Passion & Pumpkins

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Passion & Pumpkins Page 3

by Lily Rede

  “And there’s that.” Cass was breathless, and he turned to look at her, pushing through the sudden lust that fogged his brain to focus on what really mattered at the moment.

  “You did this.”

  “I did.”

  “And you can turn them back.”

  “I think so. Maybe.”

  “And you’re a witch.”

  “Yes.” The last was said so quietly, he barely heard it. “I’d appreciate if you wouldn’t say anything to anybody, once I fix this. I’d understand if you did, but I love my home. I don’t want to have to move.”

  She wasn’t looking at him and that irked him, but what irked him more was the thought of her packing up and vanishing from his life without a trace. A few hours ago the highlight of his life was the chance at having tea in Cass Webster’s kitchen, but now – she’s a witch. He shook his head, incredulous, but the evidence was right in front of him. Magic. Witches.

  She was a witch this morning, he reminded himself, and last night when you danced with her body pressed so close you might as well have been naked…

  “The sparkles at the block party. That was you.”

  She nodded miserably.

  “Until two weeks ago I didn’t have any powers at all, honest to God. My family thought I was a dud. And then suddenly, whoosh.”

  She sighed, and the husky sound wove through him. Almost involuntarily, Tom palmed his aching cock, swallowing a whimper as Cass’ eyes followed the movement.

  “So you tried to warm things up. That doesn’t explain why my pumpkins are now gigantic and, for lack of a better term, in heat.”

  Cass licked her lips. “I may have a tiny crush on you that got a little…amplified.”

  Tom didn’t need to hear that. Not now. He’d been nurturing the little spark between them, hoping for more, desperate not to scare her away. The knowledge that the lust coursing through his body, tightening his muscles and drawing his balls up tight, all came from her was enough to bring him to his knees. So you turn her on. A lot. Hallelujah. Table it, Owens.

  With epic self-control, Tom pushed aside thoughts of screwing Cass blind against one of the throbbing gourds and the whole “witches are real” mind-fuck, and focused on the immediate problem.

  “How do you turn them back? Is it a spell, or – ”

  Cass stared at him.

  “Come on, Cass. You grew them, you can shrink them, right?”

  “In theory, yes.” She twisted her fingers together, tight. “I haven’t quite figured out how to get my powers to do what I want. Or to stop showing up at inappropriate times.”

  “Maybe if you didn’t work so hard to control them, they’d stop fighting you. You’re overthinking it, Cass.”

  “That’s what my sister Ivy says, that I should just go out and – ”

  “And what?”

  Cass blushed.


  Tom noted with interest that with her blush, the pumpkins pulsed hard. Everything clicked into place as heat thrummed along his senses. Cass’ eyes widened as he stepped toward her like a lion stalking its prey.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Taking your mind off of things.”

  He fitted his hands to her waist as his mouth came down on hers. Hot, wet, spicy. Cass’ taste exploded through him and he groaned, ignoring her gasp of surprise to pull her close, tangling their tongues together. He had started with the theory that if the pumpkins were seething cauldrons of lust, Cass might be too, and releasing some of that sexual tension could only help the situation. The moment his lips touched hers, all pseudo-rational thought went out the window. He wanted her. He needed her. The desire coursing through his veins burned away his restraint with a few hot licks. All that mattered was Cass – touching, tasting, and feeling her come apart underneath him. Her coat pooled at her feet, pushed aside by impatient hands, quickly followed by his shirt, and he sucked in a breath as those delicate fingers he’d fantasized about explored the muscles of his back.

  She pulled her mouth away for some much-needed air.

  “I don’t think this is working.”

  Tom’s lips discovered the soft skin of her throat, sucking at the point where neck met shoulder until she shuddered.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist.”

  She only hesitated for a moment, and then kicked off her boots and hopped up, holding on tight as he gripped her and started toward the greenhouse, still nuzzling her throat. Every step rubbed his aching cock against her heat, only separated by a few measly layers of fabric. She was going to burn him alive at this rate.

