Highlander's Kiss

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Highlander's Kiss Page 19

by Joanne Wadsworth

  “They’re safe and I’ll ensure your father is soon well.” He kissed her forehead. “The day you arrived with Cherub to be tended, is the day I received my heart’s desire. I now live for you.”

  “I need to kiss you.”

  “I need to bite you.” He chuckled as they bumped down inside his medical rooms. “Soon,” he promised as he aided Father across the room and onto the white-sheeted medical bed. Mother whipped to Father’s other side as he lay down and rested his head on the pillow.

  Cherub, still standing beside Kirk, swirled the air once more. “We’ll be back soon. Arabel and Finlay need to be here.”

  “Travel safely.” Excitement bubbled inside her. Soon her sister would be here and their family would once again be complete.

  Tavish tossed his jacket onto the side chair, washed his hands in the metal sink, dried them then pulled a tray of utensils forward. He returned to Father’s side, removed the bandaging around his wounded arm and eyed the pussy mess. “Let’s get you all cleaned up. I’ll have you back on your feet as soon as I can.” He struck a look at Tor. “Could you bring the IV pole over here?”

  “Sure.” Tor did so and her mate took charge, cleaning the wound then stitching it closed.

  “Well, this is rather handy.” Blue eyes twinkling, Father’s mouth lifted in a smile. “Glad I am to now have a healer for a son.”

  “My profession certainly comes in useful at times.” Tavish inserted what he called an IV into Father’s wrist then fiddled with a bag he hooked up onto a pole.

  “I’ve always had such a love of the healing craft.” Mother watched him, her interest piqued, just as Julia’s was. “What does this bag of liquid do?”

  “This bag holds fluid which contains some wonderful nutrients, including pain relief as well as the necessary medication to heal your husband’s festered wound. With all of that medication combined, and with it traveling straight into his blood, his fever should begin to recede fairly quickly.”

  “And the stitches?” Mother quizzed.

  “They’re dissolving ones. Aleck may bathe if he wishes, although afterward I want you to ensure he keeps his wound dry and out of the water until the stitches have gone, which will be in about a week’s time.”

  “Did your mate say dissolving?” Mother asked Julia as they both aided Father into a seated position on the bed.

  “He did. This time is so very different to our own and great medical advances have been made.” A time she couldn’t wait to embrace.

  “You should tell your mother how we met.” Tavish winked at her then said to Mother, “The wound was shallow and even though infected, only three stitches were needed, although if you feel your husband’s wound looks worse and isn’t healing as it should, then call out. My chamber is just one door farther down the hallway from this medical room. I’ll make sure you’re given rooms on the same floor.”

  “Thank you.” Mother hugged him, her smile bright. “I shall adore having a doctor for a son as well.”

  Megan breezed into the room in a red woolen skirt and white blouse with a ruffled neckline, her dark wavy hair bobbing on her shoulders. Surprise lit her eyes. “Well, hello one and all. Tavish, you’re back. I wasn’t aware you’d arrived.”

  “Meet Julia and Arabel’s parents, Aleck and Adair.”

  “Oh my.” Megan clapped and beamed then rushed across and hugged them. “This is such an incredible surprise. I’m Iain, Finlay, and Kirk’s mother, which means we’re all now very close kin.”

  “There’s an awful loud ruckus coming from in here.” Barefoot, Matthew clomped in, his IV pole in hand as he wheeled it alongside him. His great plaid was belted at his waist and a peek of the bandage wrapped around his upper body showed through the thin white linen of his loose-sleeved tunic.

  “Matthew.” Julia raced across the room and gathered him in a hug. “You’re walking about and oh, you look so very well. The arrow is gone. ’Tis incredible what Tavish has done.”

  “Aye, your mate removed the pesky thing, and all while I slept. Just dinnae ask me how he did that. Make sure you keep your mate close, lass. He’s a keeper.” He shuffled toward Aleck and Adair with a grin on his face. “’Tis about time you two returned. Your daughters have been quite the handful to watch over of late, both of them whisking here and there and without nary a word of where they’re going.”

