Bella's Beast

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Bella's Beast Page 2

by Bella's Beast [Evernight] (mobi)

“Yes,” she whispered and came toward him. He opened her car door and waited for her to slide in. He then got in on his side and started the car with a satisfying purr. He sped out of the club parking lot and toward his home.

  “Tell me your story.”

  “Nate, my brother, has been gambling a long time. At first, it was a little amount here and there. Enough that he could cover with his paychecks. He was a pretty well-off physician at one time. It didn’t take long, though, for him to ruin that. Eventually he was stealing from the clinic he ran and was evading the cops. That didn’t stop him from going to casinos though. And then he got really excited, he got invited to an exclusive club. He thought he’d win everything back and clean up his act.”

  “Drawing in the whale,” Elijio commented. “It’s a tactic,” he continued when she looked at him, “that loan sharks and bosses use. They see someone who loses big, and fast, and they invite them to exclusive parties. The loan sharks lend money when necessary and the bosses get a kickback. The whales keep losing, always looking for that big win, and the loan sharks and bosses get fatter. He fell for it.”

  “You don’t have to tell me my brother is stupid. I know that already,” she gritted out.

  “It is what it is. You want blue skies and puffy clouds, find someone else to save your brother. I need to know who he’s in with.”

  Bella sighed roughly, balling into her seat. “The Giuseppe brothers,” Bella whispered.

  The Giuseppe brothers only took on clients that at least made marginal winnings, enough to keep them in money, but they also only rolled with big fish. If Nate owed them then he’d spent a lot more than Bella had imagined. It was more likely that the two million was the inflation point and the true debt was more than she could ever hope to pay. The brothers probably planned on milking this family dry.

  “I know it’s bad.”

  “You have no idea,” Elijio agreed, taking the exit off the highway to head toward his estate. Situated on the city lines, it was on several thousand acres of land, plenty of open space to let his beast run free. Bella would be safe there, for the time being, but first—“Bella, I’ve got to say, that’s asking a lot, even for me. The Giuseppe brothers don’t deal in single digit millions. The amount they told you is probably just the inflation amount. I don’t know what your brother lied about to get them in his circle, but he’s deeper than you can imagine.”

  “So you won’t help me?” she asked.

  “Oh, I didn’t say that,” he said, as he streaked up the drive to his mansion. He’d help all right.

  “I’ll take care of his debt. But you will owe me for his debt.”

  “I don’t have that kind of money,” she said.

  “You didn’t have that money when you thought about asking me. And you know, from what I gather, about me enough to know that I don’t take IOUs, don’t you, Bella?”

  “Yes,” she answered, wringing her hands.

  “Then it’s simple. I pay his debt, and it becomes yours.”

  “And how will I pay you?” she asked.

  “In any way I see fit.”

  Chapter Three

  Elijio’s home towered over head as they got out of the car. Bella didn’t think her legs would hold her, but she forced her body to move. She’d gotten what she’d wanted. Her brother would be safe, but his debt was now hers. She’d already lost her job, her life, and possibly now her morals, for her brother. She swore she could hear the death tolls ringing in her ears as she walked into the dark stone mansion with gargoyles perched on top.

  She only picked up on a few things, her mind in a haze, as she stepped into the home. The ceilings were high above her, with soft lighting leading the way. The foyer was like the entrance to a cathedral, the archways painstakingly detailed. The floors were marble with runners up the hallway to silence the sounds of shoes on the floor. The lighting on the walls was understated and yet beautiful, with golden half-moon covers that pushed the light upward and out. For all its appearance as something cold, it gave a warm feeling.

  Too bad her heart didn’t feel the thaw.

  A butler, dressed smartly in black and white, took Elijio’s keys and walked out the door, even as another stepped up and asked if they would be needing refreshments. He looked like a man possibly in his forties or so, not the aged butler she would have imagined in her mind. His eyes were kind as they touched on her, but she couldn’t summon enough courage to return his small entreaty. She was too focused on the man in front of her. Her mouth went dry as Elijio declined and walked toward a large spiral staircase.

