The Bloodtruth Series (Box Set: Heiress of Lies, The Queen's Betrayal, Trials of Truth, A Heart's Deceit)

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The Bloodtruth Series (Box Set: Heiress of Lies, The Queen's Betrayal, Trials of Truth, A Heart's Deceit) Page 34

by Cege Smith

  “Hopefully you can keep everyone under control,” Connor agreed. He lowered his voice and locked eyes with Rhone. “Have there been any reports of suspicious activity in the city?”

  He knew that by calling on his compulsion abilities, his voice was going to sound neutral and friendly, and to Rhone it would feel like he was conversing with a close friend.

  “Children kidnapped right out of their beds; sickening business,” Rhone said.

  Connor was surprised to hear that Monroe’s exploits from the early morning hours had already reached the ear of the general. Communications had greatly improved in Brebackerin since he had lived there. “Who do you think the culprits are?”

  “Vampires. They are filthy creatures,” Rhone spat. Even in his deeply calm, compelled state, Rhone’s hatred of the vampires couldn’t be hidden. Connor considered that a fortunate thing at the moment

  “How can you be so certain you are dealing with vampires?”

  “It’s just like Alair Robart’s time. Those that we thought were gone have re-emerged,” Rhone said.

  It was curious to hear about his species’ history from the lips of a human. Connor knew that the official record of Alair Robart’s victory over the vampires was severely flawed. But even in those skewed reports, there would be elements of truth. He wondered if there was something more significant to kidnapping the children than Monroe let on. He felt his stomach clench. He couldn’t let anything happen to the children, but Angeline was his priority.

  “So what are you doing to try to find the children?”

  “Sweeping the city,” Rhone replied. “It’s nasty business, ferreting out a vampire nest within the city walls.”

  “What makes you so sure it’s a nest?” Connor asked.

  “Where there’s one there’s always many more,” Rhone said. “I always knew this day would come. I just never expected it to be like this though; the queen’s grasp on the kingdom is tenuous at best. The sooner she marries the Chief Advisor the better.”

  The words coming from someone in Angeline’s inner circle just confirmed everything that Connor already knew. He didn’t know how she was going to be able to play all the required political games to keep the kingdom in line and keep control of her wraith. He feared those two things were going to collide, soon, with disastrous consequences. So if he could take even one thing out of the equation for her, he needed to do that. Connor made a decision.

  “You’ll find the children in an old storefront on Bingden Street,” he said. “You’ll find them guarded by three very old, very strong vampires.”

  Rhone’s eyes lit up and he nodded vigorously. “My boys can take them.”

  “You’ll need wooden stakes and plenty of kerosene. Get the children out and burn the place down,” Connor said. He couldn’t believe that he was saying those words. He was giving the execution order for his sire. “They won’t expect you, so you’ll have the element of surprise on your side. And since they won’t be able to escape while it’s daylight, you must do it now.

  “Right now!” Rhone said loudly.

  Connor shushed him. “These vampires are clever. You must not get so close that they can compel you or else all will be lost. Avoid their eyes. Stake them. Burn them. Leave no one alive.”

  Rhone saluted him. “You have done the kingdom a great service. What did you say your name was again?”

  “You will forget you ever met me. You will tell everyone you received an anonymous missive telling you their whereabouts. Go, now.”

  Rhone shot past him, yelling for his men on the walkway. Connor could hear the heavy tread of boots on the floor above him responding to Rhone’s call. Connor quickly made his way back down to the third floor and slipped back into Lord Redley’s room. A quick scan showed it was just he and Redley still in the room. Elvry had not returned yet and he breathed a sigh of relief.

  Connor crumpled into the chair by the fireplace and stared at the embers that were slowly dying out. If he had any inclination to ever return to the coven that would now be gone. He had committed the ultimate betrayal. His life, or lack thereof, would be forfeit. The Master had a very long memory. As soon as he ensured that Angeline was safe, Connor would have to leave and disappear, never to return. Even if he did somehow manage to find a cure for his curse, his human life would be nothing but the same. He was doomed to a life of hiding to thwart the Master’s eyes, and eventually death.

