Her Irresistible Troublemaker (A Town Named Eden Book 3)

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Her Irresistible Troublemaker (A Town Named Eden Book 3) Page 23

by Parin, Sonia

  “Maybe she wants time and distance to think,” Mason suggested. “Women like that. I always feel I’ve been sent to the naughty corner.”

  Steph rolled her eyes.

  “I’ve stayed away and I’ve given her time.” And he hoped she was doing better than he was. Was she even thinking about him?

  “The fact you’ve stayed in Eden will work in your favor. She’ll know straight away you haven’t given up.”

  Mason agreed with Steph, but Jack wasn’t so sure. Maybe he should have respected her wishes.

  “You read romances, Steph. What do the heroes usually do in situations like this?”

  “Actually, they usually do something really stupid like walk away.”

  “But they eventually get the girl.”

  “Oh, sure. You have to have a happy ending. But before that happens, you have to undergo some serious soul searching.”

  “How the hell do I do that?”

  “By digging deep. Eventually, you’ll come to terms with what you stand to lose and admit you’ve been an idiot.”

  “And women go for guys who are idiots?”

  “Throw in a hot bod and we’ll forgive you guys anything. That’s not to say we’re shallow.” Steph shrugged.

  He had been acting like an idiot since that first time she’d called him to alert him about the intruder in his building. What if they’d never met again? He would have missed out on so much…

  Mason raised his hand. “I find it also helps to apologize.”

  “For what? Staying when I should have left?”

  “Play it safe, cover all possibilities and offer a blanket apology.”

  “I’d advice against that. You have to be clear. We want to know you’ve learned your lesson.” Steph gave a firm nod. “And just so we’re clear, we love you but you can’t hurt Lexie. Now, you need to figure out exactly what you want.”

  That sounded simple enough.

  He’d actually narrowed it down.

  One moment he wanted to take everything slow and easy. The next moment, he wanted to set a fast and furious pace. But Lexie didn’t want her parents finding out about him because they’d put pressure on her. So that meant he couldn’t force her into—

  What? A relationship?

  They were already in a relationship. He smiled as he remembered their first phone conversation.

  Your building is being ransacked…

  He knew he wanted to be with her. All the time. Or at least spend as much time as he could with her. “I want to know she’ll always be there. A phone call away.”

  “As a friend?” Steph asked. “Or as something more?”

  “Yes,” he nodded.

  “Which is it?”

  Both. Because he liked her as a friend, but he also wanted her as a lover. So… Yes, he wanted more. More. More.

  The words echoed in his mind and his heart beat an accompanying tune.

  When he saw both Mason and Steph waving and grinning like a couple of clowns, Jack whipped around.

  Lexie stood by the office door, her hair tumbling around her shoulders, one eyebrow raised in challenge, the corner of her lips curved upward. And then he noticed something else. The fast rise and fall of her chest. Had she ran into the pub? Or was she happy… exhilarated… overjoyed to see him?

  Jack stood up and brushed his hand across the back of his neck. “Hi.” He remembered to blink and had to remind himself to breathe. A few days before he’d tried to leave. After dropping Lexie off, he’d driven to the pub to collect his things but then Mitch Faydon had stopped him for a chat and then he’d had a drink with his brother Matthew and then it had been dinnertime…

  When his head had hit the pillow that night, he’d admitted he couldn’t leave. Not without her. So he’d decided to bide his time and take a chance. From one day to the next, anything could happen…

  She could change her mind.

  Come to her senses. Find a better solution.

  Lexie crossed her arms over her chest. “You faked your departure?”

  Had she sounded angry? Amused? Relieved? “I had some business to wrap up with Eddie and Mitch.”

  Her curved eyebrow dropped and she frowned.

  He heard moans and groans coming from the computer and then Maggie appeared in the doorway, her head shaking as if in disapproval.

  He wished Mason hadn’t mentioned the naughty corner. He had the feeling he was about to get a one-way ticket there.

  “I know you wanted me to go.” He tried to smile and couldn’t. His heartbeat was all over the place. “But I couldn’t put that much distance between us.”

  He glanced over his shoulder and saw Steph giving him a nod of approval.

  “So why didn’t you come to see me?”

  Normally, he was man enough to accept responsibility for his actions. But in this instance, he suspected he needed to limit the damages. He pointed his finger at the computer screen. “They said you needed time to think.”

  “But the other day you agreed to part ways.”

  “He said that?” Steph and Mason asked in unison.

  Jack edged toward the computer and pressed the volume key to off. Lexie’s sister lifted her chin as if to taunt him into trying to switch her volume off. Then she pointed to the screen.

  “Steph is holding up a sign.”

  Tell her how you feel.

  What was the point?

  She’d been fine with him leaving while he’d refused to budge. How could he make her understand? They couldn’t walk off in opposite directions now. That would create a gap between them. What if she chose to fill it with regrets? What if one of the fresh country air breathing locals caught her eye?

  Jack drew in a deep breath. When he released it, he gave caution a flick and said the first thing that popped into his head. “Right this minute, I feel under pressure to say something that should be for your ears only. You should be the first to hear me tell you I love you and in time, I will tell you, but now it’s too soon and you probably wouldn’t believe me—”

  Lexie drew her eyebrows together. “So telling me you love me now doesn’t count?”