  “What about the pumpkins?” she breathed as he fumbled with the latch on the door, one-handed.

  “Fuck the pumpkins.”

  CASS COULDN’T THINK with Tom’s bare skin under her hands, the broad ridge of his cock nudging her clit, and his mouth returning to ravage hers, demanding a response she was helpless to refuse him. The air swirled with sex and magic in the lush humidity of the dark greenhouse, where rows and rows of Tom’s beloved vegetables and flowers grew year-round. The only light came from the moonlight and magical sparks streaming through the windows.

  Tom set her down near an old couch piled high with books and newspapers, and unceremoniously started shoving them to the floor. The momentary respite gave Cass’ self-doubt a chance to rear its ugly head.

  “We don’t have to do this. It’s not real.”

  Tom froze, a pile of newspapers in his arms. They fluttered to the floor and he stepped over them to grip her arms, grim.

  “It’s the spell, Tom.”

  “You’re saying I don’t really feel like this?”

  His voice was rough. He nipped the lush pad of her lower lip. Her eyelids fluttered.

  “I don’t really want to peel this nightshirt off your body and play with your sweet tits? I don’t really want to spread you wide on that table over there and memorize the shape of your pussy with my tongue? I don’t really want to fill you with every inch of my dick slowly, so slowly, until you’re begging me to fuck you? None of that is real?

  “It’s the magic,” she squeaked, but she arched for him as he trailed his tongue down her throat.

  “I’m okay with that.”

  “You’ll regret it.”

  He snorted in disbelief, expertly maneuvering her toward the couch.

  “You ran off the other night. I was this close to pulling you behind the bandstand and having my wicked way with you.”

  Cass frowned, uncertain.

  “Ten minutes ago you were worried I was going to turn you into a frog or something.”

  He had the grace to look a little embarrassed.

  “It’s not every day you learn that the girl of your dreams is a…”

  “Witch. You can say it.”

  “A sweet, sexy little witch.”

  Okay, that was hot. But it could also be the fingers carefully unbuttoning the front of her shirt while his cock rocked against her stomach, slow and sure.

  “You should be totally freaked out.” Her fingers twined in the belt loops of his jeans.

  “What I’m feeling right now is not freaked.”

  “That’s just your cock.”

  “Oh yes, it is, baby.”

  He pushed the shirt off her shoulders with all the gleeful anticipation of a shiny present on Christmas morning. Cass fought to let him look his fill as she stood there in just a pair of modest purple silk panties. His eyes gleamed with heat and hunger in the moonlight, visually devouring her breasts, her belly, and the curve of her waist.

  Cass had a bad feeling about tomorrow. But that was tomorrow. Right now, she just wanted Tom. Fingers trembling, she traced his waistband and then slowly undid the snap of his jeans.

  TOM STRUGGLED TO stay still and let Cass lower his zipper and then peel back the edges, her soft fingers playing over the bulge of his dick. He’d never been this hard, this big before, and while he acknowledged that Cass’ powers might be a factor, he knew in his heart that it wa
s Cass herself, who didn’t need any help from magic to get him primed. He sucked in a breath as she eased the soft cotton of his boxer briefs down to bare his cock to her greedy hands, and nearly lost it when she gripped the shaft, too thick to fit her fingers around, and squeezed.

  Before he knew it he was moving, sinking down to the couch and pulling Cass down on top of him so that she sat straddling his stomach, her wet heat searing him through those insanity-inducing panties. He ran his hands up her flanks.

  “I don’t know what’s going to happen, Tom. What if I can’t control – ” Her nerves were back.

  “You don’t have to control anything, baby. So you get turned on and things go a little haywire. Congratulations, you’re a teenager again.”

  Cass managed a little chuckle, then gasped as his hands found her breasts and started a slow, kneading motion.

  “They’re not very big,” she managed.

  “Perfect,” he murmured, and sat up to lick a rosy nipple, which tightened even further.

  Heat swirled around them in a magical rush.

  Tom grinned.

