And Manny Makes Three: Gay Romance

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And Manny Makes Three: Gay Romance Page 11

by Solet, Trina

  To distract both himself and Al, Mark decided that they should make a calendar to count down the days to the start of first grade. They got a big piece of construction paper. Mark had drawn the grid, and Al was adding the numbers when he made a request.

  "Mark, I want you to be my second dad," Al said.

  Instead of telling him that there was nothing he would like more, Mark took a deep breath.

  "Thank you, Al. But it's not up to you," Mark told him kindly.

  "Why not? I can pick my own second dad." To Al it seemed perfectly reasonable.

  "Did you choose Zack to be your first dad?" Mark said, leading him.

  "No. I was a baby," Al said in that tone he used when he thought grown ups were dumb.

  "Who picked Zack to be your dad?"

  Al thought about it for a second.

  "My mom."

  "See. Now it's up to your dad to choose a second dad for you. Or not," Mark added since Zack might stay single, especially the way things were going.

  "But I already like you," Al whined.

  "Maybe you'll like someone else even better," Mark suggested.

  Al shook his head, denying the possibility. Then he brightened again with a new idea.

  "Make Dad pick you! You can do it," he said, getting enthusiastic. "Then I can tell the other kids at Little Rainbow that I have two dads."

  Mark wondered if that was his real motive for asking Mark to be his dad.

  "So two is better than one. What about three?" Mark asked.

  Al grew thoughtful.

  "I don't know. No one has three." Al had a look in his eyes like he was considering how he might get himself three dads just so he could lord it over the other kids.

  Al’s request made Mark wonder if there would ever be another dad for Al. It seemed that Zack had constructed his life solely around his son. Mark wasn’t sure that Zack ever dated. There had been no dates that Mark knew about so far. But if Zack met up with anyone during the day, Mark naturally wouldn't know anything about it.

  In fact, that evening some of Zack’s friends were coming by. Al had announced it by saying, "The gay guys are coming to drink up all the booze." Apparently, that’s what Zack said once and like a parrot, Al was now repeating it. Mark offered to take Al to a movie to minimize Zack’s embarrassment and so the guys could have an adult evening. Mark was hoping to get to meet them. If he was honest with himself, he wasn’t comfortable with his real reason. He wanted to see if any of them was a potential rival.

  Zack was setting up some bottles of wine on the big dining table. There were also other goodies including some fancy version of regular snacks and some stuff from the deli. Al had to be restrained from conducting a taste test of this unfamiliar food, which Zack called drinking food.

  "But I just want to lick it," Al said like that was a reasonable request.

  Zack let Al have a few things to munch on. Al pronounced them pretty good.

  "The gay guys like booze," Al said to Mark.

  Zack shook his head.

  "I made the mistake of calling them the gay guys and maybe I mentioned the booze once or twice," Zack confessed.

  "Sounds like fun," Mark said noncommittally.

  "Stan and Derrick just got back from a month long trip to Asia. They are going to torture us with videos and pictures they took there. Their place is still being renovated. It was supposed to be finished while they were on their tour, but of course it wasn't so we're doing it here," Zack explained.

  Mark noted that Zack had friends who renovated while touring Asia and owned places they could renovate. It only highlighted the difference between him and Zack. Even when Mark had his own place, it wouldn't be the kind one renovates. It would be a place one shares with roommates and cockroaches and hopes not to be evicted from. Just as Mark decided he wouldn’t fit in, Zack invited him to meet them.

  "You can stay if you want," Zack offered. "Once you meet everyone, you'll know if you want to stick around or use Al as your excuse to run. But be warned, it will be like meeting George, except there will be five of them. And instead of just sounding gay, they'll all be gay. I cannot guarantee your safety."

  "I think I'll skip it this time," Mark said.

  "Sure. It's better to meet them some other time when they aren't all assembled into a battle formation."

  Zack was both sad and relieved that Mark wasn’t going to be joining them. He would have liked to have Mark there, but the inevitable innuendo was bound to embarrass them both. It was good to have Al out of his hair though. That way he and his friends could all relax and not censor themselves.

