The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Michelle Graham

  “You look incredible,” he said, pleased at the way she blushed and lowered her eyes. Shay was tempted to say screw the dinner and take her to bed right now, but he knew Ainsley would be disappointed if they missed the Parade of Champions. So he offered Nicole his arm, and she slid her hand into it, smiling at Remy as the three of them made their way down to the banquet hall.

  Shay just hoped that dinner didn’t take too long.

  Chapter 8

  “To the best dance teacher ever!” Remy said as he lifted the glass of champagne. Nicole felt her face flood with warmth at the praise, aided by the glass she’d already finished. She clinked her glass against Remy’s and Shay’s, and then took a generous sip.

  The mood in the banquet hall was jubilant, though Nicole was sure no one’s mood could match her euphoria. Ainsley’s win had been notable, not only because it was her first time competing at the seminational competition, but because she was the first and only student representing the Collins Academy of Irish Dance. Nicole’s mood was so good, that she hadn’t resisted when Remy first brought out the bottle of champagne. It didn’t take long for the three of them to polish it off.

  “I’m going for another bottle,” Shay said as he eyed the empty one before him.

  “Oh, please,” Nicole said. “I’ve had too much already.” Well, maybe not too much, but she had a definite buzz going.

  “I’ll just get a bottle of white wine to go with the dinner,” he replied. Before Nicole could protest further, he had gone.

  Remy snaked his arm around her shoulders. “We’re going to get you drunk tonight, Miss Nicole. You’re far too serious and you deserve to let loose.”

  “And that’s your only reason for getting me liquored up?” She smiled up at his beautiful eyes, the dim light of the room turning them to sparkling black pools. Her smile faded as she lost herself in them.

  “I might have other reasons.” His warm breath against her ear sent tremors of desire through Nicole, no doubt assisted by the alcohol already in her body. A gentle kiss against her neck had her pussy throbbing in an instant, and a whimper escaped her lips. Had he really just kissed her neck? All doubts vanished when he did it again, and then nipped gently at her earlobe. It was all she could do not to grab him.

  Nicole was not a stranger to desire, but never had she been so overwhelmed by it that she felt close to losing control. As she realized that her control was slipping, she managed to pull away from Remy, shame washing over her. He was a married man, and it was one thing to daydream about him, but another thing entirely to act on the dreams. She didn’t believe that homosexuality, or bisexuality for that matter, was sinful, but she knew being unfaithful was, and with Shay out of sight, this felt a lot like cheating. Remy put his hand on her chin and turned her to face him, and their gazes locked together. He tilted his head toward her. Nicole’s heart raced out of control, the heat and dampness between her legs grew. Oh my God, he’s going to kiss me. She knew she should pull away again, but his grasp on her chin was firm and the look in his eyes said he wouldn’t be deterred again.

  “Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!” Nicole jumped as the microphone whined with feedback. She turned her attention to the stage where an older woman, the owner of one of the other dance schools, stood at a podium. “Dinner will be served soon, but before we do that, we’d just like to take the opportunity to acknowledge a few people.”

  Grateful for the excuse to move away from Remy, Nicole stared at the woman, though she didn’t hear anything being said because her mind was too busy trying to process what had happened with Remy. Had she imagined the whole incident? There had been other times when Remy’s flirting had been a little over the top, but he’d never made such a blatant pass at her. Certain that her imagination had embellished the situation, she tried to calm her pounding heart and tell her pussy that there would be nothing going on down there tonight so it could stop getting so excited.

  During the speech, Shay arrived back at the table bearing a bottle of white wine. Nicole glanced up at him briefly when he sat down, but his eyes were on Remy, and she saw a look pass between them. She started to panic a bit. Had Shay seen what she and Remy had been doing?

  Dinner was a blur, and Nicole barely tasted anything because her stomach was so tied up that she couldn’t think straight. It was a relief when dinner ended and they announced the beginning of the Parade of Champions. “Come on!” she said to Shay and Remy. “This is it!”

