Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1

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Deceptive Changes: Kat LaMond Book 1 Page 7

by R A Baker

  Todd slowly let me go, steadying me as my knees wobbled. I kissed his arm and grabbed the heads from the passenger seat. “Here’s your bad guys.” I handed him the heads and started into the house.

  I didn’t get far before Trace and Erick grabbed me, one in front and one in back. “I’ll hug you but please don’t do that.” I stepped away from them. I was even more freaked out then I thought.

  I hugged them individually then walked into the house, up the stairs, and into the master bathroom. I turned on the shower, discarded my bloody undies and bra, and stepped under the hot water. Gosh, that felt good, well except the water hitting all of my wounds.

  I let the water wash away the blood and when it was all gone I soaped up. I hissed as the soap got into the wounds. I put my fluff away and sank to the ground as emotion overwhelmed me.

  I was still crying when all three came into the room. The glass door opened and they walked into the shower stall; it was big enough to hold five adults comfortably. They cuddled me as the water rained down on us.

  I stopped crying but couldn’t stop shaking.

  Todd washed my hair three times before he called it good, then they helped me from the shower, and wrapped a towel around my body.

  Trace carried me into the bedroom, and they surrounded me on the bed. Trace laid between my legs and Todd and Erick laid on either side of me.

  I was starting to warm up with their body heat. “Do you want to talk about it?” Trace whispered.

  “Not really.”

  “I’m here, we’re here, if you want to talk.”

  I stroked his head and fell asleep. I dreamed about what had happened but this time I didn’t win. I could feel the blood ooze out of my wounds, my life slowly fading.

  I woke with a start as I was just about to die.

  “Are you okay?” Todd whispered.

  “Mmhm.” I lay back against the pillows.

  The other two were snoring softly. “Did you want to talk, Kat?”

  I think he was truly worried about me. “Why did you bend to their demands?”

  “I just said that to buy time. Charles and everyone were out looking for you. Charles found your car in the woods not too far from here. When the video came in and I saw them torturing you, I was furious. I have to buy you a new kitchen. I destroyed most everything in it. The fridge is dented and won’t open properly, than the stove lost the battle too.” I chuckled. It felt damn good to laugh. “What happened, Kat? Please tell me.”

  I groaned. “If I tell you, you can’t get mad at me. I was doing the only thing I knew how.” I was afraid that he’d be mad at me for what I did, especially at the end.

  “I won’t get mad, babe. Just tell me.”

  I told him, everything, even the part about me seducing Caplin. Gasps came from Trace and Erick. I guess I had woken them up. I hadn’t meant to.

  “Now that you guys are awake, let me up. I need something to drink.” They moved off the bed in silence. I got out of bed and whimpered as my cuts sizzled as they split open.

  Todd wound his arm around my waist and helped me into the kitchen. He guided me into a chair and asked what I wanted. “Anything strong.” He went to the wet bar and pulled down some whiskey. He poured a double shot for everyone and brought the tray to the table.

  We each took a glass. I downed the whiskey in two swallows. I breathed out fire as the whiskey hit my throat and stomach. I handed Todd the glass and he refilled it. “Slow down, Kat. This isn’t a race to rid the memories.” I nodded and took my time on the second glass.

  “I am so glad you are who you are.” I looked at Erick and was going to ask what he meant but didn’t. I understood what he meant. If I had been anyone else I might not have been here now. Most women are afraid to use their powers of seduction and their ruthlessness to gain an upper hand on their attackers. I wasn’t one of them. I closed my eyes and snapped them open when I saw Caplin’s eyes looking at me like I was the world. I started to tear up again.

  “Kat,” Todd said softly. Todd and Trace put their hands on my back and lightly rubbed.

  “It’s not that, Todd. It’s that I had to kill Caplin.” They looked at me, confused. “I’ve never killed another vampire, after Antreas, where I knew their names. Caplin seemed to trust that I wanted him. I feel that I betrayed that trust by killing him.”

  “You had to, Kat.” I could hear the barely contained rage in Todd’s voice.

