Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion)

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Passions Pique (Passions Pique Satin's Passion) Page 10

by Milan, Adrian

  “Your first experience at Passions Pique, even though it was a thrill for you, it was awkward for us, because we didn’t know you yet. We didn’t know what you did and did not like. So a lot of it for us is about discovery, until we are learn everything there is to know about what turns you on. Still we strived to do our best to make you feel as good as you could possibly feel, again, that was with us actually being uneducated in what your hotspots were. – But that was then.”

  The corners of Tracey’s mouth turned up into a real sinister smile.

  “This is now. And now we know what you like. What you don’t like. We know exactly where your hotspots are. And we are going to ride you till we squeeze every drop of cum out of your writing body. Do you understand me Natsu Yakamura?”

  Natsu looked up at Tracey, his lips trying to form the words, but nothing came out. Tracey started stroking his cock. Pre-cum was leaking from its head. Tracey kept full eye contact with Natsu as he continued to struggle with the right words.

  “Come on Natsu, you can say it, be a good boy and say what you know Mommy wants to hear.”

  Natsu Yakamura’s chest felt like it was about to burst open. His heart was beating so fast. Yes,... this woman clearly had his number and there was nothing for him to do but to finally play it out as it was meant to be played out. Natsu puckered his lips and finally squared his gaze back upon Tracey and replied to her question.

  “Yes Mommy.”

  Tracey smiled.

  “That’s my good boy. Now let Mommy take your temperature.”

  And with that Tracey bent down and swallowed his entire cock in a single gulp. And there she stayed, with her lips flush up against Natsu’s pubic bone, while his shaft was being sucked and slurped and gagged upon by the softest pair of black lips he’d ever experienced. The other women began to descend upon him and by the time Mina bit down on Natsu’s left nipple, Natsu was exploding inside of Tracey’s hungry mouth. And she didn’t let up. She kept on sucking and slurping even after he was spent. His body stopped trembling and the sensitivity in his penis had subsided, Tracey just kept on going as though nothing had even happened. She continued to suck and stroke his flaccid shaft until after about 7 minutes Natsu felt himself becoming erect again. Tracey started stroking his cock faster and faster. She clearly wanted him as hard as he could get.

  “Come on Natsu. I want you to fuck me good and hard. You just had a good nut. So you should be good to go for at least an hour. Come on big boy, give me that good dick.”

  Tracey pulled Natsu up from the bed and she took his place on her back and opened her legs into a full split. She was incredibly flexible. Mina, the beautiful young petite woman from Prague, immediately mounted Tracey’s mouth while facing Natsu. She spread her lips and told Tracey to stick her tongue inside of her.

  “Come on Tracey, make me squirt it all inside of your mouth Baby. I can feel it coming. Come on!”

  Natsu had his raging erection back inside of Tracy’s incredible body. He couldn’t believe that she had gotten him back up after having an orgasm. He was thrusting inside of her wildly with complete abandon when he felt two little hands spreading his ass cheeks. Natsu immediately stopped. It was the Maria, the Mexican brunette.

  “No! Don’t stop Natsu! Keep fucking her! Don’t give that bitch a break. Look at her, the greedy bitch has already cum twice. Knock the bottom out from underneath her! Fuck her till there’s nothing left!”

  Maria’s words spurred him back into action and Natsu started pumping his dick back in and out of her pussy. He was slamming into her as hard as he could. Tracey was in no position to protest. Mina was grinding her pussy against Tracey’s lips. And she was about to cum for the second time.

  “Right in your mouth bitch. Open your mouth and take it. Fucking take it Tracey! Mmmmmm! Every fucking drop!”

  Natsu could feel the Mexican trying to push a finger into his asshole. He was about to turn around and tell her to stop when the Italian woman, Angelique, and the Irish red head, Patricia walked over to him from his right side. The Italian woman got on the bed facing Natsu on her hands and knees. The red head came up behind her wearing the infamous strap on dildo. She had the other one in her hand and tossed it to Maria.

