Fallen for You

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Fallen for You Page 20

by Carlie Sexton

  “So is that a yes?” he asked, his enthusiasm bubbling over.

  “Yes, it is ba …”

  She couldn’t finish because his tongue had enraptured her mouth. He kissed her like an addict in desperate need of his next fix. He pulled her out of the tub and wrapped a huge towel around them both to absorb the water. He dropped the towel to the floor, placed his hands on Kate’s waist and guided her to his bed. The whole time he kept his mouth covering hers. His velvet tongue stroking hers. His hand roamed down her hip to her sex. He slid his finger down to her clit, between her tender folds of flesh and found her wetness as his finger entered her.

  “Oh, I love how your body is always ready for me.” With that, her knees bent and she fell on his bed. He got down on the floor and spread her apart. He began licking her clit in a circular motion. She groaned under his skillful tongue. He inserted two fingers in her. She propped herself up on her elbows so she could watch him between her legs. The image of his head bobbing between her thighs had been on her mind all day. His eyes were locked on hers as she felt the pleasure from the assault of his tongue mounting deep down within.

  “Neil,” she began to say as her elbows gave way and she laid back.

  “Baby, I’m going to take care of you, just let it all go. Come for me.” With his command she found her release, groaning loudly. “That’s the sound I like to hear. I want to hear you utter that sound every day.” She was pulsing around his fingers. He smoothly pulled them out and moved on top of her. His lips were glistening with her juice. He began rubbing his hardened tip against her, circling her clit. His kisses were sticky with the evidence of what he had just done to her. He sunk into her, letting out a hiss. “God, you feel so good. I love slipping in and out of you. Neil’s slow pace quickened. As he went faster, her breast began bouncing. “You turn me on so much.” She could feel him harden more. She knew he was ready to come. She squeezed him as hard as she could with her pelvic muscles. He yelled out as he exploded inside her. His pace slowed as he spilled into her. “Baby, what you do to me. Promise me again that you won’t ever make love anyone else. You are mine, always. Promise me.”

  “I promise, Neil. I’m yours, always,” she said looking deeply into his eyes.

  Chapter 18

  It was early Friday morning. Kate’s alarm went off. She turned over, hit the snooze button, and smelled the delicious aroma of coffee brewing. Charlie was such a great roommate. She always got the coffee ready in the morning. Kate got up and headed to the kitchen. Charlie was already sitting with a cup of java, reading a file for work.

  Charlie looked up as Kate entered the kitchen. “I really hate that we have to move out of our apartment,” Charlie lamented.

  “I do too, but neither of us feels comfortable living here even though there is a possibility that Roger could be innocent,” Kate said. “He is too interested in our comings and goings. He opens his door practically every time one of us is leaving or getting home. There’s no way around it. It’s time to go,” she said directly.

  “I know you’re right. When did you say that you are meeting with the owner of the apartment building? Mr. Quinn, right?”

  “Right. I’m meeting him at Starbucks today at four. I’m leaving work early to meet with him. He wasn’t willing to do this over the phone. I know that you will be at work then, but it was the only time this week that he could meet with me. I really want to get our deposit back and explain to him what is going on and why we are moving. I hope that you don’t mind that I’m meeting him without you, Charlie.”

  “Oh, it’s not a problem. I know you’ve got it under control. Thanks for taking care of this. I just want it over with as soon as possible. I think the townhouse that we found will work out very well, especially since we will have a garage. That will make me feel safer to be able to pull in and have the doors close behind me before I get out.”

  “Actually, I have some exciting news. Neil asked me to move in with him yesterday and I said yes,” Kate said while putting sugar and creamer in her coffee.

  “Wow! That is exciting, Kate. I know that I am going to sound like your mother, but are you sure that you’re ready for this? You haven’t known each other that long.”

  “I know. This is going to sound crazy, but I know in my heart of hearts that he is the one for me. I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life. I’ve completely fallen in love with him and he has with me as well. He told me so yesterday.”

  Charlie got up to hug Kate. “I’m so thrilled to finally see you happy again. You deserve to be with a great man. I really like Neil and I can see how you two go together.”

  “Thanks, Charlie. Now you and Mitch can live in the townhouse together and move forward in your relationship.”

  “You’re right. This is going to work out perfectly. But I’m going to miss seeing you every day.”

  “Me, too. You have been there for me through everything. But we’ll always be tight. You’re my best friend.”


  “Well, I better get to work,” Charlie said.

  “See you at later.” They gave each other another hug and Charlie headed out the door.


  Mr. Quinn arrived promptly at 4 o’clock. He was dressed in a blue button-down shirt and khaki pants. The warm smile on his face was comforting.

  “Mr. Quinn, thank you so much for meeting with me. I really appreciate it,” Kate said.

  “Well, it sounded very urgent when we spoke on the phone. What can I do for you and your roommate?” he asked. Kate explained that Roger was a suspect in a murder investigation. She told Mr. Quinn about Roger being overly interested in her and how uncomfortable she and her roommate now felt living there. She said she was giving him notice and hoped that under the circumstances he would consider refunding their deposit.

