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Paramount Page 8

by Nadia Scrieva

  “Well, how long is she going to take to make her decision? I want to sleep with her already,” complained Asher, playing with his cufflinks.

  “We’ll just see about that,” said Thornton with a smirk. Then he noticed the girl and blinked. “Good Sakra.”

  Heads of both men and women at other tables began turning to see the champagne gown which shimmered with the motion of confident strides. The low-key color was so neutral that it bestowed the effect of making its wearer look almost nude. Her deep plunge neckline exposed ample skin, as her hairstyle exuded sophistication. It was unmistakable to every onlooker that there was goddess in this woman. It was so unmistakable that they could not bear to look at her, and turned away to avoid seeming impolite. By being over-the-top posh, Para had managed to disguise herself as a completely human woman.

  It had taken her upwards of four hours to get ready. Pax and Amara had separately prepared for the date before uniting, and their clothes had also merged into a wonderful combination of what they both had chosen to wear. It was a fascinating side effect of the spell—the girls would never have to argue over what Para should wear, because even her garments took on the respective properties of each of her segments.

  The spell was so precise with the way it employed its ancient magicks that Pax often wanted to scan through the old books and seek out similar recipes. Amara did as she had promised, although she was also sometimes tempted, and kept her friend in check. “It’s like drugs or drinking,” Amara had explained. “When you feel great, you always think that if you take a little bit more you’ll feel even better. But there’s a maximum, and from that point onward it’s all downhill. You’ll regret not recognizing the high point, and quitting while ahead—but we always want more than we can handle.” Pax had wondered where Amara had gotten such experience with drugs or drinking; she had not been present for those events.

  “Hello gentlemen. I’m so sorry I’m late,” she said with a smile. Both Thornton and Asher stood up to pull her chair for her, and glared at each other. Asher won this mini-battle and snatched the chair.

  “I’m just happy you returned my call and could make time to meet us today,” said Asher, pushing the chair in as she sat down. “You look as stunning as ever, Medea.”

  “I want to apologize for what happened the last time we met,” explained Thornton, taking her hand gently and kissing it in greeting. For the first time, Para was not wearing gloves. Pax’s scars were less visible when blended with Amara’s perfectly smooth hands, and the girls were beginning to think that it might be suspicious if Para always wore gloves. Thornton was still speaking. “Asher was helping me out with some paperwork at the office yesterday, and it’s the end of quarter. It’s hectic like you wouldn’t imagine at KE. We were both already quite drunk by the time we ran into you, and I know we weren’t acting as we should have.”

  Seriously? Drunk? Para knew how high their tolerance was. Maybe if you’d both consumed every drop of liquor in that bar and then some. “Oh, I understand all about stressful days at work,” said Para, resting her hand on Thornton’s forearm. “I’m so sorry that your job brings you to drink. Mine does too. You wouldn't believe the things that I see on a daily basis. The impossible, heartbreaking things that I've seen.”

  I’ve seen my two greatest allies turned against me. I’ve seen the two men I loved more than anything in the world become my nemeses and hurt me more than any demon or Asura ever could. As Para let these negative thoughts about Thornton and Asher seep through her mind, she consciously remembered to keep an expression of sweetness on her face and look sad and distressed about her own job.

  When the waiter arrived to take their orders, Asher and Thornton both ordered dishes that Para knew wouldn’t satisfy a tenth of what they needed to consume for one meal. She knew this, because her respective parts were used to cooking for both of these men several times a week. Three can play, my loves. She ordered a chocolate fondue. When the boys asked her if she planned to eat any more than that she said that it was all she really felt like at the moment. They picked up the conversation.

  “You must be a very strong person to deal with the stressful situations that arise from working in the hospital,” said Asher.

  “I try to be strong, Ash,” said Para earnestly, “but the truth is… I’m only human.” Oh, that's a good one. I'm only human. Please, help save and protect me, big strong godlike boys.

  “What do you do to relax?” Asher asked. “I know we mentioned to you that my niece is a doctor. Sometimes the pressures of her job drive her a little crazy.”

