My Forever

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My Forever Page 2

by J. L. Perry

  “I would like nothing more.” I didn’t even consider asking him this before, but the words just fell out of my mouth.

  “Would you walk me down the aisle tomorrow, Dad?” I ask softly. I have never called him “dad” before. He immediately gets out of the elevator and wraps his arms around me, and we both cry happy tears.

  “You have just made me the happiest man in the world, sweetheart,” he beams. “I would like nothing more than to give my little girl away.” He reaches over and wipes a tear from my face. “I have waited my whole life to hear somebody call me dad. I will never forget this moment as long as I live.”

  I lean over and kiss his cheek before saying, “I’ve waited my whole life to have a dad.”

  After he leaves, I find myself surprisingly happy. My mum loved him until the day she died, despite everything that happened between them. It is time that I make peace with it, too. The hardest thing for my mum when she was dying was the thought of leaving me all alone in this world. She had expressed this to me on numerous occasions. So, in my heart, I know that she would be happy that we have found each other.

  A little later, Michelle and Lara arrive. Jill makes us a nice dinner of marinated chicken breast and salad for Michelle and me, and chicken nuggets and chips for Lara. She also makes us a chocolate cake for dessert. I think she is enjoying having a child for whom to cook.

  Once Lara goes to sleep, Michelle and I have a few glasses of wine and sit up talking for hours. Over the past few months, we have become very close. We are just like sisters, and there is nothing we don’t tell the other. When I tell her about what happened with my dad earlier, tears form in her eyes. She is so happy that I asked him to walk me down the aisle.

  After I finally go to bed, I toss and turn. I can’t sleep without Logan. I am missing him so much. Eventually, I get out of bed and put on one of his t-shirts so I can smell him and feel him close to me. Before going back to bed, I decide to send him a text.

  Missing you, hot stuff! I can’t sleep without you. I had to put one of your t-shirts on just so I can smell you and feel closer to you. I can’t wait to become your wife tomorrow. Goodnight, babe. I love you more than words can say. xxx



  Sleeping without Brooke is hard and I am missing her terribly. We haven’t even been together for a year, but my life without her in it is unimaginable.

  As I am lying in bed thinking of her, my phone buzzes. As soon as I notice the message is from her, I smile. The fact that she put on one of my shirts to feel closer to me has me grinning like a fool. I want to go home and hold her so badly. This is going to be the last time I will ever leave her. I never want to spend another night without her. I text her back.

  Missing you so much, too, baby. I was just thinking of you. I love that you are wearing one of my shirts, but now I am hard as a rock thinking about you lying there in it. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, and I promise that this will be the last time we are ever apart. Sleep well, princess. I can’t wait to become your husband. I love you with my whole heart. xxx

  After putting my phone back on the bedside table, I lie there with smile on my face, thinking about Brooke. Tomorrow, she is going to become my wife and I can’t wait. She is my dream come true!


  I hardly slept at all last night. Today couldn’t have come soon enough, and I am busting to see her. I feel lost without her. Today is the day that all my dreams come true.

  My mum makes Craig and I a nice breakfast, and my dad is even in a good mood, which surprises me. The old man is really mellowing in his old age. He will never admit it, but I can tell he really likes Brooke. She is easy to love because she has a genuine sweetness about her. She has my dad wrapped around her little finger, and I don’t think she is even aware of it.

  I’ve been hoping to see my uncle this morning, but he doesn’t come over. My mum says she hasn’t heard from him in a few days. I make a mental note to try and find him when I arrive at the church. He has been going through a hard time with my aunt lately. That bitch is really making life difficult for him.

  He has put up with her bullshit for nearly thirty years, and enough is enough. She needs to stop all this petty shit and let him get on with his life. I want to help him, but he doesn’t want me to get involved. Regardless, I am still going to talk to him because I can’t just sit by and do nothing. I am prepared to do whatever is needed to free him of her. He deserves to be happy. He has suffered enough.

