His Darkest Salvation

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His Darkest Salvation Page 7

by Juliana Stone

  Her hair was pinned loosely, and as she turned, her tattoos glistened vibrantly. He found himself fascinated by the luminescent quality, the exotic design.

  She grabbed a glass and threw some ice into it before pausing. “You need a drink? ’Cause I sure as hell do.”

  “Whiskey, over ice,” he answered without thinking. He turned back to face her and let his eyes drift over her body once more. Her feet were bare, the toenails painted bright pink.

  His eyes lingered there, on the feminine arch and delicate lines.

  “Some things haven’t changed,” she said softly, and, for a moment, he was clueless as to her meaning. He shook his head slightly, more than a little pissed at how easily she was able to distract him.

  She raised his glass, and the sound of the ice tinkling against the tumbler echoed loudly between the two of them.

  “Everything has changed,” he retorted, not liking the sensations she seemed to pull so easily from him.

  “Whiskey,” she said. “It’s what you were drinking that night . . .”

  Maybe it was the way the light played along her skin, emphasizing the healthy, golden glow, that had him hurtling down memory lane. Or maybe it was her scent, fresh, exotic, and wholly feminine.

  Whatever it was, suddenly things shifted, like reality had taken a vacation, and he saw her as she’d been three years earlier, younger, fuller, and so passionate that she’d taken his breath away.

  She walked toward him, and he sensed her jaguar scratching just below the surface.

  Her clan tattoos seemed to move along her skin, and the sudden urge to run his tongue along them, to taste them, pulled at him.


  Julian clenched his teeth and frowned darkly as he accepted the glass from her. She smiled, a sly lift to her mouth, and turned away, letting her long hair down as she did so, the thick waves slipping from the clip to caress her bare shoulders and fall nearly to her ass.

  “Don’t play this game with me,” he said harshly, before draining half the glass in one gulp.

  Jaden laughed softly, leaned against a sofa, and raised her glass to him before letting the liquid slide down her throat. His eyes were drawn to the delicate lines there, to the muscles that moved slowly as she finished the entire contents of her glass.

  The energy in the air changed. It was now electrified, potent. She licked her lips and stared at him, her dark eyes glistening.

  “I don’t play games, Castille.” She shrugged and returned to the cupboard, pouring another generous amount into her glass. “I’ve no time for that shit, so why don’t you come clean, and we can move on.”

  She turned back to him, but he remained silent. “Let’s face it, the sooner we end this, the sooner we can forget—”

  “Forget what?” he asked softly, and his body moved in a blur of energy and power until he stood inches from her. He felt the heat of her skin, saw the blush of warmth along her cheeks, and the powerful clawing inside him increased tenfold.

  “Us . . . forget that we ever met,” she whispered.

  He wanted her. As insane as that was, he couldn’t deny the fact.

  His body began to hum with an energy long forgotten, and he inhaled sharply as a myriad of sensations spread across his flesh, caressing the raw scars that lay there.

  “Move back, Castille.” Jaden’s voice was low, rough, and he studied her eyes closely, watching the irises darken and swell until they were deep pools of inky black velvet.

  Her small nose twitched, and her tongue darted out to run along her top lip quickly. He followed the action and found himself bending down.

  He would have one more taste.

  “Don’t,” she said softly, and he paused. His mouth hovered just above hers, with only the caress of her breath between them.

  Julian closed his eyes and breathed in her seductive scent. He felt her hand against his chest, there where he was damaged, and his eyes flew open as they connected.

  She shook her head. “We don’t even like each other so this, this . . . whatever it is we’re feeling is unnatural.” She pushed at him, harder, and he let her go as the pain along his flesh twisted and burned.

  He grimaced as the wave rolled over him and exhaled slowly, his eyes never leaving hers.

  “Lady, I’m probably the most unnatural thing you’ll come across, and trust me, we don’t have to like each other to fuck. In fact, considering the world is heading for the shitter, the whole ‘no strings’ thing suits me fine.”

