Not Plain Jane

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Not Plain Jane Page 8

by Sarita Leone

  The sound of footsteps brought his gaze up.

  For a second, he stopped breathing.

  Edward stood. Stared.

  Jane was beautiful. It wasn’t the crisp cut of her gray tweed jacket or the folds in the aquamarine morning gown she wore. The hat on her head matched the dress, and a pert ostrich feather brought an air of jauntiness to the outfit. Curls dangled beside her ears, perfect and soft looking. The accoutrements were stunning, but they did not comprise the beauty that stood before him.

  The woman was gorgeous whether she wore a burlap sack or a ball gown. He knew that, not because he was fashion conscious or even unduly partial to her charm. Edward knew Jane Halifax was a beautiful woman because his heart told him so. And this was the first time he had ever heard his heart speak, so he was inclined to listen.

  “I hope I am not intruding…”

  He walked around the desk, across the room and stopped just inches from where she stood. The butler had disappeared like a wisp on a wind. They stood alone in the large, silent space…and stared at each other.

  He found his voice.


  She shrugged. The movement sent a whisper of lavender into the air. He inhaled deeply, pulling her scent into his head while fighting with his body to stand still.

  “It was all I could think to do. I was…”


  A deep sigh. The woman before him looked so different from the governess she had pretended to be. Outwardly, anyhow. When he gazed into the depths of those blue eyes, she was the same woman.

  “Yes. I’d seen…” Jane stopped. She swallowed hard. A sheen came over her eyes, but she didn’t look away. “It was awful. And I didn’t know where to turn. My father…”

  “He sold you to the highest bidder for his own purposes.”

  Edward had already been to see Jane’s father. The man had meant no harm but had nearly ruined his daughter’s life. He had put her in such jeopardy she was fortunate to have survived at all.

  “It is embarrassing, but it is the truth.”

  “It isn’t your fault. You know that, don’t you?”

  Another deep sigh. “I suppose I do.”

  “Good. You should know you are not to blame for anything that has happened.”

  “I just want to thank you for finding me. For saving me. In the…well, afterward…”

  The authorities met them in the path just yards from the hideaway where she had been kept. The scuffle to free her had been brief, and as soon as the two men were in custody, Jane had been hurried off to the nearest town with a doctor. By the time Edward had given explanations and pressed charges against the two trespassers, Jane had vanished.

  He let her off the hook. She had, after all, suffered enough.

  “It was chaotic,” he allowed.

  She met his gaze. “Yes, but I should have thanked you regardless. So…thank you for what you did for me. I will be forever grateful for your help.”

  They stood for a moment before she smiled and took a step backward.

  Edward’s heart hammered in his chest. He had waited for days, hoping she would make the move to see him. He had prayed for a message summoning him, never dreaming she would arrive in person. And she had only been at Montgomery Manor a few minutes, yet she was obviously preparing to take her leave.

  No! His mind screamed.

  The truth. It was time for the truth, and consequences be damned.


  Her eyes grew wide at the familiarity but she did not speak.

  She didn’t move, either. He had bought himself time. Not much, but it was something, at least.

  Edward plowed a hand through his hair. Her gaze lifted, and a grin erupted on her face when he took his hand away.

  He didn’t feel foolish. “It looks dreadful now, doesn’t it?”

  She shook her head, biting back laughter. “Not dreadful. Curly and…”

  “I know, I must look entirely disheveled now. But I don’t care. Honestly, I don’t. And I don’t give a damn about propriety, either.”

  Jane’s eyes grew even bigger at the oath. But the grin remained on her face. And her eyes looked into his with interest.

  “It is true, dash it all! I have learned one thing in my life, and that is we are not guaranteed a second chance. At anything. With anyone. So, I have you here now and I must speak the truth. From my mind.” He paused, and added in a softer tone, “From my heart.”

  Time to take the plunge, he thought.

  Allowing himself one last breath, he straightened his shoulders and met her gaze straight on.

  “I did not intend to become enamored with my nieces’ governess, but that is precisely what happened. I knew I was interested in you, that you intrigued me, but I didn’t realize I was really, truly…”

  He must be making a fool of himself.

  “What, Edward? What didn’t you realize?”

  It hit him—she called him Edward. The syllables rolled off her tongue as if it wasn’t the first time her mouth had formed the word.

  “Smitten. When you turned up missing, I had to admit that I was completely smitten with you.” He swallowed hard. “When I thought I might not find you alive…”

  Jane took a step toward him. Mere inches separated them. He smelled her cologne. Felt the warmth of her body near his. Saw the individual golden strands curled beside her cheeks.


  “I nearly died myself,” he admitted. “My heart broke when I thought you were lost to me. It is—it was—I am—oh, I know—”

  “I am smitten, as well…”

  A whisper. A breath. A dream come true.

  Edward’s arms came up and went around her slender shoulders. Jane leaned into his body willingly. He crushed her against his chest.

  “Yes?” he asked, laughing. “Really?”

  Jane nodded, giving a girlish giggle that went straight to his heart. “Yes. Really!”

  His mouth found hers, the kiss at first tender and inquisitive. But their mouths were at home with each other, and the kiss deepened.

  No more words were necessary. The duke and his lady had found a language that knew no boundaries. Now they spoke the language of love, and it was perfect.

  A word about the author…

  Sarita Leone loves adventure, whether it be in a distant continent or her own backyard. When she’s not off exploring the world, she keeps busy writing, reading, and dancing beneath the stars. Always a fan of happy endings, she’s fortunate to have a job which allows for so many of those! She loves to hear from readers. Easiest way to connect? Check out her Facebook page, where all the latest news hits the screen.

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  this publication of The Wild Rose Press, Inc.




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