The Alpha's Torment (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 5)

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The Alpha's Torment (Werewolves of Boulder Junction Book 5) Page 6

by Martha Woods

  “I am.” Liam trailed off, looking towards the end of the house Skylar was laying with obvious longing. “But this is my wife we’re talking about.”

  Cayden nodded, nothing more needing to be said as he got up from the couch, walking over to the liquor cabinet and pouring two drinks. “Regardless of how today goes Liam, we’re all here.” He handed him a very generous glass of bourbon, throwing his own back with a hiss.

  Liam looked down at the amber liquid, swirling it lightly as he thought over what exactly was happening at that moment. “I’m going to be a father… I can’t believe it.” He tossed his head back, the drink going down easily, the burn in his throat centering him in the now. When his head came forward again, his eyes were keen and focused. “Alright, what do we do now? Hayley you’ve done the most research on this, what do you think?”

  She looked over to Michael, his wide eyes telling her that he already knew what she was going to suggest. “I think that we should bring Cassandra here, she’ll be our best bet for a healthy birth and controlling Skylar’s powers. I didn’t want to summon her without telling you first, given that you’re an alpha…”

  He waved his hand. “Today that means shit all. She can help my wife, she’s welcome to stay in my house as long as she wants, she can set fire to the curtains for all I care, if you think there is a chance she can help my family survive today then I want her here with us.”

  She was surprised at his reaction, though she didn’t bother hiding her relief at the news. “Good, that’s very good.” She turned to Michael, hoping for the same reaction. “Michael? Are you ok with this?”

  He took a deep breath, pausing for a good few seconds before he nodded with conviction. “Like Liam said, if there’s a chance she can help Sky then she needs to be here. She still creeps me out a little but she’s not as bad as I thought she’d be, I’m more than happy for her to come here.”

  She nodded, fishing around in her bag for the incense that the witch had given her. “This should only take a few minutes, she’ll be able to transport directly to here without leaving any negative effects on the surrounding environment.” She chuckled, side eyeing Liam. “You won’t have to worry about a haunting in case you were worried about that.”

  “I wasn’t worried about one anyway, right up until you said that.” He shook his head, huffing a little laugh, “Is there anything we should do? How can we help?”

  Hayley grabbed the incense, holding it in her left hand while she conjured a flame with her right. “Just stand back. And I’m sorry about the carpet.”

  “What about the carpet?” He didn’t get an answer as the incense erupted in a flash of light, Hayley waving it in circles and drawing symbols in the air, before crushing a handful and slamming it down into the carpet.

  The ground burst into flames, brilliant blues and greens flashing in front of their eyes as they felt their hearts pulsing in their chests in time with the flickering of the fire, before one final throb of energy cracked the glass still held in Cayden’s hand.

  “So soon? I wasn’t aware that I had grown on you that fast!” Cassandra strolled through the fire, a snap of her fingers shutting the flames off and giving up the feeling of control that everyone else had around their hearts. She scoffed as she saw everyone taking breaths of relief, pouting when she turned to Hayley. “I suppose I should have told you not to use it around people, shouldn’t I?”

  “That… Would have been nice to know beforehand.” Hayley wiped the last of the incense off her hands, holding it out in greeting. “It’s good to see you again Cassandra.”

  “A handshake? How quaint.” Cassandra took the hand, shaking it with a smirk. “But where is your little boy toy, don’t tell me all our progress was for nothing.”

  Michael stepped up, still visibly nervous in her presence but carrying himself much better this time. “Hey, almost didn’t think you would have come.”

  “If I wasn’t going to I would have just lied, I wouldn’t have given you that incense.” She sneered at the stains on the floor. “They’re like the world’s worst alarm clock, we don’t make a habit of giving those out to just anyone.”

  “So why us?”

