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Arbella Page 46

by Sarah Gristwood

  Weir, Alison, Elizabeth the Queen (Jonathan Cape, 1998)

  White, Gillian, A Very Goodly Prospect (National Trust, 1997)

  Williams, E. Carleton, Bess of Hardwick (Longmans, Green & Co., 1959)

  Williams, Neville, All the Queen’s Men (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972)

  Williams, Norman Lloyd, Sir Walter Raleigh (Cassell, 1988; first publ. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1962)

  Willson, D. H., King James VI and I (Jonathan Cape, 1955)

  Wilson, D., Sweet Robin: A Biography of Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, 1533–1588 (Hamish Hamilton, 1981)

  Wilson, T., The State of England AD 1600, ed. F. J. Fisher (Camden Society Miscellany, vol. IV, 1936)

  Wilson, Violet A., Society Women of Shakespeare’s Time (1924)

  Winwood, Sir Ralph, Memorials of the Affairs of State in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I (1725)

  Worsley, Lucy, Hardwick Old Hall (English Heritage, 1998)

  Picture acknowledgements

  Lady Arbella Stuart at the Age of 23 Months, 1577. Hardwick Hall. National Trust Photograph Library/R. A. Wilsher. Background: detail of a man’s semi-circular cloak, slashed, pinked and embroidered, Italian, 1600–1620. V&A Picture Library.

  Lady Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox, British School, 1572. The Royal Collection © 2002, HM Queen Elizabeth II; Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley and his Brother, Charles Stuart, Earl of Lennox, 1563. Holyrood House. The Royal Collection © 2002, HM Queen Elizabeth II; The Lennox Jewel (inside and front views), c. 1571–8. The Royal Collection © 2002, HM Queen Elizabeth II.

  Chatsworth House, after an Elizabethan original, by Richard Wilson (1713/4–82). Devonshire Collection, Chatsworth. By permission of the Duke of Devonshire and the Chatsworth Settlement Trustees; Elizabeth Hardwick, Countess of Shrewsbury, c. 1590, attributed to Rowland Lockey. Hardwick Hall. National Trust Photographic Library/John Bethell; Mary, Queen of Scots, possibly by Rowland Lockey, 1578. Hardwick Hall. National Trust Photographic Library/Hawkley Studios; Gog and Magog, plasterwork overmantel at Hardwick Old Hall. English Heritage Photographic Library; the west staircase, Hardwick Old Hall. © English Heritage Photographic Library/Jonathan Bailey; needlework panel with ‘MA’ cypher and a cat by Mary, Queen of Scots. The Royal Collection © 2002, HM Queen Elizabeth II.

  Queen Elizabeth Receiving the Dutch Ambassadors, c. 1585. Staatliche Museen, Kassel; Queen Elizabeth I by Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, 1595. Burghley House Collection, Lincolnshire. © The Bridgeman Art Library; William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley attributed to Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger, after 1585. © The National Portrait Gallery Picture Library; Young Man Amongst Roses (thought to be Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex) by Nicholas Hilliard, c. 1587. V&A Picture Library; Sir Walter Ralegh by Nicholas Hilliard, c. 1585. © The National Portrait Gallery Picture Library; Sir Francis Walsingham by John de Critz the Elder. © The National Portrait Gallery Picture Library.

  Arbella Stuart, English school, 1589. Hardwick Hall. National Trust Photographic Library/John Hammond.

  Front view of Hardwick Hall. National Trust Photographic Library/ Nick Meers.

  View of the Hardwick Old Hall and the New Hall from across the valley to the east. © English Heritage Photographic Library; Long Gallery, Hardwick Hall. National Trust Photographic Library/Andreas von Einseidel; Hardwick Hall, entrance gate. © Arcaid/Richard Bryant; view of the Withdrawing Chamber, with the sea dog table in the foreground. Hardwick Hall. © Arcaid/ Richard Bryant.

  Richard Sackville, 3rd Earl of Dorset by William Larkin, 1615. Rangers’ House, Blackheath. © English Heritage Photographic Library; Walter Ralegh, attributed to William Segar, 1598. National Gallery of Ireland; Rainbow Portrait of Elizabeth possibly by Isaac Oliver, c. 1600. Hatfield House. Courtesy of the Marquess of Salisbury; Anne Cecil, Countess of Stamford, attributed to William Larkin, 1615. Ranger’s House, Blackheath. © Bridgeman Art Library.