  “You don’t understand, Todd. This was weird and different. I had killed his lover, yet he wanted me. I didn’t understand his attraction and yet I used it against him. When I stabbed him through the throat…” I stopped speaking. I could see the whole incident in my head once more. “He looked at me with hurt and surprise. Not hurt as in physical either. His eyes told me that I had betrayed him. He had protected me from his lover. The other vampire, his lover, could have killed me with just that one bite but he defended me. I can’t explain it.” They nodded. “I don’t want to talk about this anymore. I want to forget. Who wants to help me forget?” They looked at each other.

  “Kat, I think you should…” Todd said, and faltered when I jumped from the chair into his lap. I kissed him, almost ravenously. I didn’t want to think about Caplin or what had happened. I wanted to forget and they could help me forget. Todd kissed me back, his arms winding behind my back.

  He pulled back and looked at me. I might have been desperate to forget but he wouldn’t help. He held me back and shook his head. “No, Kat. You have to deal with this. In two hours we’re scheduled to meet the vampires and show them what happens when they mess with either you or me, or ours.”


  I got off Todd’s lap, walked into the bedroom, and grabbed some really frightening clothes, black everything except the dark blue jeans that I loved to wear. I showered again and this time I didn’t cry. I just soaped up and hissed as soap got into my open wounds.

  I finished and stepped out of the shower. I wasn’t all that surprised that one of my men was in the room; however, I was surprised that it was Erick. He had laid out bandages and Neosporin. He bandaged me up and I got dressed. I kissed him and left the room, all without saying a word.

  I walked downstairs and went into the armory. I had transferred the armory, courtesy of Charles and all his hard work, from the hotel to the house.

  I grabbed several knives and sheaths, which attached to my arms—upper and forearm. The knives weren’t really long but they’d cut a vamp’s head off, which is what I was going for. I strapped them to my arms and grabbed two leg holsters. I strapped them on and grabbed my two favorite guns, a Glock .357SIG and a Glock 10mm. I made sure the clips were full and holstered the guns.

  I looked at myself in the mirror in the hall and turned back around. I looked around for a minute and grabbed a sword. The strap would lay across my chest like a purse. It was long enough to do damage from a bit farther away than the little knives on my arms but short enough to go across my back and not limit movement or the ability to sit.

  I walked out of the room and found the guys in the kitchen waiting for me. They looked me up and down and grimaced. “Kat, I don’t anticipate problems.”

  “I don’t care, Todd. I’m not going out without being armed to the teeth. They caught me off guard once and I won’t be prey again.” They didn’t say anything after that. Todd grabbed keys and we set off. The heads had been tied in double-lined garbage bags.

  Chapter Eleven

  We made it to the meeting sight. A small building that I knew had a giant subterranean basement. We walked down the stairs and went into the throne room. We stood on the throne area. The room was called to attention.

  Todd stepped up and in a loud, clear, voice said, “This is what happens when you mess with me or mine.” I produced the two heads. The room gasped as one. “Who wants to challenge me or mine?”

  The room stayed quiet for a long moment before a lone voice came through the silence. “Who killed them?”

  I stepped fo
rward. “They tortured me and I told them that they would die. They did. I killed them and I’ll kill whoever else wants a piece of me.”

  “If it happens again I won’t be so kind next time,” Todd said by way of ending the meeting. We walked out of the room. A roar filled the room with their prattle.

  >< ><

  We didn’t stick around, and left some person Todd trusted to deal with the vampires. We got into Todd’s truck and drove home. I was still very tired and didn’t want to think about anything. I was asleep before we arrived home.

  I opened my eyes when someone had the audacity to nudge me awake. My flash of anger disappeared when I found Todd standing next to me. “Yes?”

  “We’re home, Kat. Come inside,” he said, and held out his hand. I placed my hand in his, and let him assist me into the house, as I was too tired to make the short trek myself.

  I started to wake up as we walked into the kitchen.

  Sandra was cooking pancakes, eggs, and bacon. My mouth watered as I smelled the food. “You’re just in time to eat,” she said, smiling warmly in our general direction.

