Once a Pirate (Mystical Realm Series Book 1)

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Once a Pirate (Mystical Realm Series Book 1) Page 10

by Snyder, Sarah

  Having said his piece, Sully turned to leave. “Sully,” Jake stopped the man. He waited for the Pirate to turn his attention back to where Jake stood. “Thank you.”

  “Just doing my job, Captain,” Sully assured as he opened the door. The mate hesitated, looking over his shoulder at his young Captain. “I like her, your lass. She’s a good girl.”

  Jake stared at the door as Sully shut it behind him, wondering at the man’s final comment. He knew Sully was the only one of his crew who spent any time with Anna, taking her meals and checking on her throughout the day, but Jake hadn’t expected the man’s quick acceptance of her. Sully was of a same mind as Jake, believing love and women to be distractions which would end only in pain and loss. The fact the man seemed to accept Jake’s interest in Anna was huge. With a smile and a more relaxed set of mind, Jake quickly changed into his black slacks and black leather jacket before leaving his ship in search of Anna.


  The firelight seemed unnaturally bright in the seaside restaurant Char insisted they visit, making Anna feel exposed to the strangers around them. She looked around the establishment’s few patrons, noting each returned her stare before looking back to their meals. By the lack of amenities and the size of the town in which they docked, Anna doubted the small port of Andrello received many visitors. It made no sense for them to have stopped in such an insignificant town. “Why did we stop here, Char?” Anna questioned of her companion, their Guards having remained outside.

  “One of my Guards informed me this place had the best smoked keel he’s ever tasted,” Char spoke with a distracted smile, “I thought you’d like to try it.”

  Anna pushed the food around on her plate, thinking the meat looked more like smashed up worms than anything worthy of eating. Even the smell left her nauseated. “I’m not that hungry,” Anna excused.

  “That’s fine,” Char assured and Anna noticed he barely touched his meal either, his eyes flitting around the restaurant as if waiting for someone.

  “Are you expecting someone?” Anna asked as she gave up on the remainder of her meal.

  “No, of course not,” Char’s smile was strained.

  A waitress came to their table, whispering something to Char before handing him a folded piece of paper. Anna was unable to read the script from her position, but Char looked upset over the letter. “Is everything okay?”

  “Everything is fine,” Char slipped the paper into his pocket and turned his attentions back to Anna.

  “Char, please tell me what’s going on,” Anna nearly begged. “Where are we going?”

  “I’ve told you,” Char hedged. “I have business in neighboring Kingdoms and didn’t wish for you to be alone.”

  “And, Jake Reynolds,” Anna prodded, not believing the man who suddenly couldn’t look her in the eyes. “Why are we sailing on a Pirate ship?”

  “The Crimson Jewel is no longer a Pirate ship,” Char ignored her question. “She is a part of my royal fleet.”

  “Char,” Anna was growing angry.

  “Everything is fine, Anna,” Char placed his hand over hers on the table. “I’ll take care of the bill and we will take a walk on the beach before returning to the ship.”

  “I’ll wait outside,” Anna responded to the Prince’s command.

  Char looked hesitant, but nodded as he stood. “My Guards are at the door, stay with them until I join you.”

  Anna ignored his final order, balking at not being in control of her own actions. She stepped into the warm, summer night air, taking deep breaths. To her surprise, the Guards were not waiting outside as Char believed and Anna sighed in relief. The thought of two burly men escorting her until Char joined was not appealing and she was grateful for a few moments of solitude.

  The sound of boisterous singing and laughter blew on the breeze, coming from the direction of the ship which she disembarked earlier. Anna smiled at the obvious enjoyment her Pirate hosts were experiencing during their time in port. At least someone was happy with their strange stop. Several moments later, Anna decided she wasn’t going to wait for Char or his Guards. She didn’t want to walk on the beach or spend another moment with a man who refused to answer even the most basic of questions. Anna understood the need for privacy, but Char took his secrets too far.