  “I think it counts,” Maggie said and looking over his shoulder, smiled at the computer screen. “Now they’re waving their fists. They look annoyed. You should switch the volume back on again.”

  “I’ve had to listen to them for the last couple of days. They’re not half as much fun as Lexie.”

  “You think I’m fun?”

  “And unpredictable, in a good way.” He’d never have a dull day with her and Jack had no idea how he’d ever keep up with Lexie. What if she found him too boring?

  He crossed his arms over his chest and stood with his feet firmly apart. “Get used to having me around, Lexie.”

  * * *

  He loved her.

  Tell him you love him too, you fool.

  No. No, don’t. That hadn’t been an official I love you.

  As Lexie’s inner dialogue bounced around her head, she couldn’t help smiling, and when she did, she realized she’d been frowning.

  Jack hadn’t left.

  All this time he’d been in Eden.

  Stubborn man.

  It shouldn’t come as a surprise. Right from the start, she’d known he liked having things go his way, or no way.

  Maggie’s elbow nudged her ribs. “Your cell’s ringing.”

  She looked at the caller ID. “It’s mom.”

  “Put her on speaker. She must be up in arms about you leaving Eden without so much as a hug goodbye.”

  “You’re leaving?” Jack stepped forward, his hand stretched out almost as if he meant to grab hold of her in case she fled.

  “She was going to see you,” Maggie said.

  Lexie didn’t want her mother worrying so she answered before the call disconnected. “Mom, I’m in the middle of something.” And then she turned to Jack, “See what I mean about not starting something while we’re here. All eyes will be on us. People will be discussing us over
breakfast. We’ll be required to give updates and be open to relationship advice.”

  “Lexie, what’s going on?” her mother asked.

  “Don’t worry, I got this.” Maggie took the cell from her and began giving their mother a summary of everything that had happened since she’d left for work.

  Jack brushed his hands over his face and turning back to the computer, he turned the volume back on.

  “What did we miss?” Mason and Steph asked.

  “Lexie now knows I’ll be telling her I love her. But it’s too soon now. I’ll find the right time and place…”

  “Why haven’t we met Jack?” her mother asked.

  “Who’s Jack?”

  Her father’s voice.

  “Your father’s just stepped into my office. Give me a minute to catch him up.”

  Lexie threw her arms in the air.

  Jack looked at her and smiled. “I can deal with it. It’s my area of expertise.”

  She didn’t take her eyes off him but she could still see his brother and sister nodding in approval and encouragement.

  A few moments later, her mother cleared her throat. “We’re all ears. Remember, this is all about you, Lexie. Don’t mind us.”

  Straightening her shoulders, she fixed her attention on Jack. Lexie tried to pull herself together and imagine everything that could go wrong and every time a scenario cropped up, she pictured Jack finding a sure fire solution.

  “It’s all a bit sudden,” she said testily.

  “We’ll take it nice and easy.”

  “I don’t know, Jack. You say that now, and before you realize what’s happening, I’m walking down the aisle toward you and after the honeymoon we’ll settle in Eden, you’ll build a spaceship for us to live in, even though you have that beautiful apartment with uninterrupted views of the beach and I’ve always wanted to live by the seaside, but if I don’t settle in Eden after I’m married, my mother’s never going to forgive me, especially when the kids come along—”

  “Sorry to interrupt, Lexie,” her mother said, “We’d feel so much better if you moved back to Eden. Think of the time you got stranded out in the middle of the lake. We came to your rescue—”

  Lexie rolled her eyes and jumped back in before her mother could reveal more. “And, let’s not forget the beautiful garden you planted for me.”

  He grinned. “You know about that?”

  “Ava sent me a picture and I was on my way to see it for myself.”

  “I thought you were going to see me.”

  “Well, yes… of course…” Testing his fortitude, she continued garbling on, but then Jack interrupted her.

  “Mason has a beach house we can use.” He lifted his chin and looked about ready to volley back every one of her excuses and arguments.

  “So does that mean I’ll have to buy a spacesuit because you’ll build a super modern house for us? I didn’t hear you deny that one.”

  “We can have a traditional house, but if I make that concession,” he shrugged, “You’ll have to give me something in return.”

  “What have you got in mind?”

  “Whatever he wants, give it to him.” Her mother’s voice came through loud and clear.

  Lexie glowered at her cell. Her mother had heard every word. Now there’d be no end to her pressuring her to set a date. “I like what we have… without the part where you walk away. Also, I know it’s jumping the gun, but I want a long engagement… when and if we get around to making it official… maybe in a few months… It might not even come to that.”

  “It will.” He hitched his hands on his hips and smiled. “But does that mean you don’t want to… eventually get engaged? You’re supposed to give me something I want but you don’t,” he explained.

  “Oh, right… well, how about forgetting what I said the other day about waiting until we get back to Melbourne?” It was the only thing they hadn’t agreed on.

  He nodded. “That’ll do. Now we need to find some place quiet and private to talk over the details.”

