Blood, a Bullet, and a True Sinner

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Blood, a Bullet, and a True Sinner Page 15

by Kelly Shade

  “I’m not killing my son over money! Tell me where they are!”

  Hunt and Ian went in to arrest her. The case was closed.

  “How did you know?” Nick was curious.

  “When the kid went in, he was searching for someone else, and he knew his “father“ was dead. And all the broken things in the house were Robert’s personal belongings. Emma‘s stuff wasn‘t touched. And the kid has the same birthmark on his neck as Jamie, so I figured that is his real father. The little guy will be left with his real dad now, right?”

  “Yeah,” answered Nick.

  Jane went out of the back room with a smile.

  Chapter 11

  Do you trust me?

  It wasn‘t the best decision for Jane to leave the hospital on the same day she was shot and had surgery to remove the bullet. The next few days she felt dizzy and exhausted. She had to stay home. Sitting and lying down all day wasn‘t something Jane enjoyed. She needed action. After a week of doing nothing, she finally had her stitches out.

  She decided she was ready to take the test for the license she needed to carry a weapon. Of course, her colleagues didn‘t want her to get out of bed, but she had a way of persuading people. They agreed. Hunt made the call, and Jane had to be in the Los Angeles Police Department building in a couple of hours.

  Jane had to take a practical exam. To pass, she had to show good reactions and judgment on the field.

  Nick, Ian, Ryan, and Hunt were there to support her. There was a special training field where Jane had to earn a certain number of points to pass the test. For Blake, it was just like a game. Cardboard people appeared from nowhere, some of them as criminals, some as ordinary people. Jane had to shoot at the bad guys and protect the citizens going from one room to another to the end where she had to press a button and see how fast she managed to get through. She did it quickly and flawlessly. Everyone was impressed by how she passed with one hand since she couldn‘t use the left arm at all. Jane didn‘t admit it was difficult to use her right all the time because she usually held the gun with her left.

  An hour and a half later Blake was officially allowed to carry a weapon. She held the magical paper that gave her carte blanche to be with her favorite toy, her gun. It wasn‘t like she didn‘t carry it before she started at the LAPD, but the feeling that she was permitted by the law made things different. The team congratulated her. Hunt even joked she was better than Nick and Ian, and they had been police detectives for years. Valdez didn‘t take the joke well, but Nick laughed.

  Jane said she needed some fresh air, and as soon as she got rid of Ryan, she headed to the nearby park. Now she was with her favorite USP 9mm stuck in her belt. The “I want to get some fresh air” was a code for I‘ll go have a cigarette. The smoke became a regular tradition for Blake. She didn‘t tell anyone because they would make her quit, and she thought one or two cigarettes a day wasn’t a big deal. Jane had a place at the end of the park where she enjoyed the bad habit. On the way she always grabbed a cup of coffee from the coffee shop nearby. Walking slowly, she arrived at the bench near a little "smoking area" sign and sat down

  The pain in her shoulder was increasing. She refused to take the painkillers which the doctor prescribed. She wanted to stay sharp. She had the weird feeling that somebody was watching her. Maybe the pain is messing me up, she thought and lighted up the second smoke. She looked around. The park was always deserted during working hours, but the feeling was getting stronger. She finished the cigarette, threw away the empty coffee cup in the bin next to the bench and stood up.

  This time Jane was sure it wasn‘t her imagination. Someone was there, watching, waiting. Jane spun around on her heel. She was alone. Blake started strolling. Steps were coming from her right side, quick steps, like someone, was running toward her. Jane turned. A bullet flew inches above her head. Good thing she had her weapon. Jane fired back. She saw the gunman hiding behind a tree. It was dangerous, but she had to get him. Blake ran toward him with her weapon ready. He started running. Jane was after him. He turned to shoot. Blake fired back. He hid. One more bullet passed by her. The shooter ran again.

