Mountain Man Daddy

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Mountain Man Daddy Page 9

by Chloe Maddox

  “Your lecture was inspiring,” Courtney complimented.

  “I’m glad to hear you two were actually listening to what I said. I know it would’ve been more beneficial to have an actual social worker come talk to you, but Professor Clairmont, and the rest of the college staff felt it would help if you heard another perspective,” Alex commented.

  “I agree,” Courtney responded as she kept her eyes trained on his face. I had no clue if it was because she was afraid she would end up like the other girls who were openly ogling him, or of it was because he genuinely wasn’t her type.

  Based on the look of polite interested shining on her face, I’d say it was the latter rather than the former. They conversed easily about what they’d heard, and I zoned out as I began to play a random word game on my phone.

  I knew it wasn’t exactly polite, but I had no desire to talk to him about anything, and I wasn’t about to go pretending for appearance’s sake.

  “So, how do you two know each other?” Courtney asked, her eyes moving between the two of us.

  “Nowhere,” I said at the same time as he said. “Work.”

  We shared a look until I broke off contact and looked directly at Courtney.

  “I guess I’ve seen him at the pub before. I didn’t recognize him at first,” I was surprised by how easily the lie flowed through my lips, but I didn’t think I was at liberty to discuss what had transpired that day since it was private, and I couldn’t very well go into the details of the next day because I still wasn’t ready to talk about it.

  And I was still unbelievably mad at him.

  “I like their pub,” Alex agreed, casually, not minding in the slightest that he was corroborating my story. The ease with which he lied made me wonder what other kind of secrets he was keeping.

  “That’s nice. Well, I’d better get going Sandy because I told my mom I’d be home for dinner. See you later?”

  I nodded and smiled warmly. “See you later.”

  “Cool. Nice to meet you Alex.”

  “You too,” he called out to her retreating back as she walked away. We stood there in awkward silence for a moment as I shifted restlessly from one foot to the other.

  I dragged my foot aimlessly across the floor. “I guess I’d better go too.”

  I hiked my bag higher up and without looking at him started to walk away.


  His voice stopped me in my tracks, and I waited to see what he would say. Part of me was curious even as he was obviously struggling.

  “Would you like to go get a cup of coffee?” he blurted out.

  I threw him a look over my shoulder. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah.” He nodded. “Why not?”

  “You tell me. You’re the one who thought it was a bad idea,” I pointed out as I turned around, so I was fully facing him. I crossed my arms over my chest and leveled him with a stare.

  “Coffee isn’t a bad idea,” Alex said with a straight face. “Unless we try to tear other’s clothes off in the middle of the café.”

  I snorted. “I think we can both handle behaving in public.”

  “I don’t know. We’ll see I guess.” He shrugged as he made a sweeping hand gesture. “After you. I don’t really know the neighborhood, so I’m not sure where to go.”

  “Look, Alex—” I began.

  “I know that I was a dick yesterday. Letting things get that far then pulling the plug, but you have to understand, it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the fact that we were both functioning on adrenaline,” he hurried to add. “I didn’t want you to regret what happened, and I didn’t want to either, so I thought I’d quit while we still could.”

  I was quiet as he fell into step beside me, and we walked along the pavement. It was relatively quiet considering most people were at work, and I liked it that way. The sun was beating down on our backs causing a thin sheen of sweat to break out across the back of my neck.

  I wiped my face with the back of my hand as I slipped off my sweater and tied it in a knot around my waist. “I get what you’re saying, but I think it could’ve been handled better.”

  “Absolutely,” Alex was quick to agree. “I’m with you 100% on this. I could’ve handled that way better, so let me say sorry by treating you to a coffee.”

  “Coffee won’t be enough. I’ll need a lot more than that,” I said, somberly.

  “Of course, what else do you want?”

  “A private jet. Tickets to Disneyland, and the sacrificial blood of a cat along with a unicorn’s horn,” I said, dryly.

