The Devil She Knew (A Lantana Island Romance Book 2)

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The Devil She Knew (A Lantana Island Romance Book 2) Page 12

by Talia Hunter

  “No, it’s not.” He put his hand over hers, suddenly serious. “Don’t sell yourself short, Suzie, or pretend this is just an ordinary meal. I meant it when I said you should open your own restaurant. Serve this, and you’ll have people queuing to get in.”

  The weird feeling of not knowing whether to laugh or cry swept over her again. Hell, she should just tell him. Too bad if he laughed at her or pitied her.

  She took a big gulp of wine, then dragged in a deep breath. “I have a confession to make. I lied to you.” He raised his eyebrows, still chewing, and she plowed on. “The catering business isn’t really mine. It belongs to my friend Marianna. She did me a favor giving me work when I didn’t have any cooking qualifications. Or any qualifications at all, really. Friday’s wedding is the first job she’s letting me do on my own, and that’s only because she’s going away for a long weekend.”

  He swallowed his mouthful and looked like he wanted to say something, so she held up a hand to stop him. Easier to get it all out at once.

  “Nate, I’m not clever like you and Laura. Well, I’m sure you know that already.”

  Her voice cracked, surprising her. She wasn’t that close to tears, was she? No, she refused to cry. She couldn’t show him what a deeply sensitive confession this was. Act casual, Suzie. It’s no big deal.

  “What you probably don’t know, is that I failed high school. The rest of my class graduated and I stayed home, pretending I didn’t care.” She had to brace herself to say the worst bit. “Laura graduated a year early, of course. With my class. She was up there instead of me, getting the certificate that should have been mine.”

  She tried to keep any trace of bitterness from her voice and didn’t quite succeed. But it wasn’t Laura she was mad with, only herself. If only she hadn’t let her sister’s achievements get to her, she might have done okay at school.

  “Laura was valedictorian. She got a scholarship to Harvard and I don’t have my high school diploma.” Suzie forced herself not to drop her gaze, though it took an effort of will. “Anyway, you say I should open my own restaurant, but the truth is, I don’t have the confidence. It sounds silly, but all my life I’ve known I wasn’t smart enough to understand the things that came so easily to you and Laura.”

  He put his fork down, frowning. “Suzie, who cares if you didn’t pass an exam? You’ve got street smarts which are better than anything you can get out of a book. You’re clever, anyone can see that, and capable too. You’re also brave, and wild, and beautiful.”

  She snorted, ignoring how that last bit made her feel better. “Come on. You probably could have passed all the high school exams in the ninth grade.”

  “I might have done well in school, but I didn’t graduate college. I dropped out after my first year.”

  She blinked, surprised. “You did? Why?”

  “Because finishing my degree didn’t matter to me. What good are certificates? You don’t need a piece of paper to tell you how smart you are, or what you can do.”

  “It’s okay for you. Your whole life you’ve known you’re a genius. Besides, you dropped out of college so you could write your Journeyman software and then sell it for — how much? A couple of million? More?”

  He didn’t answer. Her estimate must have been low and he didn’t want to admit it.

  She shook her head. “Forget it. I just thought you should know why I don’t want to talk about opening my own restaurant. I’m not ready for something like that. I’m going to go home and sit the high school exam. And I’m going to see if I can convince the bride to let me substitute one or two of my own dishes in place of the boring ones she’s arranged with Marianna, and try my hardest to make the night a success. If I do well, Marianna might let me work more hours, handle more parties for her, and expand our standard menu. I want to do more than just make the same old mini quiches and crostinis over and over again. That’s as big as my dreams can get right now.” She gave him a shaky smile. “We can’t all create Skynet and cause the downfall of the entire human race.”

  He pushed his plate away so he could lean across the table, push one hand under her hair and cradle the back of her neck. His eyes were warm, the soft brown of burnished wood.

  “Those are good dreams.” He pulled her close enough to kiss her, his lips lingering on hers for a long time before he drew back. “I only wish you could look through my eyes, so you can see what a bright and shining star you are, and how crazy it is to doubt it, even for a moment.”