  “Don’t waste your time with your finger, this is what Natsu likes. Isn’t it Natsu?”

  Natsu looked as though he was in a trance. Angelique, who was still on her hands and knees started French kissing Natsu. Sucking heavily on his tongue when Patricia started talking to him again.

  “Watch me fuck her Natsu. Watch me ram this cock into her pussy like Maria’s gonna ram it in your ass. I want you to keep stroking your dick inside of Tracey while Mina is cumming in her mouth. And keep your eyes on me while Angelique is kissing you, and I’m fucking her, and Patricia is fucking you! Yeah,... everybody’s gonna come tonight. Everybody! Fuck him Maria. Fuck him good and deep.”

  Angelique had him drunk with her kisses and he was fighting off the urge to come but it was hard. Tracey was meeting his cock stroke for stroke with a stroke of her own and she would not allow him to slow the tempo down at all. Then he felt Maria, without any warning at all, drive the strap on dildo home to its destination deep within his own ass. That was all that he could take. Natsu’s whole body clenched up as if he was having a massive heart attack. He was frightened and thrilled all at the same time. He could feel his orgasm rip through his body with more intensity than he ever knew possible. It was mind blowing. It was life changing. It was impossible, but it was indeed better than it was the first time that he laid with the women.

  “With my women.” He thought to himself. “Absolutely incredible.” He mumbled.

  The women allowed Natsu to collapse on the bed. They were pulling back sheets and before he knew it one of them was already back with a hot wet rag cleaning him off. Tracey stayed on mission.

  “Was I right Mr. Yakamura. Were we better than your first experience?”

  Natsu could only lay back with a huge smile on his face and nod his affirmation to Tracey.

  “So may I tell Ms. Satin that this deal has been consummated and that you agree to our terms?”

  Natsu finally got the strength to sit up.

  “No, my Sweet child. That honor belongs to me and to me alone.”

  Satin was writing in her diary when the knock came at her door. It was Natsu. Alone. And to Satin’s complete and utter surprise, he was smiling. “Satin, you may report to Mr. Pique that we have a deal. What do you need me to sign? Just this disclosure form making you our client for the buying of this stock giving us the power to make the purchase on your behalf. The once it hits and the money starts flooding in, we will immediately sell and cash out. Both parties, meaning you and Mr. Pique will receive equal shares of 50% each. And the rest is business as usual.”

  Natsu simply smiled.

  “Excellent. This was a fine idea. I’m sorry I did not do this sooner. Thank you Satin, for this gift. You have no idea how this has just changed my entire life.”

  Natsu went back to the door after signing the contractual agreements and then he turned and gave her the deepest most sincere bow she’d ever seen. She wasn’t sure why, but she had somehow been moved by that show of affection. Natsu was really happy. It showed. And she felt really good about that.

  As per Roland’s request, she immediately called Roland to inform him that the deal had been completed.

  “Mr. Pique. Yes, good morning Sir. I’ve called with news. Negotiations went very well and Natsu Yakamura has signed the contractual agreements.”

  “What? He signed them? Did he sign all of them Satin?”

  He could hear the smile in Satin’s voice.

  “Yes, Sir, He signed them all. No questions asked, no resistance whatsoever. I’ve already scanned the documents and had them sent to your personal email for storage on microfiche.”

  “Bravo, Satin. Well done. It would seem that congratulations are in order.”

  Roland put Satin on speaker phone as he went to
check his email on his computer. And there it was. He opened the attachments to review the documents and confirm that all of the documents were indeed signed. Once done Roland let out an audible sigh of relief.

  “This is a powerful moment, Satin. One I wish that you were here now to partake in with me.”

  “I know it is, Sir. For us both. Closing this deal is significant and life changing for us both. And again, I really am grateful for the opportunity you gave me. This will allow me to redefine my entire life. And I’m going to make the most out of it.”

