Sweet Taboo

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Sweet Taboo Page 11

by Emma Nichols

  “Time to go to bed,” I told Keyon after he’d had dinner and a bath.

  “T do it.” He rushed over to climb onto her lap where she sat on the couch.

  I gnawed on my lip. She’d had to do pretty much everything since she arrived. He wanted her to play with him almost non-stop, but Tegyn had handled it well and didn’t seem annoyed in the least. “Let her rest, buddy. She made you lunch, played hide and seek, entertained you all afternoon, and made you dinner.” I looked at her and mouthed ‘sorry,’ since I’d been mostly useless. Keyon didn’t want his dear old dad when he had Tegyn around.

  “Let’s go read two books, then it’s time to sleep. Got it?” She wrapped her arms around him.

  “Okay, T.” He grinned and I swear he gloated over getting his way.

  “Wanna come read with us?” she asked as she stood with him in her arms.

  “Yeah. I would.” I followed them up the stairs and tried not to stare at her perfect heart-shaped ass dancing in front of my face while she mounted each step. This felt like a special kind of torture. I wanted to hold her all night, feel her close. And I lied and told myself that would be enough, even when I knew I wanted more. I wanted everything with her.

  “So, what books do you want to read?” Tegyn asked as they entered his room. She blinked a few times. “Don’t you have a bookcase with books?” Her brow furrowed.

  “No.” Keyon looked ashamed.

  Without missing a beat, Tegyn twirled him around. “No worries. Tonight, we’ll read some books on my phone. Then tomorrow, we’ll go to the bookstore!” She danced a bit at the idea of sharing one of her passions with my little boy.

  My heart swelled, even as I proceeded to burst her bubble. “No bookstore.”

  “The library!” She countered as she giggled.

  “No library.” I sighed.

  “Seriously, D?” She frowned at me.

  “Yeah, baby. I’m serious. We can’t have you out in public right now. Emergencies only. Or stuff you can’t get out of.” I shrugged. “I’m keeping you safe. It won’t always be like this. I promise.” Seeing the disappointment in her eyes hurt.

  “I get it.” She blew out a breath as she sank down on his bed. “Fine. Keyon, we shop on Amazon.” Tegyn looked at me with an arched brow. “I have to wait two days, but we’ll still get our books.”

  “Dammit, Tegyn. I’m not trying to spoil your fun.” I threw my hands up in the air. “Don’t you understand I’d be destroyed if anything happened to you?” I felt like I’d said too much, but she didn’t seem to notice.

  Keyon was distracted with apps on her phone that she’d downloaded for him earlier.

  She set him up on the bed, then stood and studied me. “Listen, I’ve been on my own for the last three years. I’ve done just fine.”

  “Right.” I gave her the side-eye. “And that’s why you need me now, right? Because you were doing so well without me.”

  “Actually, I was. This is just a pothole in the road of my life.” She crossed her arms. “A really big pothole.”

  “Yeah, the car-eating kind.” I shook my head. “You think I forgot all about you, that I went on with my merry little life, huh?”

  “Didn’t you?” she challenged. “I never heard from you. We let each other go. We moved on.”

  I frowned. “You moved on?”

  “I got married. I tried…” Her voice trailed off.

  “Well, I didn’t move on. I didn’t try to be with anyone else.” I struggled to explain.

  “Because you’re married. I can’t believe I have to keep reminding you of this.” Tegyn huffed.

  I laughed. “Only on paper, girl. We haven’t touched since we made Keyon. And I haven’t ever been with anybody but you in any way for the last three years. Haven’t wanted to. Haven’t tried.” I licked my lips. “I’m stuck on you. I don’t know how to not want you. I don’t know how to love anyone but you.” The room had grown strangely still and I realized at the same time Tegyn did that Keyon was watching.

  “T, you read now?” He had his hands folded under his chin.

  “Of course, little man. Do you have a favorite book?” She plopped down beside him and I moved to lounge on the end of the bed where I could watch them.

  “You pick,” Keyon urged.