  Death would come for him one way or another. That was now a guarantee.


  The moment Angeline had been waiting for had finally arrived.

  “Allocation number eighty-seven, House Gallow and House Redley,” Malin’s voice boomed across the room.

  Lady Gallow stood and walked to the front of the room, as she had already done four times. A collective sigh washed over the crowd as Lady Redley made her way through the crowd. Angeline watched the woman move slowly to the front of the room. It was like she knew that every eye in the room was on her, and she was deliberately ensuring that everyone had their eyeful. It gnawed at Angeline how confident the woman was; she couldn’t be more than a year or two older than Angeline but her grace and beauty seemed amplified.

  Angeline saw that Malin was also affected, although that didn’t surprise her. Even though he had tried to tell her that his reputation was all her father’s doing, she was sure that the tasks hadn’t been that onerous to him. He was a man in his prime, and every woman in court seemed willing to throw herself at his feet. Angeline saw that Lady Gallow had also noted Malin’s interest in Lady Redley. Suddenly Angeline wanted the audience over as quickly as possible.

  Finally the two women were standing in front of Angeline and they both curtsied to her in unison before turning to face Malin. Angeline watched color rise in his cheeks. She was shocked. Malin seemed to have lost his place as she watched him scanning the documents in front of him again. He cleared his throat and then his finger found what he was looking for. Angeline noted that he kept his eyes locked on the page and didn’t look again at the women in front of him.

  “Lady Gallow, it is hereby requested by her Majesty, Queen Angeline Mary Ellen Robart, that you will bequeath to the Redley family an allocation of ten percent of your property on the easternmost edge of province two, which currently borders the Redley family estate. As per the law, any servants, buildings, or resources currently residing on this land are hereby also the property of House Redley. Do you agree to these terms?” Malin now was forced to look up and he pulled at the collar of his jacket as if he was having a hard time breathing.

  Angeline had never seen Malin so flustered in open court. She had no idea what to make of it. A shy smile had appeared on Lady Redley’s face, as she looked Malin in the eye. Lady Gallow’s face, on the other hand, had settled into a hard frown. Angeline would have laughed if it weren’t her betrothed that the two women were fawning over. A quick glance around the room confirmed that everyone else was suddenly interested in the exchange as well.

  Lady Gallow had started to nod when Angeline found herself the object of Lady Redley’s gaze. “May I speak, your Majesty?” Lady Redley asked.

  Every time that Angeline thought she couldn’t be more surprised by court intrigue, a new wrinkle presented itself. She didn’t think that Malin had even figured out yet that Lady Redley had spoken. He didn’t look in Angeline’s direction.

  “Of course,” Angeline said with a small turn of her hand. No matter what, she wanted to be sure that every person in the room knew that she was in control.

  “My father and I are very appreciative of Your Majesty’s allocation to our house.” Lady Redley’s voice was soft and musical. But there was something underneath it that was raising red warning signals inside of her. Angeline suddenly remembered that Caspian had told her that her wraith would be able to sense danger. But she had no idea how the small and alluring woman in front of her could possibly be dangerous, other than to Angeline’s befuddled betrothed, who was gaping at the woman like he
had never seen a female before.

  “I am glad to hear that, Lady Redley,” Angeline said with a tight smile. “Was there something else?” Her head was starting to ache.

  Lady Redley took a small step forward. Her hands cupped together in front of her and she bit her lip and looked down at the ground. To anyone else, it would appear as if she was hesitant and uncertain, but Eric Robart had schooled Angeline in court intrigue. Angeline knew that this was all a show. There was nothing hesitant or uncertain about what the woman was about to say.

  “I am sure you aware, Your Majesty, that when you consider what property my family used to own versus what it has today, the disparity is quite great. Our house is the oldest in Altera, older than even yours.”

