The Judgement Conundrum

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The Judgement Conundrum Page 2

by Lacerant Plainer

  He still nursed some wounds, but they were healing. He looked unhappily into the distance. It would have been good to go into town. Hunger gnawed at him.

  He saw a small rat and stealthily aimed a rock with his slingshot and brought it down. It lay still, but he used a metal rod to skewer it in case it was still alive. It was small, but would have to do for now. He sat skinning it and got a fire going with some twigs and dried leaves collected from a felled tree nearby. The smoke made him cough.

  It was too late for him to react by the time he noticed the ozone smell as Chole spotted him and fired. The smoke had masked the pungent odor. He was thrown into the air. She had missed purposely. The controller in her brain had informed her to take captives and she had to comply. This wounded chap would do just fine.

  Chole got off her vehicle. It was large but almost soundless due to the air cushion it used for locomotion. She jumped off the edge after putting it on park and strode up to the unmoving captive. Making sure he was alive, she hefted him easily and carried him over her shoulder and jumped back on her vehicle. Tying him to the back after restraining his arms and legs, she slid back into the driver's seat and took off at a fast clip.

  In about an hour she would reach the drop point and deposit him. The rest was not up to her. She drove in a haze, the controller giving her directions.


  Trasses had been charged with collecting information about the humans. It was given a facility in the most technologically advanced area called the ’U.S.’ Trasses was given a number of controlled humans as well as some Xylex to carry out its project.

  Gresses had also requested to go down with Trasses so that it could see more of the primitive technology the humans used. Humans had used fossil fuels to run vehicles - a most inefficient and ugly way to move around. Worse still, they lived off the land, eating flora and fauna and digging for minerals and most raw materials. It seemed that humans had not progressed much more than their prehistoric ancestors, who had also lived off the land.

  The strange thing was that humans had developed some technologies which did not seem to reflect what Gresses knew of developing species. How they had managed to even achieve this level of technology was a mystery. Gresses realized that humans had progressed in two fields enormously. It was what they called 'consumer products' and 'military technology' and surmised that humans had been warring amongst themselves for a long time and hence had refined their scientific knowledge in these areas. It had no idea what the 'consumer products' had to do with scientific inquiry, so it ignored that altogether.

  The humans had ignored logic and continued on a path of self-destruction. But why...? There had to be a reason. Gresses had the uncomfortable feeling that the answer was obvious but elusive.

  Trasses welcomed Gresses into the facility they had set up for the purpose. It had been what the locals called a ’theatre’, but the main reason for choosing the facility was the ease of defending it. The big plus the facility had was lots of space, which the Xylex needed to move around comfortably.

  Trasses waited for the humans to be brought in. The first was a human female called "Xue" and she had been captured by a Xylex when she had tried to kill it. The female struggled a lot. Under specific orders from Trasses, a controller had not been implanted in her brain. It needed the humans to be unaltered for its purpose.

  The controlled humans brought the struggling female in and strapped her to a chair, a device which was apparently supposed to be comfortable for humans. Trasses braced itself for the repulsiveness of the creature. Trasses often felt disoriented at the ridiculous gait of these humans, they balanced on two tentacles and seemed to fall every time they moved.


  Dylan was brought back to consciousness with something cool blowing in his face. Was he dreaming? There were no working revival units in the world anymore. The last thing he remembered was the pungent smell of ozone and the world going black. Maybe this was a dream after all.

  Rough prodding and a slap on his face told him otherwise. He winced and moaned, "Okay okay, I'm awake," and opened his eyes to see two controlled humans and some aliens - it was them! He was better off dead. He cowered and looked away, unable to look at them.

  He was washed and tied to a chair, wearing clothes several sizes too big for him. The chair was wheeled into an old dilapidated cinema theatre. There were two other human captives, both women, similarly tied to chairs arranged in a row. He made the third.

  He did not expect anything good to come of this situation and scowled. This was the worst way to go - he would have preferred to die in the attack, blasted to oblivion – at least it would have been quick and relatively painless.

  He focused and looked around the gloomy surroundings. He had heard that the aliens did not like sunlight. The alien came in; it was a translucent black, and was around the size of a man. It looked like the trunk of a tree with tentacles. It seemed to stand upon a platform which hovered in the air as the alien swayed ponderously.

  The alien swiveled as it moved. Dylan wondered what was in store for them. The alien spoke to them in English! The atonal voice was raspy and harsh with sibilant undertones. It said, "I am Trasses. I know you have been brought here forcefully, but we had very little choice. I apologize." It seemed to be genuine. Who could tell? No one said anything. The alien asked them to introduce themselves.

  The first woman said defiantly, "You know who I am - my name is Xue!" and spat at the alien. The alien was too far away for the spittle to carry, but it moved its vehicle back a little. The second woman said shakily, "I'm Ann" and looked at the alien with wide eyes. Dylan, realizing it was his turn, said his name, never taking his eyes off the alien, his eyes darting back at the two women nervously after speaking.

