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The Stylist, His Dom, and Their Dancer [Hedon Falls 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 7

by Michelle Graham

  At a knock on the door, they broke apart, and Nicole noticed Shay sitting in the chair, watching her and Remy, and a thrill raced through her at the thought of him seeing those intimate moments.

  “Answer the door, Remy,” Shay said. “I need to spend some time with Nicole.” He patted his legs, and she went over to sit on his lap. Wrapping his arms around her waist and pinning her hands behind her back, he pressed her against his chest and claimed her mouth. Head reeling, Nicole melted into him and opened her mouth to his onslaught. He was so much more demanding than Remy. The contrast was exciting. Shay pulled back from her mouth and buried his face against her neck, nipping and sucking at the skin.

  “Oh, God!” Nicole cried as his teeth sank into her, sending an unexpected jolt of pleasure through her. He slid one hand down to her ass, squeezing it, and kneading it, eliciting whimpers and moans from her. His erection pressed into her thigh, and it gave her a thrill to know that he was just as excited as she was. Never before had her pussy been so wet. Sure she was leaving a wet spot on his lap, she attempted to pull away from him.

  “What’s wrong?” he growled into her ear before sliding his tongue around the outer curve.

  “I’m so wet!” she gasped. “It’ll get all over you.” His mouth was relentless, never letting up his exploration of her.

  “Let me feel,” he whispered, sliding his hand to her thigh and up to the hem of her dress.

  The touch of his fingers against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh sent waves of pleasure straight to her pussy, and she opened her legs more, hardly believing it when he slipped his hand right up to the top of her legs, hovering just over her mound. But he didn’t close the gap.

  “Do you want me to touch you?” Shay asked. “Do you want my fingers in your cunt?”

  She wasn’t sure what shocked her more, his language, or her undeniable response to it. “Yes,” she breathed. So much for taking it slower. These men had her so worked up, she was ready for just about anything.

  “Yes, what?” Shay asked.

  “Yes, I want your fingers in my…” She hesitated.

  “Cunt,” he said, looking her directly in the eye. “Tell me.”

  Taking a deep breath, she tried again. “Yes, I want your fingers in my cunt.”

  His mouth claimed hers again as he moved his hand to her pussy, causing her body to shake beneath his touch. She thrust her hips forward to meet his fingers and nearly slipped off his lap. Taking his hand away, he slipped an arm under her knees and stood up, his lips glued to hers as he carried her to the bed and laid her down in the middle of it. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”

  Nicole watched him walk into the bathroom, removing his suit jacket and tie as he went. Rolling to her side, she rested her head on her hand so she could see better. A tray with a coffee carafe, two mugs, cream, and sugar sat on the table on the far side of the room. Remy sat in a chair holding the third mug, anticipation in his eyes. When Shay came out of the bathroom and looked toward the bed, he froze.

  “I told you not to move.”

  Nicole’s mouth went dry at his tone and as he stalked toward her he looked almost dangerous. Her heart raced, the combination of hormones and adrenaline twisting her stomach in knots. She didn’t know what to say. Shay had reached the bed and he climbed up, kneeling over her.

  “Something you’ll need to learn about me, Nicole, is that I like to give orders. And when I give orders, I expect them followed.”

  “What happens if they’re not?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

  “For today, I’ll let it go,” he replied. “But I would normally spank your ass till it glowed red.”

  For a moment, Nicole couldn’t breathe. Had he really said he would spank her? Before she could think about it anymore, he pinned her hands above her head, kissed her again, and she forgot about it as his hand returned to her inner thigh. On instinct, she spread her legs further apart, making room for the hand wandering closer to her pussy. She cried out again when his fingers brushed her lips through the soaked satin thong she wore.

  “You certainly are wet,” he said. He tugged the fabric to the side, exposing her slit to the air, and she moaned softly. He ran his fingers up and down over her bare lips before slipping one in between and grazing her clit. Stars exploded in front of her eyes at the intense pleasure and her cries became more ragged. But he moved his finger further down, probing between her slick folds until he reached her hole, and then he pushed it inside of her. She felt a small twinge of pain, but it was quickly replaced by pleasure as he began to thrust the finger in and out of her. She had never imagined something like this would feel so good.

