Kitty Neale 3 Book Bundle

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by Kitty Neale

‘He wasn’t happy to hear that he can’t visit Dolly, but there’s nothing else I can do. I’ve told him he’s got to come with us. I’m not letting him out of my sight until Vincent Chase is under lock and key.’

  ‘Derek, are you sure you’re not being overprotective?’

  ‘I’m doing all I can to keep John safe. Chase tried to kill him and as he’s Kevin’s son, he might try again.’

  Emily hung her head. Like Lucy, she felt that Vincent Chase was unlikely to show his face again around here, but Derek wasn’t prepared to take that chance. She couldn’t blame him, but when John came into the room Emily saw that he looked awful and she feared for his mental state.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  Lucy opened the shop on Thursday morning, though it was hard to put on a cheerful face when she thought about Pearl. There were still no signs of improvement, and now John was in such poor shape that he was totally uncommunicative. She sensed that Derek was close to the end of his tether too, and poor Emily – lines had appeared on her face, and though she was already slim, the weight was dropping off her. Yet despite this Emily was happy to take on the washing, ironing and cooking now, relieved if anything to have something to keep her occupied when she wasn’t at the hospital.

  Lucy looked at the alarm button that Derek had installed close to the till. While she understood his caution, she felt it was unnecessary. Kevin Dolby was dead now and surely that meant Vincent Chase had the revenge he’d sought?

  When a customer came in, Lucy painted a smile on her face, and by the time another two hours had passed, she was pleased with the takings.

  ‘Nora’s been cleaning like a beaver,’ Emily said at midday. ‘Now she wants to help you. Is that all right, Lucy?’

  ‘Of course it is,’ she agreed.

  ‘It’ll only be for an hour and then we’ll be going to see Pearl.’

  ‘Pearl get better now,’ Nora said.

  ‘Yes, I’m sure she will,’ Lucy said reassuringly as she found a duster. It was awful to think that Pearl might never walk again, and it was hard to force brightness into her tone as she held out the cloth. ‘Here you are, Nora. You can polish the counter.’

  Emily went back upstairs, and soon after Nora was hard at work when the door burst open and Eddie dashed in. ‘Where’s Derek?’

  ‘He’s upstairs, but wait! What’s going on?’

  ‘I’ll tell you later,’ Eddie called as he ran past her.

  Only minutes later, the sound of heavy feet clattered down the stairs, and with Derek just behind him, Eddie rushed out of the shop again.

  ‘Now I wonder what all that’s about,’ Lucy said to Nora.

  ‘I not know.’

  ‘Me neither,’ she said, but less than ten minutes later, Lucy found out.

  Derek and Eddie pushed the thin, weedy-looking man ahead of them into the shop. ‘Keep an eye on him while I ring CID.’

  ‘Don’t worry, Derek, he isn’t going anywhere,’ Eddie assured.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Lucy asked.

  ‘This bloke was showing a photograph of a woman around, and asking if anyone had seen her. When I looked at it, I saw it was a publicity shot of a stripper with the name Adrianna printed at the bottom.’

  ‘CID’s on their way,’ Derek told the man.

  ‘Let ’em come. I ain’t done anything and you’ve got no right to keep me here.’

  ‘I doubt they’ll agree,’ Derek said. ‘The woman you’re trying to find is part of a murder enquiry, and that makes you involved in it too.’

  ‘Murder! I don’t know nuffin’ about that,’ he said, looking panicky. ‘I was just trying to earn a few bob, that’s all. The word’s been put out that Vince Chase is looking for that bird, and he’s willing to pay good money for any info.’

  ‘Where is he?’

  ‘If you’re talking about Vincent Chase, I ain’t got a clue. As I said, the word was put out, it was passed on to me along with that photograph and that’s all I know.’

  ‘Why were you looking for Adrianna around here?’

  ‘I heard that she was involved with Kevin Dolby, and he came from these parts, didn’t he?’

  ‘Yes, but it was a long time ago.’

  ‘It was worth a shot,’ the man said. ‘Now I’ve told you all I know and I’m going.’

  ‘No, you’re not. CID will still want to talk to you,’ Derek said. ‘Whoever passed the word on to you might lead them back to Chase.’