  Nicole jumped from her seat and headed toward the stage, but by the time she reached it, a huge tangle of people had formed in front of her and she couldn’t see. She craned her neck and stood on tiptoe, looking this way and that, but she couldn’t catch more than the tops of the dancers’ heads. Though she didn’t want to be rude, she debated just pushing her way through the crowd. A hand on her waist startled her, and she turned to see Remy behind her.

  “How about a piggyback?” he asked.

  “That’d be great!” she replied, not even considering the fact that she was wearing a short dress. Remy squatted in front of her and she jumped on his back, wrapping her legs around his waist, and her arms around his shoulders. “Shit, my dress!” she squealed when she felt it sliding high up her ass.

  “I’ve got it,” Shay said from behind her. He took hold of the hem and tugged it down, but it was so short to begin with, that Nicole knew her ass had to be hanging out. “I’ll stand right behind you. No one will see anything except me.”

  A shudder went through Nicole as his fingers slid over her butt and thighs, and she squeezed Remy tighter. In response, he gripped her legs, pulling her closer against him. Being pressed between the two of them had Nicole dizzy with longing. Thankfully, the arrival of the dancers on the stage captured her attention and she cheered wildly as Ainsley skipped along in the circle of dancers, then stood in the line at the back of the stage. They announced the younger champions first, and each took a turn on stage to show off their skills.

  “And our Girls’ under-eleven Champion, from Collins Academy, Ainsley Alexander!”

  Nicole, Remy, and Shay screamed themselves hoarse as the youngster took her turn on stage, dazzling the audience with her quick footwork. When she finished, Nicole hugged Remy tightly.

  “You can let me down now,” she said into his ear. He lowered her to the ground and she tugged her dress down. When she straightened up, both men stood side by side, facing her, and the look in their eyes made her throat go dry. “W–we c–can.” She stopped, cleared her throat, and then tried again. “We can go sit down, now.”

  Without a word, Remy held out his arm to her, and she took it. Shay took her other arm and they led her back to the table, where Nicole was glad to have a chair under her again. She drained her wineglass. Oh yeah, I’m buzzed. “Can we get more wine?” she asked Remy. If she did anything stupid, she could always blame the alcohol.

  “You know, we’ve got booze up in our room. We could make you some drinks up there.” He traced light circles on the back of her hand, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Warning bells began ringing in Nicole’s head. Two gorgeous men, alcohol, and her raging hormones spelled trouble, but as she looked from one man to the other, she decided that she’d been a good girl long enough. Maybe a little trouble was exactly what she needed.

  * * * *

  No one spoke during the elevator ride. Nicole thought if she opened her mouth she might puke, except that her stomach had been left behind when the lift began to ascend. There were others in the car, but for her, it was only the two men who mattered. There was enough room that they weren’t standing close, but she was keenly aware of their presence in the way her skin tingled and her heart pounded. When they finally reached their floor, she was glad of the long hallway. It gave her time to debate whether she really wanted to go through with this.

  Go through with what? They invited you for drinks, that’s all. It was true that neither man had spoken about their intentions. Maybe she was reading too much into the situation.
She had worried about what Shay would think of her and Remy, and at the same time, sure that she’d read desire in his eyes, too. Then there was the fact that Remy had definitely kissed her neck, and her ear. She knew she hadn’t imagined that. Before she could think about anything, they’d arrived at Shay and Remy’s suite.

  Spotting a chair at the desk, Nicole sat down and glanced around her, her eyes flitting from one item to the next without really seeing anything. She fidgeted with the hem of her dress, and wiped her hands repeatedly on her thighs. Still, no one said a word. Remy placed several bottles of liquor on the desk in front of her along with some shot glasses and the larger cups provided by the hotel. Shay turned on some music from the iPod dock beside the bed.

