Abducted (Unlikely Heroes Book 2)

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Abducted (Unlikely Heroes Book 2) Page 20

by Leslie Georgeson

  Max headed over to Wal-Mart where he filled the cart with some groceries, then found himself in the women’s section, selecting several outfits for Jennie. She had to be getting tired of wearing Laura’s old clothes. She was about the same size as Laura, just a little taller. Laura had been a size 5. The store clerk told him that based on his description, Jennie was probably a size 6. She told him if the items didn’t fit, he could bring them back and exchange them for a different size.

  Max also bought Jennie several packages of women’s cotton bikinis since she didn’t have any underwear. The only thing he didn’t buy was a bra, because he wasn’t exactly sure of her bra size. Her breasts were small and round, but not tiny. Perfect breasts. He figured they were about the size of an orange. They fit beautifully in his palms. His face warmed as he glanced through the lingerie. He guessed Jennie probably wore a B cup, but he wasn’t positive, and he wasn’t about to tell the clerk that Jennie’s breasts fit into his palms. So he didn’t add any bras to the cart. He could always bring Jennie back here and let her pick out what she wanted later.

  As the cashier rang up his items several minutes later, Max had another idea. If Jennie was anything like his stepmother and his sisters, like Emily and Laura before Laura had gotten sick, then she would probably like some girlie things, like makeup, hairspray, perfume…He imagined after a year and a half in captivity that she’d want her hair trimmed, her nails done, things that might help her feel more feminine. Not that he believed she needed to be more feminine. He liked her just the way she was. Jennie was plenty feminine for him. But he sensed Jennie would appreciate it.

  He picked her up fifteen minutes later.

  “How’d it go?” he asked. “What did the doctor say?”

  She turned to him, her gaze cautious. Max knew it was his fault for being so abrupt with her before he’d dropped her off. But he was about to make amends for everything. He hoped.

  “You were right,” she said. “I pulled some muscles in my neck. The doctor called it soft-tissue strain. He prescribed me some type of anti-inflammatory and a muscle relaxer. He said it will probably heal on its own as long as I don’t do anything to aggravate it. He also checked out my bullet wound and said you did a good job stitching it up. He prescribed me some pain medication for it, though I don’t know if I’ll use it. It doesn’t really hurt that bad.”

  Max nodded. “That’s good. I have a little surprise for you.”

  It was only three-thirty, so the salon was still open for another hour and a half. Max pulled into the parking lot a few minutes later.

  Jennie turned to him, her eyes wide. “What are we doing here?”

  “I thought you might like to be pampered a little bit. I already made you an appointment while you were at the doctor. They’re expecting you.”

  Jennie hesitated.

  “Go on,” he said softly. “I’ll head back over to Walmart and fill your prescriptions while you’re in there.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Why?” She cleared her throat. “Oh Max, you’re so thoughtful. Thank you.” She leaned across the seat and hugged him. Then she slid out of the vehicle and entered the salon.

  Max headed back to Walmart to fill her prescriptions. Seeing her so happy, so stunned by what she considered his kindness, made his heart squeeze tightly. The thought of spending the rest of his life with her filled him with happiness.

  But he knew it would never happen.

  He tried not to think about what he would do when she was gone, about how lonely he’d be, and whether or not he’d be able to resist drinking again.

  But it was impossible not to. He would be utterly miserable without her.

  Max knew Jennie would leave someday soon.

  Even if she didn’t yet realize she would go.

  Because he hadn’t told her the entire truth.

  * * *

  When Jennie came out of the spa a little over an hour later, she felt human again. They’d washed, cut, and trimmed her hair, given her a facial, made up her face, done her nails, and even given her a pedicure. They sent her off with a bag of makeup, face creams, lotions, and other girlie things that Max had purchased for her. He was waiting for her when she came out. She felt pampered. Loved.

  They climbed into the 4Runner. “You look gorgeous,” he said. “You ready to head home now?”

  “I feel gorgeous,” she whispered, her throat clogging with emotion. “I think that was probably the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me before.”

