Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain)

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Church Boyz--Book 4 (After the Rain) Page 8

by H. H. Fowler

  “We all know that, stupid. But you’re doing seventy-five in a thirty-five-mile-per-hour zone.”

  Sean glared at his brother in the rearview mirror. “If you don’t want to be dropped off on the side of the road, you had better shut your mouth. You’re always making everything out to be a joke.”

  “It’s because you are a joke,” Eric lashed back. “Who the hell these days gets engaged at nineteen, and brags about wearing a silly purity bracelet?”

  “It’s my decision to do what I want with my life,” Sean yelled. “At least I’m trying to do things the right way.”

  Rachel braced against her seat as Sean flew across to the right lane, narrowly missing the back of a semi-truck. “Sean!” she cried. “If you’re going to speed, you should at least keep your eyes on the road. You almost slammed into that truck.”

  Sean continued to ignore Rachel, just so that he could win this argument over his brother. His gaze had not stopped shifting back and forth between the rearview mirror and the back seat. “Go ahead,” he jeered. “Sleep with as many women as you want. You haven’t caught sense to know how unsafe it is to be messing around like that.”

  “You’re only nineteen,” Eric said. “What do you know about anything?”

  “It pains you to know that you can’t control me like you used to when we were kids. I’ve found someone who is willing to save herself for marriage. But instead of you being happy for us, you make a mockery of it.”

  Eric laughed out loud, but there was a deadly dose of venom filling his eyes. He was not going to let Sean school him about sex and relationships. As far as Eric was concerned, he was helping Sean to see what kind of girl Rachel really was.

  “I hate to break it to you, little brother,” he said. “This virgin, whom you’ve placed so high on a pedestal, is really no virgin. Ask me how I know and I will tell you, my naïve little brother.”

  “Go to hell,” Sean spat under his breath.

  “Oh, you will know what it feels like in a minute,” Eric said. He disregarded Rachel’s terrified gaze by leaning forward and resting a hand on her shoulder. “She and I were enjoying a very passionate kiss before you showed up. And if you hadn’t interrupted us, you probably would have found us making out on the stairs. That was how incredibly intense that moment was. Think about it. A virgin wouldn’t have given it up so easily, especially to someone she doesn’t really know.”

  Rachel wasn’t going to sit quiet and let Eric twist the truth. She shook his hand off of her shoulder and exclaimed, “How dare you, Eric! What are you trying to do, sabotage my relationship with your brother? You were the one who forced yourself on me!”

  Eric kept his attention directed at Sean, knowing Rachel’s pathetic explanation wouldn’t fly. “I bet your sweet Virgin Mary didn’t mention any of this to you. And you know why, little brother? She isn’t who she says she is.”

  Sean’s gaze slowly found Rachel’s – just to get a glimpse of her expression in hopes it would not mirror what his brother had just told him. However, he didn’t have to look very long into her warm honey eyes before his fears were confirmed. The horns were honking and screams were erupting out of Rachel’s mouth like torrential waves, but none of that registered with Sean, as it seemed he’d been transported to another world. Not even Eric’s commanding voice was enough to shake Sean out of his stupor. The Viper smashed into the guardrail at seventy miles per hour, spiraling completely out of control. It finally came to rest, but it was left as an open target in the middle of the busy highway.

  Motorists zigzagged left and right to avoid careening into the battered Viper. Unluckily, a Ford truck could not break its speed in time and ended up slamming into it. The impact caused the Viper to jet another fifteen yards down the highway. The accident had happened very fast, but by then, a stream of Good Samaritans had pulled to the edges of the road to lend whatever assistance they could. Most were left standing in astonishment. The wreckage did not look promising at all, their expressions seemed to say. If any of the passengers had survived, it would be nothing short of a divine miracle.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Hillsborough County Police Station

  Sheriff Nixon warmly greeted Tayah at the door of his office and then led her to a chair facing his desk. Nixon was tall and lanky, and walked as if he hadn’t any cartilage between the joints of his knees. But it was his militant features – the impenetrable eyes and his rigid jawline – that made him an imposing figure to those who sat in his presence. When he parked his gaze on Tayah, she felt as if he’d instantly read all of her secrets.