  Picking up one of the shot glasses, Nicole traced a finger over the design, a fleur-de-lis above the word Montreal. Simple. Elegant. They must have picked it up at one of the shops in the train station. She liked that it wasn’t the cheesy tourist fodder that she normally saw. Her father had a set of beer glasses from Ireland with big, stupid leprechauns that she’d always hated. She set it down and glanced up to find the men sitting side by side on the bed, watching her. A flush crept over her face.

  “What do you want to drink?” Shay asked.

  “Um, I’m not sure,” she replied, biting her lip. “I’m not much of a drinker.”

  With a sexy smile, Shay stood and came over to her. “My guess would be something smooth and sweet. A good Irish girl like you must be familiar with Bailey’s Irish Cream?”

  “Give her an Orgasm,” Remy suggested, his eyes twinkling in amusement.

  Nicole gasped and her jaw dropped open. Surely she hadn’t heard correctly. When she looked back at the desk, Shay was pouring some of the Bailey’s into a shot glass.

  “An Orgasm is a shot with equal parts Bailey’s and Peppermint schnapps,” he explained as he added the second liqueur. He handed her the tiny glass. She peered into it, and then took a tentative taste. “Drink the whole thing at once,” Shay instructed her. Nicole closed her eyes and poured the whole shot into her mouth, allowing it to sit for a second before swallowing. It burned, but only slightly, and she loved the taste.

  “Mmmm,” she said as she opened her eyes. “That was good.”

  Remy laughed, a sexy chuckle that made her stomach flip again. “I think she liked the Orgasm, Shay. Why don’t you give her another one?”

  “Multiple Orgasms are best,” Shay replied as he poured the second drink.

  Nicole drank the second one and then noticed that she seemed to be the only one drinking. “Aren’t you guys going to have something?”

  “Oh, I prefer a Blow Job,” Remy said.


  “An Orgasm, but with whipped cream on top,” he replied, coming over to the desk. “Shay, how about a round of Blow Jobs?”

  “Coming right up, sweetheart.”

  Nicole couldn’t help the giggle that escaped her throat as Remy grabbed Shay and kissed him.

  “Why the laughter?” Shay asked as he squirted whipped cream onto the top of the shot glass.

  “You guys are so bad,” she replied. “All this talk about orgasms and blow jobs. You’re going to corrupt me.”

  “That’s the idea.” The corner of his mouth twitched and Nicole swallowed, her body throbbing. “To do this shot, you have to put your hands behind your back, take the glass in your mouth and down it.”

  Not sure she could accomplish the task without spilling the drink all over herself, Nicole decided to at least try. She put her hands behind her back and bent over the desk. Opening her mouth as wide as she could, she lowered it over the shot glass, earning groans from the men. Closing her lips around the glass, she straightened up and let the drink pour into her throat. Her head spun and when Shay took the glass from her, she held up her hand. “I’ve had enough. I’m pretty drunk.”

  “Would you like to dance?” Remy asked her. A slow song had just started. “We didn’t stay downstairs long enough, and I’d like to dance with the prettiest girl here before the evening’s done.”

  If she continued to blush like this, Nicole was sure her face would melt off from the heat. “Did you want to go back down?”

  He closed his eyes for a moment while a smile tugged the corner of his lips. Then he shook his head and pulled her close. She caught her breath when she felt the hard bulge pressing into her stomach. He locked eyes with her. “I want to go down, but I can do that right here.”

  Before she had a chance to process his words, he’d lowered his face to hers, their lips barely an inch apart. Nicole’s heart pounded and everything in her core tightened in anticipation. He was going to kiss her, right here, right in front of Shay, and she wouldn’t stop him. She wanted it too badly. His breathing was just as ragged as hers, but he didn’t close that gap, as though waiting for something.

  “Kiss her.” Shay’s voice, low and commanding, spoke from behind her, but she didn’t have a chance to think about it, because that seemed to be what Remy was waiting for.

