Thriller : The Killer - Friend and enemies: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller, Murder) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery, Serial Killer, crime)

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Thriller : The Killer - Friend and enemies: (Mystery, Suspense, Thriller, Suspense Crime Thriller, Murder) (ADDITIONAL BOOK INCLUDED ) (Suspense Thriller Mystery, Serial Killer, crime) Page 1

by Matt Troy


  The Killer:

  Friends and enemies

  Matt Troy


  Copyright © 2016 Matt Troy

  All rights reserved.

  Table Of Content



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2


  Free Book


  Copyright 2016

  All Right Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.



  No sooner had the words escaped my mouth than I was once more mentally kicking myself. Great. After a bollocking like that there was no way the guy was going to do anything but refuse to either see or speak to me again. This was going to make this shadowing thing bloody tricky. I irritably pushed my hair out of my eyes and tried to fight the urge to sigh. One of these days I was going to remember about this little mission I was on for more than thirty seconds while in Callum's presence. Obviously determined to keep me completely baffled and off-balance for some nefarious reason that is yet to become clear to me, Callum bought the two of us ice-cream, which we ate while watching a bunch of ducks quack around from the comfort of a bench. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what was going on that guy's head. Okay so he wasn't exactly trying to pounce on me, but he wasn't being hostile either.

  Friends and Enemies


  I woke up slowly, cracking open just one eye to examine my surroundings. I still wasn't at home which meant that yesterday wasn't a product of my imagination. I closed my eyes and sighed. Fuck. Opening my eyes again, I rolled out of bed and opened the door. In all their rush to generally mock my entire existence, none of my friends had remembered to tell me where the bathroom was and I really needed a shower along with several other pressing things. I looked down the hallway in both directions before shrugging and heading left. The clock beside my bed had shown the time as being seven in the morning so it was a fair bet that I wasn't the only one up right now. And I could either find someone to ask, or follow the sound of running water.

  It seemed like my idea was a good one, for I soon heard the distinctive sound of a shower pelting at full blast. Pin-pointing the door that had to lead into the bathroom, I leant against the opposite wall and idly stretched, yawning widely as I felt my joints crack. Damn that always felt really good in the morning. The sound of running water abruptly cut out and I snapped my mouth shut, not wanting to breathe morning breath on whoever was inside. I was slowly lowered my arms, enjoying the stretch of muscles across my back when the door opened and I found myself staring at a dripping wet Callum Norrington who was wearing only a towel.

  His eyes widened as he saw me and he took an involuntary step back, his grip on the towel at his waist tightening for a moment before his eyes narrowed and he adopted an accusing stance far more suited to what I knew about him. "This stalking thing is not funny anymore," he informed me.

  I glared, in no mood to deal with stroppy little rich boys. "Mind moving? I want to use the shower."

  Callum snorted and stepped back, turning with the door so his back was pressed against it before making an elaborate gesture. "Go right ahead."

  I sniffed and straightened as I marched past him, turning to glare over my shoulder once I was inside. Callum spun again to face me as he backed out of the room, looking at me with a smirk. "I have to say, you need far more work than a mere shower can provide."

  My eyes narrowed as I wondered why everyone took such pleasure in tormenting me. And was Callum hitting on me or just acting like I wanted him? Bloody nerve, I thought sourly as I stripped off my pyjamas and stepped into the shower. How arrogant did that guy have to be? Some cute looking guy like me and he figures the only thing I want to do is throw myself at him. A thought occurred to me in the middle of shampooing my hair and I froze. What if he'd heard this so-called 'back-story' and thought I was some desperate rebound case? I had no doubt my friends had taken great pleasure in making me sound as pathetic as possible. Growling under my breath I rinsed my hair out and groped for a towel. I'd just bet that was exactly what they'd done. After all, I'd have done far worse given the chance – but we really did like each other. It's just hard to show affection when you're a repressed teen.

  Showered and refreshed in body, if not in mind, I strode back to my room and proceeded to yank on the first items of clothing I came into contact with. Proving that my friends did indeed know just how far they could push me before violence erupted, I found that Matt had managed to find clothes that were a pretty good match to what I usually wore. Then again, Matt and Kate were doing the shopping if Carly had been the one in charge of the credit card I would probably be strapping myself into something skin-tight and vinyl.

  Pausing in front of the mirror to run my hands through my hair and then give up, I left the room and wandered downstairs sniffing the air for anything that could smell like breakfast. I caught a whiff of what could be bacon and turned towards it, salivating and encouraged by the sound of voices. It seemed like I wouldn't be the first one down to eat at any rate.

  A right turn followed by a left led me into a large dining room, one entire side of which was currently displaying the most elaborate buffet I'd seen in my life. Trying not to just run towards the food and throw my face into whatever bowl was nearest, I looked towards the table and the people who already sat there.