  “Of course. No apology is complete without any of the ingredients you just mentioned. I assume you’ll also want a big helping of bat ears.”

  “Yes, of course. The offering must be complete.” I played along as I stopped at a red light and hit the button. “Seriously though, I’m a big girl, and I can handle it. You don’t need to take me out for coffee to prove that you’re sorry.”

  “What if I want to? Would it be okay then?” Alex asked.

  “What happened to this being a bad idea?”

  “That was yesterday. Today, I hope you’re a bit more clear headed and able to make a decision for yourself. The ball’s in your court.”

  Chapter 6

  We settled down for coffee in this quiet little corner store café with plush couches, and a far more intimate setting than I would like. They had their blinds slight closed, and candles light even though it was only two in the afternoon.

  It created a very romantic ambiance especially with the soft strands of violin music floating in through the speakers. For a moment, I wondered if I should suggest another place, but Alex had already plopped onto the couch and was perusing through the menu.

  I sat next to him on the opposite side careful to keep enough distance between us.

  What did he mean by the ball’s in my court?

  Did this mean that I got to decide whether or not we did something? If so, did I want that?

  Of course, I wanted him, but as to the question of if I would act upon it. That was an entirely different thing. Mostly, I was afraid of being rejected again, but I wasn’t sure how to bring that up without sounding paranoid.

  Instead, I buried my face in the menu in spite of already knowing what I’d get and deciding that I’d get a plate of fries as well.

  When the waiter showed up, we both rattled off our orders.

  “So,” I began, finally as I picked at imaginary lint on my shirt and flicked it off. “What does your comment mean exactly?”

  Alex smiled. “It means we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. I understand that I was out of line yesterday, making that decision for you, so today you get to choose. I’m attracted to you, Sandra, and I like you as well, but as I’ve already stated I’m not like other guys.”

  “Yes, you mentioned that,” I remembered as I bit down on my bottom lip and studied his face carefully. “But how can the decision be mine if you are an alpha male? Didn’t you mention that you like being in control?”

  Alex nodded. “Yes, but this is a peace offering. A rather hard one to doll out I might add. Still, it’s necessary.”

  I frowned. “It’s not important though. If it’s going to make you uncomfortable. I mean, I don’t even really know if it’s a smart idea for us to get involved considering we are both commitment phobes.”

  Alex leaned in closer and casually slipped his hands between my legs. I was startled by the boldness of the move, but I casually looked around to make sure no one could see us nonetheless. However, the table was fairly high, and the table cloth covered what Alex was doing.

  “That’s exactly why we’re the perfect storm,” Alex whispered into my ear as he bit down on his bottom lip. “We know exactly what to expect from one another, and we could have so much fun.”

  I swallowed thickly as a shiver of delight went through my body. “How do we know that’s a guarantee though?”

  Alex began to move his hands casually over t
he outer rim, right where my panties were, and a quiet gasp escaped my lips as he squeezed.

  “Alex,” I hissed when he cupped me in his hands, and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. My hands came forward and grabbed a fistful of his shirt, but instead of pushing him away like I should be doing, I ended up pulling him closer.

  “That’s how I know. Because you like that I’m wild and spontaneous, and instead of pushing me away like your brain is telling you to do, you just yanked me in closer,” Alex murmured as he nuzzled my neck and began to nip on it.

  “We’re still in public,” I reminded him as he used two fingers to press into my core. A quiet whimper tore through my lips, and a blush stole across my cheeks when that happened.

  “So? Let them hear the delightful little sounds you’re making and let them know that I’m the one who’s causing you this kind of pleasure.”

  His eyes glittered underneath the soft lights, and they drank me in hungrily. I could tell he wanted to do so much more, but he was holding back. However, he was still driving me nuts.

  The waiter placed our order in front of us, but we barely acknowledged him. Our eyes were locked in a silent battle of wills as his hands stayed frustratingly still on top of me, and I couldn’t tell whether I was happy about that, or I wasn’t.