  Roland could hear the pride coming through her voice. This deal was indeed a pivotal moment in the building of Roland’s dynasty, but there would always be moments like this for him. It’s what he does. If this deal had fallen through, it would have simply been; “on to the next deal.” But for Satin, this was a life changing event that will propel her into a new lifestyle and state of being that few have the privilege of actually experiencing. So in that respect, it was as much her victory as it was his. And from her perspective, she clearly had more to lose than Roland did. Roland didn’t miss any of that. Though he was sure that Satin thought that he did.

  “How soon before I can expect to see the commission for my work here, Mr. Pique?”

  Roland smiled. He loved the brazen courage of this woman. She was not one to mince words. That’s what made her such a fierce negotiator. She has no problem with asking the tough questions. Satin is always straight forward and straight faced in every situation. It amazed Roland that she could be so sterile in the boardroom and yet so passionate in the bedroom. It actually made for a wonderful combination that he enjoyed watching immensely.

  “Actually Satin, I am online now. And if you check your account in about 10 minutes, you will see the entire amount transferred to your direct deposit.”

  Satin was stunned. Roland knew that he caught her completely off guard with that answer because she was allowing too much time to go by before replying. Roland couldn’t help but to laugh.

  “Um, I don’t want to sound ungrateful, Mr. Pique, but isn’t it customary for us to wait to until after the payout before distributing the funds on a commission? Not that I’m complaining about getting the money, but I still don’t know any of the specifics of what you do or how you do it. So I don’t know what the risk factors are. What happens if your plan falls through? What happens if the market crashes? Or if some technicality comes up that forces you to put your plans on hold? I don’t want to start spending the money and then if something comes up I have to give it back.”

  “Satin. Stop it. You held up your end of the deal. You have done everything that I have asked of you without questions and well within the very limited amount of time that I required it. As far as I am concerned, your part in this deal is done. And I am changing the 10% that I promised to pay you from a “COMMISSION” to a “FEE.” So you can now consider this as payment for services rendered. Meaning, it doesn’t matter if the deal goes through or not. You have earned your one hundred million dollars. Again, congratulations.”

  Satin could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She dashed to her computer and opened up her online bank account. Roland could hear her fingernails tapping away on her keyboard and knew exactly what she was doing. And when she saw the current balance in her checking account she almost fell out of her chair.

  “Oh, my God.”

  “Again, congratulations. You earned it.”

  Roland hung up the phone on his end. He knew that she would need a moment to let it all sink in. In a blink of an eye, her whole life had just changed. One hundred million dollars meant new beginnings in ever quarter of her life and the lives of the people she loved. For Roland Pique, it was just another successful business transaction. Gwen poured their celebratory glasses of wine and handed Roland his glass.

  “She does have a point, Sir. What if something does come up that voids the deal before you are able to make your profit?”

  “That doesn’t matter to me, Gwen. I could care less about that stock, Natsu Yakamura or the four billion dollars that we could potentially earn.”

  “Four billion? I thought that it was for an even one billion dollars?”

  “You thought what I wanted you and everyone else to believe. No. It’s not one billion. It’s four billion. And everything is set up perfectly so I’m not worried about anything going wrong. That’s why I am who I am, Gwen. I’m not afraid to take the big risks.”

  Roland sneered to himself.

  “Then again, when you’re worth and sitting on a cool forty six billion dollars that you can access whenever you please, four billion dollars really isn’t that much of a risk to the likes of me. And the one hundred million isn’t even a drop in the bucket. So these are all just investments to me. Investments that cost me very little, but will pay out huge dividends in both the long and the short run.”

  Roland’s words hit Gwen like a tractor trailer colliding with a brick wall. She reeled in her emotions and calmed herself so that she could get the confirmation that she needed. She knew that she needed to sound as normal and as uncaring as she possibly could.

  “You don’t care about this deal at all, do you? All of this was a ploy. One big huge manipulation to trick Satin Silverstone into becoming one of your initiates.”