  “Somewhere private?” She chortled. “Good luck with that.”

  “Your father has surgery tonight and I have a hospital committee meeting so we won’t be back home until late,” her mother said.

  Rolling her eyes, Lexie handed Maggie her car keys, and then she turned to Jack. “Let’s go find that mythical quiet place.”

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  “Okay, now we’re alone, you can drop the act,” she said as she secured the seat belt in place.

  Jack answered by switching the radio on and turning his attention to driving.

  At first, it didn’t make sense. He’d said he wanted to talk. And when he didn’t, Lexie suspected he probably needed more thinking time. He’d been in touch with Mason and Steph. Had he been brainstorming ideas with them? Was he all talked out?

  Lexie taunted him by mouthing a conversation, which he ignored.

  Finally, after making a few turns she wasn’t familiar with, and driving along a private road she didn’t recognize, they reached the lake. “You know sound travels across water. You said you’d find a quiet place.”

  He took her hand and they strode toward the shore. Once there, he released her hand and stood with his hands hitched on his hips, the edge of his lip getting a work out as he appeared to nibble on it. “I came to Eden because I was afraid of losing you to someone else before I’d had a chance to let you know how I felt about you.”

  A surge of elation traveled up to her throat. “That was forward thinking, but entirely unnecessary. I’ve grown up around these guys and they all treat me like their little sister.”

  “I shouldn’t take all the credit for coming. Mason and Steph had a hand in convincing me. They can be relentless.”

  “Aren’t families great? M-most of the time…”

  “You’re gritting your teeth.” He smiled. “I put you on the spot back there. Saying what I did with your parents listening.”

  Her relationship with Maggie had changed and she could see improvements far beyond what she might have imagined with her parents. They accepted her choices and, thanks to Maggie’s input, they even appeared to be proud of her achievements. She didn’t mind them knowing about Jack. He could have played it safe. But he hadn’t.

  “I can’t be held responsible for their actions. Remember, I warned you. Don’t be surprised if my father asks about your intentions toward me. Just don’t cave in to them.”

  He gazed out over the water. “Did you really get stranded out in the middle of the lake?”

  She smiled as the memory came rushing back to her. “My parents had been arguing over something petty. I was nine and I figured I needed to distract them. To this day, they think they rescued me.”

  “Any other little girl might have used tears as a distraction.”

  “Yeah, well. I’ve got news for you. I didn’t turn into the person you’ve become acquainted with over these last few weeks. I’ve always been like this. One of my aunts still refers to me as an odd little creature.” She went to stand next to him. “I’m sorry I sent you away, Jack.”

  “I’m not. It was the push I needed.” He swept his hand across her back and drew her close to him. “There’s no such thing as a better time and place. For a while I’d been saying I wasn’t in the right place to start something new, but that’s just not right. It doesn’t make sense to turn my back on something that feels good right now because I don’t feel I can offer a complete package deal. I want to be with you. I’ve enjoyed being with you from the start. We’re bound to change along the way—”

  “I’d like to be a work in progress with you by my side. And I’ll take you the way you are. But if you go back to banking does that mean I’d have to start dressing like a grown-up and attending snooty shindigs?”

  “No, I’m taking you as you are too. And I’m too happy doing what I’m doing to change career paths again.”

  Her stomach quivered with excitement. She’d sent him away and he’d stayed. I
n every relationship there should be at least one person with good sense.

  “If I squint my eyes I can just make out my parents’ place.”

  “It’s a nice block of land. The owner is looking to sell. He’d wanted to build a house as a holiday retreat but his wife is keen on traveling, so they never got around to it.”

  “What are you saying, Jack?” She had to ask because she wanted to hear it all again. When she’d found him at the pub, she’d been swept away by so many emotions she knew his words had become tangled up with them. What if she’d missed something?

  Lexie had no idea how she’d survived all these days without seeing him or talking to him. Now all she could think was how long it would take to make up for lost time.

  He pressed his lips against her forehead. “I’ve decided to say as little as possible and just get on with doing.” He looked over her head. “I like the view, but I want to enjoy it with you. It can be our weekend getaway or our permanent home. I’ll leave that up to you. There’s plenty of work here for me. Do you think Lulu McGee could stand to live in a small country town?”

  Lexie laughed. “She’ll do as I say.”

  “Okay. We won’t rush into anything. I’ll give you enough time to get used to having me around.”

  “Whatever happened to your commitment phobias?”

  “The answer is pretty obvious. You happened. We’ve already had a practice run at being a couple, I can’t wait to see what we’re like for real.”

  “You’ve made up your mind.”

  He nodded. “Mason saw it first. He realized it before I did.”

  “You’re not worried you’ll make the same mistake again?”

  “With you?” He laughed. “If I walk away from you, the whole town will come down on me like a ton of bricks. And I still haven’t met your parents. If I hurt you, they’ll probably hire a team of mercenaries to kidnap me and take me to an unknown location where your father can then go to work on me with his sharpened scalpel.”

  “You’re starting to think and sound like me.”

  “I still have some way to go. By the time we have kids, I hope to have honed my skills. Then we can both gang up on them and make their lives… interesting.”


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