Shattered Grace (Fallen from Grace)

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Shattered Grace (Fallen from Grace) Page 21

by K Anne Raines

  “There you guys are,” Leah said as she joined them, bouncing a little to the rhythm of the music.

  “Where’s Brian?” Grace asked close to Leah’s ear.

  Still bouncing, she said, “He’s getting me another drink.”

  Craning her neck, Grace scanned from face to face, trying to find Amanda. It was highly unlikely she was here, but she searched all the same.

  “If you’re looking for Zeke, he’s in the kitchen with Brian,” Leah offered.

  Did everyone but Grace think she and Zeke were together? Grace didn’t say anything and continued to glance around. Amanda was nowhere in the living room. She would try outside later.

  “Here you go,” Brian said from behind Leah, bringing a red Solo cup over her head and putting it in her hand. Tommy brought Emily’s drink and Zeke brought Grace’s. It seemed they were all in collusion, trying to force the hand of fate and whatnot. Sorry guys, not gonna happen, she mused.

  Tommy and Emily wandered over to the sound system to peruse through the music. Brian talked about making s’mores over the bonfire and grabbed Leah by the hand to ensure she tagged along. That left Grace and Zeke—alone. He finished his beer and asked if she wanted another before heading back to the kitchen for more. When he returned, he had a red cup in each hand, and a lawn chair under each arm.

  “Let me help you.” Grace took the chairs from under his arms. Unfolding them, she sat down and took the cup he offered. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “Aren’t you tired of entertaining me?”

  “Nah,” Zeke said, taking a drink. “I feel like a third wheel with all my other friends.”

  Grace felt the same way. His calling her a friend didn’t go unnoticed. She settled back into her chair. Grace talked nonstop and Zeke hung on her every word. They joked and laughed until tears fell from Grace’s eyes. Finishing her second drink, she suddenly felt like she had just drank her fourth. She needed to slow down. “Do you know where the bathroom is?” Standing up to head in the direction Zeke might point out, Grace scanned the room again.

  “If you go back through the kitchen, then down the hallway, it’s the first door on the right.” He stood and leaned down in order to talk in her ear. “Or,” he continued, “you can use the bathroom upstairs. That may be easier to get to.”

  “Okay. I’ll be right back.” Handing Zeke her empty cup, she headed in the direction of the stairs.

  “Good luck. I’ll be right here,” he said with an impish grin.

  Good luck was an understatement. She made her way through the tightly packed room, fighting elbows and unintentional shoves as the partygoers danced about her, all while trying to keep her hands from steadying herself against the moving bodies. The constant motion and cumulative effect of the beer she’d downed suddenly made her wonder if the floor was moving. When she finally made it to the staircase, Grace paused. With a sigh, she peered up the stairs, then contemplated not even going there, especially if they were moving like the floor. Girls were scattered like Legos all up and down the stairs. She decided to go for it. “Excuse me … excuse me … pardon me.” She ended up throwing elbows back, putting her shoulder in it, and tried to hide her annoyance with forced politeness. She bounced from side-to-side like a pinball all the way up the stairs, then was surprised when she made it to the top. Pausing for a second, she tried to remember which door Zeke had said was the bathroom.

  “If you’re looking for the bathroom, it’s the door at the end of the hall on the right,” someone volunteered, a guy who was standing against the banister talking to some girl. Grace didn’t know either of them and assumed they were friends with Brian’s brother.

  “Thanks.” She focused on her feet as she tried walking a straight line to the last door on the right.

  After locking the door, she rested her back against it. A few minutes later, she was able to push herself away. She went to the bathroom and washed her hands. The cool water felt good. She shook them off, touching her wet fingers to the front and back of her neck, hoping the coolness would sober her some. With cupped hands under the faucet, she took a couple of sips and headed back to the party.

