Perfect Design: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 5)

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Perfect Design: A Reverse Harem Romance (The Code Book 5) Page 6

by Bethany Jadin

  “You have to go,” Trigg stresses.

  I draw a deep breath and flex my shoulders. My legs tremble, but I leap over him and into the hallway. I crouch as my feet hit the smooth floor, quickly scanning both directions as I slip the USB out of my mouth and stuff it deep in my pants pocket. To my right, more men are moving toward the reception area and the gunfight happening there. But Point A is also in that direction.


  It registers with me now, the model of the flash bang grenade being thrown. I react in just enough time to squeeze my eyes shut and throw my hands over my ears. The flash makes my closed eyelids flair red, and my ears ring even though the heels of my palms are smashed tightly against them.

  “Talk to me.” For the first time, I hear concern in Trigg’s voice. He can’t see me anymore, and he doesn’t like it.

  “I’m okay,” I assure him. And I am. A fierceness is welling up in my chest, and I’m ready to go bare-knuckle brawling if I have to. These motherfuckers aren’t getting their data back, and they aren’t taking me out. Not today. This is our day, and we’re the ones raining down the chaos and mayhem.

  I turn right and run, heading to where the executive hallway meets the main corridor that leads to the reception area. As I reach the T junction, a deep voice behind me shouts at me to freeze.

  Instead, I hurl myself into the main corridor as gunshots pepper the drywall behind me.

  “Emma?” Trigg asks anxiously.

  “I’m still moving,” I manage to say between quick breathes as I set off at a dead sprint down the corridor toward Point A, also known as Agent Theo’s office.

  Ahead of me, a gray-clad security officer enters the corridor from another junction. His gaze is trained down the hall toward the open reception area, and the door to Theo’s office is just at his back. The loud sound of gunfire covers the sound of my shoes on the tile, and I don’t hesitate a second, knowing any minute he could turn my way and I’d be caught with nowhere to hide. I have to make it to the office.

  I’m at a dead sprint down the long corridor as he quietly reloads his weapon. He flattens against the wall as he does so, and I’m able to see past him to the focus of his attention — two men dressed head to toe in identical tactical gear. The same gear the twins put on this morning. Those are my men.

  In the distance, Jude and Jax are crouched behind a credenza just past the end of the corridor, weapons at the ready, their attention trained on the activity happening just a few feet away. Ahead of me, the BHC security man steps away from the wall and lifts his weapon.

  Oh, hell no.

  I speed up, lowering my shoulders as I draw closer, just like I’ve seen Gunner do. The guys snap their heads to the corridor, either my movement or sound catching their attention, and their rifles swing into action at nearly the same time.

  “Emma!” Jax’s voice is unmistakable as he shouts my name in alarm.

  “Hold fire!” Jude yells, throwing up a fist.

  The security guard aims his rifle, drawing down on the twins. I crouch and dig into the floor, pushing off with all the power I can muster, letting my fury propel me forward like a catapult. I slam into him, toppling him from his feet. I ricochet off of him and tumble to the ground, pain flaring up my shoulder.

  Scrabbling upright faster than I ever thought I could move, I take a long step back toward the guy and swing my leg hard, my foot catching him under the chin. His head snaps backward, his body goes slack, and the weapon clatters to the floor. I quickly kick it, sending it spinning down the corridor toward Jax and Jude.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Trigg’s voice is full of alarm. He can only hear me, and I can’t begin to imagine what he’s picturing in his mind from the colophony of sounds he’s picking up on his comms.

  “I’m still standing,” I assure him, watching the guard carefully as I back away, half expecting him to suddenly jump up. But he’s out cold, his breathing even and shallow.

  To the left, I catch a glimpse of more BHC security coming down the same hallway the last guy popped out of. They’ll be in the corridor in just a few seconds, cutting me off from Jude and Jax. As much as I want to run to the twins, it’s only going to put me directly in the path of BHC’s hired guns. I signal to the twins, and Jude motions at me, waving his arm with two fingers held up — go, go, go — as they shift positions to ready themselves for the onslaught of guards.