  His eyes narrowed, and he flashed a smile at her. “Hell, if you’re sharing your goods with Nico, why can’t you at least give it up for your mate?”

  She looked startled at his crudeness, and hissed, “If you need to relieve tension that bad, I suggest you take a long shower and go it alone or hang at the bar because I’ll never let you touch me again.”

  Jaden pushed away, and he let her go, not really sure why he was goading her so. He only knew that getting a reaction out of her made him feel alive somehow.

  She slammed her empty tumbler onto the counter and whirled around. Her face was dark, the finely arched eyebrows drawn together as she stared at him, tight-lipped. He knew she was pissed. Actually, the woman was beyond pissed and closing in on furious.

  “I can’t work with you if you’re going to be an asshole.” She shook her head violently. “There’s too much at stake.”

  Her eyes nailed him with an intensity that quieted the demons inside him, at least for the time being.

  “We can’t do this . . . play this game. There’s no time, so let’s establish a few things.” Jaden pushed away from the counter and began to pace in front of the window. Behind her, long bands of red and gold stretched across the sky as the sun began to set. It painted fire across the water.

  “Let’s forget everything that happened three years ago. None of it matters anymore.”

  “The tattoos along the side of your neck tell me otherwise,” Julian retorted, not liking her tone or the way she was looking at him.

  “Trust me, Castille. They mean nothing.” Her eyes nailed him.


  “What does matter is that we find the portal, and by we, I mean myself and a bunch of people, including your brothers.”

  At the mention of his brothers, Julian stilled. “I hear you’ve gotten tight with them.”

  She nodded and turned to stare out at the landscape below. “I’ve been working covertly for PATU for the past several years. I started out as an independent, working exclusively to bring down the DaCostas. But a few years ago, I was given command of my own team. They’re housed here at the resort.”

  She turned to him abruptly. “Your brother Jaxon was in the dark about my work until after Belize. You know, when you, Declan, Cormac, and Azaiel pulled the big vanishing act.” She stared at him for several long moments, and Julian tried to block the images from his mind, but it seemed today was the day for trekking down memory lane.

  The scars on his chest began to burn and pulsate, and he tasted sulfur inside his mouth and smelled fear. It left him feeling nauseous, drained. He dragged his hands through his hair and exhaled loudly.

  Shit, I need another drink.

  “Where were you?” she asked softly. She must have felt his need because she grabbed the decanter of whiskey and walked back to him, pouring another generous amount into his glass.

  Julian downed it greedily, letting the fire slide down his throat as he took a few more seconds to compose himself.

  “We were in the darkest place you can imagine.” He opened his eyes, but it wasn’t the sunset, or the cool tones of the room, or even Jaden that he saw. Once more he was surrounded by the stench and evil of the underworld. He was ashamed to say that fear rippled along his flesh like a conduit, spreading anxiety along with it.

  He couldn’t articulate what he was feeling and turned from her, angry that she’d led him down this path. Even if he could, he wouldn’t share his pain with her . . . a DaCosta. He’d rather she feel it.

>   Her family was a catalyst for every fucking thing that he’d gone through in the past six months. The fact that he was half-dead? With half his soul missing? That was all on them.

  “We were in hell,” he said harshly, watching her reflection in the window. “And not figuratively. It was the real deal.”

  Jaden took a step toward him, then stopped, as if she thought better of it. You should stay far away from me, Julian’s mind whispered.

  “Where are Cormac and Azaiel?” she asked hesitantly.

  “If I knew that, I wouldn’t be wasting my time here with you.” Julian no longer tried to control the darkness that slid over his skin though he knew there would be a price.

  Funny how the dark side felt good until you dipped your toe in.

  He felt a sliver of admiration as she stood up to him, her eyes flashing with anger. “How did you get out? Your charm leave you, so Lucifer blasted your ass out of there?” Her words dripped sarcasm.