  The staircase would require walking slowly. Grace looked over the crowd of heads that rolled like waves of an ocean to the rhythm of the music. Impressive sight, she decided, taking one careful step at a time. So many individuals moving as one with like-minded rhythm—only a few with an apparent inability to follow. Her gaze still roamed over the rolling crowd when an unmoving body caught her attention. He was showing up everywhere, and despite her inner warnings of why she should steer clear, she found herself smiling from ear to ear. And promptly blamed it on the beer.

  Darius held up a red cup, extending a couple of fingers in a wave. Grace gave him a slight wave back. He was standing next to a guy she didn’t know, probably another friend of Brian’s brother. She watched as Darius said something to him before moving through the swarm of bodies.

  At the bottom of the stairs, she chastised herself for being buzzed as she watched him come toward her. But then again, she was kind of glad. She couldn’t relax around this guy. Maybe the two beers would help.

  Once her eyes met his, she forgot what her issue was. She was caught in the Venus flytrap of his green, come-hither eyes. The closer he got, the more her chest constricted so tight she almost couldn’t breathe. As he approached, a knowing smile took over his face; she was hooked and he knew it. A sharp and spicy scent enveloped Grace when Darius reached her. He was all around her, overpowering all her senses. “Hi.”

  “Um … hi,” she said nervously.

  He chuckled at her uneasiness. Just like the magical laughter of her dreams, it bounced around her. “Are you having a good time?” Darius asked.

  She tried pushing past the fog, and focused on her words. “Yeah, you?” That was good, she didn’t sound like an idiot. At least, she didn’t think she did.

  His gaze was intense, almost hypnotic, and didn’t waver from hers. “I am now.”

  Gazing into Darius’ eyes caused a tingle to crawl over her body, a warm, luscious zing she didn’t trust. Warnings of danger pulsed through her veins as that crazy self-preservation sense kicked in again, overwhelming Grace with a sudden flight instinct. “It was great talking to you.” Hastily, she shoved away from the stairs, and began walking back to her lawn chair, and Zeke. “I have to get back to my friend,” she tossed back over her shoulder.

  Darius took a step in front of her, halting her retreat. “Are you talking about the guy you were sitting with?”

  Surprised, she said, “Yeah, why?”

  “Well …” He pointed a Solo-cup-holding finger in Zeke’s direction. “Looks like he found a new friend.”

  Her gaze followed his finger as she tried seeing over the crowd from her tiptoes. Sure enough, Zeke was sitting with a dark-haired girl, laughing like they were old friends. “Looks like you’re right.”

  “Come on.” Darius grabbed Grace’s hand and led her out of the living room and to the backyard. It was a good thing she wasn’t holding a cup full of beer, it would have sloshed over the sides as he pulled her through the crowd. It floored her she couldn’t feel his emotions when he touched her hand. It was just as much a relief as an irritant. She didn’t understand it, but decided to go with it, not fight it, and just try to enjoy it.

  Grace accepted another red cup from Darius and followed him to a fallen tree next to the bonfire. The sun was completely set; a half moon shone bright in the night sky. Tiny sparks of orange embers danced upward with the twirling smoke. Before Grace sat, Darius grabbed a blanket for her to use as a cushion.

  “Thanks.” Grace sat on the log. She watched mesmerized as Darius took a drink, focusing on his Adam’s apple bobbing. He sighed. “That’s good.” Since this was only the second time she had ever had beer, she wouldn’t say it was good. It was … so-so.

  “Did you come with that guy?”

  “No, he’s just a friend.”

sp; “So you’re alone.” A bit of mischief moved behind his gaze as he made the observation.

  Grace squirmed, bunching up the blanket underneath her. “I’m here with Em and Tommy.”


  Nervously, she tried to think of something cool and mature to say, tugging at her hair. Why did he make her so flustered? It was very annoying. “So,” she said, going for nonchalant. “Are you stalking me?”

  He chuckled. “No, I’m just very lucky.”

  “How so?” She flashed her best flirty smile, tightening every muscle to still her movement.

  “I just happen to be at the right place at the right time when it comes to you. And look, I’m here with you again.” His eyes danced and his mouth tipped up in an all too sexy smile.

