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SURGE Page 8

by Piper Frost

  Her brows pull together and her eyes fall to my dirty hand. "Okay," she whispers. "Am I a shit sister? Shouldn't I know more about these kids, Bo?"

  "Not unless you want inside the inner-workings of a sixteen year old guy's brain, no. Just, don't ask about the app. It's for guys." I chuckle while I watch her brows shoot upward as she gets where I'm going with this. "It's harmless and not strange for him to be entertained by stupid games like the app he created. You got nothing to worry about." When I pull my hand away, I let my fingers trail over her flesh, but I left a black streak. "Hell, sorry." I reach to clean it with my other hand but pause because it's just as bad.

  Her hands stop mine and I realize how close we've gotten as my eyes hit hers. She's grinning, holding my hands steady, her eyes searching mine.

  "You're a great sister, Kinlee, and an amazing woman holding all this together. There's nothing simple about you." I lean in and the front door swings open.

  "Bo!" Wendy shrieks and makes me jump to my feet before I get the kiss I’ve been tryin' for since this afternoon.

  "What are you doing awake, Wendy?" Kinlee blurts, trying to shake out of the haze as she stands.

  "I haven't gone to sleep yet!" she chirps and bounces. "I drank Will's energy drink at ten and have been wired since!" She starts to giggle and hops down the stairs toward me.

  I'm fighting laughter and Kinlee looks like she's fighting exhaustion.

  "Alright. Back inside. And no more energy drinks so late." She opens the screen door and gives Wendy a glare that she doesn't argue with. "Come on, Wendy."

  "Boo," Wendy pouts. "Night, Bo!" She pops to her toes and practically jumps to try and kiss my cheek. She fell short by a few inches, and I jerked back a little, not used to young girls. She reminds me of Kinlee when she was younger. Just a sweet little thing.

  "Sleep tight, kiddo." I chuckle and smile at Kinlee.

  When Kinlee closes the screen door behind Wendy, another exhausted puff of air comes from those lips I'll never get to taste at this rate. "I'm sorry," she says, her eyes closed. "I swore she was asleep. She's so hyper anyway, that girl does not need energy drinks."

  I grin and slowly start to walk backward to my truck. "Get some sleep, pretty girl." I smile, liking the way she looks in the middle of the night and I hope eventually I'll get to experience this every night.

  "Thank you, Bo. For everything." She's halfway inside the house but leaning her head on the screen door as she watches me.

  "I'm here." I wink. "Night, Kinlee."

  "Night, cowboy." She closes the door behind her.

  I reach for my door handle and yank, but it's locked. "Shit." Glancing back toward the house, I realize I never got my key. She's already turned the lights off inside. I glance down the road but I'm thirty minutes from here, there's no way I'm walking in the dark at two in the morning. "Dammit," I whisper and reach in my pocket to call her but my phone's been in my truck since she took it a few hours ago. Creeping up the front steps, I huff and try to quietly but effectively knock.

  The light flicks back on and the door swings open. There's a sparkle in her eyes and she grins. Before I can get out the words that I just need my keys, she goes up on her tiptoes, takes my face in her hands, and presses her lips to mine so hesitantly I don't quite know how to react at first.

  I've been waiting for this for years. The one time I kissed her five years ago, I was a wreck and had no idea what I was doing, but here we are again and now I have a clue. I slide my arms around her and lift so I don't have to lean down. Walking into the house, I pin her against the open door while I suck her lip before licking, asking for entrance.

  Her arms wrap around my neck and her mouth opens, finally letting me taste her. She lets out a small moan and grinds her hips against me, her fingers sliding through the back of my hair and under my ball cap.

  While my hands slide up the sides of her shirt, I remember the dirt, but there's no stopping their travel. I don't reach for anything I shouldn't yet; I just want to touch her flesh. I want to feel her, more than this, but this is good enough for now. So much has changed with me that this is nothing like the one night when we were kids that I got to explore her for less than ten minutes. If this weren't Kinlee, I'd be stumbling around this house looking for a surface to take her on, but I promise this is my future and I'm not rushing or ruining it before we begin.