  Matt and Kate were sat side by side, smiling and engaged in conversation with a woman whose long hair and English accent betrayed her to be one Naomi Swann. William sat next to her, somehow managing to look even more clean-cut and wholesome than I thought possible. At the head of the table sat a distinguished looking man in a grey suit that was tailored to his well-maintained figure. He was currently watching my arrival with sharp blue eyes hidden behind a pair of frameless glasses. Mr Norrington, I presumed. I walked over and offered my hand politely. "Pleased to meet you, sir. I don't believe we had the chance last night."

  Mr Norrington smiled and shook my hand with a grip that was firmer than I would have suspected for someone of his age. "You must be Blake, the chaperone to the cousins. I've heard a lot about you."

  I tried my best to smile. "I can assure you that my friends like to mock me as much as possible. Whatever they said was probably mostly exaggerations."

  Norrington laughed and slapped me on the back hard enough to wind me. "Ha! I'm sure it was. Anyway, please feel free to help yourself to breakfast. I don't recall seeing you at dinner so you must be hungry."

  I smiled and murmured some polite comment before hurrying over to the food. The selection was staggering and seemed to include everything from fruit to the traditional fry-up to chocolate brownies. I gaped for a bit before just piling a bit of everything onto my plate except for the fruit. There didn't appear to be room. Shame.

  Returning to the table, I slid into an empty seat next to Matt and took the opportunity to get my first real look at what was essentially our leading couple. Both of whom were chatting lightly to Matt and Kate about a variety of inane subjects. Every now an
d then, Naomi would brush her hand against William's and he would pause in his conversation to glance over at her. The pair would then exchange a lingering look, often accompanied by a sickeningly sweet smile. I had to hurriedly turn my attention back to the food before the sap on display destroyed my appetite.

  Luckily Carly and Keiran chose that moment to make their entrance, walking in together holding hands and sharing some private joke. I paused in my eating as I watched them approach and wondered if they were just putting on a very good act or if there really was something between them that I'd been missing. Oblivious to my gaze, they both made polite greetings before serving themselves a modest amount of breakfast.

  "Looks like everyone's already here," Carly commented apologetically. "I'm sorry that we were late."

  "We're not the last though," Keiran remarked as he glanced around the table. "Callum doesn't appear to have shown up yet either."

  William abruptly looked down at his fruit with a vague frown while Norrington cleared his throat with slight discomfort. "Callum doesn't tend to join us for breakfast," he explained. "He dislikes appearing part of this family so we leave him to his own devices rather than force the boy and suffer through him spoiling the mood with his attitude."

  Carly nodded slightly and swiftly changed the subject, clearly hoping to dispel the uncomfortable feeling that had suddenly descended over the gathered people. "Blake, do you have any plans for today?" she asked, pinning with me a look that clearly said if I didn't I would have to think of some pretty fucking quickly. "Please don't tell me you're going to spend the day moping again."

  Naomi looked at me sympathetically and I had to make my expression sad rather than fixing Carly with the evil glare she deserved. "That's right, you're feeling a bit heartbroken at the moment aren't you?" she exclaimed in a voice oozing with compassion. "You poor dear – you're obviously much too good for whoever it was."

  I managed some sort of smile and ducked my head to keep the murderous look from being noted. "I'm doing alright, really," I insisted. "I just needed a change of scenery."

  "Well if there's anywhere perfect for getting over a broken heart, it's here," Naomi declared with another one of those smiles. "With any luck you'll have forgotten all about your ex before you head back to England."

  "That's the plan," I murmured weakly.

  Kate obviously decided I had been tormented enough for the present moment as she cleared her throat. "So, Naomi, what are your plans for the day?" she asked brightly. "You must have masses to do with the wedding coming up."

  That was all the prompting Naomi needed to launch into a torrent of descriptions of everything from the dress to the most suitable display of flowers. While the others listened in feigned rapt attention, I took the opportunity to eat in peace.

  Breakfast concluded; I took the opportunity to make good my escape. The success of which was debatable, as no sooner had I left the grounds than Callum stepped in front of me, mockery clearly foremost on his mind. To cut him off before the guy could even open his mouth, I raised a warning hand. "Don't even think about trying the stalking line again. I am clearly not the one waiting around outside."


  The infuriating bastard actually had the gall to smirk at me. "So you've managed to work yourself into the household. Very enterprising of you."

  I rolled my eyes. "I don't have time for this. I have excruciating self-pity to occupy myself with."

  A languid eyebrow raised in amusement. "Really?" Callum asked, amusement dripping from every syllable. "You don't seem the type."

  "It's better than standing here," I shot back, my temper beginning to get the better of me once again. "I'm not so desperate for company that I'm willing to put up with this shitty attitude of yours. Either stop being such an irritating bastard or leave me alone – this is a big place, I'm sure it won't be that hard."

  No sooner had the words escaped my mouth than I was once more mentally kicking myself. Great. After a bollocking like that there was no way the guy was going to do anything but refuse to either see or speak to me again. This was going to make this shadowing thing bloody tricky. I irritably pushed my hair out of my eyes and tried to fight the urge to sigh. One of these days I was going to remember about this little mission I was on for more than thirty seconds while in Callum's presence.