  “Do you like that?” he asked.

  “Yes! Oh, God, yes!” she cried.

  He added another finger to the first, and Nicole felt it stretching her open. “You’re so tight,” he whispered. “I can’t wait to get my cock in your tight little cunt.”

  His words were doing strange things to her, and an unfamiliar pressure built deep inside of her. As he continued to fuck her with his fingers, he pressed his thumb against her clit and she cried out, becoming increasingly louder as the pleasure pushed her higher, and higher. “Look at me, Nicole. I want you to look in my eyes when you come.”

  The urge to close her eyes was great, but she held his gaze as his fingers worked ever faster between her legs. Something within her coiled tighter and tighter, until it snapped. She screamed as she looked into Shay’s eyes, her cunt clenching around his fingers, the spasms completely out of her control. Her entire body quivered as he held his hand unmoving and pressed against her.

  “Oh my God, oh my God,” she cried, over and over. “What the hell was that?”

  Shay pressed his lips to hers again. “That, my dear, was an orgasm.”

  “Holy shit.”

  He chuckled, and then withdrew his fingers, leaving her with an empty feeling. To her shock, he lifted the fingers to his lips and licked her juices off them, eyes never leaving hers. Then he kissed her again, and she could taste the tangy, slightly salty flavor on his tongue. When the kiss ended, he pulled her into the circle of his arms, where she snuggled closer, molding her back to his body. Remy slid onto the bed in front of her, sandwiching her between them. He and Shay shared a kiss over Nicole’s head, and she smiled at them as she drifted into a blissful sleep.

  * * * *

  Knocking woke Nicole. She lifted her head to see Remy beside her, sound asleep, and a smile played over her lips as she remembered the events of the previous night. She could feel stirring behind her, and she turned to see Shay just beginning to wake up. He grinned at her and bent to kiss her.

  “Dad? Papa? Are you in there?” More knocking.

  “Oh my God,” Nicole said. “Should she see me here?” She scrambled off the bed, thankful that she was still dressed, though she had to adjust her panties and tug the bottom of her dress down. Remy stood and went to the door, opening it to let Ainsley and his parents into the room.

  “Miss Nicole!” Ainsley cried, running over to give her a hug. “What are you doing in here?”

  Nicole looked up, at a loss for words. She saw Remy’s mother with a raised eyebrow and his father had a knowing smirk on his face. Maybe she’d be lucky and the earth would swallow her up.

  “We were hanging out here and just ended up falling asleep,” Remy replied to Ainsley while he winked at Nicole.

  “We were just coming to see if you’d like to join us for breakfast,” Mrs. Alexander said.

  “That sounds perfect,” said Shay, rising from the bed behind Nicole. “Just give us a chance to clean up and change. We fell asleep in our clothes.”

  “Then you’re doing something wrong,” Mr. Alexander said with a snort, earning him an elbow from his wife. “We’ll go wait in the lobby. Don’t be long!” He shook a warning finger in their direction.

  After the door closed behind Ainsley and her grandparents, Nicole sank down on the end of the bed. Shay sat beside her and kiss
ed her, and then Remy did the same.

  “Do your parents know?” Nicole whispered to Remy.

  “They have ideas,” Remy said.

  “Does this make me your girlfriend?” she asked, ducking her head into his shoulder so she wouldn’t have to look at him. The whole situation was so confusing. She wanted them, and got a thrill at the idea of being theirs.

  “Do you want it to?” Shay asked. He took hold of her chin and guided her eyes to his again. Nicole remembered staring into those eyes as he brought her to orgasm and blushed. He was so intense. Remy’s lighthearted manner made the perfect complement. They were like two sides of the same coin.

  “I’d like that,” Nicole replied.

  “Good.” Shay kissed her again, and then stood. “Why don’t you head back to your room, shower, and change? We’ll pick you up in twenty minutes.”

  She nodded, kissed Remy, and then headed next door to her own room. She moved in autopilot, unable to stop thinking about the two men who had suddenly become such an important part of her world. Her first boyfriends. Her first real kisses. Her first orgasm. It was definitely a good thing she hadn’t met anyone like them when she was younger or she couldn’t have maintained the focus she needed to earn her world title.