  “That’s one hell of a tell, baby. Don’t you know you’re supposed to make me work for it?”

  CASS COULD BARELY think, much less answer him.

  Tom was licking her nipples now with slow, wet strokes, occasionally alternating between the two and tracing his tongue along the soft skin in between.

  She rocked her pussy against his abdomen, timing the movements with his eager laps.

  He finally pulled back and she sucked in a shuddering breath, trying to compose herself, pointless as he those long fingers down to tease her navel and then lower, to stroke the soft purple silk covering her mound.

  “Please, Tom – ”

  He just chuckled and tugged the silk aside, exposing the soft folds of her sex. The chuckle died on his lips as he stared down at the flesh he’d bared, for so long that she got nervous. With the pad of one finger he petted the small trimmed patch of raven curls she maintained at the top of her cleft, setting off a tremor from her pussy to the tips of her fingers and toes.

  “So sweet,” he managed in a choked voice. “I want to lick you from head to toe. Starting here.”

  The next moment her perch moved as Tom scooted down, ripping the panties from her hips. When he was horizontal, he lifted her thighs over her shoulders one at a time, spreading her pussy wide over his face.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  Cass had never felt more exposed. Or turned on. Her pussy wept at the scrape of his stubble against sensitive flesh.

  “I’m not entirely sure about this.” Her breathy voice was not at all convincing.

  Tom traced the bare cleft of her pussy with his tongue.

  “Ok, then. Let me know when you make up your mind.”

  He used his fingers to spread her further, and then slid his tongue through the damp folds to flicker against her swollen clit. Cass stopped thinking as he tasted and teased, flicked and sucked and drove her closer and higher, and OH MY GOD.

  Cass exploded, her head falling back as waves of pleasure swamped her, so powerful she wondered if she’d ever be the same. Below her, Tom groaned, and then grabbed a fistful of her hair to wrap around his cock. The light tug on her scalp set off a series of smaller explosions, and Cass gave herself up to them. When she resurfaced, she was sprawled across him, her ass cushioned on his chest, her cheek against his hip. The muscles in her thighs protested, but she didn’t care, pleasure still thrumming through her body while she watched in fascination as he stroked himself, fucking his hand and a fistful of her hair with jerky, brutal strokes.

  She could see the effort it took to let go of his dick, looking up at her over the apex of her thighs to stroke a knuckle down his cheek.

  “You okay?”


  She nuzzled his cock, her tongue peeking out to flicker against the damp head, broad and ruddy, gathering his taste. It twitched at her attentions and he groaned.

  “Keep doing that and I’m going to be fucking your sweet mouth before you can say trick or treat.”

  “Do you want to?” Cass cringed internally at the eagerness in her voice, but he was long and thick and throbbing, and she felt drunk on power and pleasure, and feeling him shudder and let go against her tongue suddenly seemed like the best idea in the world.

  He nipped the soft skin of her inner thigh and then soothed the bite with gentle suction as heat raced up from the spot. In retaliation, she drew him into her mouth, suckling lightly, humming in approval at the heady pulse against her tongue.

  “God, Cass – holy shit.”

  TOM THOUGHT THAT only force majeure would have been sufficient cause for him to voluntarily remove his aching cock from the hot, wet haven of Cass’ mouth, but he’d never seen anything like this. He dislodged her warm weight and sat up, barely registering her shriek as he stared at the greenhouse, or rather, the lush jungle that used to be the greenhouse. Every plant in every row had exploded into glorious bloom, and magic clung to green tendrils and seeped from flowering pods, so dense that the windows and roof were completely covered in greenery. His orchids clambered around support beams, the roses were a wall of thorns and delicate blooms against one wall, and the lettuces had multiplied into a leafy, six-foot mound.

  “I’m so sorry, Tom! It’ll stop…eventually…” Cass tried to sound hopeful.

  Holding his jeans up with one hand, Tom moved to examine a tomato the size of a basketball.

  Cass sank back on the couch cushions, hands over her face, her natural self-consciousness trumped by the latest mortification.

  “Why can’t I just be normal?”

