Rory and the Alien Groom (Intergalactic Brides 9)

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Rory and the Alien Groom (Intergalactic Brides 9) Page 7

by Jessica Coulter Smith

  “What’s it like being a Terran on Earth?” she asked.

  “First of all, since we’re officially dating, you should know we don’t call ourselves Terrans.”

  “Then what do you call yourselves?”

  “Zelthranites. Our planet, prior to the agreement with Earth, was called Zelthrane-3. We still call it that when humans aren’t around. Our council believed that Earth would feel more comfortable around our kind with a name like Terran.”

  “So, you’re a Zelthranite?” she asked.


  “I can see where your council would have been concerned, and if you came out about it now, everyone would know you lied and it would be look bad that you’d deceived us all this time. Chances are humans would turn against you and the Terran stations would have to close.” Her lips pursed. “We can be an unforgiving lot and don’t always adjust well to change.”

  He nodded.

  “It sucks you have to live a lie.”

  “We’re used to it. And it’s just a name. We’re still the same regardless of what we’re called. But you’re right, there are some who wouldn’t give us a chance. It’s why we don’t call ourselves Zelthranites around humans, unless we’re mated to them.”

  Her fork stilled. “But we aren’t mated.”

  “No, but we are exclusive.”

  She tipped her head. “Haven’t you been exclusive with other women? Do they all know about this too?”

  She had a point. He hadn’t shared the secret with anyone before. Hadn’t even wanted to, but something about Rory made him want to confide in her. He didn’t want there to be lies between them. Not even something as simple as what his race was called.

  “No,” he admitted. “No one else knows, not even your sister.”

  She smiled a little and went back to eating her lunch. He didn’t know what had made him confess to her. They weren’t mated, and there was a chance they never would be. Just because he called her his girlfriend didn’t mean there was something permanent forming between them. Did it? He wasn’t scared of commitment like human males. His kind lived for forming bonds and starting families. Was he a little leerier after the incident with Brittany? Definitely. But he still wanted a mate and a family of his own.

  “Your parents weren’t here for the wedding,” she said. “Did they not approve of Brittany?”

  “My father was a mighty warrior on our world, and he didn’t come home from one of his missions. My mother grieved herself to death. I was older and already out on my own when it happened, but I still miss them.”

  “Brittany never mentioned them.”

  “She never asked.” He shrugged. “I didn’t see the point in telling her.”

  “I know you think you loved her, and I guess there must have been something you liked about her, but it seems like your relationship with her was all about her looks. You didn’t trust her enough to confess about you not being a Terran, and she never asked about your parents. It makes me wonder -- if looks were important enough that it was all the two of you had going for your relationship, what does that mean for me? I’m nowhere near as pretty as Brittany. I’m the plainer, younger sister.”

  “There’s nothing plain about you, Rory. You may not dazzle people as much as your sister, not with your looks, but you have an intellect and sense of humor that I find far more appealing than your sister’s blonde hair and blue eyes. The fact we have things in common makes you more desirable to me.”

  She winced.

  “I said something wrong, didn’t I?”

  “Every woman wants to think she’s the most beautiful woman in the world to the guy she’s dating. You admit my sister is prettier than I am. Was the blonde from the other night prettier too? Do you prefer blondes?”

  He’d really stepped in it this time.

  “Rory, your sister has a superficial beauty that is only skin deep. You’re not less pretty than her, you’re just beautiful in a different way. I find your looks to be quite appealing, as I believe I’ve proven to you. Every time you’re in the same room as me, I get semi-erect just looking at you. That has to count for something, doesn’t it?”

  “You really get hard just looking at me?” she asked.

  Zwyk reached over and took her hand, placing it over the bulge in his pants.

  “Then why are we still having lunch? We should have found an empty conference room by now.”

  He laughed and released her hand, but she kept it over his cock, massaging and making him even harder. If she kept that up, he just might find that conference room after all. Hell, there were even suites available for when council members came to visit. He was certain at least one or two were empty.

