Twisted Freedom (Freedom series Book 2)

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Twisted Freedom (Freedom series Book 2) Page 24

by J Grayland

  “Oh, Maddie, great timing. This is Dr. Casey Tyler. She will be joining our team. Casey, this is Maddie Price. She is our counselor. She works for the juvenile services for troubled youth and volunteers here in her spare time,” Diane said, introducing us. Maddie sat down at the table and offered her hand, which I took.

  “Nice to meet you, Maddie,” I said, giving her a smile.

  “Great to have you on board. And where the hell is that accent from?”

  “Australia,” I said, laughing at her question.

  “How the hell did you get stuck in Portland?”

  Still laughing, I said, “It’s a long story. Remind me to tell you about it over a coffee sometime.”

  “Definitely,” she said with a grin and a shake of her head.

  I guess she wasn’t the most typical-looking counselor I had ever come into contact with. She looked more like a rough biker chick, but I liked her. She was laid back and relaxed. After the tour and more paperwork to fill out, Diane told me to come in for my first shift on Monday. As I left the building with as much enthusiasm and bounce as I had walked in there with that morning, I scooped my phone from my purse and dutifully sent Nick a text.

  Chapter Thirty-seven


  Deep in conversation with Paxton as we plowed through the pile of contracts that were sitting on my desk, I realized that I hadn’t actually glanced down at my watch so obsessively as I did earlier this morning. Well, until now, anyway.

  “Quit it,” Paxton said.

  “Quit what?”

  “Looking at the time. She’ll get here when she gets here. Damn,” he said with an exasperated sigh.

  “You say that like I have been watching the clock all day.”

  “You have.”

  “Funny, I was just thinking the opposite,” I said, running a hand through my hair, a little confused.

  “Believe me, you might not think you were doing it, but you have been,” he said, looking at me with a grin.

  “And I think you’re just yanking my chain, little brother,” I said, looking at him through narrowed eyes. I watched as he was opening his mouth to protest when there was a knock at the door. “Come in,” I answered. When the door opened, I felt my body instantly relax from a tension that I didn’t even realize was in it until now. Casey walked in with an obvious gentle bounce to her step and a beautiful, penetrating smile spread across her wonderful lips.

  “Thank fuck,” Paxton breathed out under his breath as he sat back down into his chair, and I guessed he was relieved that the object of my obsession was back in the building.

  “Hey.” I greeted her by coming around my desk and scooping her into my arms, planting a kiss on her beautiful mouth. “You look happy. I take it everything went well?”

  “Everything was perfect. The place is definitely not what I expected,” she said, looking over at Paxton.

  “I told you it was good,” he said matter-of-factly and with a slight air of satisfaction.

  Turning my attention back to Casey, I smoothed my thumb over the soft skin of her cheek. “That’s great, baby, I’m really happy for you,” I told her with genuine pleasure as I looked into her eyes that were bursting with a combination of happiness and excitement. Giving her another chaste kiss on her lips, I dropped my arms from her and went over to the bar, pulling out a bottle of wine and holding it up. “Well, we don’t have any champagne to celebrate, but I do have this bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon from Napa Valley.”

  “Sounds good,” Casey said as I took three wine glasses off the shelf and poured us all a glass. I handed the first one to Casey, then the other to Paxton. As we stood facing each other, I lifted my glass. “To new beginnings,” I said, smiling at Casey as we clinked glasses and took a sip.

  “Damn, that’s good,” Paxton said in appreciation of the wine. “Never realized my brother had such good taste for good wine,” he smirked at Casey.

  “Very funny. Just drink your wine before I kick your ass out of my office,” I said, making him chuckle.

  All three of us spent the next hour polishing off the bottle of wine and listening to Casey’s excited recall of the tour of the facility and the different staff members she had met that day. I watched in fascination as she bubbled over with enthusiasm about returning back to the work I knew she loved. Seeing that made me realize that I needed to back off and let this woman spread her wings and shine.