  Speaking of whom, the dark-haired youth in question was simply watching me with an unreadable expression on his features. Then without any warning, he spun on his heel. "Brooding by yourself is a miserable way to spend your time that doesn't get you anywhere." He strode away from me, only to pause after a few steps. "Well? Are you coming or is it really that appealing?"

  Now completely confused, I didn't really know what to do but blink. "It's always good to keep in touch with your inner tantrum-throwing toddler," I said somewhat idiotically. What else could I have said? I didn't even know what he was getting at.

  Callum turned slightly, regarding me over one lean shoulder. "Well in that case you won't have any objection to heading to the park. Or is your inner toddler more of the indoor sort?"

  There was a script somewhere, but damned if anybody had given me a glance at it. "Uh, sure. Sounds good." Then I cringed waiting for the punch line.

  Callum simply carried on walking, before pausing again and throwing me a confused look. Suddenly catching on, I hurried to join him and we walked towards the park in a relaxed silence. Inside though, I was smirking. How many times do I have to tell people this, but I am irresistible and not even evil, future murderers are immune to the Blake Charm. Ha.

  Obviously determined to keep me completely baffled and off-balance for some nefarious reason that is yet to become clear to me, Callum bought the two of us ice-cream, which we ate while watching a bunch of ducks quack around from the comfort of a bench. To be perfectly honest, I had no idea what was going on that guy's head. Okay so he wasn't exactly trying to pounce on me, but he wasn't being hostile either. I could simply disregard the reasoning and reflect that whatever the cause it could only make my job easier, but something about it was bugging me. Could it be that he'd somehow found out I was supposed to be keeping watch on him and was purposefully trying to throw me off the scent? I barely caught myself in time to stop the snort of laughter. Of course, and Callum would know this as he had a copy of this trashy book in his room that he read every night before bed in feverish anticipation.

  I became aware of Callum's eyes on me and turned to face him. Instead of turning away like I'd expected him to, he continued to study me with a frank gaze before sighing and dropping his stare to the mess that was left of his ice-cream. "So you've met the rest of the family now."

  I wasn't sure where this was going, and the emotionless tone in his voice wasn't exactly giving me any hints. "That's right. Naomi, William and your father were all at breakfast." I paused, unsure if a further comment was expected. "They all seemed nice enough."

  Callum studied me for a moment, as though weighing up my answer. I wondered if this was all a subtle way of getting me to voice something that he would consider support for his future actions and quickly strengthened my resolve to only say nice things about his family. If he was looking for an excuse to kill William, I sure as hell wasn't going to provide him with one.

  "I did feel a little intimidated, meeting them at first," I went on to say when Callum showed no signs of supplying any conversational gambits. "But everyone seemed to really make a lot of effort to make me feel welcome."

  "Aren't you the lucky one," Callum commented before turning back to face the ducks. His voice had been lacking the mocking tone I'd expected, so I didn't know how to respond other than to stare at him for another moment. Unable to decipher the tones in his voice, I also resorted to watching the ducks. The silence between us continued.

  "William and Naomi seem like a good match," I decided to share with the world at large. "It sounds like they have a lot in common."

  Callum's face showed no reaction but I noticed the way in which his han
ds clenched into fists before he forced them into a more relaxed position. He leaned back against the bench and refused to look in my direction. "Don't they just," he murmured. "They really do deserve each other."

  I decided to take his monotone statement as positive in some regard. "In fact, they seem so happy together they have this thing about making sure everyone else is happy too," I continued. "Add the fact that everyone else at the breakfast table was part of a couple and it's safe to say that I was feeling a little victimised."

  "Then maybe you should just do what they all want you to do," Callum offered without a hint of sympathy. "It'll get them to leave you alone."

  "Tempting as that idea sounds, I don't think it's much of a solution," I commented dryly. "It'll only let them think they can walk all over me whenever they feel like it."

  There was a pause then Callum turned to me with what could only be described as a smile. The expression looked so foreign on the face that I'd associated with him that I couldn't think of a way to respond. Without the sneering smirk of earlier, he didn't look like such a stereotypical bad boy, just an individual putting up a front. I wondered if that was how my friends sometimes saw me.

  The smile faded away and Callum turned back to face the ducks. I sat somewhat in shock trying to work out what had prompted that gesture and why the bloke wasn't trying to be hostile anymore. He'd had a prime opportunity to make some snide remark or otherwise make me sound pathetic and all he'd done was smile at me. He wasn't acting in character and so I had fuck all idea of what was going on in his head. Then I tried to think of a reason why I was reading so much into his every gesture in the first place. I was just meant to be keeping tabs on the guy to stop him from killing his brother – understanding his motivations could come later. Neither of us spoke and the silence continued. Between that and the sarcastic bickering, it was hard to tell which was our natural state.


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