  They finished their food, but he didn’t want to return to his desk. He enjoyed his time with Rory, and he couldn’t seem to get enough of it. He walked her to the front of the station and kissed her goodbye, much to the amusement of the receptionist, and then he went back to work, where he stared at the clock for the next six hours.

  By the time he’d cleared the week-old items from his inbox, his neck and shoulders were stiff. Zwyk closed everything out and made his way outside to his SUV. As much as he’d love the comfort of a soft pair of jeans, he remembered the look in Rory’s eyes as she’d taken in his leather attire, and decided to just go straight to her apartment. The smell of Italian food teased his nose as he knocked on her door.

  “It’s open,” she called out.

  He frowned as he pushed the door open, then closed and locked it. “It’s not safe for you to leave your door unlocked. What if it hadn’t been me on the other side?”

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have done that.” She stopped what she was doing and reached into a drawer on her right, then handed him a key. “Now you can come and go whenever you please without me leaving the door unlocked. It’s my spare, so if I lock myself out you’ll have to come let me in.”

  He was humbled that she would entrust him with the key to her apartment. Brittany had had a key to his place, and the moment Rory had found out, she’d told him to have the locks changed. He’d just done that the other day and now he had a spare key on his ring. Should he give it to Rory?

  “Dinner will be ready in a minute if you want to wash up or have a seat at the table,” she said, nodding her head toward the small dining area.

  Zwyk went to wash his hands and splash some water on his face, then he dried off and took a seat at the small dining table. Even his kitchen table was bigger than this one. But it seemed important to Rory to have him here in her apartment. He liked spending time with her regardless of where they were, but he wondered what she’d be able to accomplish in his larger kitchen. Thanks to Brittany, he had more pots and pans than he knew what to do with, and more gadgets than he’d been able to figure out. He wasn’t sure that she’d ever intended to use any of them, but she’d been adamant that he needed them.

  She came into the room with a large bowl of salad, tongs, and a bottle of dressing. After she set everything down, she went back to the kitchen to return a moment later with two plates, two bowls, and some silverware. When she brought the glasses in, he noticed they were already filled with sweet tea, which was fine with him. Zwyk had found that he liked most Earth beverages.

  “The lasagna is done,” she said. “Just give me a second to pull it from the oven and bring it in. I loaded it with cheese, but if you want extra I have some shredded parmesan.”

  “I’m sure it’s fine the way you made it.”

  She nodded and scurried back into the kitchen. When she returned, she tossed down some trivets and then went to retrieve their dinner. She carried in a large baking dish filled with cheesy pasta that looked mouthwatering. Rory dished a large portion onto his plate before using tongs to scoop out some salad for his bowl.

  “Oh! I forgot some stuff for the salad.” She ran back to the kitchen to return with shredded cheese and croutons.

  “Everything looks amazing, Rory. No one has ever cooked for me before. Not speci
fically for me.”

  “Not even your past girlfriends?”

  He shook his head. “They were more interested in eating out. The fancier the better, in their eyes.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “I’m not much for fancy dining. It’s okay every now and then, but I don’t think I’d like it all the time. My favorite place to eat is Nate’s. Give me a good burger any day.”

  He smiled, liking her more and more every minute. The first bite of lasagna was heaven. It was hard to imagine that Rory had been single for so long. Not only was she damn near perfect, but she was an excellent cook. If she fed him like this on a regular basis he’d die a happy male.

  “Are you sure it tastes okay? Not too cheesy? Maybe I went a little overboard.”

  “I think it’s perfect.” He smiled. “You can cook for me anytime you’d like. I’d return the favor, but I’m not very good in the kitchen. Frozen chicken tenders or spaghetti sauce from a jar is about the limit of my experience. Even back home I ate most of my meals outside of my house.”

  “What made you come here?” she asked.

  “I had my work on my world to keep me occupied, but there are very few females, even with the bride program. But most of those women want warriors or someone in a position of power. I thought that if I came here, where females were plentiful, then I might have a better chance at finding my mate.” He took a swallow of his tea. “And then I got here and realized women on Earth weren’t happy with my type of work either. It seems power is a draw even on your world.”