  “Why you?” She raised an eyebrow, as if he had just asked the most foolish question she had ever heard. Her tone was matter of fact when she answered, “Because you are important, that’s why.” They weren’t given a chance to say anything further before she closed her eyes, her brow furrowing as she felt through the air.

  “My god, the amount of power in this house is…” She clenched her fist, as though she could physically feel the strands of power. “Whatever it is that your friend is, it is far more powerful than anything you’ve seen before.” She looked around the room, looking pointedly at each of them. “Any of you.”

  “According to the book and… What I’ve seen myself, she’s what you call an Enenra.” Hayley expected many reactions, but the witch suddenly whirling around and stomping up to her was not one of them.

  “An Enenra? And you didn’t think to tell me this as soon as possible?” She sniffed at the air, walking towards the door leading towards Skylar’s room. “This is something that needs to be handled as soon as possible.”

  Liam ran up to her, stopping just short of touching her. “Wait! What do you mean? What is happening with my wife?”

  “If I don’t get in there and keep her calm, her powers are liable to kill everyone in this house, and from there everyone in this town. Normally Enenra’s are dangerous, but manageable…” She looked troubled before she shook her head. “Your wife though… I haven’t felt anything like this in a very long time.”

  She started off through the door once more. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to stop her from killing every single one of you.”

  Hayley followed behind her quickly, keeping in step as the older woman stomped down the hallway. “How powerful is she exactly?”

  “Powerful enough to concern someone like me, that should be a red flag for you.” She swept her hand through the air, growling to herself. “I should have known something like this would happen, nothing is ever simple when it comes to hybrid births, there always has to be some snag or some condition!” Cassandra looked back over her shoulder. “And why are they not trying to follow us?”

  “I told them to wait out there, I wasn’t sure what Sky’s powers would do if they were nearby.”

  Cassandra nodded. “Good, that was the right call. If they had been allowed to fuss over here there’s no telling how she would have reacted. It’s a miracle that I haven’t felt any signs of something bigger honestly. Is this the room?”

  Hayley pushed it open, Sky’s face lighting back up even though she was still fighting the pain of labor. “Please, come on in.”

  Sky quirked a brow at her new visitor, Cassandra’s demeanor changing drastically as she walked closer to the pregnant woman. Her smile became warmer, her posture less rigid, when she reached out and grasped a shaking hand she looked almost matronly. “Hello Skylar, my name is Cassandra. I’m a witch, and I’m here to help you.”

  “You’re Cassandra? Hayley and Michael’s friend?”

  Cassandra quirked an eyebrow, looking back over her shoulder at an embarrassed Hayley. “Is that how they described me?” She smirked. “Well I think that we’re quickly growing to be the best of friends, so they were right.”

  The witch gestured for Skylar’s hand, her fingers working into the pressure points in her palm and wrist. She hummed in thought as she felt the energy coursing through her body, tiny flicks of smoke caressing her skin as Skylar’s contractions continued on.

  “Skylar, what I’m going to tell you is very important, and you need to hear all of it. Are you ready for it?” She held her hand up as Skylar nodded. “No, take a moment, I need you to be calm and focused for this. It is very important.”

  She took a deep breath, Hayley stroking a hand along her back as she counted to five, slowly exhaling and opening her eyes again. “I’m ready, what
is it you have to tell me?”

  Cassandra bowed her head in apology, speaking softly, “We are going to have you isolated from everyone else while we go through the birth. I know that’s not what you or your husband wanted but it’s the only way to ensure that you and the baby are safe.” She laid a hand on her stomach, her brow furrowing in thought and a small smile gracing her face. “Your child is just like you, I can tell that already, which is why this is even more important.”

  Skylar tried to tamp down her disappointment at the news, though it was obvious to the two other women that she was crushed. “They’re just like me? They’ll have… This?” She held her palm up, faint lines of shadow dancing across the skin and dissipating in the air. “Just like me?”

  “They will.” Cassandra took her hand, the blackness spilling over her arm as she remained like stone, not showing a single sign of anything other than perfect calm. “And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. With either of you.”