  "Where is he?" Leon asked as soon as he was through the door. All of the others had already arrived, and all of them were disappointed to hear Mark wasn’t there. Every single one of them accused Zack of hiding him.

  "Are you looking for Al, maybe?" Zack pretended not to know what Leon was talking about.

  "Yeah, right. Maybe in several years time," Leon said. "Where is your boy toy? Let me see him."

  "He is not here, and he is not my boy toy."

  "But you knew who I meant when I said boy toy, didn’t you?" Leon loomed over him making Zack feel both short and pale.

  "Like it was hard to guess," Zack said as he handed him a glass of wine.

  Actually as everyone was assembled there, Zack wished that Mark had stayed. He had a strong urge to show him off to his friends. And he didn’t want to show him off as Al’s nanny. He wanted Mark to stand next to him the way Derrick and Stan stood. They were unmistakably a couple, obviously together, connected by something invisible. They were now teasing Leon for bragging that he was a magnet for white girls because he looked like a basketball player. Then there was some predictable stuff about baskets and balls. Owen told them about his nocturnal exploits, including one in a parked car that wasn’t all the way in park. They all laughed and took turns being laughed at. Derrick and Stan’s videos and pictures were shown only when they were all drunk enough to appreciate them. But the more fun Zack had, the more he wished Mark was with him to share in it.

  It was well past Al’s bedtime by the time he and Mark got back. He was both sleepy and grumpy, but he perked up as soon as they got home. Zack greeted them at the door. As Al went past him to see if any snacks were left, Mark lingered.

  "You're a little drunk aren't you?" he whispered to Zack. He had noticed that his face was red, and his smile was goofier than usual.

  "Yes, and we had an orgy," Zack whispered back.

  "Dad is drunk!" Al announced.

  Zack laughed then swooped down on Al.

  "Look at my smart boy," he said to Al in a funny voice as he tickled him.

  "See," Al said between giggles. It was definitely an interesting sight.

  Then Zack wobbled over and slumped to the couch.

  "Go tickle Mark. I'm not allowed to," Zack said to his kid.

  Al obeyed quickly, but still asked, "Why aren't you allowed to?"

  "It would be sexual harassment or something," Zack said as Mark tried to shush him.

  "What? What?" Al asked first his father then Mark. He had a funny look on his face over the word "sexual".

  "It's just a rule. That's all," Mark told him and sent him to get ready for bed.

  "What? Did I say too much?" Zack said as he leaned back and looked up at Mark. The way Zack was sprawled there, Mark wanted to jump him. He was half lying on the couch with his long legs flung out and his clothes a little disarranged. He was relaxed, loose, like he wanted Mark to crawl all over him. Mark hurried off to help Al get ready for bed. He would deal with the drunk later, or if he was smart, not at all. Mark really wished he was smart.

  Since it was so late, Al was asleep in record time. Mark went to check on Zack. He found him still on the couch, pretty much the way he had left him.

  "You ready to go to bed?" Mark asked Zack, not meaning to be provocative.

  "Any time you want me, I’m yours," Zack said. He did mean to be provocative.

  "You need t
o go sleep that off," Mark told him meaning both the booze and his sexy mood.

  Though Mark wasn’t going to offer any physical help, Zack reached out his hand to be helped up. Mark took his hand with predictable result. His body seemed to be wired for Zack, with every touch sending electric currents through him. This one shot up his arm then spread all over. Then there was another one as Mark supported Zack, circling his arm around his waist, resting the palm of his hand on his lower back. Mark’s brain was fried. The hardness of Zack’s body was intoxicating, a contact high. Zack leaned his face into Mark’s shoulder and sniffed him.

  "Look at you. You smell so good," Zack said breathing his breath into Mark’s face as he did.

  "Unlike some people," Mark told him. His breath was kind of sobering.

  "Aww, no. Don't say I stink. Come on, say I don't stink," Zack pleaded as Mark led him to his room.

  "You don't stink that much," Mark said. That was the best he could do.