  Later in the afternoon, Casey went up to the penthouse to take a shower and see if she had left anything in the closet for her to wear that would be dressy enough for dinner. I made the mistake of naming the restaurant that I had booked for us to eat at before we returned home, and she googled it. Then she got annoyed because I should have told her to bring something nice to wear with her this morning. It made no difference when I told her that it didn’t matter what she wore, we were going there to eat, not to be in a fashion parade.

  I realized that this relationship stuff was all new to me, but I didn’t think I would ever fully understand the way a woman’s mind works, and to be honest, I don’t think I really want to.

  After Paxton left my office to head home, I tried to put the pile of files that were sitting on my desk into some kind of an assemblance, but in the end, I totally gave up the fight and left it for the morning because I intended on taking my girl out on a date.

  As I opened the door of the Audi for Casey to get in, I was still amazed at how stunning this woman was. In the small amount of time she had had to get ready, she had managed to shower and find a short-sleeved little black dress that fit to every sensual curve of her body, a pair of red heels, and she had brushed her beautiful golden blonde hair out until it shimmered down her back in a river of silk. She looked absolutely stunning, and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her the whole drive to Giorgio’s. I definitely had to adjust myself a few times before we were even seated at a table. I watched as Casey looked around, taking in the elegant dining room until she brought her eyes to mine.

  “See, I’m glad I googled this place. It’s way too ritzy for a pair of jeans and a sweater,” she said in a low voice so only I could hear her.

  “If you think this place is ritzy, wait until you taste the food,” I said.

  “That good, huh?”

  “Baby, it will blow your mind,” I said, giving her a wink.

  After watching her eat said meal, I realized I needed to rethink my words. As I watched her eyes close as she moaned out her enjoyment with every mouthful of pasta she put in it, all I could think of was getting her home so she could blow my mind. As she placed the last bite of chocolate tiramisu into her mouth, I almost lost my load.

  “Are you alright?” she asked as she placed her dessert fork on her plate and lifted up her glass of water to take a sip.

  “Yep, fine,” I said.

  “Are you sure? Because with the look on your face at the moment, you look…pretty uncomfortable,” she said with a wicked grin. Picking up my glass of scotch and rolling the amber liquid around in it before taking a mouthful, I leaned in closer to her.

  “I just watched you orgasm your way through an entree, a main meal, and now dessert so yeah, I guess you could say I’m pretty uncomfortable right now,” I said, taking another slug of scotch from my glass and leaning back in my chair.

  “Maybe we need to go home then,” she said, lifting an eyebrow and wearing a wicked grin across her lips. Suddenly, I felt something brush against the front of my pants under the table. Putting down my glass, I lifted the white tablecloth slightly to see her naked foot with her dark red, glossy nail polished toes perched on my chair in between my legs. Dropping the tablecloth back into place, my eyes shot up to meet hers.

  “You have got to be kidding me right?” I said, and was met with the sparkle of lust in her perfect blue eyes. Signaling for the waiter to bring the check for our meal, I handed him my credit card. As soon
as I signed the check, I took Casey’s hand and almost dragged her out of the restaurant and back to the car with the sounds of her giggles mocking my fast pace and our hasty exit. Opening the car door, I rushed her in, slamming the door, and got into the driver’s seat, turning the ignition before slamming it into gear, all to the sound of her soft, low laughter.

  “I think you might need to watch your speed, Nate,” she said as we sped down the highway toward home.

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’m going the speed limit,” I gritted out between clenched teeth, which only made her laugh again. “I’m glad you think this is so amusing,” I said, taking a sideways glance at her. She looked totally relaxed in the seat next to me, with just a wide smile on her beautiful mouth. Fuck, I really needed to look at the road and not at her. Don’t look at her, don’t look at her, I silently chanted to myself, which was working until I heard a click, which made me turn my head slightly to look at her. She had undone her seat belt and turned slightly toward me.

  “What the fuck are you doing? Fasten your seatbelt before we get booked!”