  “’Tis so good to see you, Matthew.” Father gripped Matthew’s forearm and Mother embraced Matthew, as gently as she could with his wound.

  A rush of wind swirled and Cherub and Kirk arrived with Arabel and Finlay.

  “I cannae believe what I’m seeing.” Tears flowed down Arabel’s cheeks as she dashed toward their parents and clutched them to her. “You’re both back and alive. You’re alive, truly alive.”

  “We have our parents back.” Julia wrapped her arms around Arabel and their parents. A fresh wave of tears fell, soul-cleansing tears. From the day Gilleoin had told her and her sister the devastating news of their parents’ death, a piece of her heart had died, but now her heart was once again alive and bursting with so much happiness and joy. This moment was one she’d cherish forever.

  A click sounded from behind her and she glanced over her shoulder.

  Tavish blew her a kiss, his clever device in hand. “Smile, love.”

  She beamed as he circled their group and snapped pictures of them.

  Chatter abounded, each of them talking over the other in their rush to share all their news.

  An hour or more passed before Megan declared the evening meal would soon be served, and for those who wished to join the rest of their clan downstairs in the great hall, could do so after they’d had time to bathe and change. Megan grasped Mother’s hand. “I’ll bring all you might need to your chamber, clothes and such for you and Aleck. The one a few doors down shall be all yours, and for as long as you need it.”

  “You have my most grateful thanks.” Mother squeezed Megan’s fingers in return. “I cannae wait to see more of this time since my daughters will soon be living in it.”

  “Then I hope you and Aleck will consider Ivanson Castle your home just as your daughters soon will. You are both welcome here whenever Cherub brings you for a visit.”

  “Aye, I will gladly bring one and all.” Cherub twirled around with a giggle. “This is a most wondrous day.”

  “It surely is.” Julia nabbed Arabel’s hand, caught Cherub’s hand too, and the three of them all danced around in a circle together.

  Dizzy, Arabel stopped and grabbed a breath. “All right, time to show Mother and Father to their chamber.” She kissed Julia’s cheek then Cherub’s. “I’ve never been so happy.”

  Neither had Julia. She opened the door for everyone and Matthew padded out then her sister led their parents down the hallway to their room.

  Kirk swiped a blue pen from Tavish’s countertop and tossed it to Finlay with a grin. “Here’s your pen, as promised.”

  Finlay chuckled and pocketed it, one hand on the doorway. “Thanks ever so much, but now I’m leaving you in charge of Gilleoin’s accounts and ensuring the rents are received, as well as watching over his lands and clan. I’m going to stay here for a few days with Arabel and get to know her parents while they heal. Are you up to holding the fort while I do?”

  “Absolutely.” Kirk glanced at Tor. “Want to give me a hand back on the other home front?”

  “Of course. That’s where my mate resides and where I’ll need to be to find her come the next full moon.” Tor clapped Tavish on the back. “Will you remain here for a bit too?”

  “Aye, until Aleck and Matthew are all clear to return. We may even take some time out to show Julia’s parents and Matthew the sights.” Tavish pulled his brother into a hug. “I’ll see you when we return to the past. I don’t want to miss your journey in finding your mate.”

  “Aye, I long for the next full moon when I can begin the chase. I’ll stop at nothing to find her.”

  “Then let’s be away.” Cherub he
ld out her arms for Kirk and Tor and the two men joined her. The wind swirled and the three of them disappeared through time.

  Finlay closed the door behind him as he headed after the others, leaving her and Tavish completely alone.

  “Goodness, it’s so quiet now.” She leaned against the wall and smiling, crooked a finger at her fierce protector. “Whatever could we do now we’re all alone?”

  “I know exactly what we’re about to do.” He pulled out another set of instruments from a drawer, set it on the bed then steered her across the room and settled her on top of mattress and moved in behind her. He directed the light on the overhead metal arm over her head until the light shone on the back of her head. Carefully he separated her hair at the back.

  “Tavish, this isnae quite the kind of ‘whatever’ I was referring to. You also said my new wound wouldnae need stitches and Cherub has already cleaned my hair and the wound site for me.”