  As they entered the darkness of Zack’s bedroom, Mark knew he was helping Zack get to bed only as an excuse. This way he could be close to him, have his hands on him. And it was also a way to risk something happening between them.

  Mark let Zack drop on the bed. Zack looked up at him.

  "Aren't you going to undress me for bed?" Zack asked as Mark lifted his legs to the bed.

  "No," Mark said hiding his regret. Zack wasn't really drunk enough to need that much help. Mark was willing to take off his shoes for him, but he wasn't wearing any.

  "At least take off my belt," Zack told him. He raised his hips offering Mark more than his belt.

  "Do it yourself. I'm going to stay away from that whole area," Mark told him though that area was exactly where he wanted to get busy. He resisted temptation even when Zack gave him an alluring, blue eye look that would have melted glass.

  "Aww. No fun," Zack whined. How could he look so sexy when he was just lying there, a little drunk, eyes glued to Mark. And Mark had to leave him like that. He felt an almost physical pull toward Zack’s bed, toward his body. It was like all Mark had to do was let go, and he would fall into bed with him.

  As he went to his own room, Mark was already playing what didn’t happen through his mind. His dick was hard and only getting harder as he thought about how he would lie on top of Zack and kiss him. He would undress him and fuck him so hard, Zack wouldn’t be able to forget one second of it even if he was ten times as drunk as he was.

  Zack forced his eyes to open, ready to be pissed off at whoever was nudging him awake. It was PJ.

  "Are you kidding me?" Zack asked the cat.

  Instead of answering, she walked over his chest like he was a sidewalk or the kitchen counter in PJ's case. Looking past PJ's butt, which was nearly in his face, Zack saw Mark and Al peering into the room.

  "Did you two put her up to this?" Zack asked them since they certainly looked guilty.

  "It worked," Al said to Mark with an evil little grin on his face.

  Mark was smiling less evilly, but he wasn't denying responsibility either.

  "You know, I used to keep my alarm clock far away from my bed because otherwise I would throw it across the room when it woke me up," Zack said slowly, but he still had to wait for Al to get his meaning.

  Eventually, Al caught on. He frowned fiercely at Zack. Keeping that look on his face, he marched into Zack's bedroom and took PJ off the bed. Then with an indignant look back at his father, he carried the cat out of the room. He walked away holding PJ protectively while whispering reassurances in her twitching ear.

  "Was that the hangover talking?" Mark asked him, or more like reprimanded him.

  "You just couldn't let me sleep late," Zack grumbled as he started to sit up.

  "What time do you think it is?" Mark asked in a pointed way that told Zack that it was much later than he thought.

  "So that's why you had the cat attack me in my sleep," Zack said. Mark ignored his blatant exaggeration and left him to get himself up and ready.

  Zack took a seat on the couch with a cup of coffee in his hand. Al was drawing on the coffee table. Mark was sitting next to him with a book for class, which he wasn’t reading.

  "Al, you know that your dad would never throw PJ like an alarm clock, right?" Mark looked pointedly at Zack as he said this. He probably wanted him to confirm it.

  "I know. Dad loves PJ," Al said without looking up from his drawing.

  "Says who? I do not," Zack said.

  "Yes, you do. You love PJ. I saw you kissing her and hugging her," Al accused then giggled as he remembered witnessing his father being sweet to the cat.

  "I wasn't kissing her. She was kissing me," Zack said in his defense. Turning to Mark he said, "I would never kiss a cat. Or a girl."

  After Al went off, and it was just him and Mark in the living room, Zack apologized for his behavior the night before. Reminded of it, Mark blushed. A deep red suffused his skin. How could anyone resist him? When Mark blushed Zack just wanted to kiss him so much. Instead, he made a confession.

  "I can't remember the last time I drank that much. I think when Louise visited a year ago. She’s a bad influence. I usually feel like I'm the permanent designated driver."

  "Because of Al," Mark guessed.


  "You were the designated driver. But now I am," Mark reminded him.

  "Only until you're legal. Then we'll take turns getting drunk off our asses and being otherwise irresponsible."