  Anna began walking toward the ship, her path easily visible in the brightly lit streets of Andrello. She smiled at her own defiance, feeling like she was once again at home with her older brothers as they demanded she do as she was told. Anna didn’t take orders from her kin so she wasn’t about to take orders from a Prince.

  She had just reached the end of the long dock when two men stepped into her path. “Excuse me,” Anna spoke politely as she tried to pass them.

  The men stepped with her, blocking her way and towering over her. A growing apprehension spread throughout Anna’s system as she was forced to stop walking. “Why in such a hurry, sweets?” One of the men drawled as he stepped forward, his hand reaching for her arm.

  “Please, move,” Anna’s tone was firm as she easily avoided the man’s grab.

  “I don’t think so,” the man tried again, this time his palm latched onto her forearm in a punishing grasp.

  “Let go,” Anna demanded as the man dragged her to the side of the docks toward the thick brush at their edge. She struggled to pull free, but the man’s grip was too strong. Opening her lips to scream, Anna found herself jerked against the man’s chest, his beefy hand covering her mouth.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, sweets,” he warned as he shoved her through the brush and onto the ground.

  Anna lay on the dirt for a moment, coughing and winded by the fall. Before she could catch her breath, Anna found herself flipped over and the large male straddling her hips. His hand went to her mouth, preventing any sound.

  “Hurry up, Tate,” the other man stood nearby, looking around them anxiously.

  “Not a chance,” the man called Tate licked his lips. “I intend to have a little fun before we finish her.”

  Anna tried to wrench herself out from under the man. As his hand slipped down slightly, Anna used the movement to take a large bite out of his palm. His scream of pain was rewarding. Tate brought his hand back, obviously intending to strike her before he was ripped from her body and tossed against a nearby tree. In seconds, a dark figure was on him, pounding his face and torso until he fell in a dejected pile to the ground. Anna noticed her other attacker laid in a pool of darkness a few feet away.

  The dark figure came to stand over her, taking her arms and pulling her to stand in front of him. “Are you alright, Love?” Jake’s voice was soft and gentle, holding none of the violence Anna had just seen.

  “I,” Anna stuttered. “How did you know?

  “I was following you,” Jake pulled her tight to his chest, allowing her to feel the intense thundering of his heart. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head and pulled away from the Pirate, avoiding the two slumped men as she stumbled back through the brush to the main path. Anna wasn’t sure what was more disturbing; the two men who attacked her or the knowledge Jake was following her. Both subjects kept Anna in a state of shock, preventing her from feeling any fear over what just occurred. She hid her shaking by brushing off her slacks and tee-shirt as Char and his Guards came running up the path.

  “Anna,” Char called out as he approached, seeing the shadowed figures lying just inside the brush where Jake left them. “What happened?”

  “Nothing happened, I’m fine.” Anna lied, figuring she owed Char a few for those he offered her. Without another word or glance at the men around her, Anna strode with swift purpose toward the Crimson Jewel. She ignored the sounds and movements of the men at her back, Anna’s only concern to reach the safety and silence of her bedroom. She was far too confused and conflicted to remain among people.


  “She was attacked,” Jake informed the Prince after he saw Anna was safely aboard his ship.

�Attacked,” Char’s shock only succeeded in raising Jake’s already barely controlled rage.

  He had no sooner found Anna than he lost sight of her. In his desperation to remain unseen, he allowed too much space between them. Jake hated to think of what her attackers had planned if they’d been allowed more time. He paced the dock as Char nodded his Guards away.

  “We need to talk,” Char sighed deeply.

  “I’ll say,” Jake was furious at the Prince’s negligence. The man allowed Anna to walk alone on unfamiliar streets after dark. There was no excuse for his idiocy.

  “Not here,” Char looked around anxiously.

  Jake stopped pacing, his attention focused entirely on Char. “Navigation room,” Jake was short with the man, but his voice lowered so as not to be overheard.

  Char nodded and followed him back to the Crimson Jewel. Jake ignored his drunken crew as he led the Prince to the navigation room and closed the door behind them. Forgoing the wooden chairs, Jake leaned on the large desk, crossing his arms and waiting for Char to speak.