  Xue was built like a tank. She was hefty and strong, but they had managed to subdue her. Ann, on the other hand was slight and petite. She was clearly scared but seemed to have herself under control. Dylan himself was terrified, but in a remote kind of way. All this seemed to be happening to someone else and the whole thing had taken on a surreal quality. He shivered involuntarily as the alien instructed the controlled humans to put a transparent screen between them to stop any body fluids from touching it. Dylan gazed at the alien transfixed. Its body seemed translucent and Dylan felt if he stared at it hard enough, he would be able to see right though it.

  Trasses said, "We are here to ask for your help. This is the first time we have had to make this kind of decision and would like you three to help us decide what to do next with humans."

  Dylan was amazed. Despite his fear, he couldn’t stop himself from blurting out "What? Why? Why us three?" and stared at the alien whose tentacles were waving in the air. Trasses replied, "Because it is convenient. Do you know anyone else we can pick? We know it's not scientific, but in the absence of a better process, random selection will have to do." Dylan stayed silent, completely bemused now.

  He realized Xue was speaking "We are stronger and tougher than you. You are here to just wipe us out! We will prevail!" she yelled, as she worked herself up. Dylan wondered if she could break the restraints in the chair. Trasses seemed unmoved.

  It continued, "Until you are willing to cooperate, you will be interred. There is no escape and we can wait indefinitely." Trasses signaled to the controlled humans to take the three away. They would need to be calmed down. How could it ensure that they would behave logically? Maybe there was a way, but it needed to find more humans. It gave the order.


  Dylan was in a small dark room. He could barely make out the shadowy figures that were the other two women with him. Xue and Ann were mostly quiet. Xue had lost her temper completely and was shaking with anger, whereas Ann was terrified into silence.

  Dylan decided to make the best of the situation. Hoping to get some support he said "We should give them what they want while we plan our escape. This won’t end well, I don’t think!." He waited for an answer and got a snort of derision from Xue, "I d
on't care! I am already dead as far as I am concerned and many more will die in the freedom struggle. We are ready to face death, we are not afraid." Dylan placated her, "No one is talking about death. We need to figure out a way to thwart their plans, don't you agree?" He decided to take another tack after receiving a glare from Xue. "What do you think about the offer to help the aliens make a decision?"

  This time Ann spoke, nervous, but keen to express herself "Shouldn't we try and assist the aliens? Who knows, they may be asking for our help for a reason. No point in antagonizing them!" She was wringing her hands, drawing Xue's ire. Xue said, "Well, well, our mouse has a voice.... what do you suggest? You really think that the aliens will help us? After having leveled the whole planet into a stinking rubble heap?" She stood with her arms on her hips. Ann ventured, "What choice do we have? At least let’s listen to what they have to say."

  Dylan seized the idea out of desperation. He was a survivor and his instinct was to follow the line of least resistance. He decided to support Ann, clinging to the idea that the aliens might actually let them go. He said, "I agree with Ann, no point in painting ourselves into a corner. Let's talk to the alien and see what it has to say.” Dylan tried to convince himself that this was the best way out. He had a nagging feeling that he was being cowardly.

  Xue glared at both of them but didn't say anything further. She sat down in the corner in a sulk.


  Trasses reported to Kesses on the mothership. It said, "It seems like the humans disagree with each other. The woman called Xue is the most unreasonable. While we wait for at least one more human to be captured, maybe we can speak to the ones called Dylan and Ann. They seem to be receptive enough to want to talk and see what we want of them."

  While Trasses spoke to Kesses, it got news from the controlled humans that they had captured another human. This human was also much more pliable than the one called Xue. Trasses had given specific orders to get a human that was willing to talk. This one was called 'Dexter' and Trasses motioned to the controlled humans to bring it into the theatre.

  Dexter was around thirty two years old, and had been a finance executive before the end of days. He was slight in build, had survived mainly though luck and was as terrified as they come. He was trembling - clearly scared, but hoped that if he would talk, they would let him go. He had been told that the aliens just wanted to ask some questions and wondered if that was really the case.

  He sat alone in the large theatre as the alien approached him and said, "My name is Trasses. I am looking for your help in making a decision, along with some other humans we have captured. Our intention is not aggressive, merely to gather information." Dexter felt a surge of hope.

  Dexter replied, "I will help in any way I can, please just don’t hurt me." Trasses motioned for Gresses to get the other two humans called Dylan and Ann.


  Dylan and Ann did not put up a struggle as the controlled humans marched them into the theatre again. This time they ignored Xue and put her in restraints. She glared as they left. Dylan and Ann were brought back into the chairs. It was a good sign that other than Xue, none of them were tied this time around.

  Trasses said, "We overheard your conversation, and we require your assistance. Are you ready to help us?" All the captives nodded, not really knowing what was needed from them.

  Trasses continued, "We need you to tell us what you would do if we left this planet." They all gaped, caught completely by surprise. Dylan found his voice first, "Why, try to make sure we are not in this situation again. This time, hopefully our people will be better prepared for alien armadas."