  James VI of Scotland and I of England by Paul van Somer, c. 1618. Yale Center for British Art, Paul Mellon Fund/Bridgeman Art Library. Sir Robert Cecil, 1st Earl of Salisbury by John de Critz the Elder, 1602. The National Portrait Gallery Picture Library; Gilbert Talbot, 7th Earl of Shrewsbury, attributed to William Segar, 1596. Christie’s Images. © Bridgeman Art Library; Mary Talbot, The Countess of Shrewsbury, English School, 17th century. By permission of the Master and Fellows of St John’s College, Cambridge; London From Southwark, Dutch School, c. 1630. Museum of London.

  Arbella Stuart (?), circle of Paul van Somer, by permission of the Marquess of Bath, Longleat House, Warminster, Wilts.

  Except where otherwise stated the textile used as a background to some of these illustrations is a detail of a satin cushion cover embroidered with silk, metal thread and metal strip, English, c. 1600. © V&A Picture Library.

  Black and white text illustrations

  © Bridgeman Art Library: xvi: from The Panorama of London by Anthonis van den Wyngaerde, c. 1544. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford; 14: from the Book of Kings by Renold Elstrack, 1618. Private Collection; 38: Private Collection; 73: Private Collection; 243: Private Collection; © The British Library: 52 (778.c.3); © British Library, Department of Manuscripts (MS Harl. 7003 f. 71): 284; © British Museum, Department of Prints and Drawings: 42: drawing by Federico Zuccaro, 1574; 121, 208, 281; The Trustees of the Chatsworth Settlement/Photo © The Courtauld Institute of Art: 276: Design for a naiad’s costume for ‘Tethys’ Festival’ by Inigo Jones; Crown Copyright/NMR: 86/7; Sir John Soane’s Museum/Photo © The Courtauld Institute of Art (B64/511A): 64; The Society of Antiquaries of London: 318: A True and Exact Copy of the Draught of the Tower Liberties Surveyd in the year 1597 by Hayward and Gascoyne; V&A Picture Library: 228: engraving, 1604, designed and published by Stephen Harrison, engraved by William Kip.


  The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

  Abrahall, Mrs (waiting gentlewoman), 111

  Adams, Mrs (attendant on A), 19, 23, 383

  Allen, William, cardinal, 139, 140

  Anna of Denmark, queen consort: character, 286; in Scotland, 253, 262, 288; children, 286, 288, 301, 414; relationship with husband, 288, 289, 414; religion, 288; arrival in England, 253, 263, 285–6; relationship with A, 253–4, 270, 286, 289–90, 294, 331–2, 353–4, 357; coronation, 263, 265, 393; in Winchester, 271; gifts for, 282; masques, 284, 285, 311, 321, 341, 354; progress, 285–6; popularity, 288–9; household, 290; brother’s visit, 311; court at Somerset House, 320; Ralegh’s appeal, 395; Greenwich palace, 414; death, 440