  Jane‘s shoulder was killing her; the pain was unbearable. It was now or never. She was breathing fast and running after the man. Her eyes were blurry but her mind was clear. She had to catch him. She had to know who was behind the attacks. Jane had the feeling it was connected with her biological parents. The shooter was a few feet away. They both had a clear view of each other. He was ready to shoot, but his gun jammed. Blake used the chance. She aimed. Fired. The bullet hit him in the leg, and he fell to the ground. Jane hurried to him. She knew hitmen were well-trained killers who could run even with a bullet in their body. He managed to stand up. Jane hurried, but this pain was slowing her down.

  He took few steps.

  With the strength she had left, Jane jumped over him. The pain now was more than ever. With her gun pointing at his head, Jane made him lie face down on the ground. She didn‘t have handcuffs, but she still had zip locks in her pocket. When Blake was a thief, these thing saved her life numerous times. She locked his hands. Only she had to use her right hand and her teeth to do it. Jane‘s left arm was shaking. She was holding her weapon with it. Maybe it was too heavy for her injured shoulder to carry or perhaps the pain was too much.

  Jane made the shooter stand. He did it without fighting. She grabbed his arm. Breathing deeply and ignoring the pain, she dragged him to the station. On the way to the department, Jane was carefully hiding her trembling hand from the man. She did it because if he knew she was in deep pain, he would try to escape. Or not. He wasn‘t fighting.

  Breathless, but still with a poker face, Jane arrived in the office with the criminal. Ryan met them in front of the elevator. He almost dropped the cup he had in his hands. His smile froze. His eyebrows lifted.

  ”What the hell?“ was the only thing he could say. Ryan called Ian, almost shouted at him. Valdez was just getting out of the kitchen area. He tripped on the way to them. Gray and Valdez together grabbed the shooter‘s arms and pushed Jane aside without asking more questions. Then, they put the man in the interrogation room.

  Jane collapsed in her chair and closed her eyes. She was trying to get the energy to go talk to--as she suspected--Alaric Savela. The pain was sharp as if someone were stabbing her in the same spot where the bullet had entered. Jane‘s eyes started to fill with tears. She wiped them and forced herself to stop.

  “How are you?” Conner Hunt was staring at her.

  “Good. I need a minute, and I‘ll go to . . .” Jane lied.

  “No, you are not, Blake. You need to rest. I suppose the shoulder is killing you. I have no idea how you managed to catch him. By the way, he is . . .” Conner was worried sick.

  “Alaric Savela, I know. The one who broke into my house,” said Blake and opened her eyes. “Let‘s go.”

  “No. Gray and I will take care of Savela,” Hunt said and waved for Ian to come. “You and Valdez will have a walk. Grab lunch. Go out, chill and then you will come back. You are too close to this one,” he ordered and went away without giving Jane a chance to argue.

  Ian and Jane went to the restaurant across the street. Blake was still angry at Hunt. How could he make her leave? He knew how important it was for her to talk to the hitman.

  “What would you ask Savela?” Ian asked, getting her out of her thoughts.

  Jane didn‘t answer. Having lunch with Ian wasn‘t the thing she wished to do right now. She wanted to interrogate the person who tried to kill her. Twice.

  “What is it like, to be alone all the time? I mean it sounds awfully lonely.” Ian wouldn‘t quit. It was the first time they had the chance to get to know each other. Usually, they were surrounded by people.

  “Yeah, and that was the best part of it,” Blake answered casually.

  “How is loneliness classified as best?” Ian laughed.

  “I had nobody to worry about but myself. Nobody in danger but me. And if I got hurt or di
ed, it was bad only for me. Simple as that,” Jane explained with a nostalgic smile. At that moment she missed the freedom to do what she liked.

  “Isn‘t that selfish in a way?” Valdes was the type of guy with a perfect family, great fiancée. He had few good friends, mostly the people from the team. He had never been alone.

  “Yeah, it is. We are all selfish in a way, aren‘t we?” Jane said thoughtfully.

  The waitress interrupted them. She served Ian‘s spaghetti and Jane‘s burger. They ate in silence. Jane was making a plan in her head. She had to convince Savela to talk. Blake was sure Ryan and Conner wouldn’t get anything out of him.

  After lunch, they went back in the office. Jane wanted to talk to Ryan. She dragged him out so they could speak in private.


  “Hunt is worried about your safety and, hmm, he thinks you may freak out and do something stupid. That‘s why he got rid of you,” Ryan said nervously.