  "But not together?" Mark asked.

  The question sounded suggestive to both of them. They stared at each other for a minute like they were both waiting for the other one to say something. Then they both laughed.

  Chapter 15

  The time for the Prestons to leave was approaching. Mark had already had lunch with Mia. Then he had gone to the mall with both Mia and Dorie as they shopped for their trip. Now that their departure was so close, they were having a farewell party for their friends. Mark wished that he could have stayed away from the party that night and just waited to say goodbye to them more privately. He wanted to thank them again for everything they did for him. Though he considered making a speech and tanking them in front of everyone, he wasn't sure he was brave enough. Mark was already missing them even though they were right there. The invitation to the party included Zack and Al too, so all three of them went.

  Dorie met them at the door.

  "Hey, Miss Bossy," Mark greeted her.

  "I'm not Miss Bossy. You are Mr. Bossy," she said as she hugged him. She sounded a little funny because of her braces. She greeted Zack and Al more shyly.

  "I wish you were going with us," she said to Mark.

  "You'll have fun over there even without me," Mark assured her.

  "But I'll miss you," she said.

  She told them where all the kids were going to be for the party. With a roll of her eyes, she said that Mrs. Duval was there to baby-sit. She took Al by the hand so they could join the other kids. Al looked up at her as they walked away.

  "We'll take good care of Mark for you," Al promised her.

  Mark and Zack went in together but then split up. Frank took Mark aside and reminded him that if he ever needed a place to stay, his aunt with two smelly dogs had agreed to let him have her spare room.

  "We can always wire you money if you need it. And don’t take any crap from that Zack. He can be kind of a prick. Just stand your ground," Frank told him.

  Mark was tempted to defend Zack, but he just thanked Frank, who continued with his advice.

  "And if Zack tries anything funny, knee him in the goody basket and otherwise kick the crap out of him. Always remember, you’re too good for the likes of him." All of that was purely for Zack’s benefit since he was now standing nearby talking to Yuka. He turned to give Frank the stink eye. In response, Frank raised his wine glass to him.

  After a little mingling, Mark and Zack rejoined each other naturally.

  "Since I can't drink anyway, you can go ahead," Mark said seeing
that Zack barely sipped his wine. But Zack still didn't drink much. In general, he seemed more subdued. Mark wondered if it was the occasion or the company. Probably Zack couldn't drink and relax and be completely himself with Mia and her guests the way he could with his gay friends.

  He did come to life when Mia came over. She had just promised to send Mark and Zack postcards from Spain. Zack gave them his own take on postcards.

  "Sending postcards from awesome places is just plain cruel. ‘Wish you were here’ my ass. What you're really saying is ‘Look where I am, and you are not. Up yours, loser.'"

  Mark and Mia just stared at him in amazement until he admitted, "You are going to live in Spain. Of course I am jealous. And so is everyone you'll be sending postcards to."

  "I like sending postcards. Even more now that I know you hate them," Mia told him.

  "I am going to be buried in postcards, aren't I?" Zack grumbled.

  "And they will all have Spanish men in Speedos on them," she promised.

  "You're a nice lady," Zack said changing his tune on the subject of postcards.

  "No. That was to torment you," Mia explained seeing that her ploy would fail. She looked from Zack to Mark like she was wondering where she had gone wrong.

  "Nearly naked men are not a good way to torment a gay guy," Mark told her.

  "I was thinking of it like, hey, here's a guy you can't have, ha!" she elaborated.

  "OK. Now I understand. They will make me deeply sad. Send one every week if you can," Zack said.

  Mia groaned seeing the flaw in her plan.

  "If I didn't want to look at guys I couldn't have, I would never go on line," Zack told her.

  Mark pretended to be embarrassed by his confession.

  Mia had moved on to talk to other guests. Zack stood there nursing his drink when he noticed how Mark stood next to him. He felt a shiver, almost a premonition. This is how couples stand next to each other at a party. At that moment, he felt sure that that’s what he and Mark would be one day soon. It was a strange moment. Mark was saying goodbye to his past, and Zack was seeing the future.


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