  When it is time to head to the church, the nerves start to settle in. I am excited to see Brooke, but I also feel anxious. I know that whatever she wears today will look beautiful because she always does. Hell, she even looks beautiful wearing nothing at all—just saying!

  I’ve been waiting for this day for so long. Even though I am nervous, I have a huge smile on my face. My mum helps me put on my favourite cufflinks, which Brooke had bought for me for Christmas. They are a B and L linked together, and I love them. After I put my jacket on, my parents, Craig, and I head outside to the limousine

  At the church, I can’t sit still and I am pacing. Nearly everybody has arrived, but I still haven’t seen my uncle. I keep looking towards the door as I wait for Brooke to arrive. My mum comes over and gives me a hug. “She will be here soon, son. Just relax,” she whispers. “You are wearing out the carpet with all that pacing.”



  We are all ready to go. I am wearing a handmade white dress, a replica of the red dress I had worn the first night I met Logan. It is white silk, strapless, and tight-fitting until it reaches my thighs, before softly flowing to the floor. It has thousands of tiny beads, all hand sewn onto the bodice. It is exquisite.

  My hair is even the same as it had been that night. It is slicked back on top of my head, large curls pinned into place to form a large bun. I have a small diamond tiara at the base of the bun. It looks beautiful. My long, white satin gloves complete the outfit, and I am wearing the diamond heart necklace and bracelet that Logan bought me. They are so beautiful. The heart-shaped diamonds that surround them perfectly match my engagement ring. I feel like a princess.

  Michelle is wearing a beautiful long red halter-neck silk dress that really suits her lovely figure. It is tight-fitting and flows to the floor once it reaches her thighs, just like my dress. Her hair is pulled into a low bun on the side of her head. Lara is wearing a long white dress that has a white silk bodice with a multi-layered tulle skirt. It puffs out beautifully. She also has a red silk sash around her waist. Her hair is down and curled with a halo of tiny red roses around the top of her head. She looks like a little princess.

  Just as the three of us are about to leave my bedroom, my father knocks on the door. Michelle and Lara leave the room to give us some privacy. When he walks in, he stops in his tracks. His eyes fill with tears as he looks at me. “You look breathtaking, sweetheart,” he whispers. “I wish your mother was here. She would be so proud of you.”

  “I wish she was here, too,” I reply sadly. “She is in here.” I point to my heart, a lump forming in my throat.

  “She is in my heart, too,” he says softly. “She has never left it. I will love that woman until the day I die.” Tears rise to my eyes, but I try not to cry. “I am so glad you get to have the happily ever after that we never got.”

  “Me, too. I wish things had turned out differently for you and my mother.”

  “I am so proud of the woman you have grown into, Brooke,” he says. “I have your mother to thank for that. She did such a wonderful job of raising you. You are just as beautiful as she was, on the inside and the outside.”

  He clears his throat. “Anyway, I just came up here to let you know that they buzzed the apartment a few minutes ago to let us know that the cars have arrived. But before we leave, I would like to give you something.” He reaches into the pocket of his tuxedo jacket. “I bought you something. I was hoping you could wear them today.” He hands me a small white box. “This, sweeth
eart, is your something new.”

  When I open the box, I see the most beautiful diamond earrings. They’re heart-shaped, just like my engagement ring, are at least two carrots each, and must have cost a fortune.

  They are perfect. I put my arms around him and tell him that they are beautiful. “I love them,” I add. He helps me put them on, then gently kisses my cheek.

  “Now, I have one more thing,” he nervously says. “It is your something old, something borrowed, and something blue.” He pulls another box out of his pocket. It is different than the other one. You can tell this box is older. His hands are shaking as he passes it to me.

  “I bought this for your mother twenty-seven years ago. The last day I saw her, when she walked out of my office and my life, she took it off her finger and placed it on my desk. I held onto it all these years just hoping that, one day, I would get a chance to give it back to her.” He chokes up, and I feel for him.