  The other woman was silent for a long time, her eyes glued to the tendrils of shadow creeping over the witch, the way they wound around her wrist and crawled up her arm before resting at the base of her neck, almost as though they had decided they could trust her. She looked up into Cassandra’s eyes, those frighteningly colored orbs that never left her own, never showed even a hint of fear or trepidation at her body being overtaken by her powers, only showing concern for her wellbeing and the wellbeing of her child.

  Skylar blew out a breath she wasn’t even aware she’d been holding, nodding almost imperceptibly as she squeezed down on the hand offered to her. “What is it that you need me to do?”

  * * *

  Liam stood facing the wall of the living room, eyes glued to the pictures of him and Skylar on their many trips together, including the one on which their child had undoubtedly been conceived. He smiled to himself, the memory of her hair whipping through the night air one of his most cherished in what had been very troubled times for all of them, her optimism never faltering even in the gravest of circumstances.

  Perhaps he should take a lesson from her. If she was going to stay like this, then their child was in very capable hands. After all, a mother like her...

  His eyes widened and he almost stumbled in horror, so suddenly that Michael rushed over in concern. “Liam? What’s going on, are you alright?”

  “Mom!” The Alpha dug around in his pocket, searching desperately for his phone. “I still haven’t told mom about any of this!”

  “Merde.” Farah said, stretched out on the couch next to Cayden. “That poor woman is in for the shock of her life.”

  Cayden stood up, helping her to her feet and beginning to lead her from the room. He nodded at Michael as he passed, the latter raising an eyebrow at their sudden departure. “Farah and I are going to jump in the shower, freshen up while we can’t do anything else you know? Besides, we figure you could use your privacy for this call.”

  Michael smiled gratefully, clapping them on the back as they passed by. “I know it’s not my house, but treat it like it’s your own. Bathroom is down the hall to the right.”

  They left, leaving only Michael and his near hyperventilating brother alone in the room. He walked over, rubbing a hand up and down Liam’s back while he dialed the number, both of them knowing that this phone call was a disaster waiting to happen.

  Liam knew it was his own fault though, that’s why it hurt so much.

  “Liam? Honey why are you calling so suddenly?” Leah’s voice filtered through the line as she picked up, glad to hear from him so suddenly but knowing that he rarely did so without letting her know beforehand. The fact that his breathing was so harried clued her in that this was very much not usual.

  “Mom I... I have to tell you something very important, are you sitting down?” She thought his request was strange, and more than a little alarming, but she did just as he said. Liam took a deep breath, pushing out what he had to say in a single breath. “Skylar is giving birth.”

  Leah shot out of her chair, immediately marching over to the door and collecting her coat. “Liam! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? After that whole mess with those disgusting mobsters...” She growled at the memory of the house, all charred metal and shattered windows. That particular wound was still fresh for all of them. “I don’t want to be left out of the loop with anything from now on, I want you to tell me these things.”

  “I know mom, I know, I’m sorry...” He sucked in a breath, the next part of what he had to say not coming easily. “I have more to tell you, a lot more actually... It’s best that I tell you in person.”

  “Damn right it is.” She twirled her keys around her finger as she closed the door behind her. “I’m coming over there right now, and I want you to tell me everything. Don’t leave a single thing out.”

  “Ok, we’ll see you soon.” He paused, his voice clearly regretful as he said, “I’m sorry mom, really.”

  “It’s ok honey.” She chuckled, “It’s far from the worst secret that’s been kept from me lately.”

  * * *

  As it turned out, it wasn’t the worst secret that had been kept from her. Though it certainly ranked up there.

  Liam and Michael anxiously awaited her arrival, feet tapping against the floor boards as the seconds ticked by. Liam scuffed the back of his shoes along the carpet, thumb running along his index finger while he tried to figure out just how to start a conversation like the one that was coming.