  I spin around and bolt back down the corridor the direction I came from, heading for Agent Theo’s office as originally planned. I zoomed right past his office in order to tackle the security guard, and I almost run past it again this time, my legs not wanting to slow down. I grab the door handle and jerk myself back, twisting it to open at the same time.

  My heart is pounding as I stumble inside, my grip on the door handle the only thing keeping me from falling face first into the carpet. I fling myself into the room then twist back, slamming the door behind me. I lunge at it, locking the mechanism then slapping at the top of the door jam, sliding the deadbolt Theo had installed into place. I drop to my knees and do the same with the deadbolt at the floor level.

  “I’m in,” I tell Trigg, panting for breath. “Theo’s office.”

  “Thank fucking God,” he says, the relief evident in his voice. “Bolts in place?”

  “Yes.” I back away from the door, the sharp report of gunfire sounding in the corridor only yards away. My stomach tightens, and I send a prayer to the heavens for Jude and Jax, trying not to picture the worst. The twins are the last people to take any bullshit lying down, and they both have that ruthless killer instinct, but BHC has fucked my life up for months, and taking any of my men from me would be the ultimate retribution for foiling their plans.

  “You know what to do,” Trigg says, confidence returning to his voice. “Behind the desk. Theo left a pistol. Get down, and stay down.”

  Adrenaline is surging through me so strongly my hands are shaking as I make my way to behind Theo’s large desk. I grip the edge with both hands and flip it over, pointing the wide, thick top directly at the door, letting the computer, phone, and other items crash to the floor. I drop and crawl into the space, ducking low behind the wooden slab. I see the Glock tapped to the underside, and I pull it free, holding it tightly with trembling hands, just as Trigg showed me during our brief but thorough target practice session. It’s the same model I practiced with, and the grip feels reassuringly familiar. I never thought I’d be faced with taking a life, but here I am, ready to drop the next asshole who tries to break through the door.

  The shouting and gunfire outside continues, and my lip quivers, so I clench it between my teeth. Please, God, let them be okay, I plead silently. I lack their training and protective gear, but a part of me still wishes I was out there with them.



  “I love you. I love each one of you so much,” I say, fighting back tears as the adrenaline races through me, heightening all my fears and bringing them into sharp focus.

  “I love you, too, babe. But you can tell us all in person. We’re going to get you the fuck out of there, I promise.”



  It takes an excruciating moment for Trigg to get back to me, but when he does, he says, “Hold tight. Jude and Jax are in the corridor — they’ve almost got you, babe.”

  “Holding tight,” I confirm.

  I draw in calming breaths, visualizing my movements if someone tries to breach the door, picturing myself aiming and firing, smooth and fast. There’s an energy running through me I’ve never felt before. This must be the feeling the guys have talked about when shit was going down on the battlefield and they were running on pure instinct and adrenaline. I have to admit, as terrified as I am — because who am I kidding — it’s also a very powerful feeling. I’m fucking ready for whatever comes through that door. If I’m going down, I’m taking as many assholes with me as I can.

  Trigg’s voice comes over the comms, rela
ying an update to everyone. “All security feeds on floor twenty-one are down. Daniel is transmitting the package right now, stream incoming. Theo broke cover to assist agents pinned down in reception and has been hit.”

  “Oh my God.” My body is twitching involuntarily with every burst of semi-automatic fire just outside my door. “How bad?”

  “He’s being extracted now. Just—” His voice is muffled as he speaks rapidly in a different direction, but some of the words drift back to me. “…on approach to the roof… closing in… give ‘em a roadblock.”

  A deep rumble sounds, and the whole room seems to vibrate for several seconds. “What the hell was that, Trigg?”

  “Gunner got to blow something up.”

  “What?! Are they okay?”

  “Just buying time. They’re evacuating now and moving to the safe point.”

  A sharp crack grabs my attention, and I look over the edge of the overturned desk, watching as the doorknob to Theo’s office rattles furiously, followed by a loud thud, but the door holds — for now. I immediately get into firing position and pull the slide back to load a round into the chamber. I take aim at the door, targeting chest-height, preparing for a heart shot as two more stiff blows rain against the door. A thin crack appears in the middle of the wood, but the deadbolts hold fast.