  Anne Boleyn, queen of Henry VIII, 36, 54, 82, 393

  Anna Cathrine, queen of Christian IV of Denmark, 312

  Arbella Stuart: birth, 39, 41; christening, 45; childhood, 46–7, 52–6; 57–8; 69, 70–1, 72–77; father’s death, 47–8; mother’s death, 53–5; education, 55, 56, 73–6, 79, 97, 120, 145, 174–5, 295; marriage possibilities, 67–8, 96, 97–8, 102, 105, 108–9, 111, 118, 152, 158–9, 169–70, 172, 183–4, 301–3, 324–8; presentation at court, 91–7; Greenwich court visit, 102, 103–5; sent away from court, 103, 106–7; journey south, 111–12; at court, 113–18; life in Derbyshire, 119–23, 145–6, 155–7, 172–8; Catholic plot rumours, 124, 137; marriage proposal, 183–9; Brounker’s visit and interrogation, 181–3, 189–92; Exposition (1603), 209–11, 222; attempted escape from Hardwick, 229, 230–8, 418; James’s accession, 245–9; at Wrest Park, 225–6, 258; Elizabeth’s funeral, 256–7; meeting with James, 258–61; at Sheen, 261; at court, 263; plots involving, 267–9, 273–80; life at court, 269–72, 281–86, 290, 294, 296; dedications to, 295; influence at court, 296–7; at Hardwick again, 299; Gunpowder Plot, 305–6; Bess’s death, 314; Blackfriars house, 316, 319–20; journey north, 321–3; suppression of play, 327–8; first meeting with William, 331; betrothal, 332–4, 337–9, 385; examination by James, 338–9; marriage plans, 340; in Tethys masque, 341; marriage, 18, 343–5; impr
isonment at Lambeth, 346, 349; interrogation, 347; petition, 351; question of pregnancy, 353, 359, 447; Durham imprisonment ordered, 359; journey north, 362–8; escape plans, 364, 368, 369–70; flight, 17–23, 370, 377–8; re-capture, 24–5, 378; in Tower, 136, 379–80, 381–2, 392–3, 395–6, 401–2, 411; interrogation in Tower, 385, 387–8; allegations against Mary Talbot, 414–19; Waad’s dismissal, 420–21; death, 434–5; post mortem, 435; funeral, 435–6; tomb, 472;

  FINANCES: debts, 262, 323, 327; escape funds, 368, 399; gifts from Bess, 175; gifts from James, 327, 340; impost, 283; income at court, 307, 309; inheritance, 48–52, 109; James’s promises, 324, 327, 339; jewels, 51–2, 19, 175, 178, 399–400, 413, 424, 429; lawsuits, 315–16; mother’s dowry, 63, 175; pension, 52, 55, 111, 175, 262, 283, 300, 327, 340; petition to James, 315; petitions to Cecil, 307, 323–4; Tower imprisonment, 398–400;

  HEALTH: explanations for her distraction, 213, 247, 420; illness in 1595, 149; madness reports, 176, 199, 213, 247, 419–20; measles, 298; porphyria, 213–14, 256, 262, 353, 419, 430, 432, 463–7; self-starvation, 212–13, 434, 435; smallpox, 321; in Tower, 388, 419–20, 425, 426, 427–34;

  LETTERS: of appeal, 361; appearance of, 9–10; to Bess, 102, 199–201; to Brounker, 216; 221–3, 225–9; to Cecil, 204, 262–3, 307, 323, 361; to Christian IV, 312; to Elizabeth, 192, 196–7; to Gilbert, 269–70, 272, 279–80, 281, 283, 284, 289–90, 290–1, 294, 296, 297–8, 299, 300, 301, 315–16; from Hardwick, 199–206; to Henry, 303; intercepted, 193–4, 272; to James, 355–7, 367; to Mary Talbot, 193, 269–70, 272–3, 279, 290, 298; survival of, 134; letter to William, 357–8;

  PERSON: appearance, 174; character, 57, 73, 74, 150, 174–5, 259, 261; dress, 87–90, 117, 118, 413; education, 55, 56, 73–6, 79, 97, 120, 145, 174–5, 295; embroidery, 73, 79–80, 172, 230; lutenist, 312; name, 39–40; portraits, 46–7, 89, 108, 111, 116, 476–8, 479; religion, 128–9, 131, 172, 306, 326, 415;

  ROYALTY: ancestry, 41–2, 144–5; claim to throne, 73, 91, 97–8, 101, 124–5, 138, 147–8, 149–50, 168–72; parents’ marriage, 31, 44

  Arundel, Lady Alethea Howard (Talbot), countess of: medical recipes, 78–9; house, 320; children, 322; at court, 341; Clifford case, 411; exile, 439–440; embroideries, 475–6

  Arundel, Thomas Howard, second earl of, 78, 440

  Arundel family, 129

  Ascham, Roger, 74, 75, 88

  Asheton, Sir Richard, 297

  Aubrey, John, 439

  Babington, Anthony, 82, 382

  Bacon, Anthony, 137

  Bacon, Francis: employment by Essex, 132, 137, 141–2, 151; on Elizabeth, 139; on building, 154; A’s causes, 315, 408–9