  “I’ll give it all another clean with my sterilized water. I need to ensure no bugs are introduced to the open area. Definitely no stitches needed though. That I promise you.” He nipped her ear from behind. “And I also haven’t forgotten you lost awareness for several hours, which means I’m going to have to wake you throughout the night to make certain all is well.”

  “Wake me as often as you please, just ensure you make it interesting when you do.” She giggled and clamped a hand over her mouth. “Goodness, I cannae believe what now comes out of my mouth. You have completely corrupted me, Tavish Matheson.”

  “I hope so.” He gestured toward the window overlooking the inner courtyard. A fiery red sunset beamed, its brilliant rays searing the forest’s treetops beyond the curtain wall. The dark descended and stars twinkled in the night sky. “Since it’s so late, would you care to take a shower with me before bed?”

  “Most definitely. Now, hurry it along.”

  He chuckled, finished tending to her then swept her off the mattress and carried her into his chamber and knocked the door shut with his hip. A mischievous glint lit his golden shifter eyes as he strode past their big bed and into his bathroom.

  “’Tis hard to believe I now live in two times.”

  “A new world has opened up for both of us.” He crossed the sandy colored floor tiles, slid her down his body and onto her feet. He unbelted his weapons, laid them on the countertop then shucked his tan tunic and black trews until he stood unclothed before her. With one finger, he teased along her lower lip. “May I undress you?”

  “I’m no’ quite sure why you haven’t already.” She pushed her fingers into his silky black hair, cupped the back of his head and tugged his mouth down to hers. His warm lips caressed hers, so softly, so deliciously, then he rubbed the entire length of his body against hers, all hard and hot heat that had her panting for more. She pulled back an inch and grinned. His pure white aura with its sizzling red shifter edge swarmed around and completely covered hers. “You’re my one and all.”

  “As you’re my one and all. I wish to wrap myself around you, inside and out.” He unfastened the ties of her violet riding skirt, allowed the fabric to slither to the ground then lifted her cream shirt over her head and whisked her to the shower and sat her on the metal chair. He flicked the shower lever on and stuck his hand under the water. “I’ll wash your hair for you.”

  “I’m allowed to get my hair wet?”

  “You are. The wound is healing nicely, and the stitches fairly close to dissolving.” He slid the shower head from the slider and passed it to her. “I also want to watch you bathe, as you did the last time we showered together.”

  “Mmm, this I will enjoy.” She ran the warm water over her locks, down her back and over her breasts before relaxing back into the chair and into Tavish’s hands.

  He worked the creamy shampoo into a foam and ran the bubbles through her hair. The sweet scent of apples swirled within the steam, a fragrance that saturated her senses, just as her mate’s warm and fresh scent did.

  A soft sigh escaped her, the water soothing her tired muscles as she rinsed the shampoo out.

  “Would you like a massage?” Tavish knelt at her feet, a bar of vanilla soap in hand.

  “Aye, very much.” She craved his touch, however he offered it.

  He massaged her feet and calves, stroked upward, over her knees and along her inner thighs. Leaning in, he bumped his nose against the entrance to her core and with a low growl, breathed her scent in deep. His claws sliced out and in. “My bear is clawing for a taste of you. You smell like the sweetest, warmest honey and he wants to devour you.”

  “Devouring sounds good.” She hooked one leg around Tavish’s back and drew him ever closer. “I intend to request daily showers with you, from this moment forth.”

  “That request I’ll gladly grant.” Gently, he stroked over her hips, around her breasts and back down her sides. Rubbing his body against hers, he whispered, “You’re clean, from top to toe. Rinse off so I can actually begin the devouring.”

  She rinsed them both, rose from her chair and slid the shower head back onto the slider.

  Tavish crowded her from behind, one hand sweeping her wet hair over her shoulder and the other sliding around her waist. Water pummeled into her, his erect cock brushing over her lower cheeks as he rubbed against her. Nuzzling her neck, he razzed his teeth back and forth over her most sensitive spot and growled under his breath. “Look at me.”