  She took a deep breath, her heart beating hard. She’d felt his kiss through her whole body. His lips had awakened every inch of her skin, every nerve and muscle.

  “I’m smart enough to want to enjoy this moment, right here, right now, no matter what might happen in the future. Once we make it to land, I’ll fly home to LA and my little dreams, and you’ll go back to New York and world domination.”

  She held her gaze firm, not wanting him to be able to tell how much she wished they didn’t have so little time together. But they were being honest, and the fact they lived miles apart was something she had to accept. “We probably won’t see each other again.”

  He inclined his head in agreement. “Probably not.”

  “Two genius brainiacs like us will be able to figure out a way to get to Denarau tomorrow. So for now, let’s just enjoy our last night together.” She smiled, though she felt closer to crying. There was a pain inside her chest, like her heart was breaking. Could she have fallen a little bit in love with him?

  Well, if it was too late not to get hurt, she’d just have to squeeze every last drop of joy out of the short time they had together. She wasn’t going to waste tonight with tears or regrets. There’d be plenty of time for both in the days and weeks to come.

  “You know, I think you’re the smartest woman I’ve ever met.” He caressed her cheek. “Let’s make this a night we’ll never forget.”


  After dinner, Nate lit the hurricane lamp against the growing darkness. He poured them both a glass of liqueur and they compared the movies, TV shows and books they liked, and the music they were into. Nate sipped his drink, enjoying the way they could talk together so easily. He loved the sound of her laugh and the way she tossed her head, her curls bouncing around her face.

  She was so vibrant, he could hardly drag his gaze away from her. How could Suzie doubt herself? If only he could show her how incredible she was. At least he could make love to her the way she deserved. He’d make tonight special. As she’d said, this was their last night together.

  Unless there was a way to see each other again. Maybe it needn’t be their last night?

  But spending time with her was addictive, and if he got in any deeper he wouldn’t be able to stop. Nate had sworn off long-term relationships for good reason. The more people he cared about, the more vulnerable he was, and why risk the pain of a relationship that would most likely fail anyway?

  Suzie should be with someone who wanted the same things she did, and one day she’d no doubt want a family of her own. Nate could never give her that. He wouldn’t have children, not after what had happened to Harrison’s daughter.

  Besides, he and Suzie worked in different cities. They’d have no future beyond tonight, so he’d make love to her knowing he’d never get to do it again. And he’d do it his way.

  Nate wasn’t like Troy, or any of the bad boys Suzie had dated. Tonight he’d show her who he really was. He’d be out in the open. Literally. And why not, when it was such a beautiful night? All he needed was to set it up.

  Nate drained the last of his drink and went to the forward cabin. That bed was narrower than the one in the stern, so the mattress would be easier to move.

  “What are you doing?” Suzie asked, as Nate hoisted the mattress and bedding, muscled it up the steps to the cockpit, then onto the deck. He dumped the whole lot near the bow where Suzie had been sunbathing that first day. So much had happened since then, it seemed they’d been two different people who’d argued with su
ch passion. He smiled. They still had passion, that was for sure.

  She joined him on deck and he motioned upwards.

  “Look at that.” The stars were brighter than he’d ever seen outside a planetarium, and he could pick out different colors – not just white, but red, blue, and yellow. The Milky Way looked like glittering milk powder scattered across the sky.

  “Wow,” she whispered, moving so close he could feel her body heat. Her head was craned up, her eyes wide and catching the starlight. “It’s lovely out here. Who knew there were so many stars?”

  He pulled her close. “Speaking of heavenly bodies…”

  The starlight was bright enough that he could admire the deep bow of her lips before he kissed her smile away. She tasted of sweet liqueur. Delicious.

  He took his time over the kiss, enjoying the feel of her and the instant arousal her touch always caused. Then he slipped his hands underneath her T-shirt, stroking her back. Her skin was warm and silky. As he tugged the shirt up, she lifted her arms to help it come off over her head. His own shirt dropped to the deck a moment later. This time when they kissed, he could run his hands up the length of her back, enjoying the way her long curls tickled his hands.

