Haunted Ever After

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Haunted Ever After Page 22

by Juliet Madison

  He took a few steps forward, then stopped and shook his head. ‘You were her nurse. Chances are you saw it or something. That doesn’t prove anything.’ He turned, and I urged Nancy to think of something else.

  ‘She said that on your honeymoon you missed out on half the champagne in your hotel suite because you’d dropped the bottle before opening it. When you popped the cork it fizzed up and spilled all over the floor!’ I repeated what she told me.

  He turned around and tested me with his eyes. ‘She could have told you that herself.’

  ‘Well, she did, but only just now. She also used to joke that she only married you because you were tall and she thought it would be handy to have someone around to change light globes and turn off the smoke alarm when her disastrous attempts at cooking filled the kitchen with smoke.’

  He stepped closer. ‘Keep going.’

  ‘When you found out you were having a baby girl and came up with the name Ruby, she asked what to do if there’d been a mistake and it was really a boy. You said you’d call him “Rudy”,’ I said, after Nancy relayed her memories to me. ‘And she didn’t like that name. You had her convinced you were serious, until you agreed that it wasn’t your name of choice for a boy either.’

  ‘Oh yeah, then what name did we agree upon if our baby was indeed a boy?’

  I raised my eyebrows at Nancy.

  ‘Benjamin Bradley Silverton,’ I spoke with confidence. Ty had his hand on my back in a show of support.

  Chris’ mouth gaped and he shook his head, running his hand through his hair, the other cradling Ruby. ‘No, it can’t be possible. This still doesn’t prove it. I can’t, I just…’

  ‘Chris, all you have to do is consider it’s possible. You only have to open yourself up to the fact that it could be true. Start there.’

  Nancy approached her husband, her eyes ranging all over him and absorbing every detail. Then she smiled lovingly at her daughter, who giggled. Ruby’s eyes looked straight at Nancy, as though she could see her too. She reached out her hand towards Nancy’s face. Nancy smiled and blew a kiss at Ruby, then turned to me. ‘She can see me! Ruby can see me!’

  Oh wow. It took all my effort not to break down in tears then and there. It was the most beautiful sight.

  ‘Chris, Nancy is with you right now. She’s standing there. Ruby can see her.’

  He stiffened, unsure and uncomfortable, and watched his daughter giggling and pointing right in front of her.

  ‘Mama.’ The sweet, soft sound of a baby’s voice floated from Ruby’s mouth.

  Nancy gasped and covered her mouth. ‘Oh. Oh my God. Oh, Ruby! My baby, you said Mama!’ She looked at me and Ty, then back again at her daughter. Chris’ face was frozen in awe.

  ‘She’s never said that before. She can say Dada, but never Mama. How? What just happened?’

  I came close to them. ‘She saw her mother.’ I smiled softly, reassuringly. ‘Nancy’s right here.’ I draped my arm carefully around Nancy’s figure, my arm tingling with her energy. ‘Right here.’ Nancy draped her arm around me too, and I closed my eyes for a moment and breathed in the pure love emanating from her in this moment.

  A slight sheen covered Chris’ eyes, his body started to tremble. Ty held out his arms to take Ruby off him and he allowed it. Chris brought his hands to his head, his eyes not knowing where to look. ‘If this is true, then how come I can’t see her?’

  ‘Because you’ve been closed up. Not receptive. But if you concentrate, I’m sure you could feel her presence.’

  Nancy placed her hand over her husband’s cheek.

  ‘Can you feel her?’ I asked. His eyes searched for confirmation, and I said, ‘Close your eyes. Feel her with you.’

  He did, and after a few moments he lifted his hand to his cheek.

  Nancy tipped her head back in delight. ‘I’m here, baby, I’m here.’

  He opened his eyes. ‘Was I imagining that?’

  I shook my head.

  ‘And you say she didn’t take her own life? Are you absolutely sure?’

  ‘One hundred percent.’

  ‘She dropped the ring and tried to get it?’

  ‘Yes. She wanted so much to come back to you, fresh and renewed, ready to get back to her usual self. She sneezed, and that’s what caused her to drop the ring.’

