Wet Wednesday (The Billionaires Temptations Book 3)

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Wet Wednesday (The Billionaires Temptations Book 3) Page 17

by Annalise Wells

  "It's okay, they need to know now," I say nodding.

  "As I was saying, The Kingmaker has planted his girlfriend in the club," Stacey says.

  "Which girl?" Cally asks.

  "You will know her as Cherry, but we have since found out, her name is actually Michelle," Stacey says.

  "Is she on the board yet?" Cally questions.

  "I am just doing it now," I reply.

  "And this is basically the reason we need Bob and anyone he might know. Michelle was in place at Tina's, so we have a list of people who need to be checked out," Stacey explains.

  "They can do that easy, he can search for anything, he even checked Ty," Cally says.

  I look at Cally. "Do you think he has checked Stacey, Beau and me?" I ask.

  "More than likely, you think there may be some information in there?" asks Cally.

  Stacey answers, "There may be, but a lot of it may be planted by The Kingmaker himself, that’s a given."

  Stacey continues and states that everyone has to be checked from Tina's. It was now evident, The Kingmaker was keeping a check earlier than we had all realized. She also explains about Michelle snooping and the false information we plan to hide in her bag. Lastly, she tells of Beau's involvement and how he was going to magically make billions vanish from The Kingmaker's grasp.

  "Well, there sure is a handful of things to contend with there, we are going to be busy. So, anything you need me to do, just let me know," Cally says. She is always so good to us all, especially Ty.

  "We have the advantage, we are aware of The Kingmaker and Michelle, and also it appears we know about a team of three brothers who are in possession of information they shouldn't have," Stacey says, giving me a wink.

  "Well Stacey, I knew you were so much more than just a dancer," Cally says laughing.

  "I am good at both," Stacey replies laughing.

  "Come on then, I will introduce you to Bob," Cally says leading us to the door.

  Cally opens the door to the remote warehouse unit. There, the stale, musty air fills our lungs. We walk through another door and can see the two guys sitting at their computers wearing headphones. Cally opens the door, and we enter the cool room.

  "This is Bob and the quiet one over here is Bart," Cally says.

  "Pleasure to meet you both," I say.

  "Hi Joseph," Bob says.

  "How did you know I’m Joseph?"

  "You have a small wrinkle on the top of your nose," Bob says smiling.

  Cally and Stacey turn to look at my face. "Only kidding, you are with Stacey, so I guessed." Bob laughs.

  I begin to explain to Bob what we need him to do. I show him the list we have written of the people from Tina's who need checking, along with Owen. I tell him Owen is from somewhere else so he will not have ties to that club.

  "I don't need the list. I will just check everyone, it won't take much longer," Bob explains.

  "We also have another job, that is if you can do it," I say.

  Bob and Bart stare at me. "You have doubts?" He rolls his eyes.

  "I have no doubts, I just don't know how far your skills go."

  "I know you were doing one-hundred-and-sixty last night heading out of town," Bob says.

  "How the hell do you know that?" I ask, shocked by his knowing.

  "The car plate is on our security camera. I have just checked the traffic cameras, and the correlation of time from leaving the city to the grill is fourteen minutes. So, to travel that distance in that time, you needed to be doing an average speed of one-hundred-and-sixty," Bob says.

  “It was Stacey. Not me! Well, if you can do that, this job will be easy," I say.

  "Just tell me, and I will get on it."

  I start to explain about the dummy information we need to plant and the false messages we need to relay to see how they get transmitted from the active cells to The Kingmaker.

  "The Kingmaker you say?" Bob asks with a grin.

  "Yes, have you heard of him?"

  "In black hat hacking circles, his name has been mentioned. He is the one who did Black Ops crazy shit in the lab, genetics and human clon..."

  He lifts his head and looks at Bart, he then looks at me. "Is that what all this is about… The Kingmaker?"

  "Yes, it appears so," I reply in truth.

  "I wondered why all your records were a little sketchy a few years ago, it was like all three of you just appeared from nowhere," he says.