  The Prince paced for a few moments before he began, “There was an attack,” Char admitted.

  “Aye, I know, mate,” Jake raised his eyebrow. “I was there.”

  “No,” Char licked his lips and stilled; his eyes severe as they focused on Jake. “Last night, after I had you jailed, there was an attack.”

  Jake slanted his head, “What do you mean?”

  “You were right,” Char sighed. “Anna may be in danger.”

  Jake stood up straight at the information, his temper lost. Char ignored Jake’s warnings of possible danger. And, when Jake’s concerns were proven, still chose to keep the information secret. “You should have told me!”

  “I didn’t believe it to be relevant,” Char mumbled.

  “Nay, you didn’t want to admit you were mistaken to a Pirate!” Jake accused. “Do you believe it relevant now?”

  “Obviously,” Char admitted sarcastically.

  “And, this stop in Andrello?” Jake demanded. “What was its purpose?”

  “I was to meet with Mara for an update on what news she had,” Char admitted.

  “Mara,” Jake pressed for explanation.

  “The gold Fairy,” Char clarified.

  “And, what does she have to say?” Jake tried to reign in his anger, but failed if the Prince’s expression was indication.

  “She was delayed,” Char spoke softly. “She sent word to continue south and promised she would meet me along our journey.”

  “Of course, she did. Then for the remainder of our journey, you follow my orders, Highness,” Jake held up his hand to prevent the argument he sensed when Char opened his mouth to interrupt. “Let’s start with Anna never leaving my ship!”

  “How was I to know she was still in danger?” Char questioned. “We are far from my lands. Surely tonight’s attack was random; drunkards taking advantage of a woman alone.”

  “If you believed that, you wouldn’t be speaking to me now,” Jake growled. “Danger doesn’t follow the boundaries of your lands, Highness!”

  Jake didn’t wait for the Prince to speak again. He exited his navigation room to find Sully and two of his men waiting outside, obviously curious about their Captain’s hasty meeting with the Prince. “Everything alright, Captain?” Sully asked.

  “Shove off!” Jake ordered. “We’re leaving!”

  “We’re leaving now?” Char questioned.

  Jake’s expression was cold and dangerous as he turned on the man. Having seen the look on their Captain’s face before, his men wisely disappeared to do the task they were set. Char cowered beneath Jake’s glare, his obvious guilt and shame showing the man had at least some sense. “If she were with me, she would have been safe!” Jake gritted out through his teeth. “We leave, now, and we don’t dock again until we know who is behind this or there is a damned good reason to do so!”

  Jake expected an argument, but the Prince wisely decided to remain silent. He gave a single nod of agreement and turned away, clearly anxious to be out of Jake’s presence. Jake took the wheel with more force than he generally did, punishing the wooden rungs for his rage as they once again set out to open water.

  Chapter Eleven

  Anna sat in the chair inside her quarters, her knees hugged tight to her chest as she looked out at the Ocean from her window. It took her some time to grow used to the constant rocking of the ship but now Anna felt it lull her into a peaceful trance. For the first time in weeks, she felt safe and relaxed. Since the attack two days before, Anna kept to herself, only venturing out of her quarters for meals and a few minutes of fresh sea air on occasion. After shedding many tears that night, Anna woke the next morning with a renewed sense of self-preservation.

  Losing her family left a gaping hole in her chest but enough of her tears had been spilled. The positive of her situation was she could do what she wanted. The only problem, other than the obvious loss, was since she allowed others to push her around for so long, both in this realm and from where she came, Anna wasn’t sure she knew what she wanted. Even when she did make choices on her own, they always turned out to be miserable experiences and nothing as she expected. Before coming to the Mystical Realm, Anna had her family to turn to when things went wrong. Without the buffer, she had to be certain of her choices and prepared to face what consequences came from them.

  Truly, the best course was for Anna to take a step back from people in general and reevaluate what it was she wanted. She shut herself off, refusing the comfort offered by Char, the friendships of the crew and the subtle flirtations from Jake. Anna wasn’t ready to choose where she went from this point forward, but it was a decision she would make without anyone else meddling. Her mood was interrupted by Sully at her door, but Anna didn’t mind. She smiled slightly at the older man who was her only companion since their miserable stop in Andrello.