  She pulls back to catch her breath and her forehead rests on mine. "Bo," she whispers, still clutching onto me, her breathing is heavy and it sounded like my name was said with regret.

  "I need my key," I pant before she tells me that shouldn't have happened.

  "Oh." She pulls back again, her eyes going wide. "Oh my god." Her fingers go to her lips, and a small giggle erupts from her. "Oh my god, you just came back for your key," she whispers, shaking her head and smiling through the giggles.

  "If your brother and sister weren't here, I'd forget about the key." I press my mouth to hers again, this time slower, with more of a purpose so she thinks about this all night and well into tomorrow. It's so quiet in this house, I'm afraid they can hear our lips connecting so I pull back. "But I'm a gentleman, so I'm gonna walk out that door and head on home before I change my mind."

  "Right," she whispers, blinking a few times then rushing over to her purse, pulling out my keys. "Um... Sorry." She hands them over, then crosses her arms in front of her.

  I let my eyes trail down her white shirt that has black hand prints smeared all over it, then her face from when I cupped it, hoping she wouldn't pull away. Goddamn she looks good sleepy, rumpled, and smudged with dirt. I clamp my jaw, fighting the urge to yank that t-shirt off and see my handprints all over her sides and stomach.

  "Thank you. Night." I have no options here or I'll be in a lot of pain if I try to move, so I quickly adjust myself in my pants before turning for the door.

  She giggles from the middle of the room as I make it to the porch. "Have a good night, Bo."

  I don't look back, or say anything; I just give my hand a wave while I try not to walk like I've been on horseback for days on end. My dick is being crushed in these jeans and I haven't been this painfully hard since the last time I got my hands on Kinlee. Lifting myself into my truck, I huff and take a minute to adjust myself now that she can't see me. I could sit here and jerk off in her driveway...but I'm not that weird so I make it a few miles down the road and pull off. I pop the button to my pants and unzip. After spitting in my palm before wiping my hand on the rag in the center console, I adjust my pants to free my dick. It springs from my jeans and smacks the steering wheel so I adjust my seat back farther then grip my cock. I lean my head back and my ball cap hits the seat, making me smack it off my head because my fist has already started pumping.

  "Shit," I grunt when I close my eyes and think about Kinlee's tits pressed against my chest. Her nipples were hard enough I could feel them through her shirt. Her pussy was so hot I felt the heat through her shorts and my shirt on my lower stomach. "Goddamn," I moan and jerk my wrist a little faster.

  I keep flashing back to losing my virginity to her and how god-awful it was, but the images are still doing the job tonight and in only a few minutes my balls retract then release, shooting my come up my t-shirt while I groan her name. When I'm completely drained, my eyes glance around to my mirrors and I quickly pull back on the road.

  That should have been her tight pussy wrapped around me, but until then...

  I huff and grab the rag to wipe away the mess on my shirt.

  "So what's goin' on with you two, anyway?" Chase's focus is on the amazing drawing he's currently doing on a napkin, but he flicks his gaze to me and his eyebrows rise. "Will seems to be spending more time with him than you. If he's spending time with your kid brother, that's kind of some serious shit."

  "How so?"

  "You don't really let too many people interfere with your family, Kinlee."

  I roll my eyes at his comment. I would've let him get close to the kids, but he gave up too soo
n. He never pays much attention to them at all and doesn't even try to have a common interest with them. I can't imagine Will's pyro tendencies interest Bo, but at least he's trying.

  "Him and Will have been rebuilding a car, or somethin'," I mutter then huff. "I don't know, Chase. It's good for them both." Stretching, I groan, annoyed at how tired I am lately.

  Between both jobs and keeping up with the twins, I'm absolutely exhausted. It's been two weeks since Bo kissed me and made my world spin on its axis. It's been two weeks since I even got a minute alone with him, and after that kiss the last thing I wanted was to put distance between us, but we're both busy. Don't get me wrong, I'm thankful he's trying to help Will find hobbies, but my brother taking up most of Bo's time wasn't my plan. Bo's not what I expected in this life I'm living, but he's what I want. I've never been the selfish type, but I can feel myself pulling in that direction ever since Bo's been back in my life.