  “Wow, I have not heard a single thing about Rose’s murder or Roger being a suspect. I can understand how you and your roommate feel,” Mr. Quinn said. “In a normal situation, I wouldn’t let you break the lease, let alone refund your deposit. But, given these circumstances, I would be happy to do so as long as you leave the apartment as clean as when you moved in.”

  “Then it’s settled. We will be moving out while Roger is in Germany. Also, we don’t want him to have our new address. We need you to send the deposit refund, not him.”

  “That’s not a problem. I can take care of it.”

  Chapter 19

  Roger kept missing Kate when she left in the morning and she used her schoolwork as an excuse not to hang out with him in the evening. He needed to see her, spend some time with her. He decided it was time to visit her at work. It was the day before he was going to leave for Germany. He didn’t want to go without sharing his feelings and that he wanted to take her out when he returned. He thought he would buy a couple of outfits for Jacob from her and coerce her into lunch. Upon reaching the top of the escalator at Nordstom’s, he saw her from a distance. His heart rate increased with each step he took. He caught Kate’s eye as he approached the department.

  “Roger, what are you doing here?” she asked, trying to sound causal, but not sure if she had been successful.

  “I wanted to bring Jacob some new clothes. I remembered that you work here in the children’s department. I thought that you could help me pick out some things.”

  “Oh, absolutely. For a moment, I thought that something might be wrong. I’m glad to help you,” she said, forcing herself to sound normal.

  “Do you have time to help me right now? You haven’t gone to lunch yet, have you?” he asked.

  Kate knew immediately that Roger was going to ask her to lunch. She didn’t want to go with him, but before she could utter words, Maria chimed in. “Kate hasn’t gone to lunch yet. She can go whenever she wants.”

  The blood drained from her face. She wanted to smack Maria for opening her big mouth. The thought of having lunch with this obsessed serial killer made her want to hurl. How was she going to make it through this?
/>   “Sounds like you are available for lunch. When we’re done here, I’ll take you anywhere you want to go.”

  “That’s so nice of you, but totally unnecessary. You have so much to do to get ready for your trip. I know that you are leaving soon,” she said adding a polite smile. Keep it light, keep smiling. She didn’t want to let on that she was nervous.

  “I’m leaving tomorrow and I’m already packed. I insist on taking you to lunch. Plus, I’m hungry. I haven’t eaten yet.”

  “What size does Jacob wear?”

  “He’s a size 6.”

  “Did you have anything particular in mind?”

  “Not really. I’m open to suggestions.”

  Kate showed him corduroy pants and coordinating sweaters. She helped him pick out three outfits for Jacob. She did everything in her power to act as natural as possible, to think of him as just another customer. But she didn’t know if she could make it through an entire meal with this maniac. All she could do was try.

  Kate began to ring up the clothing for him.

  “So, have you thought of where you want to go?” he asked, unable to contain his excitement.

  “I love the food here. Why don’t we just eat in the Nordstrom Café?” she asked, thinking that she would feel safer in her own surroundings.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go somewhere else? You probably eat here all of the time.”

  “Actually, I bring my lunch every day. I really don’t eat out that often. I love the food at the café, so this will be great.” She tried her hardest to sound enthusiastic. “I need to punch out so if you want to wait for me here I will be back in a minute.” She walked through the employee doors to security. Brandon was manning the security desk.

  “Brandon, would you pull up my department?”

  “Sure, something wrong?”

  “My neighbor, who the police have questioned in two murder investigations, is here to have lunch with me. Could you have one of the undercover guys watch him? That’s him right there,” she said, pointing Roger out on the screen.

  “No problem. I’ll have someone on him until he leaves the store.”

  “Thank you so much.”

  Kate left security with her purse and went back up stairs. She made her way back to Roger. “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  They walked over to the café. It was located on the same floor as her department. She tried to make small talk. “I bet you can’t wait to see Jacob. I can’t imagine how hard it has been for you to be so far away from him.”

  “Yeah, he’s a great kid. I am hoping to convince Paulina to move back here so I can see him regularly again. Especially with Rose being gone.”

  “How are you doing? I’m sure that you are having a hard time wrapping your mind around what has happened.” She had to concentrate on keeping her voice steady. She was quivering on the inside. How was she going to eat feeling this way? This was going to be the longest hour of her life.

  “I’m hanging in there. I still can’t believe she’s gone. She really liked you a lot. She wanted to set you up with someone so that we could double date.”

  “I remember you telling me that. She was a very sweet woman. You were lucky to have her.” It was now their turn to order their food at the counter.

  “Hey Kate. What would you like today?”

  “Hi, Jeff. I’ll have the half turkey sandwich, chicken noodle soup, and an iced tea.”

  “And for you, sir?”

  “That sounds good. I’ll have the same.

  Kate took out her wallet to pay her own way. She didn’t want to be obligated to Roger for anything. “Put your money away. I’m buying lunch,” he said authoritatively.