  She had just finished pulling on her jeans when they knocked on the door. She put her shoes on, grabbed her purse, and then went out into the hall. Shay took one hand and Remy took the other, and they made their way downstairs. When they got to the lobby and Ainsley spotted them, she jumped out of her seat and bolted to them, stopping short when she saw their hands entwined. She stared at them for a moment, and then up at Nicole, as a huge smile broke out on her face.

  “Miss Nicole! You’re holding hands with my dads!” she said as they reached her.

  “I am.”

  Ainsley hugged her tightly. “Are you going to be my mom?”

  Nicole suddenly felt like she’d been kicked in the stomach. She couldn’t breathe. Mom? Her? How did she respond to that?

  “Whoa, kiddo,” Remy said. “Don’t go jumping the gun. Miss Nicole is just going to be spending some more time with us and we’ll see how things go. Okay?”

  The little girl nodded happily and they made their way to the restaurant while Nicole struggled to process the conversation. She’d been so caught up in her own physical needs that she’d forgotten that Shay and Remy didn’t come into this relationship by themselves. They had a child, a girl who desperately wanted a mother. What if things didn’t work out? Ainsley would be crushed, and Nicole could never forgive herself.

  When they reached the restaurant door, Shay held Nicole back for a moment and waved the others inside. He led her off to a little alcove. “What’s wrong?”

  His ability to sense when something was bothering her was a bit unnerving. “Ainsley,” she whispered.

  “Don’t panic about what she said,” Shay said. “We’ll have a talk with her.”

  “But Shay, what if things don’t work out for us? She’ll be devastated. I don’t know if we should be doing this.”

  He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “We’ll handle it. If we don’t try, we won’t know if this will work or not.”

  “But that’s something much more…permanent. Will you—”

  Placing his finger against her lips, Shay bent and kissed her forehead. “We talked about this for a long time before deciding to approach you. It’s not something we’re taking lightly. Please, just trust us.”

  Looking into his eyes, Nicole knew that she trusted them absolutely. When she nodded, he smiled and kissed her. She could definitely get used to being kissed all the time. When they entered the restaurant, Remy looked up at them, a question in his eyes. Shay gave him the thumbs up and he smiled. They sat down, and soon everyone was talking and laughing and enjoying each other’s company.

  Just like a family, Nicole thought as hope filled her heart.

  Chapter 10

  When Nicole arrived home late that night, she stumbled right upstairs to her bed. The train ride had been long, and the weekend so busy that she was exhausted. Remy and Shay had dropped her off with a kiss and a promise to call her, and then they featured heavily in her dreams.

  In the morning, Nicole woke to the sound of the phone ringing. She got out of bed and began gathering her things for the bathroom when there was a knock on her door.

  “Come in!” she called.

  Her mother entered, holding the phone out to her.

  “Who is it?”

  “Remy.” Nicole grinned and took the phone.

  “Hi,” she said breathlessly, shooing her mother out the door.

  “Hey, sexy,” he replied, and she giggled. “We’d like to take you out on Friday night. Dinner, and a movie back at our place.”

  “That sounds great.”

  “We’ll pick you up at seven o’clock.”

  They chatted for a few more minutes before Nicole hung up and headed into the bathroom. When she’d showered and dressed, she made her way down to the kitchen where her mother was chopping vegetables.

  “Morning, Mom!” Nicole said. She grabbed some bread and popped it in the toaster, then brewed herself a cup of coffee. When she sat down to eat breakfast, her mother abandoned the veggies and sat with her. They chatted about the weekend, and Nicole showed her the pictures of Ainsley that she’d taken on her phone. A couple of times, when she looked up, she caught her mother studying her thoughtfully, but didn’t think anything of it.

  After finishing breakfast, Nicole worked, updating her website with her Champion’s picture, and responding to the slew of emails from well-wishers. Then she started looking into hotels and flights to Ireland for the Worlds in April, hardly able to believe that she was heading back.