  My heart hurt knowing he hadn’t had many books read to him. Camilla wasn’t into that kind of thing. He had always slept downstairs with her, so I didn’t get to tuck him in. And once she was gone, I was so busy trying to survive and fix everything and get it together, I never thought about buying him books or reading to him before bed. I was a bad dad.

  I glanced up and saw Tegyn staring at me. “What?” I asked sadly.

  “No, you’re not,” she murmured. “You’re doing the best you can. I see it. And I’m not judging, I’m helping.” Then she reached out and squeezed my hand. My heart raced at her touch. Too quickly, she yanked it back and focused on the Kindle app on her phone, leaving me to instead recall her tender act.

  “Bunnies!” Keyon pointed at the screen.

  “Goodnight Moon. Nice choice.” She glanced at me and smiled before turning her attention back to my son. “In the great green room,” she began.

  Soon, I realized I could listen to her reading for hours. Her voice was clear and sure. Though I wouldn’t have thought it possible, Tegyn managed to make my feelings for her grow even deeper.

  Later that night, we glossed over it in a conversation I wasn’t sure I wanted to have. I was supposed to be researching for the trip to L.A., but instead, I couldn’t stop watching her on the other end of the couch. She was sitting with the laptop on her thighs, typing away. Occasionally, she paused and I could tell she was thinking from the way she tilted her head to the side and the little noises she’d make. Finally, she froze. “Am I bothering you?” she asked quietly. “I’m sorry.”

  I shook my head. “Not bothering.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Then what? You keep looking at me. You’re making me self-conscious. Do I have a booger on my nose?”

  I chuckled. “Nah. You’re perfect.” I sighed. “You’re so perfect. I can’t stand being around you.” I tried to turn my attention back to my phone and the map I’d pulled up, but she wasn’t having it.

  “Well, that made zero sense.” She shook her head.

  I continued to ignore her, hoping she’d drop it, but that wasn’t one of Tegyn’s abilities. She was far too curious, far too direct. Incredibly determined that there be no misunderstandings. These were all admirable qualities, unless a person was trying to be evasive, like me.

  “DeSean, what are you saying?” She shifted on the couch until she was facing me, with her legs bent and feet on the cushion between us.

  I groaned. “Tegyn, you don’t want to hear what I’m saying. You want to think you know how things were here, but you don’t. You want to believe you know my life, know my heart, but you don’t. All I want is you.” I set my phone down and turned my body until I was staring her right in the eyes. “It hurts being around you, seeing how you are with my son, knowing how things have been with us, and wanting that back, but you seem so far away, so determined to keep me at bay.” I watched her for a reaction. The wall was still firmly between us. I could tell.

  “I’m trying to be patient, baby. I really am.” I shook my head even as I reached out and grabbed one of her tiny bare feet. I held it in both hands, massaging it as I spoke. “I know you’re scared and tense. I’d do everything I can to help you overcome those fears and relieve that tension.” My hands moved to her calf. “I’d massage every inch of you.” I closed my eyes and turned my head away while I continued to touch her. In my mind, memories of us together played in my head. Her pure joy when we were in bed. The way she’d tease me and giggle until I’d flip her on her back and suck on her beautiful breasts, before working my way down her body and feasting on her perfect pussy. I loved the little gasps and moans my actions could elicit from her. Already, I was growing hard from the memory. And I think
Tegyn knew it. When I opened my eyes and met her questioning ones, she licked her bottom lip, then bit it. And I was done. I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  In a second, I was on my knees between her legs. My hands held her face, and I dove in for a kiss. She didn’t fight me. If anything, she whimpered and I felt a need in her that rivaled my own. God, I wanted this woman. I wanted her in every way that forever would allow. Our tongues battled for control, but I wasn’t playing the game. She could have whatever she wanted. I trusted her enough to let her lead, but I still broke off the kiss and licked and nibbled my way to her ear. “I’m going to marry you, Tegyn. I mean it. This time, if you give me another chance, I’m never letting you go.”

  She moaned and her head fell back, allowing me more access. I thought we were finally getting somewhere, but she froze and pushed me away. “We can’t. Keyon,” she murmured by way of explanation.