  Sandra was one of my raised ones, and a beauty to boot. She was slender, roughly five-three, with long dark hair, and summer storm grey eyes. Mark is her lover, and though he tended to stay away from all of us, he protected Sandra. That being said, he was a perfect match for her, and complemented her beauty with his own. He was slender, five-eight or so, with brown hair, and light brown eyes. He was more manly than Todd, Trace, or Erick, but he wasn’t my lover, he was Sandra’s.

  Sandra filled our plates and grabbed two, one for her and one for Mark, then left the kitchen and probably went into the dining room to enjoy her efforts.

  I grabbed my plate, sat down at the small table, and nearly inhaled the food. Rather than out on my feet the food helped wake me up. I was feeling much better, too.

  As soon as I was finished, I put my plat in the dishwasher and sat back down. I watched as my guys ate their food. They didn’t speak much but I could see smiles playing on their lips.

  They finished eating, and one by one filtered out of the kitchen. I was left alone in the kitchen, mildly confused. I grabbed a water bottle out of the wrecked fridge, and made a note to call and have it replaced.

  I walked out of the kitchen and made my way toward the bedroom. I didn’t pass anyone on the way, which was probably for the better. I didn’t want to see anyone or talk with anyone, anyway.

  As I walked into the bedroom, I noticed Trace was the only one in the room. “Hey.” I finger waved at him and sat on the bed. “What’s up, Trace?”

  He looked unsure and shifted uncomfortably. “I wanted to make sure that you were doing well.”

  I smiled and nodded, “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m not all that tired any longer.”

  “That’s good. We were really worried about you, Kat.” He slid along the blanket to my side and slung his arm across my shoulders. I leaned my head on his chest.

  We were still sitting like that when Todd and Erick came into the room. They sat next to us and curled their arms around both of us.

  “So how about we do something?” I suggested. They looked at me as one and I gulped. Trace’s eyes were smoldering and when I looked at Erick and Todd, they had the same look of desire. Yikes. I stood up quickly. Shock replaced the predatory look in their eyes. “You guys keep getting this look. The only way to describe it is predatory.”

  “We want you, Kat. When you suggest something like that it makes our hormones go into overdrive,” Todd explained. Oh.

  “Well, I suppose that’s something. How did you want to do this?”

  “I figure we could just get naked and then figure it out as we go.” Sounded like a plan to me.

  We stripped off our clothes. A small light in the corner was on but it wasn’t a big bother. The door to the room was closed and locked so no one would interrupt. I slid onto the bed and waited for one of them to take advantage of me but none did.

  I stood up and grabbed Todd around the neck and kissed him. I could feel him respond instantly. He left a trail of kisses down my cheek to my throat. The vampire bite was sealed but still raw. He kissed it gently and ran his tongue along my throat to the other side, the side without bites. He sucked until I was more than ready. He flicked his fingers along my clit as he sucked on my neck and I cried out as I came. He pulled me into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

  He carried us to the bed and laid me gently on the bed between Trace and Erick. I guess I was the one in the middle tonight.

  Trace and Erick started out quickly by placing their mouths on my breasts. Todd slid down to my groin and flicked his tongue across my clit. I squirmed in their arms. Todd brought me quickly again and again. Trace placed his mouth on mine and kissed me deeply as Todd slid inside me. I closed my eyes and went into sensory overload. It felt wonderful.

  Todd brought me again and then came himself. Trace and Erick moved back so Todd could lay his body across mine. He gripped my hips as he slid out, shuddering. He kissed me gently and then got out of the way, trading places with Erick. Erick waved the guys off and kissed his way from my throat to my groin. I shuddered as he ran his tongue along my clit and lips.

  He kissed up my body and claimed my mouth as he entered me, pulling my hips off the bed. I was cradled in Todd and Trace’s laps.

  Erick caught me off guard with another orgasm, I cried out for him several more times then he came himself. He shivered and sighed as he kissed my neck and lips.