  ‘So she didn’t think to ask for help? Wait. Don’t answer that. She never was one to ask for help, she liked to think she could handle everything herself.’

  ‘She was a strong woman,’ I said, while Ty amused Ruby with funny faces.

  ‘It still feels so strange, I don’t know how to believe. It belies everything I’ve been taught.’

  ‘I didn’t believe in the afterlife either, before this,’ I said.

  ‘I need to be sure. I need to know… What was the last thing she said to me, before the taxi took her to the hotel on the day she died? I never told anyone.’

  I looked at Nancy and my eyes asked her for the answer, hoping she could remember.

  Nancy’s eyes lit up, knowing she had the proof he so desperately needed. ‘I said: “I don’t know what will happen after this weekend, but I know that I’ll never regret becoming your wife. You’ve been a wonderful husband to me and father to Ruby. I only wish I believed that I deserved you.”’ Nancy’s eyes became shiny. ‘I stepped off the front verandah and walked towards the taxi. He called out to me, as if he wanted to respond to what I’d said, but I just waved, got into the car, and that was the last time he saw me.’

  I took a deep breath, then relayed her words.

  Chris gasped, held his hand over his heart, and crumpled to his knees in tears. Nancy sat beside him, her hand on his back, telling him everything would be alright. I left them together like that, then placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, until he had the strength to stand. He took my hand as he got to his feet, and sandwiched it between both of his. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered. ‘Thank you.’

  In all my years as a nurse I had never been so overcome by pure, beautiful emotion. Had never felt such clear, wonderful, amazing purpose; that I was here to help people, in whatever way, shape, or form required. Ghost accomplices optional.

  When Chris took Ruby from Ty’s hands and embraced her with the strength and support that only a parent could provide, Nancy stood in front of me. ‘I have to go now,’ she said calmly. ‘I feel it.’ She looked beyond my shoulder and pointed. ‘I see it too. That’s where I have to be.’

  I turned around, but all that greeted me was the emptiness of the graveyard; grey headstones sheltered by trees, mosaic-like patches of shade and sun, and flowers in various stages of bloom and degradation. Whatever she could see was beyond my perception, beyond my physical body. One day I’d find out, but first, I had a long, wonderful life to live.

  Nancy turned to Chris. ‘Goodbye, my love.’

  I told him she was saying goodbye, and relayed her words of love and admiration for the gift he’d been in her life. I told him how Nancy knew things would get easier, and how Ruby would be the new light of his life, and she would watch over them.

  He gratefully accepted each word, his eyes appearing so deep and open now to his new understanding of the world and of his wife, and he touched his face again when she placed her hand on his cheek.

  Nancy caressed Ruby’s hair and her daughter smiled and cooed, her eyes wandering over her mother’s features. I stole a glance at Ty, who wiped at the inner corners of his eyes.

  ‘Be good,’ Nancy said to Ty after leaving her family’s side. ‘And sorry for freaking you out.’

  ‘It’s okay,’ he chuckled. ‘I’m glad you did. Take care, gorgeous.’ He offered a small wave.

  Then Nancy came back to me, her face soft and thankful, her curly red hair glowing under the afternoon sun like a rich sunset. ‘Please forgive me for being so cheeky,’ she said.

  ‘I already have.’

  She smiled. ‘I had fun. Thank you for that. And words can never express how grateful I am for what you and
Ty did for me.’

  ‘It was an experience, that’s for sure! And I had fun too, even though I probably didn’t think so at the time!’ We laughed, and I wished I could hug her. Properly.

  ‘The look on your face when you got stuck in the loo. Priceless!’ she said.

  ‘Yeah, yeah, enough with the toilet jokes, girl.’ I winked.

  ‘And as for the Greg situation… You’ll look back on it one day and feel only gratitude that his mistake led you to a much better life. Trust me.’

  ‘I trust you.’

  ‘And remember what I said about you-know-who,’ she whispered. ‘Don’t let him get away. Take some time, sure, but when it feels right, follow your heart and grab every opportunity with both hands. Promise?’

  ‘I promise.’ I nodded, holding back tears.