  “Thanks for fitting me into your schedule,” Tayah said. “I know your job is very demanding.”

  Nixon grinned and said, “I’m certain my job isn’t any more taxing than yours as a new mother of twin boys. I’m sure they keep your and your husband’s hands full.”

  “You are being nice; Dominic is an excellent father, though. He helps out a lot. In fact, he’s babysitting the twins while I’m here.”

  Nixon leaned back into his chair and gave Tayah a side glance. “So your husband is okay with you visiting Phillip?”

  “He doesn’t know. He thinks I’m at the hospital visiting my grandmother, which is where I’m going after I leave here. So it won’t really be a lie.”

  Nixon raised his brows. “Wow. You’re very brave to be handling these situations alone.”

  “I’m not brave. I’m terrified that I could lose my grandmother, but it’s important that I see Phillip, especially now that I know he’s been given up to die.”

  “I see...” Nixon paused for a smooth transition into his next frame of thoughts. “By the way, I checked into that email situation for you.”


  “Well, it’s a bit strange to explain. There are no email messages coming in or going out from Shaniece to anyone. Because of the nature of her crimes, she has been classified as ‘high-risk’ and was decidedly excluded from email privileges. She is even prohibited from using the internet for simple web browsing. So, that could only mean she has somehow gained access to a smartphone. Her prison cell has been thoroughly searched, but the search turned up nothing, except for two photos and an empty bag of pretzels.”

  Tayah was not settled with Nixon’s explanation. “But Shaniece’s message appears to have come from a legit email address of the prison.”

  “With so much time on their hands, inmates can develop a strong acumen to deceive,” Nixon said. “It’s possible to register a domain name and get an email associated with it from popular sites, such as If you study Shaniece’s email address and the email address from the women’s prison, you will notice they are very similar, with the subtle difference of a single vowel. I’m assuming Shaniece has underestimated your analytical skills and was not banking on you seeking the advice of the police. But be assured that I will keep a watchful eye on this situation.”

  Tayah broke her gaze from Nixon as an indication that she did not wish to talk about Shaniece any further as she’d really come to see about Phillip. Nixon picked up on it.

  “I see you in church all of the time,” he said. “But it’s been almost two years since you brought up the subject of your ex-husband. Shaniece’s email must have really shaken you.”

  Tayah regarded Nixon with a protected look. “Yes. Shaniece’s email has deeply offended me, but, as I explained to you over the phone yesterday, my reason for seeing Phillip is of a more personal nature.”

  “Well, then,” Nixon said, pushing slowly to his feet, “if you’re ready to see Phillip, then by all means, let us be on our way.”


  Once Tayah and Nixon had been swiped through all of the security measures, they followed a mean-spirited woman down an extremely long hall toward the infirmary. Several times Tayah had to stop herself from turning around to escape this meeting with Phillip. In her book, Phillip did not deserve to be forgiven. But deep down that voice of reason kept reminding her that she had not been perfect and t
o keep Phillip’s wrongdoings in the limelight while veiling her own were the traits of a self-righteous bigot. Those sobering thoughts were the only thing that kept her feet propelling forward.

  When they entered the infirmary, Tayah took a deep breath to calm the butterflies in her stomach. At least the air in the infirmary was more comfortable than the air in the hall, which Tayah appreciated because it helped make the space feel a little more welcoming. As she kept a close distance behind the mean-spirited woman, she passed a number of bedridden inmates who were groaning in pain, some gazing up into the ceiling as if watching something very intense. They stopped in front of an old-looking man who was very still and was bent in the fetal position. The woman pinned Tayah with an uncaring expression.

