Claiming Olivia II

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Claiming Olivia II Page 5

by Olson, Yolanda

  But one question still lingered as I slid my hand into his boxers; would I enjoy it?

  Mitch pulled me down to him and kissed me as I used my hands on his erection. He always told me that I was a “wizard” with my hands and he loved when I touched him. I admit that I enjoyed having that power over him. Having him vulnerable in my hands and loving every second of it was extremely liberating.

  I watched his face as he looked at me, eyes burning with desire at my simple touch, and I carefully pulled his boxers off, allowing his erection to spring free of its restraint. I gripped his hard cock firmly with every intention of putting it in into my mouth (another favorite of his) when he reached for me and began to pull my panties off. I helped him shove them the rest of the way off and let them fall to the floor.

  “You can suck my dick later if you want. Get on. Now,” he said in a voice husky with wanton desire.

  I did as he asked; I straddled Mitch and I slid him deep inside of me. He gasped and closed his eyes as I started to move up and down gently on top of him, rotating my hips a bit with each lowering of my body further onto his. I wasn’t sure when the last time was that Mitch had had sex and to be honest, if it was while I was with Alejandro, I couldn’t be angry. No matter how badly I wanted to be, I just couldn’t. I could chalk it up to that lame ‘being on a break’ excuse and let it go.

  “Faster, Liv,” he breathed through clenched teeth.

  I leaned down to put my hands on his shoulders for support and he gripped my hips tightly, letting his strong fingers dig into my flesh. That was a sure fire sign that he wanted me to stop moving back and forth and start bouncing quickly on his dick, so I did.

  For each time that I crashed down onto him, he would ram himself up causing me to moan. But I think it was when he held me just above him and moved himself up and down with such a fierceness that I completely forgot about everything else around us. Hell, he could have left the windows open and I probably wouldn’t have given two shits in this moment. He held me stationary a few inches above him and kept ramming up into me until my body started to tremble with my impending orgasm. I grabbed my own nipples and started to tug on them increasing the ever-growing ecstasy I was feeling.

  But something happened that had never happened with Mitch before. He stopped thrusting into me for a moment and turned me over so that my face was buried in the throw pillow and he pushed into me from behind, filling me fuller than I thought possible. Mitch’s normal thing was: one position, beginning to end. Either you or I will cum and then we’re done.

  I closed my eyes tightly and grunted when he gripped a fistful of hair and arched me back toward him. Another first. Mitch moved hard inside of me and the harder and faster he slammed, the more my body started to react. I reached underneath myself and started to furiously rub my clit, matching his frantic pace, because I could feel my orgasm coming and it was rapidly approaching its peak.

  I wanted to see if, for once, I could beat him to it and he didn’t seem to have an issue with that. The more I rubbed the harder he pushed, almost like he actually wanted me to cum before he did.

  A few more of his steady movements inside of me was all it took for my body to tighten up before I started to shake and felt myself start to cum. The fireworks on the Fourth of July couldn’t possibly compare to the explosion taking place inside me at the time. I spiraled down and around, time and time again, as he continued his glorious assault on my pussy.

  “Oh God, Mitch!” I screamed out as he pulled out of me and I felt his seed start to squirt onto my ass and lower back, leaving a heated trail in its wake.

  He was breathing heavy for a moment, before he slapped the side of my thigh and laughed, effectively pushing me over onto my side.

  “That was fun, don’t you think?” he asked.

  I laughed and closed my eyes after rolling my eyes at him; for the first time after sex with Mitch, I was exhausted. I opened my eyes for a moment and let them focus, before I pushed my hair out of my eyes and glanced at the time. I wasn’t sure how long that took but it was definitely longer than three minutes.

  After a moment of lying motionless on the couch, I pushed myself up and went into the bathroom where I grabbed a washcloth and ran it under warm water. I washed myself off while Mitch stood there cleaning his dick and watching me perform my own cleaning ritual.

  “Hey Livie?” he asked.


  I turned to look at him just in time for him to whack me in the face with his cock before he ran off laughing into the living room.

  As long as he doesn’t get drunk and apprehensive, I think this could work again, I thought laughing and tossing my washcloth into the hamper.


  It was the midnight release of a game that Mitch and I had been excited about for a few days. We arrived an hour and a half before the gaming store in the mall opened and he stood in line patiently, while I went to get our pre-order information. Inside the store was another small line and as I got in the back of it, I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket. I pulled it out and smiled; the one person I had been wanting to hear from, the same person I had sent the picture of the Spanish skyline too, had finally responded.

  That’s super pretty! Sorry it took so long to answer. I’ve got a sick one here.

  I raised an eyebrow. I wondered what kind of sick was meant, but I also didn’t want to pry, so instead I just sent back an “I’m sorry” and put my phone away when it vibrated again.

  It’s okay. Don’t worry about us. You have enough on your plate I would imagine. Let me know what you decide. :)

  I smiled softly and replied saying that I would. Friends like this were hard to come by and I wanted nothing more than for them to be okay but the illness wouldn’t be mentioned if it wasn’t serious. I sighed unhappily and put my phone back into my pocket.