  Tom grinned.

  “You know, if I buy you a new vibrator, we might be able to end world hunger.”

  She started laughing, unable to stop.

  “You tease, but do you know what it feels like to feel completely helpless?

  Tom set the tomato down and leaned against a work bench.

  “Baby, I feel like that every time you smile at me.”

  He’d shocked her silent again, her eyes big and dark in the gloom and the weird glow from the moonlight and the pumpkin sparks outside.

  “You’re killing me here,” she whispered.

  “The feeling’s mutual,” he whispered back.

  “Then why don’t you come over here and fill me up?”

  He could see the effort it took for her to be brave, and his heart rolled over in his chest, slow and sweet.

  So fucking sweet.

  His mouth went dry when she leaned back on the couch, a shy blush filling her cheeks as she slowly spread her legs…

  CASS’ HEART WAS racing, but she forced herself to open wider, as far as she could, putting her wet pussy on display as she watched Tom’s throat work, eyes locked between her thighs.

  “All my condoms are inside the house.” He sounded tortured.

  Cass’ eyes widened. Maybe she could do something about that. Not giving herself time to think about it, she thought about what she wanted and –


  A foil-wrapped condom appeared between her fingers.

  Tom started laughing.

  “That’s a handy trick.”

  Encouraged by her success, Cass giggled.

  “Let’s try this.”

  Cass delighted in the thrill of witchy naughtiness, marveling at her little accomplishment. This must be what her sisters felt like all the time.

  She opened her fingers, and Tom gasped as the condom hovered in the air, and then shed its wrapper and floated across the room to land with unerring precision on the head of his cock.


  TOM SHUDDERED AT the feeling of warm, invisible fingers stroking the condom down his thick shaft. White-knuckled, he gripped the edge of the table while the phantom touch proceeded to stroke and cuddle his balls. The inferno inside kicked up a notch when he caught a glimpse of the slow grin that spread across Cass’ face as he pumped up into the air. The impish glee o
n her face pulled a low groan from his throat and his head fell back on his shoulders.

  And then she was there, pushing him back on the table, yanking his jeans off his legs, and clambering up to straddle him, settling her sweet pussy against his desperate cock. An empty flowerpot crashed to the ground.

  “I’m sure there’s a joke here about witches’ broomsticks and hard wood,” he groaned, “but all the blood has left my brain.”

  “I can still turn you into a frog. In theory.”

  He couldn’t think of anything to say, because at that moment she fitted the fat crown of his dick against her slick folds and started sinking down, blissfully tight and hot.

  This is witchcraft right here, he thought, and then stopped thinking altogether.

  CASS FELT EVERY inch of Tom’s hard cock as he filled her with his own kind of magic, rasping each nerve ending in her weeping pussy, taking him to the hilt. Her sheath felt tight and stretched, and he throbbed within her, tension coiling low in her abdomen when she started to move.

  “Ride me, sweet witch,” Tom murmured underneath her, his fingers gripping her hips, helping her glide up and down as they found their rhythm, straining against each other, skin sheened with sweat. Faster and faster, the heat building with each delicious stroke, his body a wonder as she rode him, drowning in the green fire of his eyes and the pulse of his blood under the thin skin of the shaft buried deep within her body. She barely noticed when they left the table, levitating higher and higher until her head brushed the leafy canopy that had grown from her previous orgasm.

  Tom’s eyes only widened at the sudden change in elevation, but he said nothing, just held her hips down and started fucking her hard and deep, ramping up the tension coiled in her body. Cass could do nothing but hold on as he jackhammered up, hot and thick and so male she wanted to melt. Just when she thought she couldn’t stand it another second, he moved one hand to flick her swollen clit.

  “Come, Cass. Come for me.”

  Cass screamed as she detonated, pleasure consuming her in flames so bright she thought she might go blind. Her vision wavered. Below her, she felt Tom following her over with a guttural shout of his own, arching his back before going limp. She collapsed against his chest, wrecked, as they drifted down to the table. Suddenly, from outside –


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