  ‘Good. Now go forth and live your life, girlfriend!’ She gestured into the distance, and walked forwards, towards a new realm that awaited her.

  ‘Bye, Red.’ I waved.

  She turned and fluffed her red curls with the palm of her hand and gave a cute pout. ‘Oh, and Sally?’


  ‘Go out and buy yourself a goddamn dress!’

  And in a swirl of sparkling colours, she was gone.

  * * *

  I exchanged phone numbers with Chris and promised to keep in touch, and he apologised for throwing us out of his house initially. I apologised myself, explaining that we hadn’t been completely truthful with him, and that Nancy had wanted Ty and I to pretend we were engaged and that I’d nursed Nancy’s broken arm. We decided we were even and wouldn’t say anything further on the matter. I promised to visit Ruby for every one of her birthday parties, the first being in two months time.

  I walked back to the car with Ty, our arms around each other’s waists. It was only for today, we knew, but it felt nice and natural and comfortable. As we walked, I sniffled, a few remaining tears escaping from my eyes. I would miss Nancy, but most importantly, I looked forward to living life with a renewed enthusiasm, in honour of her memory and to make the most of the gifts I’d been given.

  At the sounds of my sniffles, Ty pulled me closer to his side, and when we reached the car, he leaned me against it and wrapped me tenderly in his arms.

  Words weren’t necessary. His touch said it all. We’d shared something amazing together this weekend, something beyond anything I ever thought possible. And I didn’t just mean being around Nancy’s spirit and solving the secret of her death. We had a connection. A strong connection. Things would not end here, today. Time would pass and I would focus on getting my new life on track, he would study and save money and prepare for his interview to get into medical school. We’d do our own thing for a while. But when the great healer called time had travelled enough cycles around the clock, I would take that next step. I would be ready.

  Yes, I thought, as Ty kissed my cheek softly and caressed my hair, and I looked up into his beautiful, dark brown eyes. I would take Nancy’s advice. I would not let this one get away.


  ‘It’s okay, you’ll be at peace now,’ I said to the dead body lying on the hospital bed in front of me. George Wilkins. He’d suffered far too long, and although sad, I was relieved knowing it had come to an end after the last few months of being my patient. I adjusted the white sheet a little, wanting everything to be as perfect as possible for when his family arrived to say their goodbyes. I would comfort them and tell them that he was at peace, and this time I would mean it.

  I stepped away from the bed and squirted anti-bacterial hand sanitiser onto my palms, rubbing it over my hands. As I went to walk out the door, a strange sensation that I wasn’t alone turned my head back to the direction from which I came. A sharp gasp entered my lungs. George stood right there in front of me, looking down at his body. My heart pounded as he looked up and his eyes met mine.

  ‘Thank you,’ he whispered, his voice missing the usual rasp I’d become accustomed to. He held his hand over his heart and smiled, deep crinkles fanning out from the corners of his eyes. Then he gave a final wave, and disappeared in a swirl of light and colours.

  My mouth hung open, then slowly turned upwards into a smile. I had not seen a spirit since my experience with Nancy eight months ago, and didn’t know if I ever would. But this…this was amazing. A reminder that there was a whole other realm out there. My nursing had changed; I was more aware of people’s feelings and better able to counsel them with their worries, fears and grief. I stood in awe for a moment, then turned and walked out of the room.

  ‘Ouch!’ Something ran over my foot. A crash cart. Wheeled by an attractive man with a stethoscope around his neck.

  ‘Ty!’ I said. ‘I was wondering if I’d be seeing you soon in these halls.’

  ‘Good to see you, Sexy Sally.’ He winked. ‘Though please forgive me for running over your foot, is it okay?’

  ‘It’s fine.’

  ‘I wasn’t trying to get you back for the supermarket situation or anything,’ he added.

  I nodded. ‘Oh sure, whatever you say,’ I laced my words with sarcasm. ‘How have your first couple of weeks been?’

  ‘Full on. But so great. I’m loving it.’

  ‘And how’s Cody?’

  ‘He’s doing well. He’s learning to play a musical instrument now; the keyboard.’

  ‘Good for him!’ I smiled. ‘And are you still stripping?’