  The butterflies took off again, causing a tingling pull in the pit of her stomach. She laughed at his comment, a little restless by the compliment. Grace tried not reading too much into what he said. Technically, he was with her now. That didn’t mean he hadn’t been with someone else earlier.

  As Grace and Darius talked in their loud but private corner, the redheaded girl she’d seen with Darius before decided to saunter to his side, bringing with her an entourage of sexiness all tied up in an intimidating package. Where the hell did she come from, Grace whined internally. Her stomach fell as disappointment wrapped around her heart and squeezed. The beer got the upper hand, pumping courage at least to her eyes. She glared at the intruder, envisioning Red tripping on her pretty little heels. Grace definitely didn’t like her, even though Red had never done anything to her. Either way, Grace decided she wouldn’t be adding her to any friend list.

  Before leaning in an all too familiar and comfortable fashion against the side of Darius’ body, she gave Grace a glance that barely registered as acknowledgment. Grace rolled her eyes. The feeling’s mutual. “Who’s this,” she said, flicking her chin at Grace. “Lucky flavor of the week?”

  “Lux,” Darius warned. Lux? Was that really her name? How odd.

  “What? I’m ready to go.” Lux pathetically pushed out her bottom lip.

  “Have Ari drive you,” Darius said, as he grabbed the wrist she draped across his chest and carefully pushed her away. Inside, Grace smirked at how easily he shot her down, while disappointment released her heart one finger at a time. He wasn’t there with her. That much was obvious.

  Standing to her full height and clearly not happy, Lux tried a different tactic. “He’s not ready to go yet. He’s too busy taking the frat boys’ money.”

  “So, go convince him to want to leave. I’m busy.” When he said “busy” he trained his eyes on Grace. She turned her face, trying to hide her satisfaction.

  Lux stayed next to Darius as if she could somehow will him to leave with her. She glared down at Grace, pivoted on her stilettos, and stalked back the way she came.

  “Sorry,” Darius offered. “Lux is …” He didn’t have to finish the sentence. Grace thought she already knew. And against all better judgment, was ecstatic that Red wasn’t his girlfriend.

  “Yeah,” she quietly replied.

  As they continued talking, electrically charged molecules cavorted between them, pulling their bodies closer together. Grace was hyperaware of the slight movement he made, and where his body touched hers with every word. Peeking at him from under her lashes, she licked her bottom lip and watched his hands as they moved absentmindedly on his knees, wondering what they’d feel like against her face, tangled in her hair. How would it feel to be wrapped in his arms, or to snuggle into the crook of his neck? How would his lips feel pressed against hers, or… Her head snapped down to peer in her cup. She wondered if something had been slipped into her drink. It looked empty, so she shook it for good measure. Yep, it was almost gone. Three down.

  The phone in her pocket buzzed against both their legs. Her hands grabbed for it while she sent Darius an apologetic look. She felt like tossing the phone in the fire, but peeked at the backlit screen anyway.


  With her iPhone cupped in both hands, she stared across the flames at the others sitting around, noticing Brian and Leah. No, she decided, shaking her head. She certainly didn’t think so.

  Grace: Not at all!

  Irritated he was playing Guardian/father again, she continued.

  Grace: I have a DD if I can’t drive. A GA if im in dnger & a ST sittin b-side me.

  She giggled a little at the last part. Darius sat silently next to her, minding his own business. Her phone buzzed again seconds later.

  Quentin: What’s an ST?

  Grace: A sure thing.

  Quentin: NOT FUNNY.

  Grace: Who said im kidding?

  Quentin: I’ll be there in a minute.

  Grace: Y?

  He better not come, she thought.

  Quentin: Because you’re in DANGER of losing something you can’t get back & I’m your GA.

  There was nothing she could say. He was on his way. Somehow, she could feel it.

  On the other side of the bonfire, embers sparked like fireflies around Quentin. The flames glinted an angry orange against the silver rage of his eyes. He was pissed. He had to know she was joking.

  It didn’t appear so.