  “I don’t care about power,” Rory said. “It’s more important to have things in common and to have a man with a good heart. I’ve seen enough powerful men in my life to know that most are corrupt and demanding.”

  “Any Zelthranite would make a good mate,” Zwyk said. “Or the ones I know of would. I just can’t compete with someone who has warrior or council status.”

  Rory set her fork down. “You don’t have to compete with anyone for my attention, Zwyk. You’ve had it since the first moment I saw you. You know how you felt mesmerized by my sister? That’s how I felt about you. And then I got to know you and I liked you even more. Don’t ever feel that you need to impress me.”

  Her words pleased him more than she could know. No female had ever wanted him the way Rory did. Maybe he’d been too hasty to tell her they might not have a future together. Yes, he’d agreed to the girlfriend/boyfriend thing, but he’d made it clear there would likely be nothing more between then. Honestly, he couldn’t think of anyone more perfect for him. Still, it didn’t mean they had to rush into anything. He’d rushed things with Brittany and look how that had turned out.

  After their meal, Rory asked him to sit just another moment as she removed their dishes to the kitchen. When she came back, she held a large, chocolate cake in her hands. The scent of fudge filled the room and his mouth watered.

  “You bake too?” he asked.

  “I’m not a culinary genius, but there are a few things I make really well. This is one of them.” She smiled. “Do you want a slice?”

  “I’d love one.”

  Rory retrieved plates from the kitchen and dished up the cake. Each bite was better than the last. When they were finished, he insisted that she retire to the living room while he cleaned up the dining room and kitchen. It was the least he could do after the wonderful meal she’d prepared.

  “You’ve been at work all day,” she argued.

  “Yes, and you worked on making a nice dinner for us.”

  “Zwyk. Go sit.”

  He narrowed his eyes and carried his plate to the kitchen. Rory was right on his heels and pried the plate from his fingers before dumping it in the sink. She cocked her hip and placed her hand on it before giving him a mutinous glare.

  “You aren’t washing my dishes. I’ll clean everything in the morning.”

  Instead of arguing with her, he decided to distract her. Zwyk wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her closer. Her breath hitched as her breasts pressed against him. Rory’s lips parted in invitation and he leaned down to press his mouth to hers. She tasted of chocolate and her usual sweetness. He was hungry for her, his body burning for her touch, as her small hands slid up his chest and around the back of his neck. His cock was hard and aching, but Rory deserved to be seduced and not just slammed against a wall for a quick romp.

  “Bedroom,” he said as he came up for air. “We need a bedroom.”

  Rory took his hand and led him through her apartment to a closed door. When she pushed it open, he couldn’t help but smile. Her bedroom was done in jewel tones like her living room, with sheer scarves hanging off her four-poster bed and pillows tossed across the headboard. There was a small step stool beside the bed that he assumed Rory used to get into bed at night. A lamp was burning on each bedside table.

  “It’s a bit much, isn’t it?” she asked.

  “I think it suits you perfectly.” He smiled down at her. “I like what you’ve done with your home. I’d like it even more if you were wearing a few less clothes.”

  She giggled and began stripping out of her clothes. Rory was definitely not shy, and he loved that about her. She was comfortable with her body and didn’t simper and beg for compliments. His past girlfriends had complained about being fat. Not Rory. She ate what she wanted, when she wanted, and stripped her clothes off without care. Zwyk dropped his vest on her floor before pulling his shirt over his head. Her eyes widened in appreciation and he decided to leave the pants and boots just a little while longer.

  Rory’s nipples pebbled in the cool air of her room and Zwyk fell to his knees at her feet. His hands cupped her hips as he closed his mouth around one rosy tip. Rory sank her fingers into his hair, holding him close, as he sucked long and hard on her nipple before moving to the other side. He felt Rory’s skin warm under his touch. He flicked the hardened tip again with his tongue before tugging it gently.