  “No, Asher, your niece is always crazy,” complained Thornton. “She tried to demolish my face this morning.”

  Don't laugh. Don't laugh. Wait… tried to? Speaking of that, why didn’t it leave a mark?

  “She didn’t try to,” said Asher with a smirk and a grin. “She did. Or do you not remember using your emergency vial of Sakra’s healing water?”

  Para tried to keep from scolding Thorn. What an idiot! Using Sakra’s water which has the power to save lives, just to make himself look good for a date? There’s such a limited supply of those vials, and this is just wasteful! Also, if he couldn’t take a little explosion like that, he really is getting old and weak.

  “Demolish… your face?” asked Para with a concerned gasp. “What does that mean? Did she try to shoot you with a gun? What is 'Sakra’s water'? Are you alright, Thorn? Let me look at it.”

  Para reached up to cup Thornton's face in both of her hands, turning his head first to one side gently, and then to the other. She ran her fingers along his cheekbones firmly, and then along his jaw. She then ran her fingers lightly around his eyes and eyebrows.

  “There’s no sign of any damage here,” she said knitting her sapphire brows in a frown. “What did that crazy girl do to you, Thornton? I always thought she was nice.”

  “It’s nothing, Medea,” said Thornton with a small laugh. He had been enjoying the feel of her soft hands on his face and the sweet concerned look in her cobalt eyes. I should get hurt more often, he thought. “Pax is one of those violent types. Which is a bit ironic since she was named after a Roman peace goddess. She often uses both me and Ash as punching bags.”

  “How awful,” she said with a grimace. “If either of you ever need any medical attention feel free to call me immediately. I do sometimes make house calls for my favorite patients.”

  Para felt an inward tickle of humor as she saw Asher and Thornton look at each other with wide eyes. Are they planning to hurt each other now so that I can take care of them? Are they fantasizing about playing doctor with me? Oh, boys! Don’t make this too easy now.

  “That could be very helpful, Medea,” said Asher with a smile. “I have a hunch that I’m next on Pax's hit-list.”

  You have no idea. “How could anyone hurt such a sweet boy as you, Ash? Why, I bet you wouldn’t harm a fly.”

  Asher smiled and blushed, casting his eyes downward, while Thornton laughed. “That’s definitely Ash! He’s always been the kindest person I’ve known. And I’ve known him since we were little kids.”

  “How sweet. It’s rare to see such deep, loyal, lasting friendship these days,” said Para. I used to think he was kind too. Just then her fondue arrived and she almost squealed in delight at the sight of warm chocolate running in rivulets down a small fountain, and surrounded by an appetizing assortment of fruits.

  The meals ordered by Thornton and Asher had not yet arrived, so they had nothing to do but watch Para eat. “Oh my goodness. I hope you boys don’t mind, but there are some things you just cannot eat with a fork. It would be sacrilegious,” she said, picking up a strawberry with her fingers. Now she was very glad that she had not worn gloves. She dipped the strawberry in the chocolate and lifted it out, rolling it so that the excess dripped off before bringing the fruit to her lips and closing her eyes as she tasted it.

  Damn, Thorn! That is so sexy. The strawberry looks good too. A sexy woman with a sexy strawberry, this is to
o much for me to handle.

  Para opened her eyes. Asher had sent that thought into her mind instead of to Thornton. Accidentally giving her information, and telling her exactly what he wanted. As if she didn’t already know. How could Asher screw up his telepathy like that? The strawberries and chocolate (and cleavage) must really be affecting him.

  “Would you like to try a piece, Ash?” she asked softly, generously coating a strawberry for him. She fed it to him before he could respond and as he took it into his mouth his lips closed around her fingers as well. She tried to pull her hand away but he held onto her wrist gently, and after eating the strawberry he licked and sucked the excess chocolate off her fingers.

  “It's delicious, Medea,” he said, looking into her eyes as he released her hand.

  "Oh," she said, feeling her cheeks flush. She silently cursed within her mind at how much Asher's touch warmed her insides.