  Chase checks his phone before shoving it in his back pocket and standing up. "Shift's up. We're gonna be late."

  "You sure you feel like goin' out tonight? You're just getting off a twelve hour shift."

  "Please, Kinlee." He rests his elbow on my shoulder. "Workin' the bar for twelve hours straight ain't nothing. Plus, I've been dying to see this movie."

  "I bet. This chick flick has your name written all over it." I giggle as we step outside.

  I invited Bo to come with us tonight but he's with Will, working on that car again. I'm okay with it though. Chase and I haven't hung out like this in a while.

  "Remember when we sat in bed for eighteen hours straight and did nothing but watch chick flicks?" He nudges me as we walk.

  "God, I was so sore after that day." I laugh.

  "You needed it though." He links my arm in his as we make our way to his truck.

  "Yeah." I remember that day like it was yesterday.

  It was a month after my parents' funeral. The twins were spending the weekend at their friend's house to try and help keep their mind off everything. Chase brought over a bag full of old DVDs he bought at the dollar store and we sat in my bed the entire day, eating chips, drinking whatever alcohol the house had, and watching those movies. It was terrible, but in some way the one moment that really solidified our friendship.

  I shoot Bo a text as we head into the movie, reminding him of where I'll be if he tries getting ahold of me.

  Chase snickers next to me. "Already treatin' ya like the ole ball and chain?" His eyebrows are high on his forehead as we take our seats.

  "No." I shove my phone away. "It's common courtesy to let someone know where you're going to be if no one can reach you, especially when they're with your brother. That's all."

  "You don't let me know where you're going to be at all times."

  "You're never with the twins, either. What if something happens to them when they're working on this car and he can't reach me?" I'm not sure why I'm getting so defensive right now, but I'm not a fan of the way Chase treats my relationship with Bo, whatever type of relationship it is, like it's a bad thing.

  "Chill out. I'm just giving you a hard time." He relaxes back in his seat as the lights dim.

  I have a hard time focusing on the movie, so by the time it's over and he's dropping me back at my car, I'm exhausted.

  "Thanks for the ride." I hop out of his truck.

  "Hey, Kinlee," he says as I'm closing the door. I stop myself and before I roll my eyes in annoyance I look up at him in the cab. "Be careful headin' home. It's foggy out there tonight."

  "God, you're a worry wart." I laugh when he rolls his eyes dramatically at me.

  "Night!" he yells as he pulls away.

  I wait until he's out of sight to pull my phone out, grinning at the text from Bo.

  Bo: We're all good over here. And have fun sweetheart. Let me know when you're home safe.

  I shoot him a text when I get home, right before hopping out of my car and heading inside. I thought I was coming home to a silent house and was actually looking forward to it, but the TVs on and Wendy's on the couch under three different blankets.

  "Hey." She yawns.

  "What're you doing home?" Not that I'm complaining, but she's rarely here anymore.

  "Everyone's busy." She shrugs and turns to me, popping a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "Bo dropped by earlier. Brought over some dessert from Donna Kenshaw." She wiggles her eyebrows and grins at me.

  "Well that's nice." I try not to let the stupid smile creep up on my lips but it's almost impossible. The man is too good to be true.

  I head to the kitchen, the smile still plastered on my face as I come back into the living room with the plate of gooey chocolate goodness. God, that woman knows how to cook.

  "So you do really like him then?" Wendy's full attention is on me now and I sigh, falling to the couch with my plate.

  "This is delicious," I murmur between bites. I'm trying to figure out what she's watching, but this TV show is annoying and loud.

  "You're ignoring my question." She turns off the TV and glares at me with a stupid smile on her face. "Kinlee, you really, really like him, don't you?"

  "I don't think that's anything you should be worried about, Wendy." I take another bite and curl my legs underneath me.

  "He really likes you."

  "Yeah?" I blurt way too fast, making her giggle.

  "I knew it! Awe, that's so cute!"

  "Wendy stop." I sigh. "Yes, okay. I really, really like him. I also know I'm way too busy to have a boyfriend right now. It's not fair to burden him with all these responsibilities." I wave my fork around the house that's slowly been falling apart for years and she rolls her eyes.