  "So, these messages we need to listen for, can you do that?"

  "I have been listening to your messages for ages; sorry ‘bout that. I can set up dummy messages easy and it will appear as if they have come from the cells directly," Bob says.

  "Is there anything you can't do?" I ask, stunned.

  "I just can't get the sound from your live video feeds," Bob says grinning.

  "You have been watching the girls in the club?"

  There is no answer. Bob looks at Cally and Stacey and a huge grin appears on his face.

  "So, I can leave all of this in your capable hands?" I ask, changing the subject.

  "Sure, this crazy shit is what I got into this for. I am Bob, the one who brought down The Kingmaker. I will go down in history," he says smiling.

  We leave Bob with the task we have given him, he reckons in a couple of hours he can start pinging signals from the far-off country cells. Sometimes, their destination after I have received them will take longer. The checks on all the staff from Tina's will be complete in a day or so, maybe less.

  We leave Cally and head to the club. A few pages in the log book will have to be created to make it appear as though the buildup to the false information relays, without any suspicion.

  When we get back to my office at the club there are changes. We open the door and walk inside my room, the lights on the wall map are doing something extraordinary.

  "Has Bob turned your map into a Pacman screen?" Stacey says.

  “It looks that way!” We both laugh, exhausted by the day.

  Stacey makes us a makeshift bed. “I still love you, even if you were grown in a petri dish!”

  “Thanks, honey, way to make a guy feel special!”

  “You totally love me, too!” she says smiling.

  “If you say so, baby girl. If you say so.”

  “I need sleep. Sweet dreams baby girl.”


  “I don’t understand, sometimes.”

  I wake up and look at the screen. "How can he do that?" I ask Joseph.

  "You know what the younger generation is like, they spend all their time messing in their rooms," Joseph says.

  We stand watching the light show, the Pacman glides around the world map gobbling up the red dots. It finally spins in a circle and enters the center of the map and smiles.

  I thought the show was over and then the words appear, “Get ready for the first piece of the action, three, two, one… go.” The huge screen returns to normal. We watch as light begins to flash in Eastern Europe. The flash is constant; which means it is a significant threat. The radio crackles into life, but there are no voices on the end of the line. To anyone watching, this threat looks very real.

  Joseph responds. He does as he normally does in such a situation; the message is forwarded to a destination unknown. He fills the log book with dummy information. Then two pages of interaction with the cell that has the fake problem. We insert the paper which has the misleading messages. If Michelle finds this, it will look like the cell has information regarding The Kingmaker.

  I slip the book into my bag, and with the zip unfastened we leave the room. I walk into the changing room and put the bag on my chair. I see Michelle watching as I begin talking to Shona. Shona nods and and I walk from the change room.

  "If you are not here by seven, I will see you tomorrow," Shona calls out.

  "It all depends on the traffic when we are coming back into the city," I call back.

  I wave as I vanish from the side of the door. We leave the club. As soon as the coast
is clear, I know that Michelle will have her hands inside my bag.

  We climb into the car and leave the parking lot.

  "You do realize we have nothing to do for a while?" I say.

  Joseph turns his head toward me, "We just have to wait until later, then it will be a matter of piecing together all the information we receive today," he says.

  Joseph turns the car to the freeway and continues to drive.

  "Where are we going? You didn’t ask if you could borrow my car, by the way."

  "You are funny, honey. Who knows? I will just drive for a while and see where we end up," he replies. His face is still smiling from my sly remark.

  "It feels like one of our first days off together," I say.

  "You know what happens when we have time on our hands, don’t you?"

  "I do, we get down, and we get dirty. Oh, and wet, very wet!"

  "Well if the shit hits the fan, we might not have a chance for a while, so we should make the best of it," he says grinning.

  Joseph speeds up as the traffic clears on the freeway.

  "We just have to find somewhere," he says thinking.

  I put my hand on his thigh and rub the muscles through his pants.

  "Why not start now?" I ask.