  “Are there any cops around?” she asked, looking out of the side window, then turning in her seat to look out the back window.

  “No, but it’s dangerous,” I said, teetering between frustration and a little bit of anger at her unsafe behavior.

  “Okay, chill out,” she said, sitting back into her seat and clipping the belt back into place before placing both of her naked feet up onto the dashboard in front of her, causing her already short dress to ride further up, revealing more of her smooth legs and thighs. Then, trying my hardest to keep my eyes on the road in front of me but flicking between the road and those long sexy legs of hers, I watched as her hands slowly moved down to her knees and brushed up the hem of her dress. As she slid the material higher, I caught a glimpse of her black, lace-topped thigh highs and silky black panties.

  “Fuck,” I hissed as I moved in my seat with discomfort. I was so hard the zipper on my jeans was groaning with the strain.

  “Are you okay?” she asked innocently.

  “No, and you aren’t going to be either in about five more minutes,” I growled.

  “Is this bothering you?” she asked, motioning to her legs. “Do you want me to put them down?”

  “Don’t you dare, I’m enjoying the view.”

  Leaving one hand on the steering wheel, I moved my other hand down toward the front of her panties and gently ran a finger over the front of the lace, causing a little moan to escape from her mouth.

  “You’re soaking wet,” I managed to breathe out before pulling my hand away and turning up the driveway with my foot planted hard on the accelerator, pulling the car to a sliding stop on the gravel in front of the house. Getting out into a cloud of dust, I yanked open the passenger side door and pulled her out and into my arms, pressing my mouth against hers in a hot, ravenous kiss. “You make me so fucking hungry,” I managed to growl out in between our lips tasting each others.

  “Do I?” she teased. “Then maybe you better take me to bed.”

  “I can’t wait that long,” I said, breaking the kiss and turning her around so she was facing the hood of the Audi. I slipped my hands around to the front of her dress and cupped her breasts in my hands. I start to knead them, instantly feeling her nipples harden under my palms. She moaned and pushed her ass back against my groin while her head dropped back against my chest, giving me perfect access to the creamy, white skin of her neck. Bending my knees slightly, I pushed my raging hard-on into the cleft of her ass, rubbing against her as I ran my tongue along the soft skin at the side of her neck, gently nipping and biting at the tender flesh before biting the lobe of her ear.

  “I’m going to take you right here, right now,” I breathed into her ear. “It’s going to be hard and fast,” I continued as her body moved against mine, her breathing pattern changing with a want and need of her own. “Are you okay with that?” I asked her in a low, urgent tone because it didn’t matter how bad I wanted to fuck her on the hood of my car or how hard my dick was or how I could feel the blood pumping through my veins so hard that it felt like I might have a stroke if I didn’t get inside of her. I would never fuck her until she gave me permission to do so. I hear a soft sigh as she gave me a slight nod.

  “Words, Casey. I need to hear the words,” I growled out.

  “Yes, I’m okay,” she managed to breathe out before I gently pushed her to bend over the car, her chest pressed against the hood. Grabbing the hem of her dress, I pulled it up until it bunched around her waist. Grabbing the back of those tantalizing black panties, I quickly pulled them down her legs until they were around her ankles. With one hand splayed against her back to hold her in place, I worked the buckle of my belt open with the other and undid my jeans, my erection springing out before I had the zipper fully down. I stepped closer in between her legs, nudging them open further with my knees. Taking my shaft in my hand, I rubbed the head over her slick entrance once before plunging into her with one quick, deep thrust, so hard her body jerked and slid further onto the hood of the car as she let out a moan of pleasure. Her tight, warm channel clamped around me, sending shockwaves into my balls. I started to move inside of her with fast, deep strokes, and the deeper I thrusted, the deeper I wanted to go. I couldn’t seem to get enough to satiate my hunger for her. The only sounds were of the ocean on the other side of the house that were mingled with Casey’s panting moans and my own hard breaths and grunts of pure pleasure. When I felt her moving back against me even harder, meeting my thrusts, I knew she was chasing her own climax, and that made me thrust faster into her warmth. I felt her low moan that seemed to start at the base of her spine and travel upwards. Then I felt the tightening of her body as she screamed out my name into the dark night, and I instantly felt the ripples of her orgasm roll through her body, followed by the liquid heat that now surrounded my shaft, causing me to thrust once more, coming hard and deep into her body. Leaning forward, my chest against her back, I placed soft, open mouthed kisses against the side of her neck as she turned her head to the side, giving me her mouth. I kissed her lips between our heated, panting breaths until we came down from the sexual heaven we just traveled to.

