I think her eye might be roving towards Maxim here." Zack sighed loudly, "Whatever Mikel. Can we go to sleep now?" he asked.

  Chapter 16.

  Gorius cursed loudly, as the man in control of the creature known as an Eken had just given him the bad news. The men he had sent to capture the young lad capable of elemental magic had failed. The boy had been in their grasp, when a group of magicians, young and old had stopped them. This latest news had the Bosarian leader concerned.

  The Eken had tracked them back to a ruined castle. Did this mean that Kothia had groups of magicians hiding out in these ruins? Moreover, did the king know about them? He would have to play this carefully. If indeed these magicians were as powerful as he had been told, then any invasion plans would be in jeopardy. His own magicians were not yet suitable for a fight against ones who, were clearly far more experienced. However, if he could start rumours the Kothian king knew of them, he could perhaps use this to his advantage.


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