  Angeline was amazed at the woman’s gumption. Out of the corner of her eye she saw several nobles shift in their seats and there were several low whispers now going on.

  “Everyone here recognizes that Lord Redley is an old and decorated noble house,” Angeline said. She wasn’t going to agree verbally that the Redley family was older than the Robarts, even though everyone knew it to be true. “I am unclear, Lady Redley, what this has to do with the current allocation.”

  Lady Redley’s eyes widened. “Well, it has everything to do with the current allocation, Majesty. Although the request was generous, as I have already mentioned, my father would like to request that the allocation be adjusted to twenty percent.”

  A gasp rippled through the crowd and Angeline felt the hair on the back of her neck rise. For just an instant she saw through the woman standing there in front of her. A slight narrowing of the eyes and momentary burst of glee gave her away. A strong whiff of something alien had caught in her nostrils; she had no idea what it was, but it was coming from Lady Redley. But Angeline needed to focus on the matter at hand. She didn’t think in any of the accounts of the Ceremony of Allocation over the last three hundred years that a noble had ever openly questioned an allocation, much less asked for more. It was unprecedented.

  Angeline’s eyes darted to Malin. A confused expression crossed his face, but he was still completely out of it. She was on her own. Angeline realized that her pause lost her credibility as even more whispers broke out in the crowd. Lady Gallow looked outraged and had crossed her arms, staring at Lady Redley, who appeared to be entirely unfazed by the uproar that she had just caused. Instead, Lady Redley’s eyes were locked on Angeline.

  To give in to Lady Redley’s request would mean that she would make an enemy of Lady Gallow, a move that Angeline could ill afford. To deny her request outright would mean that she would possibly make an enemy of House Redley. To postpone a decision until she could confer with Malin would make her appear weak. Angeline needed to be decisive, so her only choice was to pick the lesser of two evils.

  “I have heard your request, Lady Redley,” Angeline said. She chose her words with care. “I can assure you that the decisions regarding all of the allocation requests went through a diligent and thorough process. In the end, I need to make sure that everyone is fairly treated. House Redley has gained ten percent more property today than it had yesterday. This will allow you to have greater prosperity from this day forward, and enable you to produce the means to possibly acquire further property from Lady Gallow or another one of the houses in province two. Therefore, at this time, I am declining your request for a greater allocation from House Gallow.”

  Lady Gallow stood straighter and a victorious smile crossed her face. Lady Redley’s smile, however, also remained. Angeline started to turn to Malin to tell him to continue when Lady Redley’s voice rang out once again.

  “Majesty, if I may ask for another moment of your time, there is one more thing that I would like to ask,” Lady Redley started.

  Now Angeline was angry. She knew that she deliberately prodded; that was the only reason that this minor noblewoman would think it was her place to question the decision of the queen. The only thing that Angeline didn’t know was why and who else Lady Redley may be in collusion with.

  “As I am sure you aware, my father has grown old and his health is failing. Given that he produced no male heirs, the Redley land will pass to me upon his death. I would like to ask that even in the event of my marriage House Redley will maintain control of its current property boundaries so that it may pass to any child of my bloodline who is not heir apparent to my husband’s house.”

  This declaration caused the room to explode. Suddenly the whispers erupted in full-blown shouts and Angeline heard nobles starting to argue with each other and yell across the room in her direction. The sudden increase in volume finally snapped Malin out of his lethargy and he stepped closer to Angeline and raised his arms. “Quiet! Everyone, I need you to please sit back down and be quiet.”

  Angeline could feel the tug at her consciousness and it was a bad sign. Her wraith had known that something was amiss with Lady Redley, and now it was starting to try to seduce Angeline into letting it take control. She couldn’t even believe that there was a part of her that wanted to let it, so that she could dive deep into the abyss of her subconscious and hide away. Instead, she shoved it away from her and willed it to stay there.