  “Excuse me, miss?”

  I glanced up and saw that one of the employees was free at the register and waiting for me.

  “Sorry about that,” I mumbled, reaching into my right jeans pocket and pulling out the receipt that confirmed the pre-order.

  “Not a problem!” he replied cheerfully as he read the receipt then turned his attention back to the register.

  A few clicks and clacks on his keyboard later and he handed me back the receipt along with some kind of raffle ticket.

  “What’s this?” I asked curiously, holding up the burnt orange colored ticket.

  “Oh, it’s for when you’re waiting in line. We’ll be giving away some random stuff to make the wait more bearable,” he explained with a laugh.

  I laughed as I turned and walked out of the store. I made my way down the row of people until I found Mitch leaning against the wall with his hands in his pockets.

  “Look! Raffle ticket fun!” I exclaimed holding it up.

  “What’s that about?” he asked with a grin.

  “Apparently so we don’t riot while waiting in line,” I said with a shrug.

  With an understanding nod, he pulled me close to him and wrapped his arms around me. I closed my eyes and smiled, feeling my phone vibrate in my pocket, but knowing better than to pull it out and answer it.

  Those two never got a long; Mitch and the person awaiting my reply. If I pulled my phone out now and he read who I was talking to, the entire thing would be off and my choice would be made for me.

  But would it be so bad? To live the life of a world traveler with a young, gorgeous Spaniard who wanted nothing more than for me to love him?

  I wasn’t sure yet and I didn’t want to jeopardize what could potentially turn back into the greatest and only love story I had ever been a part of.

  Mitch in his own way was my Romeo and I was his Juliet. I loved him before and I felt like I loved him still.

  The line started to move and Mitch let go of me. I moved in front of him and he put his hands on my hips, resting his chin on top of my head. One of the guys from the game store came out and started calling off raffle ticket numbers. I ha
d one of the winners and Mitch went to get our prize; a poster of the new game.

  Fifteen minutes later we had the game in our hand and we were walking out of the mall when my phone vibrated again. A second text with no response meant that something bad was happening and I had to find out what so when we got to the car I told Mitch I was going to stand outside and have a cigarette. He nodded and got into the car to warm it back up.

  I walked toward the back of the car and lit my cigarette. As I slid my lighter into my back pocket, I pulled the phone out and checked my messages.

  Liv, I know you just got back to America, but I need you.

  Please? Is there any way you can come? It’s only getting worse and I need my best friend.

  I sent a message back. I asked for just a little more time and I would sell my soul if I had to, to be able to fly to where I needed to go. My friends were my life and no one should have to go through what was happening alone.

  I turned around and glanced at Mitch who was patiently sitting in the car, before I turned my attention back to my phone.

  She’s going to kill me for this, I thought finding Sofia’s phone number and hitting the call button.

  “Hello?” she asked in a thick voice after five rings.

  “I need you to go with me somewhere,” I said quietly.

  “Olivia, it’s one in the fucking morning,” she grumbled.

  “I know but ... It’s important. Call Cassidy and see if she can come too. We’re needed and unfortunately, the way it sounds, we should probably pack black clothes,” I replied softly.

  Sof stayed quiet for a moment. I could tell that she immediately caught on to what I was saying.

  “I’ll call Cass right now. Just try to finish up what you’re doing with Mitchell so we can get him and Alejandro together. I hate to do this, but by the end of the week, I want you all back in my living room with your mind made up,” she said before she hung up the phone.


  Mitch and I had stayed up til two in the morning playing the new game. He had to go to work the next morning and I had to get on the phone with my best friend as soon as possible to find out what the hell was going on.

  The incessant phone calls on my end were never answered though. I knew there would only be one reason for it, so I immediately called Sofia.

  “We have to go now,” I said urgently. “Did you get ahold of Cassidy?”

  “Yeah, she said she’s game but Olivia if we leave today this is going to be extremely expensive,” she warned.

  Fuck. She was right. I sat there quietly for a moment racking my brain, before I sighed.

  “I’ve got it taken care of. Just grab Cass and get over here asap.”

  I flipped through my contacts again like a madwoman until I came to Alejandro’s name. With as much as I hated to do this, it was a dire situation and I needed his help.

  “Hola,” he answered cheerfully.

  “Hey. I need to ask you for a really shitty favor,” I said in a small voice.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.

  “I need three round trip tickets to Greece.”

  “Greece?” he asked curiously.

  “Yes. If you can’t help me just let me know. I already feel like shit for asking you,” I replied miserably.

  “Olivia, I told you that I would always do my best to make you happy and if this is what you need, then I will provide. Just tell me what airport you are leaving from and I will make my way there,” he replied kindly.

  I started to cry. I couldn’t help it. Alejandro was such a good man that he didn’t even question why I was about to blow through a few thousand of his dollars.