  “I get it. And I’m trying to raise that boy right,” I explained. “I want him to see a loving relationship. I want him to grow up in a loving family. He’s still young enough that he can forget all this and heal from the damage his mother has caused.” I smoothed back her hair and stared into her eyes. “If you don’t want this, then stop making me fall in love with you, Tegyn. Stop being so damn perfect. Understand?” I stared down at her, even as my erection pressed against the juncture of her thighs. I knew she felt it. Every time I jerked in my pants, she’d whimper slightly and whether she knew it or not, she spread just a little wider. The only thing keeping me from burying myself deep inside her was four pieces of clothing and her permission. If I pushed, I was pretty sure I’d have it. But I wanted her to want this, to need this as badly as I did. I didn’t want her giving in. I wanted her cheeks flushed with need.

  “It’s late,” Tegyn whispered. “I think I should get to bed.” She pushed me back ever so gently.

  I stared sadly at her hand on my chest. “Okay. Whatever you want, baby.” And I clumsily moved back onto my end of the couch with my cock positively throbbing.

  “I’m not sure I can get what I want,” she murmured sadly. “I just can’t risk it until I know…where I stand.”

  I frowned. “I told you.”

  She shook her head. “Get a divorce. File. Do something. I can’t lose you again.” Then she bounced off the couch with her laptop held tightly against her chest. I watched her scoot up the stairs and for the first time in a long time, I worried I’d have to masturbate, because this was a special kind of agony. Three years celibate and one night with her under my roof had me ready to explode.

  I waited downstairs until nearly midnight when I was pretty confident she’d be asleep. After turning off all the lights, I double-checked all the locks on the doors and windows before trudging up the steps. First, I peeked in Keyon’s room. The little guy had kicked off his covers, but I quickly remedied that and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  Then I tiptoed into Tegyn’s room. She had left the door open, almost like an invitation, whether it was intentional or not. She was under the covers, rolled onto her side, facing the door. I swear it felt like she’d been waiting for me. Not one to disappoint, I squatted beside her and whispered in her ear. “I love you, Tegyn. Sleep well, baby.” I smoothed the hair back from her face, only to realize she wasn’t wearing any pajamas, although there was a bathrobe on the floor beside her bed. Mother fucker. I inhaled sharply and backed away. No good could come from this.

  I’d made it as far as my bathroom, where I began to undress and brush my teeth before bed, when I heard the first rustlings in Keyon’s room. I sped up my routine and wearing nothing but my boxer briefs, I exited my bathroom to make my way to his room. I’d barely reached my closet when I heard him whimpering for Tegyn. My heart hurt when I imagined how life had been for him, growing up with a mother like Camilla. She’d never been loving or nurturing. No wonder he latched onto Tegyn so quickly.

  Rushing out the door, I hoped to quiet him before he woke her. I should’ve known that wasn’t even possible. As soon as I entered his room, I found Tegyn kneeling beside his bed. “It’s okay, Keyon. It was just a bad dream. I’m here.” She reached out and hauled him into her arms where he soon had her in a hug that looked remarkably like a choke hold. Standing, Tegyn sat on his bed and began rubbing his back while whispering words of comfort. “You’re okay. Daddy won’t let anything happen to you.” She pressed her lips to his forehead. “He loves you so very much.” When I moved closer, she glanced up and smiled sadly at him. “Sorry, he was calling for me.”

  “I know. I heard while I was trying to get in here.” I shrugged, as I noticed Tegyn was staring at me, completely drinking me in. Her eyes traveled down my muscular chest, past my washboard stomach, and on to the package on display in my underwear. I grinned when I heard her inhale sharply.

  Keyon shifted in her arms when he heard my voice and knocked her bathrobe off her shoulder, exposing the top of her breast and all of her shoulder. In my mind, I thanked him while suffering miserably.

  “Daddy? I sleep with you?” he asked quietly.

  “Of course, little man. Let’s go.” I reached out to him, but he held onto Tegyn even more tightly.

  “T too. T sleep too.” He seemed adamant.

  I swallowed hard. “Okay, we’ll all go sleep in Daddy’s bed.” I looked at her and watched for a reaction.