  Baisley, John, 383

  Balis (earl of Shrewsbury’s man), 383

  Barlow, Robert, 59

  Barnes (informer), 129, 138

  Barratt, Mary, 447

  Bawden, Thomas, 392

  Beale, Robert, 72

  Beauchamp, see Seymour

  Beaulieu, James, 332

  Beaumont, de (French ambassador), 215

  Beaumont, Francis, 310, 327

  Bedford, Lucy Russell, countess of, 290

  Bentivoglio, Guido, 406

  Bess of Hardwick, see Shrewsbury

  Blount, Sir Michael, 144

  Bogdan, Stephen, 325–6, 327–8

  Boss, Jeffrey, 466

  Bowes, Isabel, Lady, 323

  Bowyer, Sir William, 400

  Bradshaw, Mrs (A’s gentlewoman), 343, 349,, 353, 372, 383, 418

  Brandon, Eleanor, 464

  Brett, Richard, 295

  Bright, john, 22, 23

  Bromley, Sir Henry, 254

  Brooke, George, 267, 273, 276, 279, 280

  Brounker, Sir Henry: career, 190; at Hardwick, 181–2, 189–2, 194–5, 209–11, 215–17, 230, 234–7, 239–40; reports, 188, 189–90, 245, 246, 350, 418; Exposition, 209–11, 222; A’s letters, 216, 221–3, 225–9; Chaworth’s mission, 234–5

  Brystone, John, 142

  Bull, Thomas, 420

  Burghley, William Cecil, Lord: house, 41, 92–4, 474–5; master of the wards, 49; on Hertford marriage, 358; correspondence, 32–3, 35, 54, 55–6, 64, 102, 120, 123, 129, 230; imprisonment of Mary, 39, 66, 81, 94; on court, 87; Lennox jewels, 109; influence, 114, 131, 139, 147–8; sources of intelligence, 137, 151; on Holdenby, 154; death, 160

  Burton, Robert, 150, 177, 214

  Byron, Sir john, 166, 188, 349–50

  Byron (Biron), Margaret, 188, 291, 343, 349–50

  Camden, William, 51

  Carey, Sir Robert, 241

  Carleton, Sir Dudley: on A, 273, 346, 347, 354; on Cobham, 276; on Cecil, 278; on masque, 285; on court dress, 310; on William, 346, 347, 405

  Carlos, Don, 433

  Carr, Bridget, 235

  Carr, Robert, 296, 309, 368, 421, 422–3, 431, 438

  Catesby, Robert, 305

  Catherine Parr, queen of Henry VIII, 197

  Cavendish, Anne (Keighley), 157, 178

  Cavendish, Charles: relationship with stepfather, 61, 63; denial of rumours, 67; children, 73; on Theobalds, 94; on A, 94–5, 96; on Ralegh, 96; journey south, 112; Bolsover household, 121, 471; religion, 127; Stanhope quarrel, 140–1; masquerade story, 253; relationship with A, 296, 298; on sister’s imprisonment, 388, 394, 400; descendants, 447

  Cavendish, Charles (son of the above), 73

  Cavendish, Christian (Bruce), 315

  Cavendish, Grace (Talbot), 64, 71, 477

  Cavendish, Henry: marriage, 63–4, 71; orchestra, 122; relationship with A, 187, 203–4, 296; A’s escape plan, 230–3, 235–6, 418; questioning, 235, 273, 278; death, 469

  Cavendish, Margaret, duchess of Newcastle, 77, 335

  Cavendish, Michael, 74, 173

  Cavendish, Sir William, 35, 59, 343

  Cavendish, William (son of the above), first earl of Devonshire: relationship with stepfather, 61, 63; at Hardwick, 64, 157; denial of rumours, 67; journey south, 112; children, 157; inheritance, 175, 469; household, 207; Brounker’s visits, 182, 216–17; relationship with A, 217, 296, 299, 300, 315; titles, 299–301, 430; son’s marriage, 315; descendants, 447