  ‘He was just a face and I don’t know his name.’

  ‘You’re still going to talk to them,’ Derek insisted.

  When Riley and Shaw turned up Derek took them to one side and repeated what the man had told him. ‘I hope it’s a lead?’ he added.

  Riley walked over and gripped the man’s arm, saying firmly, ‘You’re coming back to the station with us.’

  ‘I know my rights. I don’t have to come with you, and you can’t hold me without charging me with something.’

  ‘How about resisting arrest?’

  ‘I’m not resisting.’

  ‘So you say, but who’s going to believe you?’

  ‘Bastards,’ the man murmured, but he went without further argument.

  ‘Derek, do you think they’ll get anything else out of him?’ Eddie asked as the shop door closed.

  ‘I don’t know, but let’s hope so. As long as Vincent Chase is on the loose, John’s in danger.’

  ‘I hope they find him, lock him up and throw away the key,’ Lucy said.

  ‘Yeah, me too,’ Eddie agreed as he went over to give Lucy a swift kiss. ‘I’d best get back to my stall, but I’ll see you later.’

  ‘Thanks, Eddie,’ Derek said. ‘I owe you one.’

  ‘Don’t be daft. Anyone would have done the same.’

  As Eddie left, Derek’s shoulders slumped. Even if Riley and Shaw managed to get any information that would lead them to Vincent Chase, he knew they had nothing to hold him on.

  ‘Derek, are you all right?’ Lucy asked.

  ‘Yes, yes, I’m fine,’ he lied. ‘I’ll go back upstairs now.’

  As he tramped through to the back, Derek was thinking that their lives had been fine until Kevin Dolby had come back on the scene. Although he was dead now, Derek felt that everything was falling apart thanks to him. It may have been Vincent Chase’s hand on the trigger of the gun that shot Pearl, but it might as well have been Kevin’s.

  Derek had heard something about not thinking ill of the dead, but when it came to Kevin Dolby he was finding it impossible. Now Bernie, he had thought well of him – still did – and maybe it was just as well that the poor sod hadn’t lived to see the havoc his son had caused. Bernie had been very fond of Pearl and it would have broken his heart to see her lying unable to move her lower body, let alone witnessing the state John was in.

  ‘You’re better off out of it, Bernie,’ Derek said, but then realised that if such a thing was possible, he was talking to a ghost.

  Smiling wryly now, Derek climbed the stairs, but on the way up he found himself still talking to Bernie. ‘I don’t know where you are, mate, but if there’s a heaven and you’re in it, can you ask the governor to do something for Pearl?’

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Tim arrived on Saturday morning and he was shocked to the core when he saw Emily. She looked dreadful and he took her into his arms, murmuring, ‘Darling, you look so tired.’

  She clung to him. ‘I’m so worried about Pearl and I’m not sleeping very well. There’s John too. He … he hardly comes out of his room now.’

  ‘That can’t be good for him. If you ask me he needs something to take his mind off things for a while.’

  ‘I don’t think anything can do that. Too much has happened in too short a time and it isn’t helping that he can’t go out unless Derek is with him.’

  ‘The poor lad must feel like a prisoner.’

  ‘Hello, Tim,’ Derek said as he came into the room.

  ‘Hello, Derek, it’s good to see you,’ Tim replied.<
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  ‘I’ll make us all a drink,’ Emily said and went to the kitchen.

  Tim took a seat, wanting to help. He spoke to Derek. ‘Emily has just told me about John and I wonder if you’d mind if I make a suggestion?’

  ‘Go ahead.’

  ‘I think it might help if I take the lad out, maybe to a park where he could take a few photographs. It might rekindle his interest and it would be something to occupy his mind.’

  ‘I don’t know, Tim. I’d have to come with you and I can’t miss visiting hours at the hospital.’

  ‘I’m sure we can work around that. Think about it, Derek – other than when John goes with you to see Pearl, he doesn’t get out. He must feel dreadfully cooped up.’

  Derek ran a hand over his face. ‘Bloody hell, I’ve been so intent on keeping him safe that I haven’t given his feelings a thought.’