  She stared at Elijio’s broad back, so in awe that she felt her blood quickening as he moved. His muscles rolled under the black T-shirt he wore, his long legs eating up the distance in dark jeans. His attire didn’t fit the home in any way. He struck his own path. Had she lost her mind? She’d planned to do this, give herself to save her brother, but the reality was more than she bargained for. She had seen the heat in his eyes, the bulge in his pants when he’d told her how she’d pay him. She had no doubt that he would make demands on her body.

  I’d pay him, her subconscious screamed, and Bella shook her head. She had to be going crazy. She was supposed to be meeting her fate as a dutiful and honor bound sister, not an eager woman wanting the touch of a man who set her soul on fire. She tried to be the former, but her body was acting the latter. Elijio pulled a slim phone out of his back pocket as she followed him, and she heard, barely, his conversation.

  “I need Pace … Yes.” He paused with the phone to his ear. “It’s Elijio. Pace, I’ll pay the debt for Nate Thomas.” Elijio raised one eyebrow before narrowing his eyes and spoke slowly into the phone. “He’s covered. He needs to be home, in one piece and no worse than he is right now, within the hour.” He paused once more, listening into the phone. His voice, when he spoke again, was colder than ice. “Don’t make me find you, Pace. We both know that isn’t what you want.” He listened again. “Good. I’ll have the amount wired. How much? Done.” He disconnected the call and slid the phone back in his pocket.

  “Twenty million,” he said to her.

  “What?” she stammered.

  “That’s how much your brother is in for. Twenty million. I’ve taken care of it. If you need the proof, my butler will bring you the paperwork and you’ll get proof of life within the hour.”

  Bella stumbled, nearly falling, but Elijio spun and grabbed her, faster than should have been possible. She sucked in her breath, that same familiar shock twisting through her. Heat blazed over her nerve endings as she curled her fingers, gripping his biceps in confusion. No one, ever in her life, could make her lose her head like he could. His eyes dilated as he started at her, nostrils flaring as he inhaled roughly. His tongue flicked out of his mouth, as he ran it over his lips, tasting the air. God help her, but she wanted him to taste her. She gripped him harder, pulling him toward her without even realizing what she was doing until his face was close to hers. She felt heavy, her pussy throbbing with her heartbeat and her mouth going dry. She wondered what he would taste like. If his tongue would be slick and cool, or hot and damp. She wanted him. She wanted to give in. She couldn’t look away from those eyes.

  “Please,” she whimpered, not sure if she was asking for his kiss, or begging him to release his spell on her. She gasped, but before she could say anything, his mouth was on hers. His tongue slid into her lips, sliding wetly against hers. He didn’t ask, or seek, he dominated. He disentangled her arms from his biceps and made her clasp her hands up over his shoulders and behind his neck. His strong hands gripped her head, turning her head for a better fit. His lips, full and yet firm, glided over hears with masterful ease. She moaned, the juice-laced taste of his tongue making her head spin. No other part of his body other than his hands and mouth touched hers, but she felt the connection deep in her gut. Her nipples hardened, her stomach shook, and her pussy moistened. This was desire, this was lust. All thoughts of being here for payment flew from her mind.

  She co
uldn’t think of any reason not to be in his arms. It felt too right. Too explosive to ignore. She pushed against him. The rock solid shape of his abs slid against her ribcage as her breasts were crushed against his diaphragm. Again she was struck by his height, and the way he curved around her. Her touch must of triggered something because he gathered her up into his arms and lifted her off her feet. He broke the kiss and nipped her bottom lip. She swallowed convulsively as he sucked his way down the side of her throat. He bit at the pulse at the base of her throat.

  “Ah,” she cried out as he licked the sting away, only to do it again.

  This man was rearranging her, and she couldn’t fight it. She sank into him, tightening her arms around his neck and sliding her fingers into his hair.