  Trigg responds to the loud noises. “Emma, what’s going on?”

  “Someone’s ramming the door,” I say, my voice surprisingly steady. It’s all come down to this, and dammit, they aren’t going to get me without a fight. Bring it, assholes.

  Trigg’s voice sounds on the comms, but it’s distant again, speaking to someone else. “Smoke… do you have visuals? Shit… Jude, hold on—”

  I see tendrils of smoke wisping in under the door, and for a second, I wonder if someone has set fire to it, trying to force me out. But I don’t smell anything burning, so I hold my position. Suddenly, the gunfire stops abruptly, and everything goes silent — too silent.

  A second later, another blow lands against the door, and the crack widens. I practice what Trigg taught me — I take a steady breath and move my finger as though to squeeze the trigger at the end of an exhale between heartbeats. I know it doesn’t matter as much at this close range, but just running through the motions, the awareness of my breath and heartbeat — it feels like Trigg is here with me, and that helps keep me centered.

  In the eerie quiet, I can hear voices outside the door, and I don’t recognize either of them. I try not to think about what the sudden silence means, or why it’s not Jude or Jax at the door.

  It isn’t quiet for long, though — two shots fire, and the wood surrounding the door hinges explodes into splinters. I duck briefly, shielding my eyes from the flying projectiles, before returning to fire-ready position.

  I swallow and steady my hands, bracing for the door to get kicked down any second, when a new sound reaches my ears — a deep, roaring growl from the corridor.

  It’s distant at first, but it comes ever closer, resounding off the walls. The sound of rapid footsteps joins the battle cry as it grows louder, and I recognize the primal yell is coming from Jax. A moment later, chaotic scuffling and a series of harsh thuds and grunts come from the other side of the door, followed by the sickening sound of bones snapping. There are no screams of agony afterward, and the silence chills my blood.

  I wait, tense and on high alert, my weapon ready, not letting my guard down for a second. I hate that I can’t see anything happening in the hallway.

  “Roth has the data package secured,” Trigg’s voice says. “Get your asses in there.”

  A sudden pounding sounds against the door, rattling the deadbolts. “Emma! Open the door!”

  Even though he barked the words in a harsh tone, I know it’s my man. I spring to my feet and plant a palm on the edge of the desk, hurtling over it. I fly to the door and reach for the first deadbolt with trembling hands.

  Over comms, Trigg scoffs. “Jesus Christ, Jude, give her a second before you break the door down, will ya?”

  Jude’s words come out softer this time, but there is still the hard edge of adrenaline laying behind them. “It’s safe, sweetheart. You can open the door.”

  My hands can’t move fast enough as I move to the second deadbolt, and my heart leaps as Jax’s voice penetrates through the splintered wood. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m okay.” God, is that my voice? I sound like I’m teetering on a tightrope. I switch the lock off of the handle and twist, wrenching the warped door open.

  The sight that greats me is a war zone — bullet holes riddling the drywall, expended grenade cartridges and bullet casings lining the floor, moaning men in gray security uniforms being pinned to the ground and handcuffed by FBI agents. Others slumped on the floor, not moving. But they barely register. Because what I see are my twins pulling off their helmets and goggles, stripping the masks off their faces.

  Tears prick at my eyes, and my heart races. My knees buckle as I reach for them, and Jude rushes forward, taking me in his arms. He lifts me to his chest, my toes leaving the ground as I wrap my arms around his neck. I fold against his bulk, burying my face against his cheek. “Thank God, Jude. I’m so glad you guys are okay.”

  His fingers dig into my back, and he turns his lips to my neck. “We’ve got you, sweetheart. We’ve got you,” he says between kisses.

  I hold out my hand to Jax, and he steps forward, wrapping his arms around both of us, his chest against my side. I lift my head and tilt my shoulders, nestling into him as he tucks against me.