  She turned around in his embrace, looked deep into his eyes as she traced the tip of his impressive erection with one finger then palmed his balls with the other.

  “You have an exquisite touch.” He bent his head, suckled one nipple then moved to the other.

  “So do you.” Heat rippled through her and she captured his mouth with hers and kissed him, until every wonderfully muscled inch of his body was wrapped fully around her. This was what she needed, to join as one with him.

  “I need to join as one with you too.” His mind moved swiftly through hers as he read her thoughts. “I also want to know your every dream and desire. Tell me them, so I might fulfill each and every one.”

  “I want you to make love to me, right here in this shower, in our bed and wherever else you might fancy. Once we return to the past, I want to spend time with you in our sacred cavern, all alone.”

  “You have a deal.” He gripped her fingers, flattened the backs of her hands to the slick tiled wall behind her and licked his lips. “Anything else?”

  “I wish for your babe, to start a family with you, a child all of our own.”

  “Then be prepared for a loving like no other. I’m about to make you mine, in every single way.” He eased her breasts together, swiped his thumbs over her stiff nipples then licked around her aureoles. Greedily, he kissed each nipple, sucked them deep inside his mouth until every inch of her sizzled and burned for more. She needed this, needed him. She always would.

  Delicious heat radiated through her and she arched her back, thrust her breasts ever deeper into his exquisite touch and whimpered. Her legs shook. “Tavish, I’m no’ sure I can stand on my own two feet for long.”

  “One second.” He nabbed a fluffy white towel from the handrail, spread it over the tiled floor under the water’s spray and laid her down on top of it. “This better?”


  “I aim to please.” Between her legs, he knelt then grasped his cock and rubbed the head over her nub. White-hot pleasure radiated through her. “Are you about to come, my love?”

  “I believe so. Mayhap you can love me hard and fast right now, then slow and easy in our bed later.”

  “Aye, my love, as you wish.” He clasped her hips and before she could draw her next breath, he plunged inside her. Pounding into her, he gave her everything she’d asked for and more, his mind barreling into hers and locking around tight.

  Her inner muscles clamped around him, the sensation of both his body inside her and his mouth on her neck, sending her senses soaring. He bit down and pleasure stormed through he
r. She’d been gifted with a mate she’d never expected, with a soul bond as deep as time itself. Grasping his shoulders, she held on for the ride of her life. “Thank you for saving me from the enemy, for rescuing my parents, for being mine and for offering me all of your love. Your kisses are what I’ll always crave, always desire, and always demand you give me more of.”

  “I love you, Julia, and demand away. I’ll give you everything you ask for and more. This I promise you.” He thrust and she met each of his deeply penetrating moves then urged him even deeper. He plunged balls-deep inside her, his seed shooting to her core and sending them both flying over the edge and streaking toward the heavens.

  Her next mission had begun, one she intended to spend a lifetime pursuing, that of tying her mate to her in every possible way, heart, body and soul. They would always be one, from this moment forward and throughout all of time.

  * * * *

  Tavish soaked in the beauty of his mate lying underneath him, her tight channel squeezing his cock and dragging him ever deeper inside her. Such a wildly desperate need to mate with her still consumed him. She was the only woman he’d ever hold deep in his heart, ever kiss, ever crave, and ever desire. She was his true mate, his heart and his home, his everything and all.

  With such a ravenous hunger rolling through him, he scooped her off the damp towel on the floor and wrapped her in a fresh clean one before carrying her to their bed. “I want your scent on my tongue, to have you so deeply entrenched within me that you’re as much a part of me as I’m a part of you.”

  He laid her down on the large mattress covered in his thick black fur.

  “Get ready for round number two, my mate.” He tugged the towel off her, slid onto his belly between her knees and raised her legs. Over his shoulders, he hooked her feet until her bottom lifted off the bed and she lay fully exposed to him. Time to give both him and his bear exactly what they both desired, more of her. Out the window, the night sky twinkled with a myriad of stars. Moonlight beamed in and played over her lush body. He stroked along the pinkness of her lower folds. So beautiful. So enticing. She was all his and with her inner thighs spread, he plunged one finger inside her.


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