  “Thank you,” I managed to say between my sobs. I took a deep breath and managed to tell him what airport would be best and he said he was on his way.

  I managed to quickly scribble a note for Mitch explaining where I had gone and why. I also promised him that I would come back as soon as possible and then this would be all over. My decision will have been made.

  Ten minutes later Sofia pulled into the parking lot with Cassidy and I ran out to the car and jumped into the backseat. I knew that Sof still had some of my clothes which she confirmed as she backed out and hauled ass to the airport.

  Five minutes after we got there Alejo pulled walked through into the main terminal. He smiled widely when he saw Cassidy and they hugged each other before he said his hellos to Sofia and then came over and took me into his arms.

  “American Airlines is going that way today. I checked before Sofia picked me up,” Cassidy said leading the way to the ticket counter.

  We waited in line for the longest twenty minutes of my life before we approached the counter and I told the lady where we needed to go. She punched the information into the computer before she looked up.

  “That’ll be $2,942.37,” she said.

  Alejo pulled his wallet out of his back pocket and handed her his black American Express card.

  Before she swiped it she got our information and then had Alejo sign the receipt once everything was confirmed.

  We walked away from the counter, tickets and carry-on bags on hand toward the security check point.

  But before we went through, I dropped my bag and turned to face him. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and pulled him down to me, giving him the most passionate kiss I ever gave anyone.

  “Thank you so much. You have no idea what this means to me,” I whispered, pulling away just a breath from his lips.

  “You’re welcome, Princesa,” he whispered back. “I await your return and hope that all goes well.”

  I ran a hand gently down the side of his face and smiled before I picked up my bag and followed Sofia and Cassidy through the check point.


  As soon as we landed we were greeted by her. Cassidy explained that after she checked the available flights for the day she also psycho dialed Marley to let her know we were coming.

  I ran over to her and wrapped her in a tight hug to which she answered with miserable sobs. Please let him be okay, I silently prayed.

  “How are you holding up?” I asked pulling away from her.

  “Not good,” she replied in her soft voice, wiping the tears away from her eyes. Sofia and Cassidy each stepped forward to give her a hug before she led us out of the airport toward a waiting SUV.

  “What’s going on?” I asked her carefully.

  “He had a heart attack. I don’t know why it happened, Livie; he’s always been healthy,” she replied breaking into tears again.

  I put my arm around her shoulder and she cried into my shoulder.

  “He’s very tall too though,” Sofia said thoughtfully. “And from what we’ve seen in pictures he looks like he could be a muscle competitor. I hate to say this Mars, but it was bound to happen. The heart can only take so much before it decides to give up.”

  I gave Sofia a dirty look. I knew she was only trying to help but she could’ve worded that differently.

  “I know,” Marley replied. “I just thought I would have more time with him. I loved him so much.”

  “Loved?” Cassidy asked curiously.

  Marley sat up and used both of her hands to wipe the tears away as she nodded.

  “Gabrien died this morning,” she whispered.


  We rode in shocked silence all the way back to Marley’s home. I didn’t have the words to properly tell her how sorry I was, especially since she knew that I had two healthy, alive men fighting for my affection.

  The SUV pulled up into a large driveway and stopped in front of what I could only describe as a mansion. The driver got out of the car and opened our door to let us out. Marley hopped out first and waited in patient sadness as we grabbed our bags and followed her into her home.

  We were greeted by a little boy and a little girl, obviously twins that were excited to meet “Mama’s friends” and looked absolutely nothing like her.

  So this is what he looked like, I thought to myself pi
cking up the little boy. I had never met Gabrien even though Mars was my best friend because I was too wrapped up in Mitchell to care about anything else. Now I regretted it so deeply that tears stung my eyes as I looked into the little boy’s face.

  “Markos. Alexa. Go outside with your Yaya. You can play with your aunts later,” Marley said grabbing the little boy from my arms and setting him down.

  They smiled mischievously as they held hands and ran out into the backyard.

  “Yaya?” I asked curiously.

  “Grandmother. His mom is outside just staring into the sky wondering how this could have happened,” she replied quietly, crossing her arms across her chest.

  I nodded and Marley took our bags. She said she would take them to the guest rooms (yes; this house was so big it had guest rooms) and that we could settle in after we met his family. Sofia and Cassidy followed Marley, but I stood there and glanced at all of the pictures in the opulent living room. One in particular caught my attention. It was of Marley leaning against an extraordinary handsome man and both were smiling with such genuine happiness that I felt like my heart was being ripped out.

  I walked over and stared at the picture that was hanging on the wall and stared at him. This was Gabrien; the love of Marley’s life that saved her from such an abusive relationship and loved her with the big heart that gave out too soon.

  He was gorgeous to say the least. Light green eyes, black shiny hair, and one of the strongest faces I had ever seen. Marley looked so out of place in the picture with all her tattoos on her arms, the new chest piece she must’ve gotten in Greece and her short blonde, wild hair. The size difference was so apparent even though they were sitting that I smiled briefly. But they looked like they were so in love and so happy that I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous.


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