  His gaze slowly swung from Grace to Darius, whom she’d just said was her ST. The muscle in his jaw twitched as his eyelids lowered into an even angrier glower. Darius tensed next to her, chest puffing like he was expecting to cock-a-doodle-do his way out of a possible confrontation.

  “Do you know him?” he asked, not taking his eyes from Quentin.

  “Uh-huh,” she said from the corner of her mouth. “He’s my ride.”

  The tension between the two of them was tangible, crackling hotter than the raging bonfire separating them. Grace didn’t want problems and she definitely didn’t want or need another fight.

  Reluctantly, she stood up, shoulders heaving as she took a breath. “I guess it’s time to go.”

  Darius stood next to her. “I thought you rode with Tommy and Emily.”

  “I did, he’s—” Grace pointed a thumb in Quentin’s direction, “—my DD.” Quentin was by her side, pulling her by her elbow before she even knew he was there.

  “Let’s go.”

  “Stop it, Quentin,” she hissed, digging her heels into the ground. “What are you doing?”

  He dropped her arm, and faced her. “I’m not—”

  “Is everything okay?” Darius asked, having stepped up close enough to Grace’s back that she could feel the warmth from his body.

  Anger rolled from Quentin in a menacing wave, causing Grace to back away from him and into Darius. “It’s not going to be okay if you don’t back off right now,” Quentin said through gritted teeth.

  The testosterone the two of them were throwing off irritated Grace to no end. “Everything’s okay, Darius,” she said over her shoulder, not tearing her gaze from Quentin. “I’m sure I’ll see you again.”

  “Are you sure?”

  Grace knew he wasn’t talking about seeing her. “Yeah, I’m sure.” When she felt his hands on her shoulders, she jumped. She was too focused on keeping an eye on the other, more dangerous, man standing in front of her.

  “Well, alright,” Darius said with a slight squeeze of his hands. “Tonight was fun. I’ll see you around.”

  She didn’t dare turn. The Quentin standing in front of her was someone she hadn’t met yet and she didn’t know what to expect from him. “Okay, see ya.” Grace walked past Quentin, knowing he’d follow. When they were far enough away from the bonfire and partygoers, she whipped around, hands on hips. “What the hell was that?” she half yelled.

  “I’m not going to let you lose your virginity to some moronic boy thinking with the wrong head at a party.”

  “Oh, come on, Quentin, I was joking. Lighten up. Besides, why wouldn’t you? It’s none of your business who I lose it to.”

  “Because you want your first time to be better than th

  “Then what?” she said, hands out in display. “I’m not stupid, I know the first time is gonna suck. It’s not going to be like it is in the movies.”

  At this, she watched him soften a little, sucking in a breath before speaking again. “Maybe not, but you deserve it to be with a man who tries his damnedest to make it as close as possible for you.”

  Uh … she was speechless. He was right. But she would never give it up at a party, and especially not to someone who was practically a stranger. What kind of girl did he take her for? Obviously, she shouldn’t joke around like that if he was going to take her so seriously.

  “And you won’t find him here,” Quentin continued. “Come on, I’m taking you home…even if I have to carry you over my shoulder.” He smiled at her, daring her to push him. Instead, she chose not to argue, and followed him to his car parked a little ways down the road.

  Despite his going all medieval back at Brian’s and completely humiliating her in front of Darius, she found she rather liked how protective he was of her. The beer was getting all kinds of blame tonight. Tomorrow, she’d swear off beer forever.

  “Can I drive?” she asked, nudging him a little with her shoulder as they walked in the middle of the street.


  “But you still owe me. The agreement was whenever I wanted, and I want to now.” Deciding to try out Lux’s tactic, Grace pushed out her lip.

  He shook his head. “You’re drunk, no way!”

  “I’m not drunk, I’ve only had three beers.” Grace held up three fingers in case he didn’t understand the quantity.

  “That’s three too many.” From the passenger side door, he nodded to the car. “Get in, Mario, you can drive tomorrow.”


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