  “I don‘t care about Hunt right now. Tell me: What did you get from Savela.” Jane was determined to make him speak. Ryan knew there was no way to keep secrets from Jane.

  “Savela didn‘t even try to defend himself. He admitted he shot at you without being provoked in any way. The bastard happily shared his day with us, smiling.”

  Ryan made a grimace. “Hunt made me check. No lies there. I watched the video records of the nearby ATMs, street cams. I even hacked a MoneyGram camera. He was where he said. When we asked what was his motive, Savela asked for a lawyer. He shut up, and that was it. The attorney is on her way now.”

  That was all Jane needed to hear. Blake grabbed Ryan‘s locket off his neck and whispered “Cover me. Don’t let anyone in!” And ran to Alaric Savela‘s room. Ryan, pretty confused, strolled after her and stood in front of the door as a guard.

  Jane went in and dropped the blinds. Savela got scared. Blake was calm. Scary calm.

  “What, you‘re gonna kill me here?” He tried to look fearless, but the horror in his eyes gave him away.

  Blake smiled deviously. She sat on the chair across the table. Ryan‘s locket was in her hand.

  “Do you recognize this?” Jane asked quietly.

  Savela stared at it.

  “No, should I?” he asked quickly.

  “Look carefully, Alaric!” Jane insisted.

  He stared again. The silver pendant was swinging from side to side.

  “Think about this locket. I think it will be familiar to you if you look at it closely. See the details? Handmade. Gorgeous. Maybe it will remind you of someone. Do you see the small letters? Look closer. Amazing, huh? And the gravure. All those ornaments; they may mean something. Look closer. And closer.”

  At this point, Savela was inches away from the locket. He froze. Eyes were empty. Slow breathing. “Listen to my voice,” Blake pulled her hand back a little. Savela was so close that the locket almost hit his nose.

  “You are going to tell me why you want me dead. Tell me: Why do you want me dead?”

  Alaric was in a trance. He was moving his head according to the locket, as if he were watching a tennis match. “I don‘t want you dead,” he answered sincerely. Jane knew that was the truth.

  “That‘s good,” Blake said calmly, “But someone wants me dead. Who is that person?”

  “Yeah, my boss,” he said dreamily.

  “What did I do to deserve it?” Jane was keeping her voice low and steady. She shouldn‘t get emotional.

  “Something about your birth mother. He didn‘t say much. It was a mistake he let you live for so long. You weren‘t supposed to be born at all.” With widening pupils and slow breathing, Alaric Savela looked like he was sleeping with his eyes opened. He talked slowly and phlegmatically.

  “Where is your boss?” Jane continued. It was getting more difficult to conceal her anger.


  “Name?” whispered Blake.

  “Michael Morse,” he almost sang his boss‘s name.

  “Write the address here.” Jane gave him a pen and offered her palm because there was no paper around. Savela wrote it willingly. Still looking at the locket, he muttered the address while writing it. When he finished, he made a stupid smile. Jane checked to see if she could read his handwriting. It was readable.

  “Did you kill Amber Gray?” was the next question.

  “Yes. I had to.”


  “Mike didn’t want her snooping around.”

  Jane was tense, but she had to keep it together. Next was the most critical question. Blake asked it quietly, “Who is my birth mother?”

  Savela’s expression was curved and asymmetrical as if he were on heavy drugs. He spoke slowly and monotonously.

  “Her name. I think, was . . .”

  At that moment Ryan stormed in. “The attorney is here! Get this over with!” he said and slammed the door as he walked out.

  Savela was out of his trance. He blinked fast and looked around. His eyes stopped on Jane.

  “I said I’m not talking without a lawyer!”

  “I know.” On the way out Jane passed by the attorney.

  Blake went to her desk. She was furious at Ryan. Of course, she realized the situation. If the lawyer has seen Savela hypnotized it would be a nightmare. Ryan did the right thing. But still . . . Maybe she could have gotten the name of her mother. The name she had searched fifteen years for. If she’d had a minute more.

  Lost in her thoughts, Jane didn’t see Hunt. Standing in front of her desk. Annoyed as never before, with arms crossed. ”My office, now!“ he hissed through his teeth.