  Alex used his other hand to slowly reach for his coffee and take a sip, his eyes never leaving my face as he studied me. His blue eyes were earnest and calculating.

  “Do you want me, Sandra?” He asked.

  “I think it’s pretty obvious that I do,” I choked out as he used his fingers to push into me again. One hand clutched the edge of the table while the other went to his shoulder and squeezed.

  “Then don’t think and just go with it,” Alex mouthed as he expertly flicked the top button of my jeans undone. With expert skill, he slipped his fingers in across the sensitive patch of skin and immediately plunged in.

  I bit my lip hard to keep the moan of delight trapped somewhere in my throat as he swiped his fingers back and forth then left and right. He made quick work, and I gripped the edge of the table with both hands as stars exploded in my field of vision, and my entire body broke out into small tremors.

  It took a lot of effort for me not to moan at the feeling as my body began to settle. Dazed, I looked back at Alex who had a look of naked hunger splashed across his face. He took my hand in his and placed it atop his dress pants where his bulge was significantly obvious.

  “I want you too in case that wasn’t obvious.” His voice was like a light caress across my skin.

  “I think we should take this to go. Don’t you think?”

  I nodded so hard I looked like a life-sized bobble head. Alex chuckled as he signaled for the waiter to bring the check. I was still riding my high as I gave him a half smile.

  If he could make me feel this good when all he’d done was touch me then I wondered what he’d feel like when he was inside of me.

  My stomach dipped at the thought as he paid the check and lead me outside.

  “You can still back off if you want, Sandra.” He tucked my hair behind my ear. “I don’t expect anything here if you don’t want to.”

  I stood on my tiptoes and pressed my mouth to his for a deep kiss. When breathing became an issue, I pulled back, and we rested our foreheads against each other. He kept his arms around my waist as he drew in a ragged breath.

  “In case it wasn’t obvious that’s a yes. Let’s get out of here already,” I whispered as I took his hand and led him back to campus. It was a 5-minute walk, but we in made it in less time because we were practically sprinting towards the car.

  “Can you drive?” he asked as he tossed me the keys. “I’ll program the address for you.”

  I shrugged as I stepped in and clicked my seatbelt. As promised, he put in his address which was thankfully 10 minutes away.

  “So, why am I—” I began as Alex unclicked his seatbelt and leaned over, so his head was in my lap. He undid the top button, and I gasped as he ran the edge of his beard along my core causing goose bumps to break out across my skin.

  One hand remained on the steering wheel while the other threaded itself through his hair. “How am I supposed to drive like this?”

  “Just enjoy because I can’t wait another second to taste you,” he said, his voice sounding muffled as he pushed aside my underwear, and his tongue darted out. My hands tightened, and I tried to keep my eyes on the road as he began to tongue me down there.

  Holy shit.

  This was one of the most erotic things I’d ever done.

  “What if somebody sees us?” I whispered as a breathy moan escaped my lips.

  “Fuck them,” he grumbled as he shook his head back and forth. A whimper escaped my lips as he drove me closer and closer to the edge. He kept one hand on my thighs, and the other reached under my shirt and unhooked my bra.

  As soon as his fingers made contact with the delicate skin, my nipples immediately hardened at his touch, and they stood at rapt attention. He began to flick and pull at the nipples in equal measure while his tongue flicked back and forth until I cried out as my entire body convulsed.

  Somehow in spite of all this, I was able to keep the car steady and not give any indication that something was happening. My chest rose and fell unevenly as I rode out my high. I stopped at a parking garage, and Alex punched in a passcode. Once the car began the slow descent, he lifted up my shirt and began to nuzzle my breasts.

  “Your gorgeous tits should be on display all the time,” Alex commented as he ran his tongue along the outer edge. Then he began to suck and bite on one side while kneading the other. After a few minutes, he switched.