  “Inmate 10201-555…Phillip Benjamin,” she muttered. “You have twenty minutes and your time starts now.”

  The woman shuffled away and left Tayah standing with her mouth unhinged in shock. Phillip had always been a slim man, never weighing more than 155lbs during the years they were married, but this man lying in front of her looked as if he weighed less than 100lbs. They must have stopped at the wrong bed. The Phillip she knew was in his early thirties – a very vibrant and youthful dancer – not this shell of a man who could barely move or make eye contact. Tayah was so caught up in the man’s appearance that she didn’t realize that he’d whispered her name.

  “I believe Mr. Benjamin is trying to get your attention,” Nixon told her. “I will be just outside the door – to give you two some time to be alone.”

  Tayah nodded her appreciation. She couldn’t get over the way Phillip looked and the only thing that came to her mind was: Lord, give me the strength to stay and not turn away. This man looks nothing like the man I was married to for three years. Tayah’s heart soon became full and the revulsion she’d carried around for two years vaporized into an expression of pity. She could never be happy after seeing Phillip in this condition. Despite his decrepit state, his eyes sparkled and Tayah could only assume that it was because Phillip was extremely pleased to see her.

  Wow, whatever my sister said to get you here, I’m impressed, Phillip wanted to say, but he did not want Tayah to think that he was still in cahoots with Shaniece. Instead, he opted for a softer approach. “Am I seeing an angel or is it really you?”

  “It is me,” Tayah managed. “I’ve been told that you are sick.”

  “I am dying. Did they tell you that?”


  Silence ensued as both Tayah and Phillip tried to figure out which direction to take the conversation.

  “Did you come alone?” Phillip finally asked.


  “Please don’t look at me like that. I don’t need your pity; I need your forgiveness.”

  Tayah fortified herself against Phillip’s words, even though she could see it was a struggle for him to speak, “Why would I even give you the satisfaction? Our marriage was a sham from the start. You only married me to help your sister destroy my family. And on top of that, you abused me and almost killed me several times – simply to gain my family’s wealth. You never really cared anything about me.”

  The sparkle in Phillip’s eyes diminished as he looked away to collect himself. “The only thing that I have left are my prayers. And I have prayed to see you one last time before I die.”

  “Well, you finally got your wish, didn’t you?”

  Phillip slowly turned his weak gaze back to Tayah and said, “Don’t use this moment to remind me of my sins, because I’m tormented enough by what I’ve done.”

  “How dare you try to make me feel sorry for you,” Tayah spat. “I’m the one who you’ve hurt, almost ruining my life.”

  “You don’t think I’ve suffered enough, do you? Or is it that you can’t stomach that I’m leaving this world without your forgiveness? Do the right thing, Tayah, because it’s not easy to live with regrets.”

  Tayah stiffened at the truth. She had only been married to Phillip for three years, but he knew her well enough to discern her actions. However, she was not going to let Phillip manipulate her emotions like he used to. She now had a new life with Dominic and the twins and she was content to keep her tumultuous past behind her. If Shaniece hadn’t sent that email to mess with her conscience, she wouldn’t have come to visit Phillip in the first place.

  “I think it is best I leave,” she said.

  “Okay…if that’s what you want.”

  Though he’d gone through great lengths to see Tayah – even to the point of enlisting the help of his impious sister – Phillip was too pained to work up the energy to plead for her to stay. But in his heart, he prayed that she wouldn’t allow her pride to get the best of her, because he would not want her to leave, having to bemoan this moment after he passed on to the other side. Still, he was forced to look on as Tayah backed away until she had disappeared out of the infirmary.