  Warm, and wet, his lips moved with aching slowness against hers, and Nicole lost herself to the sensation, the passion consuming her. One of the rare times she’d gone to a party in high school, Nicole had been talked into playing spin the bottle. She had ended up kissing Brandon Cooper. It had been wet and sloppy and had convinced Nicole that she didn’t really enjoy kissing. But Brandon Cooper couldn’t kiss the way Remy could. His touch made her tremble, and she wove her fingers into his hair, holding his head to hers, never wanting the embrace to end.

  “My turn,” said Shay. Remy released her and turned her to face his husband. Shay’s kiss was just as passionate, but contained more urgency. He gripped her hair and tilted her head back, crushing his lips to hers, invading her mouth with his tongue. When he moved his lips to her neck, she was left gasping for air. Nicole’s entire body was on fire, the throbbing between her legs begged for relief, and she wanted nothing more than to have the two men help her take care of it.

  Two men? A flash of rational thought found its way into Nicole’s head. “Wait,” she said. Shay’s lips continued to roam over her throat, and Remy’s hands caressed her back. “Stop. Please, Shay, just stop!” She managed to get her hands between them and pushed against his chest. “Stop!”

  Chapter 9

  They backed away, all three of them breathing hard. “I–I—” Nicole took a deep breath and then tried again. “I don’t understand what’s happening.”

  “Sit down,” Shay said, and Nicole did it without hesitation. He and Remy sat beside each other on the bed again. “Nicole, we both find you incredibly attractive. I’m sure you’ve never had a threesome before, but we’d love it if you would join us in bed.”

  Well, that left no doubt in Nicole’s mind about what was happening. The question was, did she want it to happen? Stupid question. You know you want them. She tried to ignore the part of her brain speaking on behalf of her libido for a moment. “And then what?” she finally asked.

  Remy reached out to touch her, but she backed as far away as the chair would allow. “Please, I can’t think properly when you touch me.” Disappointment flashed across Remy’s face, but he lowered his hand.

  “We would like to try having a relationship,” Shay said. “We want more than just one night, and I’m sure you’re not used to that either.”

  “I’ve never had any relationships, let alone one with two guys. This is overwhelming.” She gave her head a shake, trying to clear the last of the lust that fogged it. “And I guess this means you’re not gay?”

  “Bisexual,” Remy said. “Though when we fell in love, we made the choice.”

  “Bisexual. Right.”

  “Nicole, when you say you haven’t had any relationships, do you mean you’re still a virgin?” Shay asked, and Remy’s eyes widened.

  She nodded as her body heated in embarrassment. “I know it’s weird for someone my age, but I never had time for boys. No one ever really caught my attention because I was too
focused on dancing.”

  “So the thought of two men at once would definitely be intimidating,” Shay said. “We didn’t realize that.”

  “It’s not that I don’t want you,” she whispered. “I’m just kind of confused.”

  “Then let’s take it slower,” Remy suggested. “Tonight was our first date. Do you want to go back to your room yet, or stay a bit longer?”

  Looking from one man to the other, Nicole was grateful to have been given a graceful way out of the predicament. But she wasn’t sure she was ready to leave just yet. “I don’t mind staying a bit. We could talk, or maybe…” Heat suffused her body as she remembered their kisses.

  Remy and Shay smiled at each other, and slid apart, patting the space between them. Nicole sat between them. “Do you want to just make out?” Remy asked as he stroked her hair. “If you’ve never dated, then you’ve missed out on a lot.”

  “I think I’d like that,” she replied, leaning closer to him, and tilting her face up. He lowered his head and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

  “You two get started and I’ll order coffee,” Shay said as he stood.

  Remy broke the kiss for a moment. “Okay.” Then he wrapped his arms more fully around her before bringing his lips to hers again.

  Had she known how great kissing could be, she might have been tempted to do more of it earlier in her life. Nicole sighed as Remy’s lips moved with hers, teaching her. Though he was gentle and tender, he reignited the flames burning low in her abdomen. She couldn’t help but press herself closer to him, savoring the taste of him, memorizing the way he smelled. How long she was lost in his embrace, she didn’t know. She only knew she wanted to stay there.


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