  Cavendish, William (son of the above), second earl of Devonshire, 157, 315

  Cavendish, William (son of Charles), duke of Newcastle, 73, 77, 121, 443

  Cavendish family, 73, 121, 141, 447

  Cecil, Robert (Viscount Cranborne, earl of Salisbury): relationship with Gilbert, 79, 168–9, 193, 270, 314, 407–8; influence, 114, 132–3, 151, 408; relationship with Essex, 132–3, 151, 168–9, 268; intelligence network, 137, 139–40, 151; succession question, 159–60; master of the wards, 163; Essex rebellion, 164, 248; agreement and correspondence with James, 167–8, 171, 193, 206–7; questioning of Dodderidge, 189; rumours about, 193; on Hertford, 195; on Starkey, 207; interrogations of A, 215–16; queen’s last illness, 218; on A’s letters, 221; instructions to Brounker, 235, 236–7; instructions to Bess, 247; conspiracy theory, 247–9; proclamation of James’s accession, 242; relationship with A, 249, 261, 263–3, 274–5, 278, 282, 307, 253, 408; influence over James, 257, 293, 309–10; conspiracies discovered by, 267–8, 227–8; on court life, 270, 293; Gunpowder Plot, 305–6; finances, 309–10; New Exchange opening, 320; parliamentary negotiations, 347; on A’s petition, 351, 353; enquiry into A’s marriage, 358; A’s letter to, 361; A’s re-capture, 378; letters to ambassadors, 384; on William, 403–4; death, 407–8

  Cecil, Thomas, second Lord Burghley, 242

  Chamberlain, John: on Beauchamp, 243; on Cecil, 278; on James, 302–3; on masques, 311; on Thames, 313; on A, 315, 325, 326, 327, 420, 424–5; on Mary Talbot, 410; on William, 428

  Chandos, Lady (Frances), 368

  Chapman, George, 295

  Charles I, king: childhood, 341; prince of Wales, 411, 441; policies, 442, 448; Essex letter, 445; trial and execution, 336, 444–5, 479

  Charles II, king, 121, 336, 443, 444, 445, 446

  Châteauneuf, M. and Mme de, 85, 99

  Chatsworth, 35, 52, 59, 60, 63, 64, 469, 471
  Chaworth, Sir George, 217–18, 225, 234–5, 314, 447

  Christian IV, king of Denmark, 308, 311–12, 424–5

  Clarendon, Edward Hyde, earl of, 334, 442, 445

  Clarke, William (Catholic priest), 267, 273, 279, 280

  Clifford, Lady Anne, 174, 242, 255, 256–7, 291, 293, 411, 434, 439

  Clinton, Lady Arbella, 447–8

  Cobham, Henry Brooke, eighth Lord: religion, 254; rumours about, 257; on A, 259–60; Main Plot, 267–8, 276–7, 401; reprieve, 280; in Tower, 306, 401

  Cobham, Lady, 87

  Cockett, Griffen, 24, 378

  Coke, Sir Edward, 144, 274, 360, 450

  Coke, Thomas, 297

  Collinson, Patrick, 118

  Condé, prince de, 171

  Conference about the Next Succession, 142–5, 147, 257–8

  Constable, Henry, 426

  Conyers, Mr (in East Barnet), 365, 368

  Cope, Sir Walter, 307

  Corvé, Tassin (Captain), 21, 22, 24, 383, 399

  Critz, John de, 476

  Croft, Sir James, 365, 366–7, 383

  Croft, Pauline, 149

  Crompton, Hugh: accounts, 322, 429; at A’s wedding, 343; imprisonment, 350; A’s escape, 20, 364, 368; arrest, 383, 384; in Tower, 424; career, 441

  Cromwell, Oliver, 336, 446

  Cromwell, Sir Oliver, 361

  Cromwell, Richard, 446

  Cromwell, Thomas, 399

  Cumberland, Margaret Clifford, countess of, 255, 434

  Cutpurse, Moll, 22

  Cutting, Francis, 312

  Daniel, Samuel, 284, 457

  Darnley, Henry Stuart, Lord: family, 32, 47; character, 47; marriage, 32, 37, 134, 391; portrait, 33; death, 37, 44; mother’s tomb, 50, 51, 474

  Dekker, Thomas, 239–40, 317–18

  Denbigh, Robert Dudley, Lord, 67

  Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, fifth earl of (earlier Lord Strange), 124, 147

  Derby, Margaret Stanley (Clifford), countess of, 101

  Derrick, Francis, 139–40, 145

  Devonshire, Charles Blount (Lord Mountjoy), earl of, 430

  Devonshire, earls of, see Cavendish

  D’Ewes, Sir Simonds, 291–2


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