  She begrudgingly did as she was told. The last thing she wanted was to feel that she owed him anything. Jeff handed them their glasses and a number for their order. Kate proceeded to fill up her glass and find a seat while Roger paid for their lunch. He then filled his glass and followed behind her. When they sat down, he stared at her intently.

  “I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now that I’ve had a big crush on you since I first showed you and Charlie your apartment.” Her worst fears were being realized. How was she going to stomach eating lunch now? She thought it was bad before. Now it was worse. It was no longer in her head that Roger liked her. He was coming out and saying it. Before she could respond, he continued. “I would like to take you out on a date when I return from Germany. I think that we could have something really special together. I really like you,” he said, reaching his hand across the table to take hers. She moved her hand away quickly, just before he was able to touch her.

  She swallowed hard, pushing down the bile that was rising in her throat. She was disgusted by this man, but she didn’t dare let it show. “Oh, Roger, that is so sweet of you. But between going to school full time and working full time, I’m afraid that there is little time for anything else. I hope that you can understand. I think that you are a great guy, but I am just so busy.”

  Then she stopped talking, hoping he would take the hint.

  “Well, one thing that we have going for us is that we live so close to each other. I’ll just see you when you have time. I don’t care if we just watch TV together. I just want to be with you. I think that I’ve fallen for you.”

  His words came crashing down around her like a hail storm. He wasn’t getting the message. “Well, I appreciate your honesty. But you never know, maybe you and Jacob’s mom will work things out. You do have a child together. It would make sense.”

  “We didn’t work out before. And she’s not who I want. I want you,” he said with a little bit of force in his voice.

  She could see that her objections were getting her nowhere. He kept pushing no matter how much she tried to dissuade him. “Well, we’ll see what happens. For now, going to Germany sounds amazing. I’ve always wanted to travel to Europe. Have you been there before?”

  She desperately wanted to change the subject.

  The waiter brought them their food. She took a bite, hoping to not have to talk for the next minute or so.

  “I have traveled all over Europe. When I served in the military, I was fortunate enough to see many beautiful places. You would love Europe. Maybe we could go there together someday.”

  Damn it, he’s not getting it.

  “I’d love to have the opportunity to go there someday. I especially want to see Italy. There’s something about that culture that really speaks to me.” Kate continued eating. She desperately wanted this lunch hour to vanish quickly.

  “So, Roger, where did you grow up?” she asked, hoping to steer him in another direction.

  Any direction as long as it was away from her.

  “I grew up in Idaho,” he answered. He looked irritated. Kate could tell that he was annoyed that she wasn’t swooning over his declaration of love for her.

  “I’ve heard great things about Idaho. It’s a really breathtaking part of the country. Did you like living there?”

  “It was okay.”

  “Did you spend most of your childhood there?”

  “Yes, I did.”

  “Did you have it rough growing up?”

  “It was okay. I was raised in foster care. My real family fell on hard times and they had to give me up. I was the youngest. I lived with a foster family from age 4 to 18.”

  “Do you keep in touch with your foster family?”

  “Yes, I talk to my foster mom about once a month. I try to see her at Christmas when I can. I’ve missed the last couple of Christmases.”

  “What about siblings?”

  “I have five real brothers and sisters and three foster brothers. One of my sisters lives up in North County.”

  That’s where they found Rose. “Do you get to see her very often?”

  “Once in a while.”

  “Wow, where did the time go? My lunch time is almost over. I need to scoot. I want to go to the ladies room and freshen up before I
return to the sales floor. Thanks so much for lunch. I enjoyed it.”

  She didn’t know what else to say. She stopped herself from babbling on any further.

  “You’re welcome. I look forward to seeing you tonight when you get home. We can hopefully continue our conversation.”

  “Sounds good,” she said with a half-smile. “See you then.”

  “See you then.”

  She stood up, leaving him sitting at the table. She scurried away as fast as she could. She went to security and asked them to inform her when Roger had left the store. Then she went to the employee bathroom, locked herself in a stall, and began crying uncontrollably. She thought that their conversation about Rose’s murder and him being a suspect had been difficult. The past hour made that look like child’s play. The enormity of him expressing his feelings for her was just too much to handle. If she called or texted Neil, he would become enraged and most likely pay Roger a visit. If Roger killed Rick and Mark, he could kill Neil, too. He obviously was cunning and experienced. She decided for now to hold off on telling Neil. She unlocked the door and went to the mirror to fix her make-up. This is a nightmare.

  She smoothed away the streaks that the tears had left on her cheeks. She took out her powder and brushed it all over her face. Adding some blush and lipstick made her look presentable again. Once she was refreshed, she punched in and went back to her department. The girls surrounded her to find out who she went to lunch with.

  “That was the killer next door. You made it possible for me to go to lunch with someone who I believe killed three people,” Kate said, directing her anger at Maria.

  “Oh, my gosh, Kate! I had no idea. He’s just so good looking. I had it in my head that he would be unattractive. He’s…he’s the guy?” Maria asked.

  “Yes, he’s the guy. He just told me that he has fallen for me and he wants us to go out when he returns from Germany.”


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