  He slid out of me and Trace was next but he didn’t do anything more than kiss my stomach. He ran his tongue along the cut marks. I hissed out a breath as his saliva bit into my cuts. He ran his hands along the sides of my stomach over my hips and down my legs. Todd and Erick suckled on each side of my neck. Todd stayed above where the vampire bite was and sucked. They ran their tongues into the hollows on each side of my neck and bit gently. Trace entered me the same time they bit harder.

  I cried out and grabbed sheets to keep from convulsing with pleasure. Trace was slow and gentle and picked a rhythm that I could follow and still focus on my neck being nibbled and sucked on. Trace’s rhythm faltered. He brought me screaming as Todd and Erick bit my neck harder. Trace cried out above me, his hands playing with my breasts.

  Todd and Erick moved from my neck to allow Trace to kiss me and slide out of me. I trembled as another orgasm hit me. I didn’t want it to end and since they had brought me several more times than they themselves had gone, I decided to return the favor. “My turn.” I pulled Todd into the middle of the bed and ran my hand along his groin. I played with his balls and took his dick into my mouth. I could taste my bodily fluids and his on his skin but underneath was his own unique flavor. I ran my tongue along his shaft. He shivered as I flicked my tongue across his head.

  Erick and Trace licked and bit at Todd’s neck and collar bone. Todd became completely aroused as Erick ran his hand along his stomach. Trace kept to Todd’s neck. I sucked on Todd. I used my teeth, tongue, lips, and mouth to tease him. I rolled my eyes to watch as Trace and Erick kissed and nibbled on Todd. I breathed deeply as Erick made his way to Todd’s cheek. He kissed him on the cheek and then moved down to a nipple. Trace mirrored Erick’s movement to Todd’s nipples.

  I continued to suck and tease. I wanted him to last. Trace stayed at Todd’s nipple, flicking it with his tongue, bringing little sounds from Todd’s throat. Erick moved up Todd’s neck to his mouth. I stopped teasing and watched. My heart thudded in my groin as I watched Erick and Todd’s lips meet. They kissed passionately. Todd’s arm ran around Erick’s back and pulled him closer. Trace moved back and watched as well.

  I made a strangled sound in my throat as I watched them kissing. Oh, God. I was so ready again. They continued to kiss for a minute more. When they separated I saw Todd’s smile. I couldn’t see Erick’s but I could imagine his smile. I couldn’t take it anymore. I straddled Todd and with a few practiced moves brought both of us.

was still sitting on Todd when Trace slid over to me and kissed me. He wound his arms around my body and held me to him. I could feel Todd surge anew. I kissed Trace tongue deep, tasting him, feeling him. Todd moaned as I moved. Trace pulled back from me. He smiled at me and looked at Erick.

  I looked at Erick, as well, and saw his eyes fuzzy with desire. He slid up to me and pulled me to him. Todd slid out of me then I was in Erick’s lap.

  “I see you enjoyed the kiss again.” My legs were at Todd’s head. He turned and kissed my leg.

  “I totally enjoyed it. I like seeing you guys kiss. I don’t know what it is but I do.”

  Trace spoke up. “I would like to try but I don’t exactly know how or with whom.”

  I looked at Trace and said, “Don’t do something just because I said I liked it.”

  He cut me off with a small wave. “I’m not, Kat. I watched, really watched, this time. I saw their lips and the passion that they both felt as they kissed. It was a hell of a show and I would like to know what it feels like.”

  “I really hope you aren’t just doing this for me.”

  He gave me a look. “It’s not just for you, Kat. I really want to try.” My heart went into my throat when Todd sat up and slid nearer to Trace.

  “Are you sure?” Todd asked. He was giving him one last shot for an out.

  Trace looked him in the eyes and nodded. I was still on Erick’s lap when they embraced. A thrill went through me as Todd leaned into Trace. He placed his lips gently on Trace’s. Trace was rock still. Todd pulled back and looked at him. I couldn’t tell what look he gave Trace but it was enough.

  Trace pulled Todd to him and with parted lips kissed Todd. I whimpered as I watched them kiss. They turned slightly so I could see that their mouths were open and tongue was used. Todd cupped Trace’s face and held him for a moment. They continued to kiss and then Todd pulled back.

  “What did you think?” Todd asked softly.


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