  Successfully, I managed to place the car in a parking spot, and as soon as I switched the ignition off, I pulled his head up and crushed my lips to his. He responded by tilting the car seat backwards and climbing on top of me.

  “That was risky as hell,” I admonished in between kisses as I fumbled with the buttons on his dress pants.

  “You loved it,” he reminded me as his hands went to stop my progress.

  “What?” I stared at him through hooded eyes.

  “Not here.” He smoothed my hair backwards and placed a sound kiss on my lips. He righted the chair and was opening my door and leading me to the elevator within minutes. We were breathless by the time we reached the elevator, and Alex kept impatiently pressing the button as if that would somehow make the elevator go faster.

  As soon as the doors swished open, he pushed me inside, and his lips immediately reattached themselves to mine. He lifted me up by the ass, and I hooked my legs around his waist as he placed me atop the railing. The contact against my skin felt cold as he swore under his breath.

  “You should wear more dresses and less jeans,” he complained as he peppered my neck with kisses.

  “Why?” I sucked in a mouthful of air.

  “Easy access. Oh, yeah you like that, don’t you?”

  My hands reached across the elevator and hit the emergency button. The elevator grinded to a halt, and Alex finally managed to slip my jeans off halfway. I did the same thing to him, and his erection sprang free.

  I took a brief second to admire his width before I positioned myself, and he was inside of me in one long and smooth thrust. We both moaned at the contact, and my fingers began to claw at his back as I pushed myself closer and closer.

  The sound of flesh slapping against each other was all that was heard as we met thrust for thrust. His finger came between us, and he began to simultaneously rub my clit. I sunk my teeth into his neck as I writhed beneath him, my hips swaying back and forth as I rode out my orgasm.

  Alex followed sooner after, and he stayed like that inside of me, for a few minutes as we both struggled to catch our breath. He reached behind him and hit the button to make the elevator start back up.

  I was wriggling back into my jeans when he stopped me. “Nobody will see you, don’t worry. This elevator goes right to my penthouse.”

  Sure enough, the doors pinged, and we both went toppling backwards, our hands everywhere all at once as we continued what we were doing.

  “Oh, yeah, you like it dirty, don’t you? You’re a naughty little girl,” he whispered into my ear as his fingers skimmed all of my body.

  “Only for you,” I whispered into his ear. This seemed to be the right response because he made a low guttural noise in the back of his throat as he pushed himself up and gazed down at me.

  “Ever role played, Sandra?” he asked.

  “Sometimes, but not often,” I admitted.

  “I want you to call me Daddy, okay?” Alex instructed as he scooped me into his arms and led me towards the nearest available space which was a couch.

  Confused, I nodded.

  “I’m going to need a verbal confirmation on this,” Alex stated. “Yes or No?”

  “Yes, okay,” I said, breathlessly as he rolled me to the side of the couch

  I watched curiously as he positioned one leg over his shoulder, and he entered into me from the side. Like a pair of scissors.

  He moved slowly at first, one hand firmly on my breast while the other squeezed my ass. It gave me time to adjust to this position, and I threw my head back and abandoned all conscious thought and just let myself feel.

  Alex was a lot bigger than I thought he would be, and he filled me up in a way that I never dreamed was possible. He moved slowly pulling himself out then thrusting in a way that was hitting all the right spots.

  “How does it feel?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “You feel big,” I gasped. “And I feel full.”

  “Good.” He lowered his head to mine, bending our bodies naturally together as he quickened his pace. “God, you’re so fucking tight.”

  I moaned in response as I lifted my head up and pressed my lips to his for a deep kiss. I broke apart a minute later, and my head tilted back of its own accord as my eyes drifted shut.

  “I could do this all night,” he whispered.

  “I want you to,” I said, throatily.

  “Yeah? Then I will. Tell me what you want. Do you want this?”

  “Yes,” I breathed as he slammed into me.


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