  The alien said, "What is the goal of humans?", again drawing confused looks. Dexter said, "Don't know if there has been a specific goal which humans work towards. But I would say there are many achievements. Most of them are now history due to the attack which we sustained from your ships." Dexter looked at the alien almost accusingly. He couldn't read the alien's body language from its waving tentacles, but he hoped that he hadn't antagonized it.

  Trasses was taken aback at this implication. This seemed to be a whole new interpretation of the events on Earth. Its agitation was obvious to the rest of the Xylex but not to the humans, who were oblivious to its nonverbal cues. Trasses asked once more, “If you were given a second chance, would humans do anything different?" It got blank stares. Ann shrugged and said, "Maybe we will be more green, grow more plants, and manage to recycle things better."

  Trasses looked at all the humans and said deliberately, "Why do you think we should spare the human species? Is there any redeeming feature?" Dylan sat up bolt upright. The alien was playing God! "You can't be serious! Just live and let live.... we were happy living the way we were until you came around." He was getting a little carried away and realizing it, slumped back in his seat.

  The other alien called Gresses also came into the room and the two stood close together, their tentacles waving in an apparent dance. As far as Dylan could determine, they weren't talking. Maybe they were mating? He had no idea.


  Xue was the first to be released. She couldn't believe her luck. She was dropped off unceremoniously outside town on the baked ground. She got off the vehicle and ran, zigzagging away just in case they followed her.

  Dylan, Dexter and Ann were also dropped off in different parts of the city. They were all equally bewildered.

  Dylan was surprised and a little worried. These aliens were crazy. Their questioning did not make sense. He had been expecting something far worse. Were they going to raze the entire planet? Their questions had left him with a feeling of disquiet.


  The Xylex were meeting again on the command ship. Trasses and Gresses had completed their assignment and were meeting with Kesses and the others on the ship. As before, the Xylex spread out into the main meeting area. They were all using telepathy to let each other know of their feelings. Most of them felt that the humans were an aggressive species with limited intelligence; it was too big a risk to ignore.

  Kesses called the meeting to order in typical Xylex fashion and formally initiated the discussion by inviting Gresses to speak first..

  The telepathic hum died down as Gresses began its speech, "We have a responsibility to other species in this universe. I think we have been able to establish that the humans are aggressive and narrow-minded." It paused and waved its tentacles, "There can be very little doubt of what we have to do. We cannot let the humans run free and proliferate."

  Kesses interjected, "Let Trasses speak now. Since it has worked most intimately with humans, as well as having been their captive, I want to hear its opinion."

  Trasses said, "What Gresses has said is very true. However, I cannot help but think that the species is not one species. There seem to be at least two - each with its own different thoughts. As such, we cannot treat them as a collective group." It found that there was too much to convey and lapsed into a telepathic broadcast, which though not secure, was clearly better suited to a complex discussion.

  Trasses continued "We can clearly see even from this small selection of humans that this cannot be resolved by looking at individuals. The problem is much more complex, and requires us to view this from different perspectives."

  The group gathered to discuss the pros and cons of their decision. They did not take genocide lightly.


  Dylan and Ann had hooked up. They were now staying in his pipe together. Things had quietened down. It was rumored that the aliens had left Earth, but no one seemed to know for sure. There was not much left by way of communications on Earth. In fact, there was nothing left to receive any information with. All news was local, passed on from one person to another. Rumors abounded.

  In the grey morning, there was little sound other than the occasional clamor of crows. Dylan rose, rubbed sleep from his eyes and stretched as he looked around. The crows were out in numbers; he remembered that that made them a 'murder'. Maybe there
was a food source that had attracted them. He looked at the sleeping Ann. She had showed guts and brains; he had been quite impressed with her. Despite being frightened, she had spoken her mind.

  He quietly picked up his slingshot and sneaked out, making sure he did not wake her. He was hopeful of bagging a crow, even though once you killed one of them, they all attacked in retaliation. He was prepared and carried his stick in the other hand.

  He thought back to the time with the aliens, when he had been captured. They had not hurt or tortured him; it had all been very strange. All that he knew of them did not add up to them being benign. Maybe that was not an accurate depiction?

  He sneaked up on a crow stealthily, but before he could bring it down, a beam from the sky whisked him away. He closed his eyes; he seemed to be moving in space; he was sure he was dying, but he seemed to be able to breathe. He opened his eyes tentatively and found himself in a spaceship with Ann and Dexter.

  The aliens had abducted him! Again! What did they want from him this time?


  In the gloomy command center of the ship, Trasses was conferring with Kesses. Kesses had made the final decision, and it had decided that the human species may be worth saving. Besides the humans they had questioned, the Xylex had picked up representatives from all over this world. There were now over a hundred humans on the spaceship.

  The planet would be monitored. They would take these humans to the Intergalactic Council. There, they would breed humans in isolation - away from their familiar setting. Maybe the race would show some reason for consideration to be inducted into the Intergalactic Council after all.

  Trasses emoted pleasure to Kesses. It was happy with the decision taken by Kesses, and it was relieved that they had not decided on genocide. Humans could chart a new future for themselves based on how they would respond once taken away from this environment, but for now they were under probation.


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