  “Good morning, Anna,” Sully grinned widely. “Would you like a tour of the ship?”

  Anna’s smile widened at the man’s familiar offer. Every time he entered her room, Sully would ask if Anna wanted to see the rest of the Crimson Jewel and every time Anna refused. It was for this reason his jaw dropped when Anna spoke, “I’d like a tour.”

  The former Pirate sputtered for a moment before catching himself and grinning. “Of course,” Sully bowed regally. “Right this way, my lady.”

  Anna took Sully’s offered elbow and allowed him to escort her out onto the deck. The surprised faces of the men onboard were almost comical as Anna squinted at the brilliant sunlight streaming down on them. She didn’t blame them for their confusion, as Anna was crystal clear of her desire for solitude over the past two days. Anna knew most believed it was due to the attack in Andrello as there were no secrets kept on a small ship between a crew so close. She allowed them their assumptions, unwilling to discuss her mental confusion with men she barely knew.

  Anna stepped gingerly over the grated cargo doors in the center of the main deck and around the main mast. She looked up at the large silvery sail above her, marveling at how it shimmered in the bright sunlight of the morning. In front of her, to the stern, were two flights of steps on either side leading up to the wheel where Jake stood. His eyes locked on her for a moment before Sully pulled her toward the small hall and another set of stairs between the first two.

  “Down here, we have the galley and the vault,” Sully informed her as he pointed to the doors for each. “That there is the Captain’s quarters.”

  Anna was relieved when Sully led her down the stairs and away from Jake’s view. The next level down was the cargo deck and Anna could see up through the grate in the center of the ceiling to the main deck above. “This is where the crew sleeps,” Sully informed, showing Anna his own Quartermaster’s suite which looked much like her own bedroom and another singular suite at the center of the ship. To the bow were two dual bunk rooms where other crewmen slept and to the stern were guest quarters where Char’s Guards were staying.

o more sets of stairs led down into the steerage area of the ship. “Down here is the rest of the crew’s quarters,” Sully pointed out two more rooms to the stern which were lined with bunk beds and trunks. To the bow was a large, barred in area Anna recognized as a cell.

  “You have a jail,” she mentioned.

  “Aye, the brig,” Sully nodded. “Come, I’ll introduce you to the crew.”

  Anna followed the man back to the main deck and the mass of men in the center. Most gave up on the blue fleet uniforms in favor of their own select wardrobes. A very large man, well over even Jake’s impressive height stood as Anna approached. She eyed him slowly, imagining him to be over seven feet tall. “Wow,” Anna couldn’t help her response as the red-haired man stared down at her.

  “Anna, this is Dane,” Sully introduced the giant. “He only looks scary, I promise you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Dane,” Anna extended a hand to the man, amazed when his massive palm enfolded hers.

  “Miss Anna,” Dane greeted in a voice deeper than Anna expected.

  A thought struck her suddenly and she had to ask, “Are you a giant?”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Dane answered with a grin.

  “This is our Navigator, Peet,” Sully continued introductions, pointing out an average man with thick-rimmed glasses. His blonde hair was unkempt and stuck out at odd angles from his head, but his brown eyes gleamed with intelligence behind the lenses.

  A gray-haired man stepped forward and held out his hand, “I’m the ship’s medic.” Anna heard a hint of slur in his words and wondered if the man was already drinking so early in the morning. “Everyone just calls me Doc.”

  “It’s nice to meet you, Doc,” Anna looked to several other crew men before accepting a seat among them.

  Several men offered stories of their exploits on the sea, telling of incredible lands and peoples they met. Anna listened intently, enjoying the colorful way the men spoke, as if each word were an epic legend. Each was a better storyteller than the last and Anna was enthralled in their tales. Anna marveled at the comradery and laughter the crewmen shared, relaxing in the comfortable atmosphere they created. Eventually, Sully came to sit beside her on the hard wooden bench.


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