  My hands start to shake as I open the box. Inside is a beautiful ring. It has a large blue sapphire in the centre, surrounded by small diamonds. It reminds me of the one Princess Diana wore. It is beautiful.

  A small tear escapes as I look up at him. I don’t know what to say. He takes a step towards me and gently wipes the tear off my cheek. “Your mother had the same reaction the day I gave it to her,” he says. “I would be honoured if you would wear it today in memory of the love your mother and I once shared. It would mean a lot to me.” He gently slides it over my glove and onto my ring finger on my right hand. “Thank you for letting me be here with you today, sweetheart. You have no idea what it means to me.”

  I look up at him and smile, then lean over and kiss his cheek. “Thank you, Dad. I am glad that you are here, too. I would be honoured to wear this ring. I think mum would be happy that we found each other.”

  He smiles. “I will never get tired of hearing you call me dad, and you’re right. I think your mother would be very happy.” He lightly runs the back of his hand down my cheek. “I love you, sweetheart,” he says. “I couldn’t ask for a better daughter.” I smile at him. I have grown to deeply care for him, but I am not yet ready to tell him I love him because I’m not sure if I do.

  The four of us get into the elevator and make our way down to the cars. I have chosen two white Rolls Royce’s to take us to the church. My father and I are in one car, and Michelle and Lara are in the other.



  When the music starts to play, I know she has arrived. I quickly walk towards the alter and stand next to Craig. I inhale a deep breath. My hands are shaking. The song we have picked for Brooke to walk down the aisle to is My Destiny. It’s a duet sung by Jim Brickman and Christina Aguilera. We first danced to that song at her birthday party, and then again on the night I proposed to her. It has become our song. You would think it had been written for us.

  As I listen to the lyrics, I look towards the doors, and notice Lara coming through first. She looks so sweet. She has the biggest smile on her face, and I can’t help but smile as I watch her. My sister comes next. She is wearing red, and she looks beautiful. I am so happy that Brooke and Michelle have become so close.

  When I get my first glimpse of Brooke, she takes my breath away. She is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Wait! Her father is walking her down the aisle?! It makes my heart swell to see them together like this. It is perfect.

  I can’t take my eyes off her as she makes her way towards me. As she gets closer, I feel a lump rise in my throat. She is breathtaking. I have been waiting for this day for so long. Today she will become my wife and complete me.



  As I walk down the aisle, my father by my side, I can’t take my eyes off Logan. He looks so handsome in a black suit and matching waistcoat. He is wearing a crisp white shirt underneath, and a white silk embroidered tie. He looks so damn yummy. I look up at his handsome face to see him smiling at me. It looks like there are tears in his beautiful green eyes. Craig is standing next to him. He is dressed the same, but his tie is red to match Michelle’s dress.

  When we stop at the end of the aisle, my dad hugs me. He whispers that he loves me before Logan takes hold of my hand and pulls me in beside him.

  He whispers in my ear, “You look beautiful, baby.” I look up at him and smile. I am so happy.

  When it is time to exchange our vows, Logan goes first. As he slides the ring on my finger, he says, “Brooke, from the first moment I saw you, I knew you were the one for me. I didn’t believe in love at first sight until that day. We are meant to be together, and I love you with all my heart and soul. I promise to love, cherish, protect, and spoil you” this made everybody laugh, “for as long as I live. I will always support you and be there for you, as a friend and as a husband. Today you have made me the happiest man alive by becoming my wife. You complete me, baby. You are the air in my lungs, and the beat in my heart. You are my world and my soul mate. I promise I will love you with every ounce of passion inside me until I take my last breath.”

  As Logan says these beautiful words to me, I feel a tear run down my cheek. He reaches over and wipes it away with his thumb, giving me one of his heart-stopping smiles.

  As I slide the ring on his finger, I say, “Logan, when fate brought us together for the second time, I knew that you were my destiny. Today you will become my forever. I love you completely, with all my heart and soul. You are my best friend and my life. You make me feel whole. Today I make a promise to you that I will love, honour, and care for you every day of my life. I will always support you and stand by you, no matter what challenges life throws our way. I am honoured to have you as my husband. You are my knight in shining armour, my Prince Charming, and my hot stuff all rolled into one. I will always love you with everything I have inside me until the day I die.”