  Eventually, feeling the tremble in my leg muscles starting to ease, I stood up and tucked myself back into my pants, then reached down and slowly pulled her panties back up over her beautiful ass before pulling her dress back into place. Reaching down, I pulled her up into a standing position to face me, gently moving her hair away from her face and out of her eyes because I needed to see those eyes as I asked, “Okay?” As I looked into them, searching for anything that told me that she wasn’t, but all I saw was pure contentment.

  Chapter Thirty-eight


  Looking up into Nate’s eyes, still filled with the fire from his own orgasm, all I could say to him was, “Oh, I’m more than okay.” I smiled, making him relax and grin before bending down, lifting me up and throwing me over his shoulder, fireman style.

  “Nate, what are you doing!” I squealed in shock.

  “Taking you to bed like you asked me to do,” he said before smacking my ass and running up the front stairs, taking two at a time as we both laughed. As he pushed the front door open, we were greeted by a very excited dog. Chance jumped up, placing his paws against Nate’s side and giving me a wet doggie kiss against the side of my upside down face before running out the front door and making a beeline for the grass. Nate carried me inside, dropping me onto the couch, then pointed a finger at me. “Don’t even think about moving. I’ll take care of Chance, then I’m taking you for a shower.”

  “Yes, boss.” I said, smiling as I watched his fine ass walk toward the door and outside.

  The following week was so different from what life had been like since we came back from Sydney and moved into the house at the beach. I had to say that my life had been a pretty lazy one. But this week was the t
otal opposite. I had baby Emily for two days this week so Lynda could not only have some time for herself to paint, but also run some errands, and to be honest, I loved every minute of it. Emily seemed to be growing so fast and doing something different every time I saw her. At the moment, she appeared to have found another use for her mouth in the form of blowing raspberries. Taking great pleasure in her own little party trick, she also started rolling onto her tummy and looking around, and she loved it when Chance flopped down next to her and proceeded to lick the top of her head.

  My first shift at the clinic was pretty eventful. Very different from when I had the grand tour of the place. On that day, it was quite empty, but not today. Today, when I walked through the front door, the waiting room was packed to the rafters, mostly woman with small children and a few elderly people. Making my way through the crowd of bored, tired, and crying babies, I finally reached the entry door into the back where I swiped my ID card. I pushed it open, and the first person who greeted me was Maddie.

  “Hi, Doc, glad you could make it,” she said, smiling at me.

  “It’s pretty crowded out there,” I said, gesturing behind me with my thumb.

  “Oh, yeah. I hope you wore some comfortable footwear today because I have a feeling today is going to be a bitch,” she said, and hung a black stethoscope around my neck before tucking an arm through mine. “Come on, I’ll lead you into the lion’s den,” she laughed as we walked toward triage.

  By the time I had messaged Nick to come pick me up, I was totally exhausted. I had no idea how many patients I saw today because I totally lost count after about fifteen. They just kept bringing them, and I kept treating them before passing them on to the doctor that was in charge for that day so he could prescribe any medications that they needed. I could treat them for almost any ailments they had, but not prescribe any meds, not yet anyway. The day’s work had certainly reminded me of what a long, hard day at work was like. Nick dropped me off in front of King Security, and I made my way inside, getting into the lift and pressing the button for the penthouse for a much needed shower before going down to Nate’s office.


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