  Michael picked up on his mood, nudging his shoulder with the top of his head to try and draw him out of his rut. “Come on Liam, tearing up the carpet is going to do any good. Besides, she’s our mother. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  “Well I don’t know Michael, why don’t you tell me how you’d react if you found out your son had found out about a prophecy that your evil, betraying husband had eagerly taken a part in. You know, after he’d conspired with a group of witches to give you cancer.” He clapped his hands, tone absolutely dripping with sarcasm, “Oh, of course this prophecy just so happens to revolve around your son and his wife, a woman who is supposedly supposed to be a great harbinger of power and an eagerly awaited tool for said witches.”

  Michael rolled his eyes. “Alright Liam, I get it...”

  “Oh, but I haven’t even gotten to the good part yet!” He stood, arms outstretched as he twirled in a circle. “What if, after all of this, after learning about your crazy cancer giving husband and his insane delusions of power, after you recently lose another son because of infighting, after you discover that you in fact are not dying after all... What if after all of this, you find out that your son just forgot about it?” He leaned in, eyes wide as he hummed in expectation, “Tell me Michael, just how well do you think you’d take something like that?”

  Michael grimaced in thought, having to concede the point. “Alright yeah, I can see how someone could take that pretty badly.”

  “Oh! So, you do understand? You understand why I’m all but shitting myself over the prospect of giving our mother even more traumatizing news after she’s been through so much over the last year?” He sat back down next to his brother, suddenly exhausted. “She doesn’t deserve this Michael. She should be enjoying getting older with her family by her side, not having to worry about all this shit that we keep putting her through.”

  “She’s glad that you’re here Liam, she wouldn’t be the same without you.”

  “Yeah well, what we like and what’s healthy for us aren’t necessarily the same thing are they?” He breathed out harshly, “I just want to be able to give my mother some good news without having to tell her something horrible as well.”

  “Well, think about it this way.” Michael stood as he saw Leah’s headlights coming up the driveway. “There’s only so much horrible news you can give before it’s all uphill from there!”

  Liam rolled his eyes as he stood, walking over and opening the door, his mother immediately rushing into his arms as he stood there. “Liam! I’m so ha
ppy to hear about Skylar! I can’t wait to be a grandmother!” She stepped inside, sweeping Michael into her arms as well before taking a seat. Leah looked around the room, noticing for the first time that not only were they alone, but they both looked very nervous. “Liam, Michael? What’s happened?”

  “There’s a lot that I haven’t told you mom, and for that I’m sorry.” He sat down next to her, laying his hand on her knee. “I’m going to tell you everything, some of it might be hard to hear, but I’m going to tell you all of it, ok?”

  She nodded mutely, his nerves almost shattering him before he continued on. “Skylar isn’t human, we thought she was but... She’s not.”

  Leah’s eyes widened, her first instinct to think that he was joking. The look on his face convinced her that it was no joke. “What is she then?”

  “I don’t know, apparently it’s something old, something very powerful.” He clenched his fist, eyes closing in grief. “I can’t even be there for the birth, it’s not safe enough.”

  “Why can’t you be there?” Right as she finished her question, the lights flickered, bulbs buzzing as Leah looked up at them. When she looked back at her son his expression was resigned.

  “That’s not an issue with the lights. She’s doing that.” He sighed, “It happened last night as well, when the baby was kicking. They don’t want us to take any chances, there’s no telling what could happen when she actually gives birth.”

  “I’m so sorry Liam. That’s awful.” She held onto his hand, Liam squeezing down gratefully.

  “I just wish there was something that I could do. The best that I can do is nothing, and I hate that feeling. For a lot of reasons.” He frowned, not able to look directly at Leah. “Mom? Do you remember what I told you about dad? About... About the deal that he worked out with those witches?”

  “How could I forget?” She grimaced, every memory of her husband tainted by what he had done. “You don’t often forget the man you love giving you cancer.”


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