  He growled, the sound rumbling through her as he pushed her up against a wall. The shock of the cold had her arching her back, forcing her body even closer to him. The shift rubbed his cock over her teasingly. She wrapped her legs around him on instinct and he ground his cloth-covered cock against her. Her thighs shook as she held him close and fought the urge to open wider for him. She whimpered and moaned. She thrashed against him and pulled him close. She fell under the wave of his desire as he took her mouth again in a punishing kiss. She could do nothing more than hold him tight against her. His hands left her back and traced their way to her front. He lifted enough away from her to mold her breasts, plumping them with skillful strokes.

  “That’s right, baby, give in,” he said, and his voice galvanized her. What was she doing?

  “Stop,” she said, between deep breaths. His eyes flared with something, something she couldn’t described before he stepped back, letting her fall to her feet hard enough to jar her teeth.

  “You knew what you were here for.”

  “Give me a second,” she said.

  “I did my part of the bargain, but it’s just as easy to change it. Each time you sleep with me, it’ll take a million off your debt. I’m sure this is the best paying job you’ve had in your life.” Before she could think she reached up and slapped him, the sound echoing in the hallway. Her hand stung from the impact. Elijio roared. Actually stepped back from her, crouched, and roared. The sound filled the hallway, and sending fear curling through her.

  He didn’t look like a man. His teeth were sharp, like canines, his face twisting and contorting until he didn’t look human, and his eyes snapping to gold. She screamed, frozen, until he took a step forward. She twisted away and ran back down the hallway. She slid as she reached the stairs and gripped the railing to steady her before jumping the stairs, taking two and three at a time. A butler appeared in front of her, looking harried, and she slammed into him. The jarring impact threw her onto her butt, but she scrambled, on her hands and knees, until she could get to her feet.

  “Ma’am!” the butler called, but she wasn’t listening. She had to get out. Had to get free. She raced down the foyer toward the door, her breath coming out in harsh pants. She was just at the door, right there at freedom, when a body slammed into her from behind, rolling with her as she hit the ground so she hit him instead of the hard marble floors.

  “Mine!” Elijio yelled and she screamed, coming face to face with a beast. She struggled to get out of his arms. Elijio clung, nails digging into the soft flesh at her sides. She cried out, the pain pinching her, and the nails were immediately retracted. She used his moment of slack to kick at him, hitting between his legs. He hollered, but didn’t release her. They scrambled there on the floor until the butler she’d run into grasped her shoulders with more strength than she thought possible and pulled her to her feet. The man pushed her behind him and stood against Elijio as he clambered to a stand.

  “Elijio, not like this. Not like this,” the butler whispered.

  “Mine,” Elijio answered.

  “I know, but you are scaring her. Let me take her to her room. Once you calm down, come back to her. She’ll be here.”

  “Please let me go,” Bella said.

  “Mine,” Elijio repeated, staring at her.

  “Be quiet, ma’am, please,” the butler whispered fiercely. “She’ll be here, Elijio, when you calm down, in her room. She’s not leaving. She’s yours.” The butler’s words seemed to calm Elijio enough. He took a deep breath before spinning around, away from them.

  “Go,” he ordered, his words scratchy.

  “Come on, ma’am,” the butler said, pulling her back toward the stairs. Bella struggled, but when she heard a soft growl, and Elijio turned, his face changing again, she stopped, and walked behind the butler. She followed meekly as he took her back up the stairs and took a right at the top instead of the left she and Elijio had made before. Not too far from there the butler opened a door and ushered her inside. He closed the door behind him.

  “Please help me get out.”

  “I can’t do that. My name is Richard,” the butler said, with an apologetic look in his eyes. “Just give him a chance, ma’am. He’s a good man. You can’t imagine what he’s been through. In the morning I’ll come and take you to see you brother and give you the details of the money transfer.”

  “I don’t care. Let me out of here.”

  “I’m sorry,” the butler said, shaking his head and rushed from the room. Bella followed him, and pounded on the door when she heard the heavy click of a lock. She jiggled the handle but it didn’t give. She yelled until her voice went hoarse, cried until she couldn’t anymore, and then finally flung herself on the bed in defeat.

  She had sold her soul to a beast.