  "While I am driving?"

  "Why the hell not," I say as I tug on his belt buckle.

  Joseph adjusts himself as I pull on his zipper, I slide my hand inside his pants and his shorts. He’s so big. I am automatically wet.

  "Damn, I hope I can focus on the road," he says.

  "Your cock is in ‘urban mode,’ it will soon be in ‘S mode,’" I murmur.

  "And the ‘S’ would mean?"

  "Stiff, solid, splendid, shooting, sexy!" I giggle.

  "Damn, driving takes on a new meaning," he replies, now gripping the wheel more tensely.

  I lower my head into his lap, I pull his pants open and pull out his shaft. I feel the heat begin to flow as I softly caress and kiss his manhood. I can’t seem to get enough of it.

  His cock starts twitching, and his erection begins growing in my hand. I wrap my hand around the solidness of his hardness. I bite my lip and ready my mouth to take the length of his magnificent manhood.

  I dribble saliva onto the head, it glistens under the sunlight, as I swirl my tongue around the rim. I feel his body quiver in his seat as I wrap my tender lips tightly under the rim of his head. I pull my hand down the length of his turgid shaft, his head smooth and taut as it slides against the roof of my mouth. I am wet as his manhood pulses and I force his cock to the back of my throat, deep throating his massive member. My head bobs as I feel the speed increase in the car. I suck him harder and faster as his foot presses firmly on the gas pedal.

  "Ohhh, it is good there is no traffic," he yelps in a moan.

  I pull my head back, his rigid cock shining, I frantically thrust my hand up and down the length of his thickness. I feel his hips writhing in the seat as he grips the wheel tightly with both hands. The vibrations from the car flooding through my body as well, turning me on.

  I slip one hand inside my blouse and fumble with my breast, I pinch my budding nipple as I watch his hard cock straining under my touch.

  "Shit Stacey, this is too much, I am going to cum," he says, out of breath.

  His hands grip the wheel tightly as I flick the dial to “S,” the turbos fire into action, and the car lunges forward.

  "Fuck," Joseph screams, trying to concentrate.

  My hand frantically moves back and forth, his throbbing shaft readying itself to spill the contents from his loins into my mouth.

  "Stacey, I'm cumming for fuck’s sake," he cries out in one almighty orgasmic scream.

  I feel his body begin to jerk, I wrap my lips around his shaft as he spills over his seed. His hips jolt and quiver as he reaches his final moment. His body shudders one last time and relaxes. I remove my head and wipe the tiny trickle of cum from the side of my lips like a pro. I swallow down his hot, salty seed, I feel it sliding down my throat like an oyster of passion. Now, I turn the dial to normal and slump back into the passenger seat feeling my own satisfaction from my naughtiness.

  "I have never cum so fast," he says.

  "You have so," I reply.

  "No, I was doing one-forty, I have never come that fast!" He laughs.

  I slap Joseph on the arm. "You’re getting my sense of humor now, and you can put your own cock away, too."

  Joseph looks down at his still, very hard cock.

  "Just watch for the road block ahead," I say.

  "What? Oh, shit," he says trying to cover his throbbing member.

  I start laughing at his total sense of panic. "Ah, that was just too funny," I say grinning.

  We finally arrive in a small town. It must be an hour away from the city proper. The white, wooden homes line up in the small narrow lanes. We pull into a restaurant parking lot and get out of the car.

  "You hungry?" I ask.

  "I could do with something, what do you want?" Josephs says locking the car.

  I begin walking across the parking lot. "I don't want meat, maybe seafood or pizza, yeah let's have pizza," I yelp, excitedly.

  I grab Joseph by the arm, I hold onto him tightly as we approach the local pizza place. Joseph opens the door and we enter, the warm smell of freshly baked pizza fills the air. I can picture the brown, bubbling cheese. The smells are so deliciously yummy.

  The tables by the window are full so we grab one of the family tables that adorn the center of the restaurant, where a few people are already enjoying their meals. Joseph orders and the waitress brings us our drinks. I put the straw between my lips and suck.