  Julian snorted. “I never had the pleasure of meeting the son of a bitch, though if you talk to Declan, I think his story might be different.” He shook his head. “I don’t know who or what pulled us out of there.” The lie slipped from his tongue, and he continued with ease. “What I do know is that the portal, that fucking disc that the eagle knights protected, is key. I need to find it, and if I can manage to kick Cormac’s ass while I’m at it”—he rotated his neck and smiled wickedly—“then bring it on.”

  “Who’s pulling your strings?” she asked softly, her lips pursed into a concentrated line. “Sorry if I don’t believe you’re doing this out of the goodness of your heart.”

  The woman did not give up.

  He opened his mouth to retort, but an alarm sounded, followed by a disembodied voice that fell from the security device located near the elevator doors.

  “Jaden? It’s Finn.”

  She tossed a don’t-move look his way before answering.

  “Go ahead.” He watched as she crossed the room and leaned over the com unit.

  “We’ve got a situation you need to be aware of.”

  “What now?” She threw her hands into the air, not bothering to hide her annoyance. “Declan O’Hara is nothing more than an overgrown child. He’s not that hard to manage.”

  “Sorry, but this has nothing to do with the sorcerer. It’s your family.”

  Julian was at her side in an instant. She kept her face averted, her breathing was calm. Yet her fingers were white as she clutched the com unit. He could smell her fear. It oozed from her pores in waves.

  She was a warrior, a woman who was more than capable of looking after herself in intense situations. Hell, he’d seen her take out two demons the night before and live through the poison one had infected her with.

  She was terrified. What the hell was up?

  “Who?” she asked sharply.

  “Your father’s car just arrived. You’ve got maybe five minutes.”

  “Fuck,” Jaden whispered hoarsely.

  “Yeah,” Finn answered. “You need to get rid of the Castille shifter or . . .”

  Jaden bowed her head. “He knows something’s up. The bastard’s internal radar is freaky. Do what you can to delay him, get staff on it right away.”

  “Already in play.”

  “And for Christ sakes, keep O’Hara under wraps.”

  She exhaled loudly and turned around. Her eyes were bleak, dead serious as she looked up at him.

  “Nothing you went through will compare to what will happen if my father finds you here.”

  “I doubt that,” Julian answered frankly, while inside the jaguar began to make noise, as if sensing the closeness of his enemy.

  Jaden snorted. “You don’t understand. My father eats demons for breakfast.” She looked outside. “Its dinnertime, and he’ll be hungry.”

  Chapter 8

  Jaden nearly choked on the dread that sat in her throat. The feeling was awful but she forced it away while her mind circled fast. Her hot skin was suddenly cold, clammy, and her belly rolled as she walked away from Julian, narrowly missing the jagged pottery on the floor. Her feet were still tender from the night before, but she’d rather walk a mile over broken glass than face her father right now.

  Yet, as in keeping with her week so far, the general direction down into the crap hole would continue.

  She was just so tired of it all, the double life that she led; some days it was hard to keep it all straight in her head. Was she secret agent girl working for the greater good? Or the spoiled rich kid with daddy issues who was plotting to take over the world?

  “You must stay hidden,” she mumbled, as her mind continued to whirl. She pointed toward the large balcony that ran the length of her suite. “There, you can make it up to the roof.”

  “I’m not a pimply-faced kid afraid to meet Father,” Julian retorted, his tone flat, his arms loose and ready for battle. “I won’t run like a coward.”

  “I’m not asking you to run,” she said, exasperated. Did he mean to continually annoy her? Was everything to be a fight?

  “I’m asking you to listen”—she paused for a second to gather her thoughts—“and listen carefully.”

  Something in her tone must have penetrated his thick skull. Though he rolled his shoulders and looked uninterested in what she had to say, she had his attention.

  “My father cannot find a Castille shifter here, in my home. He’ll go ape-shit, and believe me, on a good day he’s not a nice man.” Her voice broke, and she ignored the way his eyes narrowed, the way his mouth parted as he stared at her. He must love seeing her like this.