  ‘Nope. Thanks to all your referrals I had a ton of bookings, and saved up enough to quit. There’s no time for that now, anyway. But I do get to play doctor here, which is fun. Except I have to keep my clothes on.’

  I rose up and down on my toes. ‘So, I was actually going to call you this weekend.’ I hadn’t seen him for six months, not since Ruby’s first birthday party. I now lived in a small apartment about ten minutes from work, and forty minutes from Barron Springs. Lorena now had baby Callie keeping her busy and sleep deprived, and Mel and Michael were going strong. Georgie seemed happier too, had more of a glow about her these days, and she’d had her TV contract renewed.

  ‘You were? Or are you only saying that to be nice?’ He winked.

  ‘I was, look.’ I took my phone from my pocket and showed him the reminder I’d set in my phone calendar: Saturday: Call Ty.

  He smiled. ‘Looks like I saved you some time by bumping into you.’

  ‘Yes, literally.’ I grinned. ‘Although I’m sure a phone chat is in order anyway. There’s only so much that can be discussed in a hospital corridor.’

  Ty tilted his head slightly. ‘Why don’t we make it a face-to-face chat? If you want to, that is.’

  I raised my eyebrows. ‘I think that sounds like a perfect idea.’

  ‘How about The Valley Restaurant? I can book a table for, say, seven on Saturday night?’

  ‘Deal.’ I held out my hand and he shook it. Oh, how I’d missed the touch of his skin. ‘I’ll meet you there.’

  ‘And will you be carrying a red rose or something, so I know how to recognise you in case you’re all dressed up?’

  I chuckled. ‘No, but I will be wearing a dress.’

  ‘Let me guess, a purple one? Mauve?’

  I shook my head. ‘Cobalt.’

  A smile grew on his lips and he nodded his approval. ‘I look forward to seeing you then.’ He glanced down the corridor. ‘I better get this cart back where it belongs; have to be a good student.’

  I nodded. ‘See you on Saturday.’

  After he smiled and began walking off, he turned back around. ‘Oh, ah, will there be any other guests joining us for dinner?’ He raised his eyebrows.

  ‘No. Definitely not! It will just be you and me.’ I smiled softly.

  ‘Sounds good.’

  We held each other’s gaze for an extra moment. ‘So, you’ve really given up stripping, hey?’

  ‘Yes. Although… I could make an exception at some stage, if it was absolutely necessary.’ He eyed me with that sexy, teasing look from his business card. Ty Roxf
ord ~ Quality adult entertainer and dancer had now become: Ty Roxford ~ Medical student and potential love of my life.

  ‘I’ll hold you to that,’ I said, with a teasing look of my own to rival his. And as I watched him walk away, I knew without a doubt that what happened in Barron Springs, certainly would not stay in Barron Springs.


  Thanks for reading HAUNTED EVER AFTER. I hope you enjoyed it.

  If you’d like to know more about me, my books, or to connect with me online, you can visit my webpage www.julietmadison.com, follow me on twitter @Juliet_Madison, or like my Facebook page www.facebook.com/JulietMadisonAuthor.

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  Reviews can help readers find books, and I am grateful for all honest reviews. Thank you for taking the time to let others know what you’ve read, and what you thought.

  If you liked this book, there’s information on my other books: FAST FORWARD, I DREAM OF JOHNNY, STARSTRUCK IN SEATTLE over the page.

  This book was published by Escape Publishing. If you’d like to sample some more great books from my fellow Escape Artists, please turn the page.


  Fast Forward

  Juliet Madison

  Aspiring supermodel, Kelli Crawford seems destined to marry her hotshot boyfriend, but on her twenty-fifth birthday she wakes in the future as a fifty-year-old suburban housewife married to the now middle-aged high school nerd.

  Trapped in the opposite life of the one she wanted, Kelli is forced to re-evaluate her life and discover what is really important to her. Will she overcome the hilarious and heartbreaking challenges presented to her and get back to the body of her younger self? Or will she be stuck in the nightmare of hot flushes, demanding children, raunchy advances from her husband and hideous support underwear forever?

  I Dream Of Johnny (Novella)

  Juliet Madison


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