  Nice one, Ash. Now I'm feeling a bit left out. Except I don’t really like strawberries, but that banana would taste delicious from her fingers.

  Thorn, man, how can you not like strawberries? Seriously. Bananas are in no way, shape, or form, tastier or sexier than strawberries. Besides anything would taste delicious coming from those fingers. I wouldn’t mind licking chocolate off the rest of her either. I swear, man. I'll be licking chocolate off those perfect breasts by the end of the week, you’ll see. I wonder what color her nipples are?

  Damn you, Bro. It will be me! I don't even need the chocolate. Can you smell her? I already know how delicious she’ll taste.

  Nothing like a good, ol’ fashioned purebred human woman. I'm going to plunge my tongue in her honey soon. I'll tell you all about it afterwards.

  Para was frozen. Were they screwing up the telepathy intentionally? Did they always talk about women in such an explicit and lewd manner? Why was she able to listen in on this? Was it a new technique that came with the fusion? So they like my scent. I guess I should let myself go and let my body respond to them. Just let myself go, and try to intensify that scent. Be turned on in order to turn them on, yet maintain control in my mind. As she planned out her strategy she reached for the piece of banana and expertly dipped it.

  "Thorn," she said with a naughty smile. "Something tells me you're more of a banana boy."

  He looked at her in surprise before taking the banana from her fingers into his mouth, and the perfect flavor of banana and chocolate and her skin mingled together to create the ultimate aphrodisiac.

  “What about you, Medea? I'm going to guess pineapple,” said Thornton, smiling like an excited kid, and reaching for the pineapple. He fed it to her in much the same manner that she had fed him, accidentally allowing a small drop to fall onto her shoulder as he brought his fingers back to his own lips to lick them.

  "Oops," said Thornton, leaning in. “May I?"

  She nodded in surprise as Thornton put his lips on her shoulder and gently kissed and licked the chocolate off. She felt her eyes closing of their own initiative. In addition to the natural tingles she felt at his touch, she felt him send small jolts of electricity into her skin by flickering his energy against her arm as he ran his fingers down it. He was turning on the seduction at full force. It was working too.

  How did these two men, with all of their power, make it with normal human women? Para remembered all the times that Asher and Thornton had left her own bodies bruised and sore, and wondered if they wouldn't seriously injure a human girl with their lovemaking. Wouldn't they have to use so much restraint that it would be boring? All the more reason they'll come back to us, begging on their knees. Stop it, Para! That's against one of the foremost rules of this game: no thinking of reconciliation. Just revenge.

  She knew that she had to push the anger aside and let herself be seduced in order to fully seduce. She could call upon the anger to stabilize herself at any time. She wasn't just one clumsy and insignificant mostly-human girl any longer. She was not one weak girl who would let them win. She was Para. She was the best of two quasi-goddesses twisted together in a glorious fusion. She did not only feel equal to the men at the table, but the newfound arrogance from her merger caused her to feel superior. For a woman, it was always necessary to feel far superior to a man in order to seem barely his equal.

  This was war. Even Thornton licking chocolate off her exposed shoulder… well, that was war too. War felt pretty good.

  Asher cleared his throat loudly. “I don't know, Thorn. I would have guessed Medea would like kiwi best.”

  Asher's glare at Thornton clearly seemed to say, "Why are you hogging our new toy? I want to play too."

  "I do like kiwi," she said, opening her eyes and looking at him through her thick midnight lashes.

  Thornton moved away from Para hesitantly and allowed Asher to dip and feed her a piece of kiwi. Asher very obviously smudged his chocolate-covered thumb against the side of her mouth when he pulled his hand away and smiled at her wickedly.

  "So sorry. Not intentional at all," he said with a wink. "Allow me."

  He didn't wait for permission before leaning in and brushing his lips against the side of her mouth, almost touching her lips, but not quite. It was somewhere between a chaste kiss on the cheek and a feather-light promise of lusty wet French kisses to come.

  I want to be inside of you, Medea, thought Asher, gazing down at her body hungrily.