  “That would be correct, Gwen. The acquisition of Satin Silverstone required extraordinary measures, because she is an extra-ordinary woman. Had I attempted to attain her through any other methods, I would have failed miserably. And I do not fail, Ms. Pastel. When I set my sights on something, I do not stop until the object of my desire is mine. I would think that you, of all people, would know that better than anyone.”

  Gwen’s poker face was waning. She could feel all of the blood leave her cheeks. This was it. Roland had found someone whom he desired more than her. And he had no shame in letting her know it. Gwen was mortified. But refused to show it. She was too dignified for that.

  “What are your wishes now, Mr. Pique?”

  “I have it from here, Gwen. You are done for the day. Go and enjoy yourself.”

  “Very good, Sir. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Roland watched Gwen as she left his office. Gwen casually walked to the service elevator that took her down to her suite and showered. Roland watched from his monitors. She put a casual short set, as though she was going to take a walk on South Beach and strolled out of the door whistling some tune that Roland didn’t recognize. She seemed her normal happy self. Not a care in the world. Perhaps she was more well-adjusted than Roland had realized. If so, good. He would not tolerate anyone rocking his boat. That included Gwen. Best that she understands that from the very beginning. The elevator finally reached the lobby floor and Gwen walked out into the lobby with pep in her step. Then she went out of the main doors and out of the range of Roland’s cameras and technology. Out of Roland’s reach completely.


  Satin had been back from Okinawa for a week but had not been back to her office or to Passions Pique. She took the time she needed to figure out exactly what she wanted out of her life and what was the best way to go about doing it now that she was one hundred million dollars richer. And she needed to do it without any outside influences at all. Derrick had made no attempts to reach her at all. She knew that he knew something. She wasn’t sure how much, but her own sense of guilt and shame kept her from reaching out to him. She hadn’t counted on this. On having her own sense of morality bash her about the choices that she has made. She had convinced herself that once she had the money that any guilt that she might have felt would have been inconsequential in comparison to what she had gained. If that was true, then why was she feeling like she had betrayed the one person who loved her most? Why did she feel like she had betrayed herself?

  Satin finally made it back to her office to pack a few personal items. To say goodbye to her friends and to ask her secretary, Lila, if she would like to quit her job and come work for her. Of course she said yes. They laughed and t
hen they cried as they hugged each other. And then she looked across the hall towards Derrick’s office and waved at Milly. Milly smiled and waved back, so Satin walked on over. It was time to face the music. At the very least, she owed Derrick an explanation. And before she left this place, before she gave up on the love that she and Derrick shared, we would give him the truth and pray that it would be enough for redemption.

  “It’s good to see you, Milly.”

  “It’s good to see you again too, Ms. Silverstone. Where have you been?”

  “I’m starting my own investment firm. So I’ve been busy setting up the business. It takes a lot of work. Buying the building, hiring the employees, building a new client base, so I’ve been swamped.”

  “I understand”

  “Is Derrick In? I didn’t want to leave without at least saying goodbye to him.”

  “You mean Mr. Billings? Oh my, you don’t know do you?”

  “Know what? What are you talking about, Milly?

  “After you closed the deal in Okinawa and didn’t come back, Mr. Billings quit his job.”


  Satin was stunned beyond words.

  “Yes Ma’am, no explanation given. He asked me to box up some things for him. I did. And the next morning when I came into work, his office was cleaned out and maintenance told me that he packed up and moved out of his suite here at the towers. No one has been able to contact him since then.”

  “I can’t believe that he would just throw his whole life away like that. Why would he do this?”

  “If you ask me, Ms. Silverstone, he couldn’t handle the fact that you turned down his proposal. Men don’t take rejection well at all.”

  “Proposal? What proposal? Derrick never came to me with any proposal. What are you talking about, Milly?”

  “Oh dear. This doesn’t make sense. So he didn’t propose to you last week?”

  “Last week? No! Why would you think that? Milly, listen to me, I need to know what you know. Why would you think that?”


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