  We look into each other’s eyes the whole time we exchanged our vows. I can see the tears in his eyes. When I finish talking, he pulls me into him, holding me tight, whispering in my ear, “I love you so much, baby.”

  The priest says, “I now pronounce you husband and wife.”

  As everybody cheers, Logan pulls me in for a kiss, then whispers, “I love you, Mrs. Cavanagh.”

  “I love you, too, Mr. Cavanagh,” I say with a smile.

  Everybody gathers outside the church to congratulate us. Logan’s mum still has tears in her eyes. I love that she is so happy for us.

  Before the reception commences, we go to the Botanical Gardens overlooking Sydney Harbour for our wedding photos. This park means a lot to us both. We walked around here together quite often, and this is usually where I take my morning runs. It’s not far from Logan’s penthouse, and it is such a beautiful place. With the harbour in the background and the exquisite gardens throughout, we both felt it would make the perfect backdrop for our photos.

  Logan can’t keep his hands off me during the photo shoot. He says he doesn’t know if he can wait until the reception is over to have me. I slap his arm, telling him to behave. I have to admit that I am looking forward to our wedding night, but I also want to enjoy our reception. We have put so much work into organising our special day.

  Our reception is being held at Circular Quay, in one of the most luxurious hotels in all of Sydney. Logan wanted only the best for our wedding, so no expense has been spared. My father offered to pay for the wedding, but Logan wouldn’t hear of it.

  He has booked the penthouse suite at the hotel for us to stay in on our wedding night. We have his family and my father coming over to our place for lunch tomorrow. That’s when we are going to open all our wedding gifts. The day after that, we are flying to Europe. Logan has taken a month off, so we are going to spend four glorious weeks together. We are both looking forward to it.

  There are two hundred guests attending our wedding. Logan had originally wanted more, but since only thirty of the guests were mine, we decided to keep it small…just family and friends. Logan invited some of his work colleagues and client
s, as well. His grandmother is here. She is so sweet. His father’s parents had both passed away, and so had his mother’s father. His grandmother is very old and frail, but such a nice lady. I first met her on Christmas day when we had gone to Logan’s parents’ for lunch.

  The only family member that wasn’t invited was his aunt. Logan’s father asked him to reconsider, but he was adamant. I didn’t really want her there, either. Not only because of what she had done to me, but also because of the way she had been treating my father.

  The only family I invited is my dad, Chris, and Jill. Technically, Chris and Jill aren’t family, they are our housekeeper and chauffeur, but they are part of my everyday life. I love them like they are family, and so does Logan. Ellen, her husband, and Mike were also invited, along with some of the friends I have made at my studio.

  The reception hall looks beautiful, just like I imagined it would. Everything is white except the silk sashes on the chairs and the roses on the tables, which are red. There is tulle draped over the ceilings, fairy lights threaded through them. The place is truly breathtaking.

  We are both having a great time. I can tell Logan is just as happy as I am. Every time I look at him, he is watching me and smiling.



  I can’t take my eyes off her. She is the most beautiful thing in the world, and has been smiling throughout the whole reception. I have finally gotten everything I want, and I feel complete. Our life together is going to be perfect, and I am looking forward to our honeymoon. Four weeks together is going to be heaven.

  After we have eaten, it’s time for the speeches. My father and Brooke’s father are both going to say something. I want to say something, too.

  When it comes time for our bridal waltz, I feel the nerves kick in. I want our dance to be special, so I asked Brooke if she could teach me some moves. We ended up putting a whole routine together. Nothing too flashy, just a waltz with a few turns and dips. We had chosen to dance to Can’t Help Falling In Love. Not the Elvis Presley version, but the one sung by Andrea Borcelli and Katherine McPhee.


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