  “I’ve given everything in order to bring him down. To make him pay for all the fucking shit and evil crap that he’s . . . you’ve no idea . . .” Her voice trailed into a whisper. “ . . . of the things that he’s done.”

  “Enlighten me,” Julian retorted, a hint of sarcasm coloring his words. “I’m all ears.”

  Jaden gritted her teeth as a wave of nervous energy rolled through her. “I don’t have time to share the wonders of my childhood, and we’re so close to ending it all . . . I won’t let you screw it up.” She exhaled a ragged breath. “You need to listen to me.”

  Finn’s voice interrupted once more, and she jumped. “Jaden, he’s in the lobby. O’Hara is concerned about the cloaking charm on Castille. He seems surprised that you were able to sense him. He also says you need to let Tank out.”

  “Tank?” she asked, a frown pulling at her mouth as she looked to Julian.

  “Yeah, apparently they hogtied him and stuffed him in the closet.”

  “Nice.” Her eyes were now shooting bullets at Julian. “Tell Declan not to worry about the cloaking charm, it’s working fine. And let’s go dark, no more transmissions. I’ll be down as soon as I can.” She looked at Julian and pointed toward the glass.

  “Please,” she whispered, hating that she had to beg the one man she hated almost as much as her father.

  “How can you be sure he won’t detect my scent?” he asked quietly, his manner suddenly dead serious.

  A strangled noise escaped her lips. She so didn’t have time for 101 questions.

  She rubbed her neck impatiently. “The only reason I knew you were here was because of the tattoos. They burn when you’re around.” Her eyes looked away quickly. “It’s the whole mating thing. We’re connected on a level that even I don’t understand.” She nodded and ran to the door. “Trust me, O’Hara’s magick is strong. Jakobi won’t know you’re here unless you screw up.”

  Yeah, keep telling yourself that.

  Sweat broke out along her forehead, and she wiped it away impatiently. Julian looked like he might protest, but she was ready to knock him on his ass if he did so.

  His mouth lifted into a smile, and she clenched her hands into fists as she took a step toward him. But at the last moment he surprised her and slipped by, his tangy scent tickling inside her nostrils before he disappeared into the gathering dusk.

  The air left her lungs in a
wild gasp, and Jaden whirled around, grabbing the second glass off the table, the one Julian’s fingers had been all over, and she tossed it into the trash behind the bar. She’d just smoothed her wild mass of hair around her shoulders when the elevator door slid back, and Jakobi DaCosta entered her suite.

  As if he owned the fucking place.

  He was followed by a large warrior, Benicio, one of his elite guard. The jaguar warrior ignored her and stood to the side, maintaining a respectful distance between himself and Jakobi.

  Hatred awakened inside her as she smiled at her father, her face tight and unnatural. For a moment it shadowed the fear that was also present, but then the walls in the room shrank, and the air that she dragged into her lungs thinned.

  It felt like he’d sucked the life out of her home in less than five seconds. She had to give it to him; that was some kind of record.

  Her father was a tall man, with sleek, predatory lines. His powerful frame was draped in expensive Italian, Brioni, if she wasn’t mistaken. He’d always had a love of the finer things in life, and the empire he’d built on the backs of innocents went a long way in supporting his endeavors.

  Night Sky Resort and Casino was her baby, though, the one thing his evil had not been able to penetrate. A gift from her mother, and one Jaden would protect until the day she died.

  He looked at her closely, and his nostrils flared subtly. For a second, she stopped breathing. Did he sense Julian?

  But then his gaze fell upon the broken pottery at his feet, and he grimaced. He kicked at it dispassionately, daring to scuff the leather shoes that he wore, then slowly walked around it, crunching several small remnants into nothing more than dust as he did so.

  “I was never fond of that piece,” he said, and smiled, though the cruel depths of his eyes never changed. “Your mother’s taste left a lot to be desired.” The silver in his hair glistened eerily, creating a striking foil to his darkly tanned skin. “I suggest you call a porter immediately.”


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