  Between finally seeing with my own eyes that they’re okay and the feeling of safety I have by being pressed between them, I start to tremble, overwhelmed with the flood of emotion washing through me.

  Jax strokes my hair, his lips at my ear. “Don’t you ever do any fucking shit like that again.”

  They give me just enough space between them so that Jude can set me on my feet again, and I turn to face Jax. “What do you mean?”

  He narrows his eyes at me. “Don’t you ask me what, Emma Collins. You charged a man with a semi-automatic rifle like a goddamn linebacker.”

  “She did what?” Trigg asks.

  I let out a burst of nervous laughter at the sound of Trigg’s astonished voice, but that look in Jax’s eyes — he’s dead fucking serious. I bite my bottom lip to hide my smile, feeling a swelling of pride. “I don’t regret it for a second.”

  “We’ll talk about that more later,” he growls, giving me a look I can’t quite interpret, but it sends a curious shiver down my spine.

  The FBI has the hallway cleared of the security personnel, except for a couple bodies lying motionless on the floor. Jax sees my eyes lingering on them and motions into Theo’s office. “Let’s hunker down in here for a little while.”

  Jude shakes his head. “I say let’s just get out of here.”

  “The only way out is through reception, brother.” His eyes move down to the bodies on the floor, and it’s obvious he means the scene is far worse elsewhere. “Let’s give it some time,” he says to Jude, then wraps an arm around me to guide me inside the office.

  “Wait,” I say, reaching down to take hold of where he grips onto my waist. Both the twins turn to see what I’m looking at. “Just a second,” I tell them. “I’ve got some unfinished business to take care of.”

  A plainclothes FBI agent is walking down the hall with a disheveled Jackass, his hands bound in front of him with a thick zip tie. I don’t care if he were shackled with chains and wrapped in a straightjacket — he’s taken enough cheap shots at me that it’s high time the tables were turned.

  “Hey, Jackass.”

  I step out of Jax’s grip just as Jeremy lifts his chin to meet my eyes. By the time he sees me, my arm is already cocked back, and I let it fly as hard as I can, feeling months of rage unleash. Right in the fucking throat.

  Jeremy bends in half, making a raspy gargling sound. I wait patiently as he gasps and coughs for a while before finally stra
ightening up. “Are you just going to let her do that?” he sputters hoarsely at the agent holding him.

  Bless his heart, the FBI agent just shrugs. “I didn’t see anything.”

  “Just wanted to keep my promise,” I say sweetly.

  Jeremy twists angrily, but the FBI agent holds him firmly in place. Perfect, because I’m not finish with this asshole. I send my foot flying with all my might, connecting directly with his groin. A rush of air leaves him with an agonized grunt. As he doubles over, I bring my knee up, smashing into his nose.

  The satisfaction I feel at the crunch is immense. I watch happily as blood drips onto the floor, and Jeremy lifts his hands to his face, shrieking in pain.

  “I hope you choke on your own blood,” I say calmly, watching with a perverse enjoyment as he writhes hysterically.

  It’s Jude’s arm that wraps around my waist now, pulling me toward Theo’s office, but not before I see Jax pat Jeremy on the shoulder.

  “Hey, asshole. Since we’re old pals, I’ve arranged a nice little treat for you on the inside.”

  Jeremy stops thrashing around, freezing as he darts his gaze up to Jax’s face. The fear I see in his eyes makes a wicked little smile curl at the corner of my lips.

  Jax tightens his grip on Jeremy’s shoulder. “Relax, man. You’re going to have lots of new friends,” he says, his tone reassuring. He leans down, and I hear him whisper, “And I’ve given them very precise instructions on exactly how to welcome you to prison.”

  If there’s one thing Jeremy should have known about Jax, it’s to never make an enemy out of him or fuck with the people he cares about. His vengeance seems to have no limits. Deep down, I know that if given the chance, Jax would take great pleasure in slowly torturing Jeremy until he begged for death. Whatever he has arranged on the inside, I have no doubts Jeremy will be suffering through pain and misery he probably can’t even begin to fathom yet.


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