  When she took a step back from him, he wanted to protest. But she shucked off her shorts and panties and lay down, wearing nothing but an alluring smile. The words died on his lips. Tonight, he had to be the luckiest man alive.

  He eased down next to her and drew her close so he could murmur in her ear. “You’re lovely enough to stop my heart, you know that?”

  She bent her head so she could put her ear against his chest. “Liar. It’s still beating.”

  He laughed. “Actually, it’s beating pretty hard right now. It’s either going to stop or burst.”

  “In that case, we’d better make the most of what little time you have left.” She stroked the bulge in the front of his shorts.

  “At least I’ll die happy.” Pulling his shorts off, he kissed her again. He loved the feel of her nipples against his bare chest, her long hair tickling his shoulder, and his naked length pressing against her warm belly. He loved her low, throaty laugh, and the way she dragged her fingernails slowly up his spine.

  Was he falling for her?

  He knew better than to open his heart, especially to someone he’d never see again. He couldn’t afford to fall for her…

  But the thought disappeared as she wrapped her fingers around his cock. She stroked his length, then cupped his balls with her free hand. He breathed out hard. If she did that, he wouldn’t last nearly as long as he intended to. No, he wanted to taste her again, to lick her slowly, savoring every moment, and every inch of skin.

  He started with her neck, kissing his way down to the base of her throat. Then he moved to her breasts. Her nipples had some serious attitude, the way they stood up and saluted. He licked them approvingly, then nuzzled the swell of her breast beneath her nipple. That curve of skin fit perfectly into his hand, and he stilled for moment, studying its delicate shape. “I think this could be my favorite part of your body,” he mused. “Although, to be fair, the jury’s still deliberating.”

  “Really?” There was a laugh in her voice. “But what about this part just here?” She ran her fingers lightly down her stomach, bumping over her silver belly-button ring, and stopping just above her pubic hair.

  He bent his head and gently licked the trail her fingers had made, grazing the tip of his tongue across her skin. “Mmm,” he agreed. “A strong contender. The jury’s got a difficult decision to make.”

  “And have they taken this part into consideration?” Her fingers disappeared between her thighs for a moment. Hell, she was sexy. He followed them eagerly, flicking his tongue across her sensitive skin. Her gasp of pleasure made his blood pulse even harder. She spread her legs for him, giving him access to explore her. When he pushed two fingers inside her, she gripped his shoulder and gave a low moan.

  Her fingers buried into his hair as he moved further down so he could lick her. He loved the way she tasted, and the way she quivered when he ran his tongue over her. Even when she clutched his hair tight enough to hurt, it only made him more aroused. He couldn’t get enough of her. He wanted her to come in his mouth, to feel her shuddering climax before he gave in to his aching cock and slid into her.

  Her moans were a drug that he couldn’t get enough of. He was an addict for her pleasure.

  “Please,” she panted. “Please. Yes. Oh, yes.”

  Nate flicked his tongue faster across her, and plunged his fingers into her. Her fingernails dug into his scalp, but he didn’t care. She was close.

  With a long, shuddering cry, her muscles tightened.

  Her release gave him the strangest sensation. Strange, because he felt it in every cell of his body, as though he were the one who was orgasming. Of course, he knew he wasn’t, but an intense warmth and pleasure surged through him anyway. The moan she made was the sweetest music he could have heard. The way she clenched around his fingers sent shivers over his skin. His own cock throbbed, but it didn’t seem to matter. All he cared about was drawing her pleasure out as long as he possibly could. Her pleasure was his. It was everything.

  When she was spent, he held her, letting her breathing calm. Though he was painfully hard, there was no urgency in his need for her. Her body shuddering in his arms was all the satisfaction he needed. Her limbs were limp and her kiss languid, and that made him feel utterly at peace.