  Zwyk kissed his way down her stomach and nipped her hip before lifting her onto the bed. With her legs splayed, he pushed her back onto the mattress.

  “No,” she said pushing at his hands and sitting up.

  “No?” His brow furrowed. “You want to stop? I won’t push for more than you’re willing to give. If you don’t want to do this…”

  She placed a finger over his lips. “I didn’t mean ‘no, I don’t want to do this’. I meant no, it’s my turn.”

  He backed up and gave her room. Rory slid off the bed and reached for his pants, unfastening them and pushing them down his hips. Like most Terrans, he’d dressed that morning without underwear. His cock sprang free, begging for her attention. Her hand was small and soft as it closed around him. Zwyk couldn’t help but thrust his hips forward, hissing out a breath as she squeezed gently.

  A bit of pre-cum gathered on the tip of his cock and she swiped her thumb across it before stroking his shaft again. Zwyk locked his knees and tried to enjoy her touch without embarrassing himself. When Rory sank to the floor in front of him, he nearly stopped breathing. None of his girlfriends had ever enjoyed giving oral, even though they’d all been ready to receive it. He was afraid to say anything for fear she’d change her mind.

  “I may not be any good at this, but I want to try,” she said.

  Rory licked the head of his cock, gathering more pre-cum on her tongue, before sucking him into her mouth. Hot. Wet. And so damn good a shiver raked his spine. He fought for control, not wanting to thrust too far into her mouth and choke her. Her lips and tongue caressed his shaft with every stroke. A fine sheen of sweat covered his skin as he reached out and grabbed a fistful of her hair. Zwyk pumped his hips in a few shallow thrusts. When Rory sucked on him long and hard, he couldn’t hold back another moment and came with a force that had his toes curling in his boots.

  She swiped a bit of cum off her lips with her tongue then climbed to her feet. Despite the fact he’d just come hard, his cock hadn’t deflated. He leaned down and kissed her hard as his hand sought the curls between her thighs.
She was so wet and silky. He couldn’t wait to bury himself inside of her warmth. His fingers slipped inside and the tightness squeezing them made him remember this was her first time. He needed to slow things down.

  “I want you, Zwyk. Please don’t stop.”

  “I didn’t have any intention of stopping, unless you told me to. But this is your first time, Rory. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She licked her lips. “It’s technically my first time, but I sort of claimed my own virginity with one of my toys.”


  Rory pointed to the drawer in her bedside table. “In there.”

  Zwyk pulled away long enough to inspect the drawer. His eyebrows shot up when he saw the large purple vibrator. He lifted it out of the drawer.

  Rory’s cheeks flushed. “That one is kind of new.”

  Was she implying she’d chosen the color because of him? He had to admit, it was close to his skin color. He clicked the button and the toy whirred to life. It wasn’t as large as him, but he had the sudden urge to use the toy on her. His previous girlfriends hadn’t been as adventurous as it seemed Rory was, or if they’d had toy collections, they’d never shared that knowledge with him.

  Zwyk stepped back over to where Rory was sprawled across the bed, and he grabbed her ankle and pulled her closer. He teased her slit with the toy before pressing it against her clit. She gave a cry and arched her back, thrusting her breasts upward. He couldn’t stop the smile that spread across his lips. His cock ached as he teased Rory with the toy, but watching her come apart was well worth the discomfort.

  “Zwyk, stop teasing me,” she begged. “I want you.”

  He pressed the toy a little harder against her clit before slipping it inside of her. “Are you sure you want me and not the vibrator?”

  She whimpered.

  “I think you want both me and the vibrator.” He leaned forward and kissed her. “Is that what you want? You want my cock filling you while this little toy buzzes against your clit?”


  He kissed her again before easing back. Zwyk lined his cock up with her slick folds and eased inside of her. He groaned as she welcomed him, her pussy clenching him tight. It was going to take every ounce of control he had not to take her hard and fast. He wanted to go slow, to make sure her first time was perfect or as close to it as he could get.


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