  "You see it as a burden, but I think Bo sees it as something completely different."

  I bite back a smile at her words and shove more food in my mouth. I know what Bo sees this as, and that's what scares me. It scares me that my sixteen-year-old sister is right. It scares me that I feel more for this man than I have time for.

  It's scary, sure. But it's also the most excited I've ever felt before.

  Tonight's my only night off this week and, as usual, Bo spent most of the day in the garage with Will working on something for that car. He headed home a little while ago to clean up but he should be back any time now. I'm glad he's helping my brother get on the right path, but a little time for just us would be nice. How are we ever going to progress if we don't spend time together?

  Chase invited himself over and I thought it'd be awesome if Chase and Bo could be closer like they were when we were younger so I didn’t protest. Chase has his small group of friends, but I'm not certain how good of an influence Grant, Tommy, and Felder are on him. When I pulled away after my parents' death, Chase was the one that held on the tightest when my world was crumbling.

  "Kinlee?" I hear him call as the screen door slams behind him. He's definitely made himself at home in this house the past few years.

  "Kitchen!" I push my hair behind my ear and check on the chicken. I'm not sure why I'm so nervous about tonight. These two aren't strangers, even if they've been acting like it lately.

  "I figured I'd come early. See if you needed any help." He slides past me, clicking his tongue. "Sticking that ass out like that isn't an 'I just want to be friends' move, Kinlee."

  I turn around to see him chuckling and I roll my eyes, tossing the potholder at him. "Shut it, Chase," I scoff. "Did you bring the salad?"

  "Of course." He nods to the bowl on the counter. "Where's the man friend?"

  "Kinlee?" Bo's voice calls from the front door a second after Chase's question.

  "Right there." I grin then take a breath, trying to calm these nerves.

  I head in to greet him and hear Chase grumble behind me, "You didn't greet me like that." His comment is quiet so hopefully Bo doesn't hear, but I throw him a glare before I round the corner to meet Bo.

  "Hey, Bo." I smile.

  "Hi." The smile on his face is hard to resist, especially when he leans back to look me ove
r before bending to hug me. "I brought dessert."

  "Awesome, thank you!" I feel like I just chirped way too loud and when I hear Chase laugh from the kitchen, I know I did. Bo's eyebrows push together and I realize I never told him Chase was going to be here. "Oh, um, Chase is here. He wanted to hang out tonight so I told him he could come over for dinner. I hope that's okay."

  "Yeah," he blurts unconvincingly. "Yeah, that's awesome. This needs to be refrigerated." He walks around me and to the kitchen. "Chase," I hear him say before I make it into the stuffy room. I already feel this is taking a turn for the worse, but I have to push on and pretend everything's not awkward as hell right now.

  Fake it till you make it, right?

  "Bo," Chase says and I watch their obvious discomfort.

  "No throwing any punches tonight, boys," I joke, walking across the room and opening up the fridge. "Beer anyone?"

  "Nah," Chase says. "Last time I drank around the great Bo Hart I left with a black eye." His chuckle isn't sincere and I'm really starting to regret my idea of getting all of us together.

  "Bo?" I ask, ignoring the jab from Chase.

  "No. Thank you," he clips and slides the container in his hands into the fridge. "Need help?" His sight goes to the stove.

  "I got it covered." I smile and as much as I want to stay near him, this feels more awkward than I'd like so I walk back to the stove and check on the food.

  "Hey." Bo's hand wraps around my hip and he's standing close enough I can name the brand of his top dollar cologne that almost has my thighs shaking. Carven Vetiver. "Where are the kids? I'll have them get washed up."

  "Wendy's in her room, I think. And your guess is as good as mine with Will." I sigh, spinning and smiling up at him. "You've got that kid addicted to workin' with his hands. He's probably out back building something."

  "He's supposed to be figuring out the carburetor." Bo grins proudly. "I'll find them." He shifts and leans toward me until Chase clears his throat, which makes Bo go stiff as he pulls away. "I'll be right back," he mutters leaving the kitchen.


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