  ‘It’s perfectly understandable. You’re worried about Pearl and you’re also trying to protect John. I can’t imagine the strain you are under, but while I’m here, if there’s anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask.’

  ‘You already have, Tim. You’ve woken me up to how John must be feeling … And yes, let’s do something about it.’

  They decided on Wimbledon Common, and though after visiting Pearl they all left the hospital decidedly subdued, John did begin to brighten when Tim gave him a few more tips on taking photographs.

  ‘You were coming on so well, and I doubt I can teach you much, but here, try this larger zoom lens. I don’t use it much so you can hang onto it.’

  When John attached it to the camera and tried it out, he smiled. ‘It’s great. Thanks, Tim.’

  From then on John became absorbed, and Nora was watching him, but Emily saw that Derek hadn’t relaxed as his eyes constantly scanned for any sign of danger. She had noticed that when driving too, he was always looking in the rearview mirror. It affected her nerves, but as there were five of them she and Tim had followed in his car and she had been able to almost enjoy the drive.

  The common seemed vast, and as Emily looked around there was hardly a soul to be seen. Now that it was mid-October, the trees in the distance were showing signs of turning and the landscape looked untouched. Emily felt a sudden longing for Winchester. She loved the autumnal colours of the countryside, walks in the woods with Tim, and though he was here now, she missed their shared breakfasts and evenings together.

  ‘Are you all right, darling?’ Tim asked as he came to her side. ‘You look miles away.’

  ‘I was just thinking about how much I miss you.’

  ‘I miss you too.’

  ‘Tim, I can’t come back to Winchester until I know that Pearl is going to be all right.’

  ‘I know, and I understand.’

  Emily saw that the others were a little distance away. She had been unable to voice her fears to any of them, but she felt she could confide in Tim. ‘What if Pearl doesn’t get better? What if she’s never able to walk again?’

  ‘Darling, she was badly injured and needs time to heal. It’s early days and I don’t think you need to worry about that yet. For now, just take one day at a time and I’m sure there’ll be better news soon.’

  Emily clung to Tim’s hand, drawing strength from his words. Pearl was going to get better. She had to believe that.

  Derek was relieved that the trip to Wimbledon Common had done some good. When they returned to Battersea John didn’t go to his room, remaining with them in the living room instead, and when Emily cooked dinner, he ate everything that was put in front of him.

  The conversation was all about photography, and as most of it went over his head, Derek allowed his mind to drift. He would suggest a similar trip tomorrow, but he’d have to remain vigilant. He knew the others thought he was being overprotective, but if anything happened to John, Pearl would never forgive him. While he had been knocked unconscious and unable to do anything, she had risked her life to save her son.

  Derek glanced at his watch. ‘We should get ready to visit Pearl again.’

  ‘Pearl get better,’ Nora said.

  ‘Yes, of course she will,’ Emily assured. ‘Now go and have a wash, there’s a good girl.’

  Derek wanted so much to believe that Emily was right about Pearl. It was all he had to cling to, but deep down he was beginning to fear the worst.

  Pearl’s condition remained unchanged and though Derek woke up in a low mood the next morning, he did his best to hide it. Somehow, despite his doubts about Pearl’s recovery, he had to present a strong front for John. It was a chilly but dry day, and he decided that they’d go out again after visiting Pearl, perhaps take a drive to the outskirts of London for a walk by the Thames.

  They had just finished breakfast when there was a ring on the doorbell. It was Derek who went to answer it. ‘Gran!’ he exclaimed. ‘What are you doing here?’

  Connie Lewis was straight-faced, her answer clipped. ‘You’re all right then?’

  ‘Yes, I’m fine.’

  ‘I may be in a home, but most of the staff are locals and gossip still reaches me. It’s just as well too, because you haven’t bothered to visit me, or to let me know that you’re all right.’

  ‘John’s in danger and I can’t leave him on his own. I should have got a message to you, but with so much on my plate, I’m sorry, I didn’t give it a thought.’

  ‘Yeah, that’s me. Out of sight and out of mind.’

  ‘Gran, that isn’t true. I’d have come when I could, but how did you get here?’