  Max cleared his throat and started the vehicle. “There’s more for you in back. I bought you some clothes and things I thought you might need.” He put the 4Runner in reverse and backed out of the parking lot.

  Jennie stared at him, wide-eyed. “You bought me clothes too?”

  He shrugged. “It was the least I could do, Jennie. You needed some clothes. You couldn’t wear Laura’s forever.”

  His thoughtfulness touched her deeply. She swallowed back the lump that had formed in her throat.

  “Thank you, Max.”

  She climbed in the backseat as Max headed back out onto the highway. Jennie opened the bags and removed the clothes. He’d bought her sweaters, jeans, socks, even panties. A pair of pajama pants. Some slippers. A couple of sweatshirts and sweats. Nightshirts. Not the sexy, lacy kind, but simple cotton shirts that looked comfortable. Her eyes welled with tears.

  Jennie stuffed the clothes back in the bags and climbed back into her seat. She clipped her seatbelt in place.

  Max didn’t say anything, but she sensed he was anxious to find out if she liked the clothes he’d bought.

  She drew in a final deep breath, getting her emotions under control, and turned to him.

  “I don’t know what to say, except thank you. You didn’t have to do all this, Max. I’ll have to pay you back.”

  He held up a hand. “No. You’re not paying me back. I did it because I wanted to. Do you like everything?”

  She heard the hesitancy in his voice. The worry. He was afraid she wouldn’t like the things he’d so kindly, so thoughtfully purchased for her.

  “I love it, all of it.” Jennie leaned across the seat and kissed his cheek. She grinned. “Thank you.”

  Max cleared his throat. He flushed. “You’re welcome.”

  It was after five when they got home. They hauled in the groceries and the bags of clothes, then Max went out to feed the horses while Jennie started dinner. She was getting used to this routine. She was starting to like it.

  Jennie made spaghetti and meatballs, baked some garlic cheese bread, and tossed a spinach and romaine lettuce salad. She didn’t question how she knew how to cook. She just accepted it as fact. Some things her brain obviously remembered, such as preparing meals, which she discovered she was pretty good at.

  Max commented on how good the meal was and Jennie thanked him politely. They ate for several minutes in silence. The house was almost too quiet now that everyone was gone.

  “Did you see Gray out there?” Jennie asked. “I hope the cops didn’t scare her off.”

  “I didn’t see her,” he said, meeting her gaze across the table. “But I heard her. She wasn’t alone.”

  Jennie dropped her fork. “What do you mean?”

  “There was at least one other wolf out there with her. It sounded like they were…” he paused, cleared his throat. “There was lots of whining, yipping. I think she’s found a mate, Jennie. Or a potential one, anyway.”

  Jennie’s mouth dropped open. “You’re kidding. She only has three legs.”

  Max nodded. “I know. I admit I’m a little concerned that an overeager male might hurt her, might even break open her stitches. I forgot to mention to you earlier that I suspected she was in heat. That explains why she’s staying outside. I didn’t really think anything of it, since there haven’t been any wolves around here for years. If I’d thought about it, I would have spayed her when I amputated her leg, but it wasn’t a top priority at the time.”

  Jennie drag
ged her mouth shut. “Do you think she’s okay?”

  “I hope so. Yeah. She didn’t sound like she was hurt.” His lips twitched. “She has a boyfriend now. I think she’s happy.”

  Jennie felt her own lips twitching. “Then I’m happy for her. Everyone needs love.”

  Max cleared his throat. He lowered his gaze.

  They finished dinner in relative silence, then Jennie rose to clean up. Max helped her, and together they rinsed the dishes and loaded the dishwasher.

  “I’m going to try on my new clothes now,” Jennie said. “Can I model them for you?”

  Max flushed. “Sure,” he said softly. “I’ll go sit in my chair and you can parade in front of me like a fashion model.”

  Jennie giggled and hurried from the room with the bags of clothes. She couldn’t wait to see Max’s expression when she came out wearing the outfits he’d bought her.