  In silence, Nixon escorted Tayah to her car, but after driving a good distance, Tayah suddenly struck the steering wheel and screamed. She’d not only walked out on her opportunity to make things right with her ex-husband, she’d willfully disobeyed the voice of God. It was the worst feeling in the world – a deep void in her soul that felt as if it were getting bigger and bigger by the minute. Tayah sensed no good could come from her disobedience. But surely God would understand that she needed more time to do what He was requiring of her.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Leroy sat next to Michelle and handed her a cup coffee. They’d just received news that Michelle’s mother had started to show positive signs of recovery. It was a relief to Leroy, because he knew his wife wasn’t prepared to handle a death in the family – not when they were gearing up to celebrate the wedding of his younger son – a young man whom Leroy was extremely proud to call his own. Unlike his older son, Eric who presumptuously shied away from the sacredness of marriage.

  Of course, in other ways, Leroy was proud of Eric, who showed a keen aptitude for sports and a willingness to uphold the Paxton name in that arena. However, Leroy’s burden for Eric to commit his life to the Lord and to the church had been a weighty struggle. The boy had his own mind and was extremely opposed to matters concerning God. At least one of his sons was following in his footsteps to become the next prominent Paxton of Mount Moriah Baptist Church. Nothing would fulfill Leroy more than to have both his sons, along with his daughter and son-in-law working together in ministry.

  But soon these stray thoughts were interrupted by a nudge from his wife. Knowing that her mother may have survived the worst, a different sort of concern was now present in her eyes. The sort that let Leroy know that he was not completely out of the woods with regard to Michelle and her questions about Ellie.

  “Are Ellie and her son going to create a problem for us?” she asked. “Because I really need to know where your heart is concerning this matter.”

  “I’d prefer to wait until we get home to discuss this,” Leroy said. “Your mother is –”

  “My mother is going to be fine. It’s our marriage that I’m concerned about.”

  “There is no need for you to be concerned. You know that whatever I had with Ellie is over and done with.”

  Michelle gripped her husband’s arm and then lowered her voice when she said, “That girl has had your son. We are never going to be completely rid of her. The fact of what she tried to do to us yesterday is a clear indication she is in this for the long haul.”

  Leroy spread his hands in frustration. “What do you want me to do, Michelle? She won’t accept the money I’m offering to take care her and the child.”

  “Maybe you should increase it.”

  “That won’t work.”

  “Don’t forget that Ellie is Phillip and Shaniece’s sister.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  Michelle glared at Leroy like he’d asked her the dumbest question in the world. “Are you saying that money is not the primary motivation behind Ellie’s actions? Perhaps she is hoping
to restart a torrid affair with you.”


  “No, Leroy. I am not backing down from this. You were about to say something to me before I got that call from the hospital yesterday. Did it have anything to do with Ellie?”

  Leroy was hoping Michelle would steer clear of this conversation, at least until her mother was safely out of harm’s way. But when Michelle set her heart to go after something, her resolve was seldom discouraged, especially since she felt as if her marriage was being threatened again. More importantly, Leroy knew from experience that if he didn’t come clean to his wife now, the consequences could be greater than the last time he’d tried to keep something from her. He may even lose Michelle for good this round.

  “I’ve learned valuable lessons from my past mistakes,” Leroy explained. “And one of them has everything to do with being transparent and accountable to you and to the people God has given us to lead. And these last two years have truly tested those areas of my life. Most times I feel I can tell you anything, but there are times I feel as if I can’t open up to you, like what I’m experiencing right now.”

  Michelle was moved by her husband’s honesty, so much so that she began to internally chide herself for being so pushy. She laced their fingers together in a supportive manner and said, “I love you very much and after what we’ve been through, I don’t think there’s anything we can’t handle together. Whatever it is, you can tell me, because I am willing to make this marriage work.”

  Leroy nodded his response, giving himself a few seconds to gather his wits. “I’ve been thinking a lot about this situation with Ellie and the child that we created...” he paused when he saw the wilt in Michelle’s expression. Even now, talking about his infidelity made Michelle uncomfortable. But he knew that she had completely forgiven him, which he hoped would remain intact when he raised the following question. “Would you be open to adopting Leroy Jr. and making him ours?”

  Michelle’s head swung back in surprise. “Adoption? Are you serious?”


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