  ‘As I can’t walk far, how do you think? I got a taxi.’

  Derek didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want his gran to say anything that might upset John, or Emily, but he could hardly leave her standing outside.

  ‘Come in, but please be careful what you say. With Pearl in hospital both John and her mother are in a bit of a state.’

  ‘I don’t need you to tell me how to behave,’ she snapped.

  Derek didn’t need this and agitatedly ran his fingers through his hair. Perhaps his gran saw something on his face, he didn’t know, but her tone softened and she laid gnarled fingers on his arm. ‘I only came to see you to put my mind at rest. I told the taxi to wait, and now I’ll go back to the home.’

  ‘Gran, there’s no need to rush off. At least come upstairs and have a cup of tea or something.’

  ‘No thanks.’

  Derek tried again to persuade his gran to stay for a while, but she wouldn’t have it, so he went outside to help her climb into the taxi. She managed it with difficulty and he was touched that she had come to see if he was all right.

  However, as Derek watched the taxi drive away he was struck by a thought. His gran hadn’t asked him how Pearl was.

  Chapter Fifty

  Riley and Shaw came back to see Derek the following week. When he opened the door to them early on Tuesday morning, both men were smiling.

  ‘We’ve got him, Mr Lewis,’ Riley said. ‘We apprehended Vincent Chase in a private clinic where he was waiting to have plastic surgery. He’s in custody, charged with murder and shooting with intent to kill.’

  Derek didn’t return their smiles. He knew it was pointless to build up his hopes and said, ‘You might have him in custody, but for how long? None of us saw him, and without proof you won’t be able to hold him.’

  ‘You’re wrong there, Mr Lewis. We have sufficient evidence to take the case to trial and until then he’ll be remanded in custody without a hope in hell of getting bail.’

  ‘I don’t understand. What evidence?’

  ‘That man you apprehended turned out to be very useful. What he was able to tell us led us to another man and a link in a chain that eventually led us to Vincent Chase’s accomplice.’

  ‘What, the one who was here with him?’

  ‘Yes, Barry Rawlingstrum, a youngster who fortunately for us is new to the game. He’s a small-timer who had only just started to work for Vincent Chase. When he thought he was going to cop the lot, to go down for murd
er, he soon gave us Vincent Chase.’

  ‘What made him think that?’

  ‘Let’s just say he thought we had enough on him.’

  ‘I see,’ Derek murmured, still unable to believe that it was really over. ‘Do you really think this Rawlingstrum will give evidence against Chase at the trial?’

  ‘When we pulled Chase in, there was an unfortunate incident when the two passed each other in the corridor. Of course it shouldn’t have happened, but when Rawlingstrum saw that Chase had spotted him, he soon worked out that it would be safer for him if his boss went down.’

  ‘The incident sounds more fortunate than unfortunate to me and a clever tactic.’

  ‘Tactic!’ said Riley. ‘I don’t know what you mean, sir.’

  Shaw was smiling faintly and Derek said, ‘Look, as far as I’m concerned I’m just grateful that Chase is in custody. I can’t thank you enough and at least my family can get back to some semblance of normality now.’

  ‘How is your wife, sir?’ Shaw asked.

  ‘It’s been two weeks, but there’s still no change.’

  ‘I’m sorry to hear that.’

  ‘Yes, I am too,’ Riley said, ‘but it was a severe injury and I don’t think you can expect a lot of improvement in two weeks. Don’t give up hope, Mr Lewis. We’ll leave you in peace now and though it may not be for some time yet, we’ll let you know the date of the trial.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Derek said, surprised at this hard-faced man’s sensitivity. He showed them out, and then went upstairs with a smile of relief on his face.

  Emily was sitting at the dining table with John, spreading butter on her toast when Derek walked into the room.

  ‘Who was that at the door?’ she asked.

  ‘It was those blokes from CID. They came to tell me that Vincent Chase is in custody.’

  ‘Oh, that’s wonderful,’ Emily enthused.

  ‘Yes, it is. John, do you realise what this means?’

  ‘No, but I’m glad they’ve caught him.’

  ‘It means that you’re safe. You can go out when you like now, and even go back to school.’


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