  The rest of the week passed in a blur. Nicole saw Remy and Shay at the studio when they brought Ainsley for lessons, but never managed to spend much time with them. She settled for quick kisses and hugs, all the while anticipating Friday’s date.

  When Friday afternoon arrived, Nicole spent a lot of time picking out an outfit, finally deciding on a black skirt and emerald-green silk blouse. She liked the way the shirt brought out the color of her eyes. She was in the process of painting her nails when there was a knock on the bedroom door.

  “What’re you getting ready for?” her mother asked, looking around at the clothes strewn everywhere.

  “I’m going for dinner tonight with—” Nicole broke off. She couldn’t tell her parents about her relationship, not with the way they felt about nontraditional families. So she settled for a variation of the truth. “With Ainsley’s family.” She just didn’t mention that Ainsley would be at her grandparents’ house and not at dinner. “Did I tell you that they’re going to pay for my ticket to Ireland for the Worlds?” Maybe distraction would help.

  “That’s very generous,” her mother said. “What time will you be home?”

  Nicole bit her lip. If things went well, she planned to be out very late. “I don’t know, Mom. We’re going to watch a movie afterward and just hang out for a bit.” Her mother nodded, opened her mouth as though to say something, and then closed it again. She left Nicole to finish getting ready.

  At seven o’clock, Nicole stood waiting at the door. She didn’t want either of the men to have to come to the door, and when she saw the car pull up outside, she yelled good-bye to her family and then bounced out the door. When she got there, Remy was standing beside the passenger door, holding it open for her. He tried to lean in for a kiss but she ducked under his arm and sat down. After closing the door behind her, he slid into the backseat.

  “Before you ask,” Nicole said. “I can’t let my family know about this. They’re ultra-Catholic and are already convinced you’re condemned to hell, so if I can avoid any conflict, that would be good.” She looked over at Shay, who sat behind the wheel. It was dark, but she thought she saw a muscle twitching in his jaw.

  “You have to tell your family, Nicole,” he said. “Even if we’re discreet, pe
ople will figure out what’s going on and then your parents will hear some distorted version of the truth from the gossip mill.”

  “But we don’t even know what’s going on! What am I supposed to tell them other than that we’re hanging out? Hey, Mom, Dad, I’m seeing someone, and not only is he married, but he’s married to another man. And by the way, I’m seeing him, too. Yeah, that would go over really well.”

  Shay yanked the steering wheel to the right, and hit the brakes, causing the seat belt to snap tight across Nicole’s chest. “Ow! What the fuck are you doing?”

  When he turned toward her, his eyes blazed with anger, and Nicole braced herself for the yelling. To her surprise, Shay’s voice went quiet, though it shook. “If you don’t want to do this, I’ll drive you home right now and we can just forget about it.”

  Taken aback, Nicole could only sit with her mouth hanging open. “I—”

  “You’re not the only one with things at stake here, Nicole. If Remy and I are willing to take the risk, then you’ve got to be able to stand up for what you want. For what you believe.” He closed his eyes for a moment, and when he looked at her again, it was tender. He reached out and pushed a strand of her hair behind her ear, and then stroked her cheek. “You won’t be alone. You’ll have us.”

  Tears welled in her eyes. He was right and she was a selfish bitch. There was no way her parents would react well to this news, but this love was worth it. After fumbling briefly with her seatbelt, she took it off and reached out for Shay, pressing her lips to his while he held her hands. “I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry.”

  “I want this to work,” he said.

  “Me, too.”

  “And if you two don’t mind, I’d like to have dinner,” Remy said from the backseat.

  * * * *

  Shay watched as Remy and Nicole laughed and joked through dinner. He had brought them to his restaurant, Oracle, in an attempt to impress Nicole. It was a little juvenile, he knew, but he was desperate to keep her in their lives. Now that he’d become accustomed to the idea, he wasn’t ready to give up on it. He’d forgotten how good it could feel to be with a woman, and as he remembered her soft body molded to his, and the look on her face while he brought her to orgasm, his cock hardened. He shifted in his seat, thinking that it would be nice if he had the easygoing personality that Remy did. Shay was no good with small talk, or banter, but he liked to watch people.


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