  He was so relaxed, he didn’t even feel that alarmed. Not even when he asked himself again, Nate, are you falling for her?

  But it was a question he didn’t want to answer. Now wasn’t the time to think about it, so he pulled her on top of him so he could watch her move with the stars behind her. Their silver light highlighted her skin in all the right places. With her head thrown back and her hair tumbling around her torso, she was so beautiful, he could hardly believe she was real.

  But she felt very real.

  Especially when she positioned him under her, and he felt the intense, exquisite pleasure of sliding slowly into her.

  He wanted to tell her how perfect she was, but all he could do was groan. She pushed down until he was buried deep inside her, then pulled up again. He put his hands around her hips, loving her curves. If only this night could last forever.

  But the way he felt, that wasn’t going to happen. In fact, if she kept riding him like that — oh yeah, like that — he wasn’t going to last at all.

  He wanted her to come again. And this time he wanted to be looking into her eyes as they both plunged over the edge.

  Shit. He had to be falling for her.

  The thought should have terrified him, but as she increased her rhythm, her breath coming faster, there wasn’t enough room left in his brain for anything but pleasure. Anything but her. The only things in his universe were her gorgeous curves, the way her curls danced over her breasts, and her cupid’s bow, accentuated in the moonlight. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen, and he had to bite down hard to stop himself coming too soon. He was determined not to come until she did.

  Then her cries of pleasure started, and the feeling of her orgasm sent him spiraling into ecstasy. With her head thrown back and her body shuddering, she was utterly gorgeous. He had to close his eyes as the sensation flooded his body, so strong it overloaded all his senses.

  It seemed to go on for a very long time, and as it started to fade, he had an odd feeling that for a moment they hadn’t been two separate people at all, but a single entity, a tangle of limbs and sensations, joined in perfect unity.

  When it was over, he lay on his back with her head on his shoulder, and stroked her skin as she snuggled into him. He stared up into the night sky, getting his breathing under control. She sighed with pleasure, playing with the light hairs on his chest. He kissed her forehead. Neither of them spoke for a while, and he thought she was enjoying the same incredible flush of complete satisfaction as he was feeling. He’d never felt
this good in his entire life, not that he remembered.

  Suddenly he felt the urge to try to put how he was feeling into words. And why not? She’d already turned him inside out and it was too late to worry about being vulnerable.

  “The stars are gorgeous,” murmured Suzie. “When I was a kid, I dreamed of seeing them up close and looking at the Earth from space. I know I’ll never get to do it, but wouldn’t it be amazing to be an astronaut?”

  He traced the moon and stars design on her shoulder. “Is that where your tattoo came from?”

  “I figured if I was never going to get there, I’d have to carry a few stars around with me instead.” She gave a contented sigh. “It’s so clear tonight. I’ve never seen this many before. Have you?”

  “Not even close.” He nuzzled her hair, loving the way it smelled. Like soap, only fresher, and with a hint of cinnamon. “But it’s not just the stars that are different tonight. Everything seems to have changed.”

  She lifted her head so she could see his face. “What do you mean?”

  How to explain it, this feeling rising from deep inside him? He hardly knew what he wanted to say, only that words were rising up too, and he didn’t want to hold them back.

  He drew in a breath. “I must have looked up into the night sky a thousand times. Of course, the light pollution in New York makes it hard to see anything and even when I travelled to other places, I mostly saw a fraction of these stars. Even in Hawaii, it wasn’t like this. You come to accept what you see all the time as being the way things are.” He tightened his arm around her. “Except now, looking into a perfectly clear sky, I can feel my view of the universe shifting. I knew in the right conditions millions of stars would be visible, but it didn’t seem real until now. Until I could look up and see them.”

  “I get what you mean.” When Suzie smiled, her cupid’s bow caught the light. How could such a tiny thing as the curve in her top lip have such a profound effect on him? The warmth that flooded through him at the sight was about as logical as the way he wanted to bury his nose in her hair so he could remember her smell forever. But it felt good. She felt good.


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