  Para's eyes widened and she almost pulled away at the shock of those words. Did he intend to communicate to her telepathically? Did he intend to say that, or was he just thinking?

  What is it about your scent? Asher was staring into her face with puzzlement. There was something of recognition there. You’re so exceptional and out of the ordinary… yet so familiar too, as familiar as… myself. You remind me of home… but at the same time, of a distant place I've never been.

  Fuck you, Asher! Para ripped her gaze away from Asher and looked at the frowning Thornton. She felt her breaths coming quickly, and Asher’s thoughts were affecting her far too much. Her chest heaved with the deep intakes and her heart was racing. She had to be careful not to respond to him telepathically. Can he hear my thoughts too? Did he hear me curse at him? She looked back at Asher who still gazed at her whimsically and knew that he had not heard.

  Her watch beeped. Ten minutes.

  “I'll have to go soon,” she told the two men, and they were about to object, but the waiters arrived then with the main dishes. Food. The only thing, the only glorious thing that could distract a deva from a woman. Para quickly and ravenously finished the rest of her fruit and most of the chocolate fondue, all the while listening to her stomach growl for more. She ate while the boys were eating so they didn’t notice that her particular style of eating was just as piggish as theirs.

  Her watch beeped again. She had to get going.

  “Thanks for meeting with me, guys. I have to get going. Dinner was wonderful.”

  She was already beginning to stand up when she felt both boys restrain her by grabbing her arms. She sat back down abruptly. They move as simultaneously as I do when I’m merged together.

  “I have a question before you go, Medea,” said Thornton. “Which one of us do you prefer?”

  “This is a bit embarrassing. You boys both seem great. But I hardly know either of you.”

  “Then get to know us,” said Asher. “Why don't you go out with each one of us privately so you can decide who you like best?”

  “I don’t think I have the time for something serious,” said Para hesitantly. “I’m simply too busy these days.”

  “That’s fine. No pressure. But you’d like to spend more time with us, wouldn’t you?” Thornton prodded.

  She paused for a moment, glancing at her nails in her lap. Cool! Even my nail polish is a combination of Amara's French manicure, and Pax's orange nails. Shiny. Okay, that was enough time for a thoughtful pause, time to answer.

  “Yes,” said Para, letting a sincere look drift over her features as though she had considered the pros and cons at
length. “Frankly, I am very surprised. What I most admire is your loyalty to each other—your friendship is so inspiring. There’s something special about you guys. When I first met you I thought you were just another pair of skirt-chasing whores, but I think I was mistaken.”

  Thornton and Asher looked at each other and began to silently congratulate themselves in thoughts that Para could hear every word of. You morons. There was an insult in there. You shouldn’t be too proud of yourselves. She glanced at her watch. Five minutes.

  “See you guys another time,” she said, rising to her feet.

  “Such a really busy girl. Always rushing off before things get interesting,” remarked Thornton.

  “Next time you can show me what you mean by ‘interesting,’” said Para, throwing the boys her best Kalgren smirk before pivoting to leave. As she glided by other tables, several couples discreetly turned their eyes to observe her swaying mass of navy-blue hair as she exited the room.

  “She’s going to be a tough one to break,” said Asher, staring after the shapely retreating legs, “but now that she’s gone, can we order enough food to eat?”

  Chapter 9: The Breakfast Table

  “Daddy, I hope you don’t mind that I’ve been practicing a bit with Pax recently,” Amara said, taking a deep breath. “May I ask you a few questions about devas?”

  “Go ahead, Amara.”

  The blonde woman daintily used her knife to carve a morsel out of her soufflé as she considered how to phrase her question. Her father was not an easy man to address. “Well… is telepathy common?”

  “Of course,” answered Vincent Kalgren. He did not look up from his newspaper to respond. “Almost anyone can project their thoughts into the mind of another.”

  “What about hearing the thoughts of another?” Pax asked between sips of coffee.

  Vincent did look up from his newspaper then, so that he could scowl at the girls. “Doesn’t it seem obvious that if one can project thoughts, the receiver should be able to hear them?”


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