  I lift my gaze. I kick Joseph under the table and move my eyes toward the bathroom. The guy from the steak joint is here as well. I must say, he looks a lot more handsome than he did yesterday, especially now he is in clean clothes. I see him walk to a table by the window, he joins a woman who is sitting with her back opposite to us. She seems quite a bit older than he is, but they appear to have that chemistry thing going on. She is one fortunate woman from what I can see, because this guy is hot, hot, hot.

  "Now why does that feel like too much of a coincidence to be an accident? Hmm, the same guy within twenty-four hours, in the same place as us," I say.

  "I think today is the accident, but last night I am not so sure," Joseph says.

  I crane my neck so I can have a better look, he doesn't seem to be focused on anyone apart from the woman he is with. I sit there casually watching.

  "Are you enjoying yourself?" Joseph asks.

  "I like people-watching okay?"

  "They will think it is rude if they catch you looking," Joseph says.

  The restaurant door opens, and the guy looks to the direction of the bell. He catches my gaze and whispers something to the woman. He gestures with his head toward me.

  "See, I told you they would catch you," he says grinning.

  I bow my head and continue to suck on my straw. I hear a voice behind me, it’s a woman’s voice that sounds familiar. I turn around and lift my head.

  I look around for the woman. It’s Tina.

  “Was that you who was sitting just over there?" I ask.

  "Yes, I never noticed you arrive, Orlando has just seen you," she says.

  "What are you doing here?"

  Tina giggles. "It is a long story," she says.

  "Join us, this table is plenty big enough for four," Joseph says with a smile.

  "Well if you are sure.” Tina smiles. Her beauty is as insurmountable as ever.

  "Of course, I may have left, but I have not changed," I say plainly.

  Tina and Orlando slide onto the bench seat on the opposite side of the table.

  "So how is your new job?" Tina asks.

  "No disrespect, but it is awesome, and I actually get to work less, thanks to Joseph here," I explain.

  "Ah, the elusive Joseph, I have heard so much about you," Tina says, tapping his hand.

  I lo
ok at her puzzled. "How can that be?" I ask. "He hardly ever went to your place."

  Tina chuckles. "Stacey, I am so glad I bumped into you, I have to speak to you all," Tina says.

  "What about?" I say, curious.

  "Not here, it is very sensitive," she says.

  "Okay, come by the new club in the morning, I will just tell Shona and Cally to be there," I say.

  "And the three brothers, I need to include them also," Tina replies.

  "Um, that may be a slight problem," I reply. "Beau has a major business thing going on, he is out of town."

  "Not to worry, just the two of them then," she adds.

  "How is the old club doing anyway?"

  "It just isn't the same without you three, and some of the girls now, geez they are terrible," she explains, rolling her eyes.

  The waitress arrives with our food, the pizzas are huge, and each slice hangs over the edge of the plate.

  "Come on, help yourself," I urge Tina and Orlando.

  Joseph puts his drink down and opens his mouth. "Last night, we saw Orlando out of town in the other direction, he was obviously following us?" Joseph says plainly.

  Orlando swallows his pizza. "I wasn't following you. I was actually going to ask if I could hitch a ride before I got soaked in coffee," he replies.

  "Why would you hitch a ride with us?" Joseph asks, not buying his excuse.

  "I recognized Stacey from the photos Tina has, I just got soaked in scalding hot coffee, though. My car had a flat battery."

  "So, Tina, why are you and Orlando so far from the city?" I ask.

  "Well, we just thought we would come for a beautiful drive," she replies.

  "Once a hoo...." I begin to say, smiling at her.

  "Not for a long time," Tina says kicking me under the table.

  “I don’t understand, sometimes.”


  “Romance is alive and well.”

  Tina and Orlando bid their farewells until tomorrow. They slide from the red leather bench seat and head out the doorway. I see them holding hands as they approach their car. Orlando gives Tina a kiss on the cheek and he opens the door for her.


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