  She stood up with force and her voice carried across the room. “SILENCE!” Immediately every sound in the room ceased. In her mind she heard her father’s voice telling her that a queen never lost control. Every emotion, every word was weighed and judged. The merit of her wisdom would be calculated in moments like these. She looked down at Lady Redley.

  “Lady Redley, I am sure you are aware that by Alteran law regarding inheritance, all property is passed to the eldest living child when the primary noble passes on. In the event that the eldest living child is female, all properties that belong to her are merged with properties of her husband.”

  A frown had finally appeared on Lady Redley’s face. Angeline’s voice grew louder. “Given that Lord Redley, your father, is still living there is still the possibility that he may yet produce a male heir. There is also the possibility that even if he does not, after he passes, you may chose not to marry. In either instance, your request would be irrelevant. As such, it is my ruling on the matter your request is declined.” Her eyes cut to Malin’s.

  “So noted, Majesty,” he said, quickly bowing his head.

  Angeline’s arm came up and she gestured at Hector, who was staring up at her with a look of open awe on his face. “Now, Hector will handle the remaining documentation to finalize the allocation. I consider this matter of the allocation between House Gallow and House Redley now closed.” Her voice was firm. She sat back down in her seat. “Chief Advisor Baford, please continue.”

  She could see that Lady Redley was chafing under Angeline’s pronouncement, but to say anything else once the queen closed the allocation would make her look foolish and give Angeline reason to take away the allocation House Redley had been granted. But based on the glare that the woman shot in her direction as she glided to Hector’s table, Angeline knew that her dealings with Lady Redley were far from over. She had definitely made an enemy.

  Malin, having finally recovered, spoke. “This concludes the Ceremony of Allocation. Thank you again for your cooperation and generosity. The Ascension Ball begins tonight at dusk and so we will expect to see you there.”

  Angeline knew that he had concluded the ceremony early. The nobles’ dismissal was supposed to wait until the final allocation pair returned to their seats, but he seemed to be as eager to leave the room as she was, and the ceremony had already proved itself to be different than any other. Malin held out his arm and Angeline gratefully took it and allowed him to lead her down the pedestal to the floor. As she swept past Lady Redley, she felt the woman’s heavy stare but she didn’t even look at her. Then they were through the curtain and out the door into the hallway.

  “Majesty, might I suggest we reconvene in the war room?” Malin said to her. There were waves of urgency in his voice.

  “I think that is a good idea,” she replied. She kne
w that there were ears everywhere. “We need to speak with Rhone in any case.”

  Malin put his hand over hers but she was too distracted to ask him to move it. They quickly made their way to the war room, neither one speaking. As soon as they were inside and the door was closed, Angeline turned on Malin.

  “Perhaps you can tell me, Chief Advisor, why a minor noblewoman is questioning my decisions.” She knew the words came out bitter but she didn’t care.

  Malin’s face was ashen and he gripped her shoulders. “I fear this is much worse than even I suspected, Angeline. We are in very deep trouble.”


  The slamming door brought Connor out of his reverie. His thoughts had completely fallen away as he stared into the fire. It was like the outside world ceased to exist. He kept wondering if he’d feel it when Monroe died and if his sire’s distress would filter across the blood bond. His thoughts went in a continuous circle, one that he couldn’t break.

  As he stood to face Elvry, he saw immediately that she was in a snit. Her face was pinched with anger and there were streaks of blood across her cheeks. She had fed on her way back to the room, and Connor could only hope that she had taken care to hide whoever had fallen victim to her wrath.

  “What happened?” he asked.

  “I don’t know who that little wench thinks she is, but I can assure you I will show her tonight who is really in charge around here,” Elvry spat.

  On one hand Connor was relieved to hear that Angeline was definitely still alive and well, but on the other he was dismayed. Elvry had obviously intended for her audience with Angeline to go in a different direction, and Angeline had thwarted her plans.

  “What did she do?” Connor found that he was proud. If Angeline rose above Elvry’s test, then he was certain that she would be able to face almost anything.


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