  When she emerged a few minutes later, wearing the pajama pants he’d bought, and nothing else, Max’s eyes bugged out of his head. He stared at her, swallowing hard.

  Jennie sauntered closer. She tugged the pants down her legs and let them hit the floor. Max’s gaze dropped. Then it skittered back to hers.

  “What are you doing?” he said thickly. “I thought you were going to model the clothes for me.”

  “I was,” she said as she slid onto his lap. “But then I changed my mind. There was nothing sexy in there. And I want to repay you somehow for your kindness.” She straddled his hips and wrapped her arms around his neck.

  He hissed out a breath. His hands lay loosely on the sides of the chair. “Jennie.”

  “Thank you for the clothes, Max. And for the salon visit.” She pressed a kiss to his cheek. A kiss to his lips. She yanked the first snap open on his shirt. Then the second.

  “Jennie,” he murmured. “You already thanked me.”

  “I want to thank you again.” She slid her hands inside his shirt, ran her fingers over his smooth, hard muscles. Damn, the man was sexy.

  He laid back against the chair and closed his eyes. He clenched his fists.

  She leaned forward, kissed him slowly, tenderly, seductively. A low moan erupted from his throat. His eyes opened, his smoldering gaze locking on hers. He wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her back, open-mouthed, his tongue seeking hers.

  “Jennie,” he whispered against her lips. “God, what you do to me.”

  “Is this a good enough thank you? Do you want more?”

  He groaned, tangling his fingers in her hair. “Yes.” He panted the word out, his eyes sliding closed.

  Jennie pressed the recliner all the way back so that he was laying down in the chair. She stretched out on top of him, kissing him everywhere.

  She took her time thanking him, so thorough in her gratitude that she made sure to thank every single part of him.

  Later, she snuggled into him as he wrapped an arm around her. They fell asleep in the chair. Sated. Content.

  * * *

  Max woke in the chair. Jennie’s head lay on his chest, her soft body cuddled up next to him. He sifted his fingers through her hair, breathed in her clean, feminine scent. She was wearing a flowery perfume that she’d gotten from the salon. His heart swelled with emotion. He wanted to tell her how he felt, burst out his love for her, but fear held him back.

  His breath caught.


  Hell, yeah, he was in love with her. Desperately, crazily, wildly. He couldn’t fight it anymore.

  But God, what would he do when she left? How the hell would he go on without her? No one had ever touched him as deeply as she did, clear to the depths of his soul. He hadn’t known he could love a woman the way he loved her.

  She stirred, slowly lifting her head, and looked into his eyes. Her lips curved into a smile.

  “Did we fall asleep in the chair?”

  He smiled down at her, his heart filling with joy at the love pouring from her eyes. Maybe, just maybe, she really would stay. Did he dare hope? He still couldn’t believe she’d stayed this long, that she hadn’t gone home with her father. He desperately wanted to believe.

  “We sure did.”

  Her smile widened. “Did I thank you enough? Do you feel good and thanked?”

  He chuckled. “I think you missed a spot right here.” He pointed to his cheek.

  She giggled. “I can fix that.” She kissed his cheek. “Anywhere else I missed?”

  “Right here,” he whispered, pointing to his mouth.

  Her eyes widened, filled with a teasing glint. “Oh, I know I thanked you there, but I better do it again.”

  She kissed him full on the mouth, long and slow, dragging it out until they were both breathless.

  Max scooped her up and rose from the chair.

  “I’ve got a better place for all this thanking.”

  Jennie giggled as he carried her down the hallway to his bedroom.

  His bedroom. Not the guest room.

  Max hadn’t shared his bed with any woman except Laura, and that had been years ago, long before she’d died. Too many years ago. Sharing his bed with a woman wasn’t something he took lightly. Because it also meant he was sharing his heart. Baring his soul. Letting her inside. Leaving himself wide open and exposed. Vulnerable.

  He hesitated outside the room. They’d already crossed that line of physical intimacy. But he’d been holding back, keeping his heart locked up, not giving himself over to her completely. Ha, who was he kidding? He’d just admitted that he loved her. So what was he waiting for? Why was he still holding back?