  Chapter Four

  “You know better than that,” Richard said to Elijio, quietly, as he walked into his room.

  “I know that. I don’t need a damn lecture.”

  “You need something,” he valet answered back. Richard had been with him for a very long time. Or maybe it was better to say that Richard’s family had worked for him for some time. Before the witch, Richard had told him, based on family lore, Elijio had been a gentleman of great wealth and position. The Laurel family had simply stayed by his side after the curse as a matter of family honor. Elijio assumed that the witch had something to do with that. Each person in Richard’s family had longer lives than the average human, and tended to be stronger too. Elijio had no other explanation for them.

  “What do you want, Richard?”

  “You scared that girl half to death after you got her here. You haven’t had a woman within these walls in a century. Whatever deal you have with her could be ruined now.”

  “She will stay. Her brother’s life depends on it, and she knows it. She wanted to seek me out. She knew what was at stake.”

  “Does that mean you get to act the ass then, and make a claim as if you were some animal?”

  “I am an animal, Richard,” Elijio argued.

  “Oh, come off it. You are not a beast. That woman screwed you because you wouldn’t give into her demands to marry her and took her anger out on you. You have chosen to be the monster you think you are. But if you want to lose your chance at finding love and breaking the—”

  “Love?” Elijio growled. “You think I need love? I want that woman. I want her so much it’s like a bone deep ache, and the wolf in me is clamoring to help me take her. But do not confuse that with a pitiful need to have love in my life. That witch got her revenge and I’ll be this thing for the rest of my life.”

  “If that’s how you feel, Elijio, then you’re already lost,” Richard replied sadly.

  “Isn’t that obvious?”

  “No, because I saw how you lit up just having her close to you. That wolf is telling you something, but you’re just too pigheaded and angry to trust it. Do what you want then.”

  “Have her brought to my room with the proof of the transfer as soon as her brother is taken home. I want her to get the proof of life she needs.” Richard said nothing more as he backed out the door.

  This wasn’t about love. It couldn’t be. For the first hundred years of his captivity he’d searched for that
very elusive emotion. Showing himself to women who ran screaming from him. Giving himself only to be betrayed over and over again. He bore the scares of the attempts: burnt flesh on his right arm, puckered scaring from a pitchfork stabbing into his gut, scars from blades slicing into flesh, and even bullet wounds from would-be hunters. That’s was what he got from searching for love. But, in searching just to exist, he’d found money, notoriety in his own way, and safety. He was untouchable, this beast in the shadows, and he liked it that way. Far safer on his heart.

  The time ticked slowly by as he waited for Bella to be brought to his room and he kept a careful eye on the clock. At sunrise, every day until sunset, he would lose what semblance of humanity he had to the beast entirely. Before that happened he wanted to have Bella’s word that she would honor the deal, and to receive the first payment.

  God, he had never wanted a woman as much as he wanted her. Even now his cock was thick and stiff, strangled in his jeans. He wanted to rip his clothes away, and hers, and sink so deep into her pussy she wouldn’t know what it felt like without his cock inside of her. He wanted to take in that delicious summer rain scent again until he couldn’t smell anything else, and taste the honey of her lips once more. A growl rumbled in his chest as he massaged his cock through his jeans. He’d taste her, every inch of her. The fear he’d smelled on her early sickened him, but, in the next few minutes, he’d try his best to make up for it. Try his best to have her so lost to desire that she wouldn’t say no, and that she wouldn’t mind having him in her bed.

  The door clicked as Richard opened it, ushering in a droopy eyed Bella. He grimaced when he saw how red her eyes looked. She’d been crying, and he was the cause. He stood, slowly, and she flinched, but he didn’t give her a chance to pull away. He needed his hands on her, and then she would see he wouldn’t hurt her. Talking to her would do nothing. He advanced on her and pulled her into his embrace. She struggled, weakly, but he simply lifted her off the floor and carried her back to his seat. He soothed her back with long, easy strokes of his palm while Richard, tight-lipped, lay out papers on the small coffee table.


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