  “What if I just stay until you fall asleep? Then you and Daddy can sleep in the big bed without being squished.” She glanced at me for approval.

  I nodded. “We need to get you some pajamas,” I murmured as I helped her off the bed with Keyon in her arms.

  Even in the dim lighting, I could tell she had gone pink. “I forgot to pack any.”

  “How do you forget a thing like that?” I teased.

  She huffed. “I’m going with…because I don’t normally wear any.” Her brow arched and I wanted to slip my hands under that robe and cup her breasts so bad, I was about aching again.

  “Okay. So, I’ll lend you some boxers and a t-shirt.” I couldn’t have her in my bed wearing almost nothing. That would be nothing but trouble, even with Keyon here.

  Once inside my room, we tucked Keyon into the middle of the bed. “Rest. I’ll be ready to snuggle in a minute,” Tegyn whispered. Then she stood and followed me into my closet.

  “This shirt. I think it’s the biggest one I have.” I passed her a black crew neck t-shirt.

  “Did you just call me fat?” She smirked.

  I shook my head. “No, but I have no idea how you’re going to hide the girls in anything smaller.” I stared at her chest through the bathrobe. And then, because she seemed determined to torture me, Tegyn dropped the robe and my cock shot to attention. I covered my face. “Dammit, girl.”

  “Incentive,” she teased.

  When I finally opened my eyes again, she was wearing the shirt, but I’d never be able to use it again. The chest was all stretched out. My eyes traveled down the length of her body. Tegyn turned and peeked out the door to check on Keyon, which gave me time to admire the sexy thong she had on.

  Immediately, I was reminded of one night at her apartment when I took her in the kitchen. She had turned like this, bent over to peer in the fridge, wearing nothing but a tank top and panties. I don’t know what came over me, but I’d been hard instantly, and by the time she stood up, I had pulled down her panties, yanked out my penis, and she smiled at me over her shoulder while I slid into her over and over again. That had been one of our best times. Later, I’d asked her why she thought that was so good. “Because it was spontaneous, born of need.”

  “I can’t believe you were ready for me,” I had mumbled, trying to hide my shame for being so rough with someone who was so special to me.

  “DeSean,” she began, her voice low and sexy. “Don’t you know I’m always ready for you?”

  I wondered if it was still true. Without thinking, my hands found her hips and I pulled her against me. Tegyn gasped in response.

  “Keyon is right th
ere,” she whimpered.

  “That’s the only reason you have for staying away, huh.” My hands slid down her hips and cupped her ass cheeks. They were cool to the touch, but fit perfectly in my hands. I watched her, ready to stop in an instant if she objected. When she didn’t, I grew bolder. One hand slid up the t-shirt until I was holding her breast and playing with her marbled nipple. The other hand slid under her panties, slipping around until I found her opening, which was warm and wet. “I guess you’re still always ready for me,” I murmured against her neck, while kissing my way to her ear.

  Tegyn whimpered and pressed against the palm of my hand. “Yes, dammit. You happy?”

  “So fucking happy,” I admitted as I drew her closer and rubbed my erection against her ass.

  “Daddy? T? Where you go?” Keyon asked from the bedroom.

  I sighed. Tegyn giggled. Tonight might just kill me.



  * * *

  I was going to go back to my room. That’s what I stipulated when I agreed to this. I told myself I was doing this for Keyon. I’m pretty sure I was lying all the way around. See, when we climbed into bed, one of us on either side of Keyon, me wearing his boxers and shirt, DeSean only in boxer briefs, I thought we had an understanding. I thought it was safe.

  Keyon had snuggled in between us. D’s arm snaked under the pillows so he could be touching my shoulder. His other hand was over the covers resting on my hip. “Are you comfortable, little man?” he asked his son.

  The boy nodded and smiled, glancing back and forth between us. When I looked at D, his eyes seemed to glisten and if I didn’t know better, I’d think he was ready to cry. In that moment, I knew what they were both missing. I’d never seen two guys so starved for the love of a woman, the need for a family. And in that moment, I finally believed everything he’d told me. I fell in love with both of them harder than I wanted.


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