  Blake stood up calmly and followed him. Apparently, he stayed there for a long time judging by the looks of the rest of the team. Hunt’s office was at the end, so they had to pass by everyone.

  When Jane walked in, Hunt closed the door behind him.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” he shouted. “Hypnotizing suspects?” This sentence was spoken with quiet anger. And then again he raised his voice “Do you know it is illegal?” he was standing behind his desk with his fists resting on it and leaning forward. He wanted to jump over and beat her, “Can you imagine the media scandal if the lawyer walked in and saw you? We could all lose our jobs! And for you that may mean nothing, but for the rest of us_that’s all we have!”

  “Calm down a little! Do you know what info I got out of him?” Jane was peaceful and looked undisturbed by Hunt’s yelling. He huffed, made a few nervous steps around and after a few deep breaths, he sat on his chair. With his palm on his forehead and closed eyes, he said, “Yeah.”

  “Savela’s boss’s name is Michael. He said this man wanted me dead because . . . well, it was related to my birth mother. Also, Michael was disappointed with himself for letting me live that long. I shouldn’t have been born, he said,” Jane shared, but intentionally missed some details.

  “Is that it? Do you know how many people are called Michael?” Hunt said again shaking his head in disappointment. “Are you sure this is all you got?”

  “Well, I think it is way easier to search for someone, knowing his name instead of trying to catch a mystery man.” Jane wanted to make him believe this was all she knew.

  “I guess you are right,” admitted Hunt and added, “Go see Peter Burris; you need it.”

  “I don’t need a shrink!” Jane said.

  “Yeah, you do. There are too many things on your shoulders right now. Go see him now. I signed the papers. You need to attend at least three sessions.” Hunt smiled deviously “Instead of suspending you, I decided to help you. Be grateful!”

  “Yeah, very grateful!” Blake frowned and left.

  When Gray saw her, he hurried toward her. He, like Hunt, wanted to know what happened with Alaric Savela, but also with their big bad boss. Jane told him what she said to Connor. She spoke mostly about the frigging psychologist she had to visit.

  “At least we have something to start with!” Ryan wanted to look on the bright side.

  “Yeah, and I didn
’t tell Hunt but . . .” Jane hesitated. She didn’t want Ryan to be furious, but he had the right to know. “Savela killed your mom. Michael ordered it. “

  Ryan’s face froze. He stared at her as if she were a ghost.

  “Are you sure?” he said.

  “Yes, I’m sure,” Jane answered.

  “So we have to find that Michael! We have to tell Hunt to charge Savela with murder.” Ryan lighted up again. For the first time in years, he had hope. He may have the chance to find the man responsible for his mother’s death, Hunt’s wife’s death and he could even help Jane find her real parents and finally reveal the big mystery around her life.

  “To charge him? How? Savela spoke while he was in a trance. We can’t prove anything. And the fact that I hypnotized him will ruin the department. We will tell the team when the time comes!” Blake got worried.

  “Fuck!” Ryan angrily opened her mouth. Blake didn’t say anything. It was useless to talk. Ryan was too angry to listen.

  “What now? I suppose we leave it like this?” Gray almost yelled.

  “We are going to find him, I promise! And Savela will be charged with the attempted murder of a police consultant. He will be in jail for a long time!”

  “I know . . . but . . .” Ryan was biting his lips and hitting the wall after every word he said.

  “Do you trust me?” Jane put her hand on his shoulders and looked him in the eyes.

  Ryan calmed down a little. He stared at her green eyes and breathed heavily. It was too hard for him to keep it together.

  “Yes. I trust you,” Ryan said and looked up to stop the tears.

  Jane moved her hands and stepped back. Gray glanced at her and headed to the exit. He needed time alone.

  Jane had to go to the therapy session that Hunt made her attend. She took her stuff and said goodbye to the team. For her big surprise, she saw Ian Valdez checking her matte black Mustang Camaro in the parking lot.

  “What are you doing, Ian? If you want the car, just tell me. I’ll give it to you. No need to steal it,” Jane joked. She was holding her shoulder. It hurt a lot.


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