  Because if he took Jennie into that room with him, into his bed, he’d be sealing his fate. Admitting that she was his. And that he was hers. Forever. This was the final step to letting himself go. Giving himself to her completely.

  And once he crossed that line, there was no turning back.

  He glanced down at her pretty face. Her lips were rosy from his kisses, her cheeks flushed with passion. But her eyes, her gorgeous blue eyes, were filled with question.

  Max swallowed. Did she see his hesitation? Did she understand what taking her into his bed meant to him?

  Was he willing to take that plunge? Give her his heart?

  He closed his eyes, breathed in deeply. He could turn away, take her to the guest bedroom down the hall where they’d spent the night before. Make love to her there. It didn’t seem as intimate that way, making love in a bed that wasn’t his.

  Though he’d just admitted that he loved her, he wasn’t sure if he could tell Jennie how he felt. It was one thing to admit it to himself, but to express his feelings out loud?

  She touched his cheek, her fingers gently stroking along his jaw.

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. She watched him tenderly. Her expression hopeful. Filled with compassion. Understanding. Love.


  Max made his decision. He might not be able to tell her with words just yet. But there were plenty of other ways he could show her how he felt.

  He pushed the door open and strode into the room, slamming it shut behind them.


  “Jennie, wake up. Wake up! I think he’s coming!”

  Jennie jerked awake, her eyes opening wide. Gray snarled from across the room, the chain around the animal’s neck clanging against the wall.

  “I’m awake. It’s okay, Emily. Be strong. Be brave.”

  Jennie reached across their prison as far as the shackle would allow until her fingertips grazed Emily’s. “Remember to stick to the plan.”

  Emily’s fingers skimmed hers. “I’m so scared, Jennie. I don’t think I can take it anymore.”

  “You can do this, Emily.”

  The basement light clicked on, momentarily blinding Jennie. The chain rattled as she flung an arm up to cover her eyes. Gray snarled again from the corner. The beast’s claws scratched across the concrete floor. Poor thing was as terrified as she and Emily.

  Jennie’s eyes finally adjusted to the light. Her ga
ze shot across the room to where the poor beaten, half-starved wolf was chained in the far corner. The animal’s lips curled back in a snarl, its sharp fangs glistening in the light. Its yellow eyes focused on their captor and never wavered.

  It’s okay, Gray. I’ll get us out of here somehow. Someway.

  The animal’s gaze darted to hers. The wolf whined softly.

  If Jennie’s plan worked, she’d free the poor helpless creature when she escaped. She wouldn’t leave her behind to be tortured anymore. She wouldn’t leave anyone behind.

  Footfalls pounded down the stairs. The man paused at the bottom. His black gaze pierced first Emily, then Jennie. Jennie itched to yank that hood off his head, to see the face of her abductor. To scratch his eyes out. But he never let her get that close.

  He clutched a long metal pipe in his hand. He tapped the pipe in his open palm. Tap. Tap. Tap.

  “Which one of you wants to go first today?”

  Gray snarled again, a low rumble that came from deep within the animal’s throat.

  “Shut up, you piece of shit!”

  The man swung the pipe at the wolf’s head.

  Emily screamed and buried her face in her hands.

  Jennie couldn’t look away.

  Gray leapt back as far as the chain would allow. The pipe slammed into the wall behind her, narrowly missing her skull, and bounced harmlessly off her furry back.

  The man lost his balance, tripped off the last step, and stumbled forward as the pipe clanged onto the concrete floor. He fell forward within the animal’s reach.

  The wolf attacked.

  Jennie felt a moment’s satisfaction when Gray’s fangs sank into their captor’s arm. The man screamed, then managed to yank free. He stumbled away from the beast, clutching his injured arm. Blood appeared on his shirt sleeve.

  “You’re going to pay for that, you good-for-nothing dog! I should have just left you to die out there in the woods!”

  “Why don’t you let the poor thing go?”

  Their captor’s head swung toward Jennie. His cold gaze sized her up. Then flicked to Emily.


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